...Internet Banking (Fig. 1) is a product of e-commerce in the field of banking and financial services. In what can be described as B2C domain for banking industry, Internet Banking offers different online services like balance enquiry, requests for cheque books, recording stop-payment instructions, balance transfer instructions, account opening and other forms of traditional banking services. Mostly, these are traditional services offered through Internet as a new delivery channel. Banks are also offering payment services on behalf of their customers who shop in different e-shops, emalls etc. Further, different banks have different levels of such services offered. Regulations and guidelines issued by some countries include the following. 1. Requirement to notify about web site content 2. Prior authorization based on risk assessment made by external auditors 3. On-site examination of third party service providers 4. Off-site policing the perimeters to look for infringement. 5. Prohibition on hyper links to non bank business sites 6. Specification of the architecture Broadly, the levels of banking services offered through INTERNET can be categorized in to three types: (i) The Basic Level Service is the banks’ websites which disseminateinformation on different products and services offered to customers and members of public in general. It may receive and reply to customers’ queries through e-mail, (ii) In the next level are Simple Transactional Websites which...
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...Findings: This is the most important part of my report. In findings part I am interpreting the results of my survey. The results of this study are stated below in points: • Having no online banking and shop • Current E bill market Size is very satisfactory level • Over the time, Internet banking & e-bill users are increasing. • IBBL has future market if they able to introduce this e-bill service. • There is a good correlation between internet users & E bill/ internet banking users. • Very Few banks are providing E bill banking service. • IBBL has good opportunity to invest in Bangladesh • Number of customers is low compare to other or similar bank. • Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited is quick service provider. • Branch environment of Islami Bank is very pleasant. • Management system of Standard Bank is not well established. • Employees of Islami Bank are very friendly and helpful. • Almost all agree that fees & service charge of Islami Bank is not reasonable compare to other banks. • Islami Bank is very much committed to their clients. • Islami Bank does not ignore its general customer. • Islami Bank has lack of technological advancement. • Employees need more training from time to time. Standard Bank, Motijheel Branch is well decorated. This branch has all kinds of logistic support- well furnished, high security system, central A/C, well lighting etc. There are three departments in this branch and all are well setup. Branch whole environment is...
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...The Indian Internet Banking Journey We want to use the Internet to become a universal banking major." - Nachiket Mor, Head of ICICI's Treasury, in March 2000. The Internet Banking Boom In 2001, a Reserve Bank of India survey revealed that of 46 major banks operating in India, around 50% were either offering Internet banking services at various levels or planned to in the near future. According to a research report,1 while in 2001, India's Internet user base was an estimated 9 lakh; it was expected to reach 90 lakh by 2003. Also, while only 1% of these Internet users utilized the Internet banking services in 1998, the Internet banking user base increased to 16.7% by mid- 2000. Many of the major banks like ICICI, HDFC, IndusInd, IDBI, Citibank, Global Trust Bank (GTB), Bank of Punjab and UTI were offering Internet banking services. Based on the above statistics and the analysts' comments that India had a high growth potential for Internet banking, the players focused on increasing and improving their Internet banking services. As a part of this, the banks began to collaborate with various utility companies to enable the customers to perform various functions online. ICICI's 'Infinity,' which was already a leader in the Indian Internet banking arena, began to allow its customers to pay their online real time shopping bills. HDFC, through its 'payment gateway' feature, allowed its Internet banking customers to make online and real time payments for their purchases. | ...
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...Impact of E-Banking on Capital Bank and local area banking industry in India Coursework- Technology in Business and Society Shahbaz Singh Samra - B022337 Executive Summary The task commissioned was to assess the application of a technology to support organizational change. This report concentrates on how electronic banking (e-banking) has contributed to Capital Local Area Bank (CLAB) and the local area banking industry in India. Focus lies upon CLAB’s operations and how the bank incorporated e-banking to revolutionize and set standards for transparent and efficient banking in the state of Punjab. E-Banking gives strategic value to the organization and the industry because it adds a new dimension to the bank to offer its products and services. It gives the organization a comparative advantage over its rivals. However, local area banks might have to suffer loss of business done through their physical branches especially in urban and more developed areas. This, however, would be a positive for CLAB as the overall business generated would be higher and it gives its customers a facility that is yet to be provided by its competitors. E-Banking t is very cost effective for the bank. A bank, in order to expand efficiently, would be better off investing in e-banking rather than expanding its customer outreach through increasing the number of physical branches. Inevitably, e-banking does have some issues and challenges than an organization would have to overcome to...
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...1. More and more people are seeing internet banking as an easier option, yet safety measures also have to be considered when choosing the best option. If big amounts of money want to be extracted by the client, the client should be required to physically come into the bank to enable the transaction to take place. Banks should also encourage their clients to keep their online banking passwords private and to change it as often as possible. In order to prevent illegal extraction of money and hacking the bank should put firewalls in place on all systems that are accessed through the internet. As hacking and the illegal extraction of money can take place from within the bank, access of the workers to the accounts of clients should be limited. In 2013 over $300 million (R 3792 million) was stolen from 100 banks...
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...APPENDIX SET A: SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE The aim of this research is to find out The Determinants Of Internet Banking Service Quality In Vietnam. This may take 5 minutes of your time. The survey form comprises of three sections. Please make sure that you have responded to every statement. All data and measurements obtained from this research study will be stored confidentially. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A: PERSONAL INFORMATION A0 1. Gender ( ) Male ( ) Female 2. Age ( ) 20s ( ) 30s ( ) 40s ( ) More than 50 3. How long have you been using Internet Banking? ( ) Less than 3 months ( ) 3-12 months ( ) More than 12 months 4. Who is your primary bank? i.e Where do you do the most of your Internet banking? (Please choose one only): ( ) Asia Commercial Bank ( ) Dong A Bank ( ) VietcomBank SECTION B: SERVICE QUALITY OF INTERNET BANKING Based on your experiences as a consumer of Internet banking services, please provide information on the quality of the Internet banking services you use. Please mark the number of your choice. Scale of explanation Questions | | 1...
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...FACULTATEA DE STIINTE ECONOMICE Specializarea:Finanţe Bănci LUCRARE DE LICENŢĂ SERVICII BANCARE ELECTRONICE-INTERNET BANKING STUDIU DE CAZ LA BCR Indrumator stiintific: Absolvent:Calistica Andreea-Roxana Conf.univ.dr. MARIANA TRANDAFIR 2012 SERVICII BANCARE ELECTRONICE-INTERNET BANKING STUDIU DE CAZ LA BCR Introducere CAP 1.Particularităţi ale serviciilor electronice bancare pe piaţa românească 1.1 Sistemul electronic de plăţi in România 1.2 Instrumente de plată electronice 1.3 Prezentarea serviciilor bancare electronice 1.4 Analiza serviciului de internet banking în România CAP 2.Prezentarea serviciului de internet banking al BCR 2.1 Prezentarea generală BCR 2.2 Analiza componentelor serviciului de internet banking al BCR CAP 3.Studiu de caz.CLICK 24 BANKING BCR ŞI BT24 BANCA TRANSILVANIA CAP 4.Concluzii Bibliografie Introducere Serviciile bancare la distanţa,denumite generic “remote banking” sunt considerate reprezantative pentru noua economie,deoarece constituie unul dintre produsele tipice ale acesteia.La început ,infrastructura informaţională a fost considerată de bancile dezvoltate din lume ca o simplă posibilitate de creare a unor noi canale electronice de distribuţie a produselor existente.Din acest motiv,serviciile bancare la distanţa au primit denumirea de servicii electronice sau e-banking. Cu timpul,investitiile în tehnologie au fost tot mai mari,concomitent cu procesul de invoare a produselor bancare,ceea...
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...Banks have traditionally been in the forefront of harnessing technology to improve their products and services. The Banking industry of the 21st century operates in a complex and competitive environment characterized by these changing conditions and highly unpredictable economic climate. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is at the centre of this global change curve of Electronic Banking System in Tanzania today. (Stevens 2002). Assert that they have over the time, been using electronic and telecommunication networks for delivering a wide range of value added products and services, managers in Banking industry in Tanzania cannot ignore Information Systems because they play a critical impact in current Banking system, they point out that the entire cash flow of most fortune Banks are linked to Information System. The application of information and communication technology concepts, techniques, policies and implementation strategies to banking services has become a subject of fundamental importance and concerns to all Banks and indeed a prerequisite for local and global competitiveness Banking. The advancement in Technology has played an important role in improving service delivery standards in the Banking industry. In its simplest form, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and deposit machines now allow consumers carry out banking transactions beyond banking...
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...AN INTERNET BANKING SYSTEM Computer Science Honours Documentation 2012 Author: Mohamed Hassan Ali Student Number: 3270152 Supervisor: Mr. Michael Norman Department of Computer Science A mini-thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. Honours. ABSTRACT The adoption of Electronic Banking by commercial enterprises has been in existence since the mid 90s, much greater in number due to lower operating costs associated with it. Electronic banking has initially been in the form of automatic teller machines and telephone transactions. More recently, it has been transformed by the Internet, a new delivery channel for banking services that benefits both customers and banks. Internet banking system services can include: Open an account, Balance enquiry, Request for Cheque book, Beneficiary payments (EFT), Viewing monthly. Furthermore, customer’s application for electronic banking facilities is expanding as the cost savings on transactions over the Internet are significant. i PLAGIARISM DECLARATION I, Mohamed Hassan Ali, certify that this project is my own work. I understand what plagiarism is and I have used quotations and references to fully acknowledge all the words and ideas of others, which we have used in our project. I have not copied anyone else's project. I have also not permitted anyone to copy my project. Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost I am ever...
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...Bangladesh Liberation War, 1971 By: Alburuj Razzaq Rahman th 9 Grade, Metro High School, Columbus, Ohio The Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 was for independence from Pakistan. India and Pakistan got independence from the British rule in 1947. Pakistan was formed for the Muslims and India had a majority of Hindus. Pakistan had two parts, East and West, which were separated by about 1,000 miles. East Pakistan was mainly the eastern part of the province of Bengal. The capital of Pakistan was Karachi in West Pakistan and was moved to Islamabad in 1958. However, due to discrimination in economy and ruling powers against them, the East Pakistanis vigorously protested and declared independence on March 26, 1971 under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. But during the year prior to that, to suppress the unrest in East Pakistan, the Pakistani government sent troops to East Pakistan and unleashed a massacre. And thus, the war for liberation commenced. The Reasons for war Both East and West Pakistan remained united because of their religion, Islam. West Pakistan had 97% Muslims and East Pakistanis had 85% Muslims. However, there were several significant reasons that caused the East Pakistani people to fight for their independence. West Pakistan had four provinces: Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and the North-West Frontier. The fifth province was East Pakistan. Having control over the provinces, the West used up more resources than the East. Between 1948 and 1960, East Pakistan made 70%...
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...of Internet Banking and customer behavior The financial service industry plays very important role in the development of any country especially in country like India where service industry is contributing app. 48% of overall GDP And also financial sector is growing at the rate of 8.02% (according to SBI). By knowing such a huge importance of banking industry in India, it is very important to monitor and access new development in the industry. And one of the major development that happened in past decade was emergence of core banking which helps banks to move fast and provide better services to their customer. Due to core banking various new technologies came in to periphery of banking. These technology have change the definition of Banking. One of the major technology that is playing important role in last 5-7 years is Internet Banking services. Commercial banks across the region have invested hundreds of millions of rupees in developing required infrastructure as per the guideline of RBI for providing better experience to customer. Now with the help of net banking and other electronic banking services customer can access all banking services anywhere and anytime 24x7. This study is conducted to know How the customer especially youth reacting towards net banking services? Are they cashing the benefits? Why and Why not they are using it? What is Internet Banking? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet Banking? Online banking (or Internet banking...
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...Customer Perception towards Internet Banking –with special reference to State Bank of Mysore, Shivamogga District Introduction Information technology plays a major role in shaping industries all over the world obviously banks reply heavily on IT in conducting their business and spend huge amounts of money on such technology to reduce operation costs and gain the competitive advantage over their rivals by offering customer s better services through ATM machines .telephone banking (mobile banking), net banking and more Evidently in the last decades in internet banking. It started with the computerization of braches and then expanded to channels like ATM, Net banking, phone banking, mobile banking etc., as any bank customer will testify the banking industry has dramatically changed the standards of delivery over the past two decades. Review of literature Mahesh and Dr. S.B. Akash (2009) both researchers opened that information technology plays a vital role in order to develop information collection system, storage, processing and transmission and distribution etc. And it was regard as the main driving forces for the changes in banking industry. The banking environment radically changed since the 1930’s, in particularly the development of information technology and it facilitates banking industry to increases the efficiency of banking service and decreases the cost of banking operations. Scope of the Study The scope of the study is restricted to shivamogga city...
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...UBL Omni Branchless Banking UBL Omni now brings a host of banking services to your nearest "Dukaan". UBL Omni Dukaans are located in more than 100 cities and towns across Pakistan. This is a major milestone in the evolution of banking that will reshape the traditional banking model by offering basic banking services across urban and rural Pakistan, well beyond the regular branch networks of banks. Customers across Pakistan can now open a UBL Omni bank account at any UBL Omni Dukaan of their choice, whether close to their home or place of work, by using their CNIC number and mobile phone number - their mobile phone number will effectively become their bank account number irrespective of which service provider they use. UBL Omni account holder will subsequently be able to deposit and withdraw cash, make utility bill payments, send or receive money, purchase mobile card vouchers, make postpaid mobile bill payment and much more by using diversified array of convenient channels which includes UBL Netbanking/ WAP, SMS, Contact Centre or ATM. No longer will they have to visit a bank branch to conduct their basic banking transactions nor will they be limited by standard banking hours. People without a UBL Omni bank account will also be entertained at a UBL Omni Dukaan where they can make utility bill payments, send or receive money, purchase mobile card vouchers and make postpaid mobile bill payments. Bills Payment Why stand in long queues or worry about payment of...
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...their customers to do online banking as it is very easy and very convenient for the customers. It also reduces the congestion at a branch and saves more time of the customer. Also it requires less bank staff. There are many facilities and functionalities provided in the online banking system. They are as follows , * View balances of account * Statements of accounts(view or display) * Funds transfers * Between accounts * To other bank accounts or credit cards * Schedule payments (standing orders) * Status of issued and deposited cheques * Facility to stop payments of issued cheques * Request cheque books * View credit card statements * Settlement of credit card payments * Utility bill payments In Sri Lanka most of the customers fear and hesitate to do online banking as ICT and Computer literacy of customers are very poor. Also most of the customers do not trust the system and they insist on doing it the old fashion banking. However with the current technology and protected websites it is more secure doing online transactions. Banks has to be carefully when providing online banking facilities as the customer would move their funds into another banking institution if the system is not user friendly and if it cannot be accessed easily. With the high rate of development in the county most of the company’s request banks to promote online banking. In order to promote online banking bank should educate the customers...
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...INTRODUCTION As described in the chapter 1, the banking industry around the world has been changing very rapidly since the early 1970s. The industry has experienced a substantial change in competitive conditions as a result of a number of factors. Therefore, what makes an excellence bank strategy? What strategy as it applies to banking? Is it because of new competitors entering the financial services market made new approaches to servicing corporate clients? There are a lot of questions comes into our mind but we will answer all the questions later. For your information, banks potray themselves as a “One Stop Financial Services Centre”. Banks no longer remain in their traditional service market because they are now more aggressive in providing a full menu of services that will cater for its customer’s needs. Therefore, what is the type of services that bank provide for their customers that make them satisfied with the speed efficiency and cost involved? Then, as described in the chapter 2, we can conclude that the main goal of any financial service organization is to create for itself a “sustainable competitive advantage” in the market place. So, in order to do this, it has to generate products, services or ideas that offer superior value for its customers that is not easily imitated by competitors. Financial services especially banks should used 4Ps which is price, product, place and promotion for their marketing tools for influencing customers. Therefore, in this assignment...
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