...Multinational Business Finance, 13e (Eiteman/Stonehill/Moffett) Chapter 1 Current Multinational Challenges and the Global Economy 1.1 Financial Globalization and Risk True/False 1) BRICs is a term used in international finance to represent assets that are considered to be inexpensive and sturdy, but fundamentally unsound and and incapable of coping with the upheavals now apparent in international financial markets. Answer: FALSE Diff: 1 Topic: 1.1 Financial Globalization and Risk Skill: Recognition 2) Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are firms, both for profit companies and not-for-profit organizations, that have operations in more than one country, and conduct their business through foreign subsidiaries, branches, or joint ventures with host country firms. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Topic: 1.1 Financial Globalization and Risk Skill: Recognition 3) Ownership, control, and governance changes radically across the world. The publicly traded company is not the dominant global business organization—the privately held or family-owned business is the prevalent structure—and their goals and measures of performance differ dramatically. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Topic: 1.1 Financial Globalization and Risk Skill: Recognition 1.2 The Global Financial Marketplace Multiple Choice 1) A well-established, large U.S.-based MNE will probably NOT be able to overcome which of the following obstacles to maximizing firm value? A) an open market place B) high...
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...CHAPTER 1 GLOBALIZATION AND THE MULTINATIONAL FIRM SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS QUESTIONS 1. Why is it important to study international financial management? Answer: We are now living in a world where all the major economic functions, i.e., consumption, production, and investment, are highly globalized. It is thus essential for financial managers to fully understand vital international dimensions of financial management. This global shift is in marked contrast to a situation that existed when the authors of this book were learning finance some twenty years ago. At that time, most professors customarily (and safely, to some extent) ignored international aspects of finance. This mode of operation has become untenable since then. 2. How is international financial management different from domestic financial management? Answer: There are three major dimensions that set apart international finance from domestic finance. They are: 1. foreign exchange and political risks, 2. market imperfections, and 3. expanded opportunity set. 3. Discuss the three major trends that have prevailed in international business during the last two decades. Answer: The 1980s brought a rapid integration of international capital and financial markets. Impetus for globalized financial markets initially came from the governments of major countries that had begun to deregulate their foreign exchange and capital markets. The economic integration...
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...Examination Paper of Finance Management 1 IIBM Institute of Business Management IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper MM.100 International Finance Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks) This section consists of Multiple choice & Short Note type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each. Part One: Multiple choices: 1. Foreign exchange market in India is relatively very ________. a. Big b. Small c. Medium d. None of the above 2. Balance of payment is a systematic record of all _______ during a given period of time. a. Political transactions b. Social transactions c. Economic transactions d. None of the above 3. Merchandise trade balance, services balance & balance on unilateral transfer are the part of ________ account. a. Current account b. Capital account c. Official account d. None of the above 4. Interest rate swaps can be explained as an agreement between _________ parties. a. One b. Two c. Three d. None of the above 5. Capital account convertibility in India evolved in August a. 1996 b. 1995 c. 1994 d. None of the above 6. Interest rate parity is an economic concept, expressed as a basic algebraic identity that relates. a. Capital rate & interest rate b. Interest rate & exchange rate Examination Paper of Finance Management 2 IIBM Institute of Business Management c. Currency rate & exchange rate d. None of the above 7. The two kind of...
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...Examination Paper: Finance Management IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper International Financial Management Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) This section consists of Multiple choice & Short Answer type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each. Part One: Multiple choices: 1. Foreign exchange market in India is relatively very a. Big b. Small c. Medium d. None of the above 2. Balance of payment is a systematic record of all _______ during a given period of time. a. Political transactions b. Social transactions c. Economic transactions d. None of the above 3. Merchandise trade balance, services balance & balance on unilateral transfer are the part of ________ account a. Current account b. Capital account c. Official account d. None of the above 4. Interest rate swaps can be explained as an agreement between _________ parties a. One b. Two c. Three d. None of the above 5. Capital account convertibility in India evolved in August a. 1996 b. 1995 c. 1994 d. None of the above MM.100 1 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper: Finance Management 6. Interest rate parity is an economic concept, expressed as a basic algebraic identity that relates a. Capital rate & interest rate b. Interest rate & exchange rate c. Currency rate & exchange rate d. None of the above 7. The two kind of swap in the forward market are a. Forward & reverse swap b. Reverse swap & option...
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...CHAPTER 1 GLOBALIZATION AND THE MULTINATIONAL FIRM SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS QUESTIONS 1. Why is it important to study international financial management? Answer: We are now living in a world where all the major economic functions, i.e., consumption, production, and investment, are highly globalized. It is thus essential for financial managers to fully understand vital international dimensions of financial management. This global shift is in marked contrast to a situation that existed when the authors of this book were learning finance some twenty years ago. At that time, most professors customarily (and safely, to some extent) ignored international aspects of finance. This mode of operation has become untenable since then. 2. How is international financial management different from domestic financial management? Answer: There are three major dimensions that set apart international finance from domestic finance. They are: 1. foreign exchange and political risks, 2. market imperfections, and 3. expanded opportunity set. 3. Discuss the three major trends that have prevailed in international business during the last two decades. Answer: The 1980s brought a rapid integration of international capital and financial markets. Impetus for globalized financial markets initially came from the governments of major countries that had begun to deregulate their foreign exchange and capital markets. The economic integration and globalization that began in the eighties...
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...14SS-FIN 4007-001 International Finance Spring 2014: Jan.6 – Apr.26 MWF 8:00-8:50 a.m. at Lindner 109 Office Hours: MWF 9:10-9:40 a.m. and by appointment. Temporary changes in office hours, if any, will be announced in advance via Blackboard and/or in class. Required Materials International Financial Management, Jeff Madura, 11th Edition, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2012. Earlier editions, e.g., 10th, are also acceptable at your own risk. Go to amazon.com or www.cengagebrain.com and search by textbook. You can order either a hard back text, RENTAL hard back text, eBook, or eChapters at a discount price. Some readings may be assigned to supplement your in-depth study of major topics in international financial management. Suggested Activities Read The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Financial Times, Forbes, Fortune, The Economist, etc. Student subscription rates are available for these periodicals. Also, watch CET, CNN, CNBC, C-Span, etc. These activities are practically free. Objective of the Course The course will be discussed from the perspective of international financial management which is all about making financial decisions in the context of international environment. There are two important aspects to really good international financial decision-making. The first is experience; this you will have to get (or are getting) on your own. Suggested activities in the previous section will be a must. The...
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...CASE STUDY – LETTER FROM PRISON ETHICS 1. In an interview with the New Zealand Herald, Stephen Richards commented “World Com bankrupt, Enron bankrupt, Adelphia bankrupt. Computer Associates is a radically different environment to those.” Do you agree/disagree with Richards’ comment? Why/Why not? Discuss the ethical implications of the fraud committed at Computer Associates. In your response you should refer to Part A of the Code of Ethics of the Australian Accounting Profession discussed in Chapter 29 of the text. (25 marks) EARNINGS MANAGEMENT 2. “Numerous pieces of evidence suggested that earnings management – the managerial use of discretion to influence reported earnings – was a widespread corporate practice at Computer Associates.” Distinguish between accrual-based earnings management and real activities manipulation. Explain what is meant by a trade-off between the two. Which type of earnings management was practised at Computer Associates? Academic support should be provided (see the attached reference list) from at least two articles. (25 marks) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 3. Corporate governance is defined as the system by which companies are directed and controlled" (Cadbury Committee, 1992). Discuss the role of specific corporate governance mechanisms that may have alleviated earnings management at Computer Associates. Academic support should be provided (see the attached reference list) from at least two articles. (25 marks) LOBBYING 4. The fraudulent...
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...INTI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COURSE STRUCTURE Programme: BACHELOR OF BUSINESS (HONS) 1. | Name of Course/Module : FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | 2. | Course Code: FIN2210 | 3. | Rationale for the inclusion of the course/module in the programme :To provide students with a fundamental understanding of financial management principles and exposure towards analysis and application of finance principles.This course aims to enable students to: 1. Introduce with the various aspects of financial management. 2. Develop essential skills in making financial decisions. 3. Apply the appropriate techniques in making decisions. | 4. | Total Student Learning Time (SLT) | Total Face to Face | Total | 5. | | L | T | P | O | A | B/O | IL | | L = LectureT = TutorialP = Practical(Lab)O= Others A= AssessmentB/O=Blended /Online learningIL= Independent learning | 28 | 14 | | | 4 | 14 | 60 | 6. | Credit Value: 3 credits | 7. | Prerequisite (if any): Nil | 8. | Learning outcomes:On completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Identify the goal of a firm and the role of a financial manager. 2. Analyze the financial performance of a company 3. Apply the concept of time value of money 4. Calculate the expected rate of return. 5. Perform capital budgeting analysis 6. Apply skills and technique in financial decisions. | 9. | Synopsis: This course focuses on the basic business finance theory both quantitative...
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...Question 1 2 out of 2 points | | | ________________ involves making decisions relating to issuing and investing in stocks and bonds.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | Investment management | Correct Answer: | Investment management | | | | | Question 2 2 out of 2 points | | | Economists use a ___________________ framework to explain how the prices and quantities of goods and services are determined in a free-market economic system.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | supply-and-demand | Correct Answer: | supply-and-demand | | | | | Question 3 0 out of 2 points | | | The goal of the financial manager in a profit-seeking organization is to maximize:Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | the value of perquisites. | Correct Answer: | the owners’ wealth. | | | | | Question 4 0 out of 2 points | | | ________________ involves the sale or marketing of securities, the analysis of securities, and the management of risk through portfolio diversification.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | financial management | Correct Answer: | investments | | | | | Question 5 2 out of 2 points | | | Maximizing _____________________ is accomplished through effective financial planning and analysis, asset management, and the acquisition of financial capital.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | the owners’ wealth. | Correct Answer: | the owners’ wealth. | | | ...
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...Module: Financial Management and Control Unit: Sources of Finance and Costing Concepts Lesson: Long-Term Sources of Finance © Resource Development International Ltd. (RDI) 2009 Long-Term Sources of Finance Introduction Page 1 of 7 Accounting is an essential function in any business - whether it is a sole trader or a multinational corporation. It involves two key concepts: Bookkeeping - where a detailed recording process is used to identify every financial transaction that takes place involving an organisation. This is a painstaking process requiring an excellent eye for detail, and measures the financial effects of economic activity. Financial reporting - where details of the financial activities of an organisation are collected and presented in a clear and concise manner for stakeholders and other interested parties. Within these concepts, accounting also develops the internal controls necessary in an accounting system, thus serving to minimise errors in recording the, often, large number of business transactions within an accounting period of a year. Appropriate internal controls will be developed to prevent the occurrence of theft, embezzlement, fraud and dishonest behaviour. These form an important part of the responsibilities of accounting. What do you consider the purpose of management accounting? Drury in Management and Cost Accounting has argued that Management Accounting consists of three functions: 1. Allocate costs between cost of goods sold and stock...
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...| |UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN (UTAR) | | |FACULTY OF ACCOUNTANCY AND MANAGEMENT | | | | | |Bachelor of International Business (Hons) | | | | | |Unit Code & |UKFF4024 | | |Unit Title: |MULTINATIONAL FINANCE | | |Course of Study: |Bachelor of International Business (Hons) | | |Year of Study: |Year Three, Trimester Two | | |Trimester Year |Jan 2016 | | |Credit Hour: |4 credit hours ...
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...FIN 320 Entire Course (UOP Course) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com FIN 320 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Article Analysis FIN 320 Week 1 DQ 1 FIN 320 Week 1 DQ 2 FIN 320 Week 2 Assignments from the Readings FIN 320 Week 2 Team Assignment Financial Performance Case Study FIN 320 Week 2 DQ 1 FIN 320 Week 2 DQ 2 FIN 320 Week 3 Assignments from the Readings FIN 320 Week 3 Individual Assignment Working Capital Management Paper FIN 320 Week 3 DQ 1 FIN 320 Week 3 DQ 2 FIN 320 Week 4 Team Assignment Working Capital Case Study FIN 320 Week 4 Individual Assignments from the Readings FIN 320 Week 4 Individual Assignment Utilizing the TVM Simulation Summary FIN 320 Week 4 Team Assignment Cost of Capital Memo FIN 320 Week 4 DQ 1 FIN 320 Week 4 DQ 2 FIN 320 Week 5 Individual Assignment International Risk Paper FIN 320 Week 5 Individual Assignment Financial Intermediaries Paper FIN 320 Week 5 Team Assignment Capital Investment Decisions Case Study and Presentation FIN 320 Week 5 DQ 1 FIN 320 Week 5 DQ 2 ________________________________________________ FIN 320 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Article Analysis (UOP Course) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Locate an article regarding ethics considerations in financial management. Write a 350- to 700-word article analysis in which you address the following items: • Discuss how ethics affects the financial decision-making process. • Explain...
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...MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE OF SINGAPORE TASHKENT INTERNATIONAL TRADE FINANCE – INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Course Module Lecturer Due Date Weightage : Bsc (Hons) in Banking and Finance : International Trade Finance : Ms Ratna Devi : 5 November 2012 : 30% Assignment —Individual This assignment for the module International Trade Finance carries 30% of the overall assessment grade. Case under Observation: This is a case study of a U.S. company called Cossco, Inc, depicted in different scenarios 1 through 4, carrying a maximum of 70 marks. Each scenario is presented in a way that encapsulates the topics in your syllabus for International Trade Finance. Students are advised to closely read each scenario and understand the issues faced by the CFO and financial analyst. Recommendations are to be given in a logical and concise manner. __________________________________________________________ Scenario 1 20 Marks Cossco, Inc is a U.S based company that has been incorporated in the United States for three years. It’s a small company with total assets worth $300 million. The company produces a single type of product, golf clubs. Cossco during the boom time, has been quite successful. However, the demand for “IRONS”, the company’s primary product in the United States, has been slowly decreasing since last year. Cossco’s shareholders have been pressuring the company to improve its performance. Cossco produces high-quality golf clubs and employs a unique production process...
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...Business Department of Finance FIN 70500 – Multinational Financial Management Module 1, Fall, 2006 |Instructor: |Jerry G. Langley |Phone: |Office - (574) 631-6078 | | Office: |262 MCOB | |Home - (574) 234-1191 (before10PM) | |E-mail: |Jerry.Langley.3@nd.edu | | | | Office hours: I’m in my office most of the week, so stop by or call and set up a time to see me. | COURSE OBJECTIVES This course covers various aspects of the international side of finance, including organizational issues that impact the financial decision-making process. After an overview of the international financial environment companies operate in, we will learn how they organize themselves to do business internationally, the impact of volatile exchange rates and how they can be measured and managed to minimize effects on economic and reported results. In addition to looking at the theoretical underpinnings of international finance, we will also cover the practical side of financing decisions – how corporations actually use these tools to manage the potential impacts on their business that come from operating around the world. We’ll also see how making international financing decisions...
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...Eun & Resnick 4e CHAPTER 1 Globalization and the Multinational Firm Questions in the test bank follow the order of the chapter outline: What’s Special about International Finance? Foreign Exchange and Political Risks Market Imperfections Expanded Opportunity Set Goals for International Financial Management Globalization of the World Economy: Major Trends Emergence of Globalized Financial Markets Emergence of the Euro as a Global Currency Trade Liberalization and Economic Integration Privatization Multinational Corporations Summary MINI CASE: Nike and Sweatshop Labor APPENDIX 1A: Gains from Trade: The Theory of Comparative Advantage What’s Special about “International” Finance? 1) What major dimension sets apart international finance from domestic finance? a) foreign exchange and political risks b) Market imperfections c) Expanded opportunity set d) all of the above Answer: d 2) An example of a political risk is a) Expropriation of assets b) Adverse change in tax rules c) The opposition party being elected d) a) and b) are both correct Answer: d - p. 5 3) Production of goods and services has become globalized to a large extent as a result of a) Skilled labor being highly mobile b) Natural resources being depleted in one country after another c) Multinational corporations’ efforts to source inputs and locate production anywhere where costs...
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