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Internet Censorship In The United States

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The Internet allows people across the world to communicate from anywhere around the globe.
In order to communicate over the internet, each computer must connect to the internet using their Internet Protocol address (IP), this is usually a temporary address as most internet users may connect through their internet service carrier. The internet gives people in most countries freedom to communicate, do business and build friendships, learning about each other’s culture as well as positively impacting countries’ economic system. However, many countries, especially those of communist tendencies are very strict about what they want to be shared over the Internet. To preventing hackers, worm and viruses from affecting a computer system, a firewall is installed. A firewall is a software …show more content…
The internet while intended to be use for good purposes has been known as well for some of the problems that it has created. These are not limited to cyberbullying, sexual predators using it to lure unsuspecting underage and even desperate adults in to traumatic situations. In the USA the first amendment gives its citizen the freedom to say what they feel. However, many countries around the world, especially those with communist views such as North Korea and Russia, make this impossible; and refusing to abide by internet censorship may result in imprisonment or persecution by the government. As an African American whose ancestors faced voting censorship in the 1960s, I am very much against internet censorship. Internet censorship restricts people’s freedom to do and say what they feel and want. It allows for prejudice and inequality to exist. It also places power in the hands of a few people instead of the majority. Internet censorship should not be allowed and democratic countries around the world should join together and do all they can to combat this activity, and help to open up the firewalls that will allow people in these countries to share their thoughts and

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