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International and Domestic Human Resource Management


Submitted By charlottetachu
Words 579
Pages 3
International and domestic HR management bare some similarities that encompass HR planning, employment, performance and development methods. Both are also different in their own way; therefore, this post explains the differences among international (global) and domestic Human Resource Management. International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is found within international (overseas) organizations, the management involves more stringent regulations and international policies i.e. taxation at workplace, employment practices, and language requirements. On the other hand, one difference in IHRM compared to DHRM is the diverse set of activities (Dowling, & Welch, 1991, p. 62). The focal point of IHRM includes three activities which include HCN (Host Country Nationals), PCN (Parent Country Nationals), and TCN (Third Country Nationals) (Dowling, & Welch, 1991, p. 62). HCNs are employees who are still citizens of the nation where the foreign auxiliary branch of the organization is currently based. PCNs are employees known as expatriates working in a country other than their country of origin 4 –5 years or more.
Finally, TCNs are mostly employees who are government or military contracted personnel that do not represent the government (contractor) or the host country. Plus, due to IHRMs deal with expatriates, the management within the organization may advise the employees to connect with socio-cultural sessions and training that will help them adapt to country. IHRMs faced more issues or risks that involve external factors, non-performing employees, diplomatic ties, and exchange rates. According to Dowling, & Welch (1991), other factors that make IHRM different include the need for broader perspectives, involvement with employee’s personal lives, and changes in PCNs and HCNs population (p. 62). Dowling, & Welch (1991) also state that multinational organizations have 5

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