...rBackground * Realists are a group of scholars who having to see themselves having a deep insight within the realm of IR. * They would like to become advisers or become political leaders. * Offer a road map to leaders who conduct in international affairs. * Their insight was not just the result in what happened centuries ago. * They’re timeless wisdom that...certain trusses that are ageless * Telling how the actually worked, not how they looked, or should look * They tell world leaders that the most important, should operate is to enhance the security of their states... * Power is a very important thing in IR. * They should be able to harness this power in creative and noble ways. * The world is a complex place. * Strengths in realism.... * What they also argue is that..Money is a currency..Everything is about power. * Allow us to expand our national interest. * Gain power, use that power, and then use it in a robust manner so that you are on top on IR power. * More dominate then change. * Dominate aspects are wars, security dilemma, missiles etc. * IR is a story of wars being fought, wars having been fought in the past and states recovering.., or preparing for future wars. * Realist’s wars are an endemic/... * You can never get ride of war impossible it stays. * They are not interested in changing the world but helping it and creating peace and unity. * They like talking about violence, states...
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...Target Audience: American citizens that concern about the role and impact of international students to the economy. Having International Students, Gain or Loss to U.S. Economy? The fame of the United States for education attracts many international students to this country every year. Besides being a good host, a portion of American citizens does not realize great contributions that international students bring to the economy. Moreover, there are even worries and complaints that international students are taking jobs away from domestic citizens after the President extended the time for international students to remain in the U.S. “the change could hurt U.S. job-seekers by making them compete against more foreign graduates” (“Obama”). Therefore, people who hold similar ideas believe it is better to diminish the flow of international students. “Community colleges and small state colleges especially should resist the lure of the foreign student market” (Vaughan). All of these misunderstandings neglect the positive role of these students and may harm the country in the long term. Reasonably speaking, international students play a crucial part in America’s economy and should not intimidate qualified job seekers. Providing education to international students is the lowest risk export. As data collected from the U.S Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, education ranked the third in U.S trade in private services in 2009 (Ward). In other words, education can be considered...
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...Assignment Two: Final Paper Heather Smith Jour 3400 April 28, 2010 The largest paper company in the world sits right here in Memphis, Tennessee, International Paper Company. They manufacture in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia and North Africa. International Paper was established in 1898 and has grown to house 113,000 employees. The company achieves their success from the goals they stand for: “Good corporate governance is the foundation upon which we build and achieve our goals. We create an awareness of the importance of diversity, ethical behavior and personal integrity, which are our foundation. We support hundreds of community-based educational, civic and cultural activities. We deliver the most current International Paper news to the media. We work in synergy with customers to deliver solutions that positively impact supplier diversity efforts” (http://www.internationalpaper.com). International Paper’s hard work ethic and motivation holds a great deal of their success as well. The company has a perspective called the “IP Way” which infers “International Paper is committed to continuous improvement in everything it does, and the key is the people who make up the company” (History of International Paper, 2006). The public they target is the workforce and workplace. The company puts a lot of focus and emphasis on diversity. They strive to promote the importance of diversity in the workplace by...
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...Amnesty International Date of Establishment: July 1961 in London, U.K. Founder: Peter Benneson Amnesty International was founded in 1961 to protect human rights internationally. Amnesty international also stands up for victims of oppressive regimes and other abuses. The official objective of the organisation: “to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights, and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.” Amnesty international is currently active throughout the world, with over 3 million members in 150 countries worldwide. The organisation is a worldwide watchdog regarding human rights/abuses. . As Christian men and women it is very important that we support the work that Amnesty international is doing globally. Many of the organisations principles echo the message that we learnt from Jesus Christ. For example, Jesus told us that we must be defenders of the weak and the helpless. Similarly, Amnesty International stands up for individuals who cannot defend themselves or their families. By supporting this noble foundation we can make life better for the millions around the world suffering from oppression. It is very easy for one to become a member of Amnesty International. All you have to do is go to their official website (there is one for many different languages) and select how much money you plan to donate (donations range from $21-$100; to be paid once a month). Once this section is done...
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...A) The name of the company is Apple. The reasons of choosing this company to explore its experience using the concepts of International Business are as follow: Global pattern of trade * Apple is the global company in the retail industry. 43,000 of Apple employees in the United States to work in the 30,000 Apple stores. Apple retail store employees to do more than the average wage of employees, and provides money for universities, as well as a gym membership, 401K plans, health care plans, product discounts and lower prices for the purchase of shares. * Apple has 453 retail stores (such as in March 2015) in 16 countries and 39 countries in the online store. Each store is designed to meet the requirements of the position and the regulatory authorities. Apple has received numerous architectural awards for its store design, especially its location on Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan on. Competitive advantage * Before the company advertised its products are being made, the late 90s of the last century the United States; however, as a result of the outsourcing plan in 2000, almost all of the manufacturing process is now abroad. According to a report the New York Times, Apple insiders "that huge overseas factories, as well as flexible, diligent and industrial skills of foreign workers have to make more than their American counterparts that" Made in USA "is no longer a viable Alternatively, for most Apple products. " * The company's production, procurement and logistics...
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...THE IMPORTANCE OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE (1.1) International trade: is the exchange of goods and services between the countries over the world. Import is the purchasing goods or services overseas. Export is the sale of goods or services made overseas. For individual company, the reasons for exporting to overseas are: a. It represents the potential markets. b. Domestic market is saturated. c. Reduce the dependence upon one geographical market. d. The requirements of the firm’s product to attack overseas market. e. Companies need to be able to sell product to an overseas market, if they want to be the suppliers of large companies over the world. f. Domestic market too small for the exploiting of the economies of scale. g. Economies of scale result from extending the use of brands in overseas market From the perspective of national economies, there are four other reasons: a. Goods and services are traded to exploit the concept of comparative cost advantage. b. Many restrictions on international trade are removed. c. The increasing of income in greater consumption of many categories of luxuries like overseas travel, etc. d. Cultural convergence that has resulted from improved communications. Labor costs: the cost of labor in less developed and developing countries are lower than in developed countries. There is a fact that the unskilled worker s in developed countries will compete with the equivalent workers in less developed and...
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...International Trade Speech ECO/372 July 22, 2014, 2014 International Trade Speech There are various factors that influence the activities and behaviors of international trade and the relationships between trading countries. For example, the amount of goods and services a country imports and exports may have vast effects on foreign and domestic market places, economies, and their monetary and trading policies. Exchange rates also play a role in market activity. Relationships between trading countries are also affected by trading tactics, strategies, and policies. It is important to understand how and why policies and marketplace interactions, both foreign and domestic, work and are determined, and how they affect international trade. International trade is what makes the world an amazing place to do business of all types. With international trade, businesses can import and export many goods and services that help keep prices down, but also can cause a loss of jobs from importing being too high. Nevertheless, we tend to treat imports as some sort of negative or bad thing even though, when you think about it, imports are what we gain from international trade while exports are what we pay in international trade (Mcteer, 2013). International trade has effects on the domestic markets because many consumers do not care where there product is coming from and continue to support importing regardless of associated consequences. Tuition and fees paid for by international...
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...1. Сутність, сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку митно-тарифних відносинУ визначенні стратегії і тактики інтегрування економіки країни до світового економічного простору домінують два погляди. Перший погляд ґрунтується на тезі швидкої (шокової) лібералізації зовнішньоекономічних зв'язків (неолібералізм). Другий погляд (градуалізм) ґрунтується на поступовому переході до "відкритості" економіки, що передбачає поетапний процес, який має свою структурну специфіку і потребує активної ролі держави в даній сфері взаємовідносин.Неолібералізм передбачає згортання господарської діяльності держави, форсування інтернаціоналізації економіки, гомогенізацію світогосподарських механізмів регулювання шляхом надання стихійному ринку повної свободи і забезпечення умов вільної конкуренції.Підґрунтям концепції "шокової терапії" є ідеї монетаристів, що ринок це найбільш ефективна форма організації економічної системи, яка здатна до самоорганізації. Тому трансформація перехідного періоду має відбуватися за мінімальної участі держави.Найбільш оптимальною моделлю взаємовідносин України зі світовим економічним простором є політика помірного протекціонізму: рух у напрямі політики "вільної торгівлі" з точковим використанням інструментарію протекціонізму, зокрема митно-тарифних регуляторів.Об'єктом митно-тарифних відносин є всі види зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, під час здійснення яких відбувається процес переміщення через митний кордон: експорт (імпорт) товарів, капіталу, робочої сили, послуг; науково-технічна...
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...International Business ( Semester 2, 2014) * Topic 1: Context * Globalization: There is no agreed or consistent definition for globalization but the key features including: * Everything and everyone equal * Intensive and rapid flows cross border flows (eg product, finance) * Not just economic but social, culture also. * Implication for nation states (countries)- a loss on power for the countries on politically as well as economically. * “ Globalization is about growing mobility across frontiers- mobility of goods and commodities, mobility of information and communications products and services, and mobility of people” ( Robins 2000). * Globalization has become a leading concept in doing business during last few decades, there are various aspects of globalization that influencing in doing business such as Competition, exchange of technology, knowledge/information transfer. * Competition: there is increase in competition. It can relate to product, service cost, price, target market, technological adaptation, quick response, quick production by companies. Company needs to focus on production with less cost to sell cheaper in order to increase its market share. On the other hand, customers also have a large multitude of choices in the markets and it affects their behavior: they want to acquire goods and services quickly and in more efficient way than before with high expectation in quality and low prices. * Exchange of...
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...International Trade The United States is one of the largest international trade countries. International trade is the exchange of goods and services which impact consumers’ everyday lives. With current technology communication has become easier and much faster for international trading. A surplus of imports into the United States will drop the price of the imported product. With a surplus business will have too much in inventory and will need to get rid of the inventory, even if the business takes a loss on the product just to clear the inventory out. A surplus for the consumer is buying products at a lower cost (Colander, 2010). Car dealers are one example of a business’s cleaning out inventory at a lower cost. Car dealers need to clean out current inventory to provide space on the dealer lot for the new vehicles to come in. Most car dealers run an end of the year special that reduces the price of their inventoried cars. The problem with end of the year sales is that the majority of the models left will be the unpopular or overstocked models. (Gorzelany, 2012). The United States is a large contributor to international trade. The United States GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is impacted because the United States relies on products from other countries (Colander, 2010). The United States imports more product than they export lowering the GPD. Because the United States buys more from other countries there is an impact on the United States domestic market. A tariff is a...
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...International trade is defined as trade between two or more partners from different countries in the exchange of goods and services. International trade has been in existence throughout history and has an economic impact on the participating countries. Trade in most countries has a share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and helps to boost the countries overall economy on a yearly basis. The pattern of international trade show that 50 percent is between developed countries, while 35 percent falls between developed and developing countries, also known as North/South trade. The 15 percent of international trade is made up by developing countries trading commodities. Often trade between developed countries consists of high tech goods while developing countries have valuable basic staples. Developing countries import technology and machinery from the developed countries, these machines help in increasing production and also bringing down the cost of production, however due to the high cost of these machines the developed countries prefer to use labor intensive methods of production due to high initial cost and also maintenance costs. Countries are looking to have a comparative advantage in producing at least one product that will allow them to trade that product at a lower opportunity cost. Free Trade is the concept we use when referring to selling of products between countries without tariffs, fees, or trade barriers. Free Trade simply is the absence of government interference...
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...MFI 442 International Finance-Individual Assignments I Name Institution MFI 442 International Finance-Individual Assignments I Most corporations expand beyond their local boundaries to become multinationals. There are myriad reasons behind this (Wells & Wint, 2000). The biggest of all these reasons is to gain access to international markets and perhaps invest in economic zones that have high investment returns as compared to home countries (Fu, 2000). The trend of globalization has made most firms become multinational corporations. The most common method for MNCs is through franchises (Jones, 2005). In line with this, economists have put up theories explaining why businesses expand beyond their national boundaries (Hicks, 2000). My primary objective in this paper, therefore, is to discuss international finance and other macroeconomics policies. To foresee this goal, I will delve into foreign exchange market and operations of multinational corporations (MNCs). Theories Explaining Why Corporations Expand to become Multinationals a). Financial economists have brought forward three key arguments that enumerate why companies expand their operations to global markets. These theories are; the imperfect markets theory, the comparative advantage theory and the product cycle theory (Levi, 2004). i).The Comparative Advantage Theory This theory is among the most important concepts in international trade. It states that economic welfare increases when countries specialize...
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...International Risk Paper Celeste Moniz FIN 320 Philip Celestin October 10, 2011 There are a lot of risks that is involved with any capital project where a firm is thinking of investing. International capital projects have additional risk and issues that needs to address. Two of the biggest international investment concerns are the exchange rate risk and political risks. Another risk that may be an issue with international investments would be economical risks. Descriptions of these three risk factors will be explained. The exchange risk has mostly to do with the exchange rates in that certain country where a project is thinking of opening. Exchange rates are very unpredictable. It is possible that the exchange rate will be different tomorrow than it is today. The currency from different countries is traded in a large scale on a currency market that is similar to stocks, bonds, and other commodities. The market is very active with trillions of dollars that is traded daily. The fluctuation in value is an additional risk when making investments in other countries. The second of the biggest risk is called the political risk. Political risk deals with political conditions in that country of interest. This could negatively affect the profits from foreign investments. When making investments in foreign countries, close attention to the political climate, local laws, local perceptions of the company’s home country, and the social unrest in the targeted country. ...
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...SATAKUNNAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU SATAKUNTA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Anna Tulinen FACING THE CHALLENGES IN EXPORTING TO RUSSIA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS RAUMA Degree Programme in International Business and Marketing Logistics 2007 TIIVISTELMÄ VENÄJÄN VIENNIN HAASTEIDEN KOHTAAMINEN Tulinen, Anna Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu International Business and Marketing Logistics Liiketalouden Rauman yksikkö Tammikuu 2007 Tanhua, Daniela Sivumäärä: 85 Avainsanat: kansainvälinen kauppa, vienti, Venäjä Opinnäytetyön aiheena on Venäjän viennin ongelmien tutkiminen. Työ pitää sisällään teoreettisen osuuden, jonka pohjalta empiirinen tutkimus on tehty. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää minkälaisia ongelmia pienet ja keskisuuret suomalaiset yritykset kohtaavat viedessään tuotteitaan Venäjälle. Venäjän WTO-jäsenyysneuvottelut ovat loppuvaiheessaan ja työn tarkoituksena on myös eritellä niitä etuja, joita tuo jäsenyys saattaa tuoda mukanaan Venäjän kauppaa käyville yrityksille. Teoreettinen osuus kuvailee kansainvälistä kauppaa ja vientiä. Osassa, joka käsittelee kansainvälistä kauppaa, kuvaillaan lyhyesti kansainvälistä markkinointi ympäristöä sekä luetellaan kansainvälisen kaupan esteet ja ne syyt, joiden mukaan valtiot pyrkivät estämään kansainvälistä kauppaa. Kappaleen loppu keskittyy käsittelemään logistiikan tärkeyttä ja ongelmia kansainvälisessä kaupassa. Viennin osuudessa käsitellään viennin peruskäsitteitä sekä kansainvälisen kaupan dokumentaatiota ja tullin roolia. Viitekehys yhdistää...
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...Running he WHIRL ead: LPOOL’s GL LOBAL STR RATEGY CA ANAL ASE LYSIS 1 Whirlpool Co W orporation’s Global Str s rategy Case Analysis International Man nagement – Assignmen 2 nt Candidate: Emad Abou uElgheit ISM - International School of Manageme f ent Doctor of Philosophy ( P (Ph.D.) Presented to: Professor Peter Horn t P 26 July 201119 July 2011 1 Word Coun 3,706 nt: WHIRLPOOL’s GLOBAL STRATEGY CASE ANALYSIS 2 Abstract The paper analyses Whirlpool Corporation’s Global Strategy case study conducted in the year 2001. The paper aims to spot key reasons behind the declining performance the company experienced in the late 1990s a few years after the start of its globalization plan in the year 1987. The plan initiated under the new leadership of David Whitwam encountered many problems in its early stages illustrated in a declining profitability in its home market, losses in the European market and failure in some of its joint ventures in the Asian market.1 With such poor performance and failure in achieving competitive edges in global markets, Whirlpool was at a great risk of losing huge investments made in foreign markets, and losing highly-potential market shares in emerging international markets to aggressive competitors. The paper illustrates core strategic mistakes around three main strategies; sourcing and operations, entry, and marketing strategies adopted. The goal is to address lessons learned from Whirlpool’s experience in globalization in order to shed...
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