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International Investment Report


Submitted By Tammy1604
Words 5113
Pages 21
International Investment Report - British Petroleum in Nigeria
Group D
June 6, 2015

Table of Contents

Introduction 3 Country Evaluation 6 Industry Overview 9 Regulatory structure 9 Competition – Major and minor competitors 12 Local financing options for the expansion 12 Overall attractiveness of the industry 13 Entry Strategy 13 Recommendations 17 References 20


Nigeria in West Africa is about twice the size of California in the US but is the largest country in Africa. Just over 160 million people live in this country with approximately 800,000 of them living in the capital city of Abuja which is located in the very center of Nigeria. (Nigeria) Nigeria has two distinct reputations. One as a corrupt and violent country that is not highly recommended for tourist type visitations (although it does have incredibly interesting historical sights) and the other for being the country visited mostly for unbelievably lucrative business transactions involving oil and gas.
The Nigerian people live mostly in poverty in a country where oil and gas exports total billions in revenue. This is due to the fact that the Nigerian government has total control over their property rights. In addition corruption within that government runs rampant.
According to an article by Michael Burleigh 70% of Nigerians live below poverty level struggling to survive. (Burleigh) What is even more interesting in a country rich in oil and gas is that the poverty stricken also have to deal with chronic fuel shortages due to the lack of refining in Nigeria.
Nigeria Delta (referred to as Niger Delta) is the delta of the Niger River in Nigeria. This area is very significant to Nigeria. The area is a very populated region with more than 40 ethnic groups speaking over 250 different languages.
The Niger Delta is an incredibly oil-rich region which

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