...Internet Field Trip Forecasting Methods Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning refers to the process of scanning the media to identify emerging issues to enable organizations or individuals to anticipate and respond to changes in the external environment. Scanning is meant to provide strategic intelligence to the strategic planning process by identifying changing trends and potential developments, monitoring them, forecasting their future pattern and assessing their impacts. The objective of scanning is to look over the widest range of possible factors and to identify connections with the organization's function or business, and especially to identify the significant positive or negative effects those could have on the organization and its activities. Scanning may be active or passive. Passive scanning is what most people do when they read journals or newspapers. (Methods and Approaches of Futures Studies) Judgmental Method Judgmental Forecasting is the most common method of actual Forecasting. especially when the decision to be undertaken is critical and exact data required is unavailable or unreliable. Such methods are particularly useful when historical data is scarce. This method is used when the forecaster views himself as an expert in the area. Judgmental Forecasting may be based on theory and/or actual analysis of data, but, no formal decision rule exists to lead to ultimate forecast. It is sometimes argued that subjective analysis is useful in...
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...Classroom Activities and Behaviors Classroom setup can dramatically affect students' attitudes toward learning and their habits of learning. Students need an environment that is organized, stimulating, and comfortable in order to learn effectively. One way a teacher can create this type of learning environment is by creating learning centers throughout his or her classroom along with instructional areas. Take the physical features of your classroom into account when planning out what type of learning centers you want to have in your classroom. As the year progresses, you can add different kinds of learning centers to fit your classes. When sitting up your learning centers you not only want to take in the physical features of your classroom. You also need to consider the age of your students, the number of students and the type of activities you want to be conducted. Learning centers consist of multiple stations for children to rotate through. Stations may contain activities from different subjects, such as math, science and reading, or different activities related to the same topic. Using learning centers in your classroom is a fun way for students to experience hands-on learning independently or in small groups. It also opens up possibilities for you to work with small groups or individual students. One type of learning center that is valuable for young children is a reading center. A reading center is a place for students to read independently or quietly with...
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...interest formed? I want to say developmental disabilities population has selected me to be a part of their population. I am very luck to work for a wonderful agency call HeartShare Human Services of New York. I was never interested in working in the developmental disabilities field because I was afraid of the unknown of the population. I thought the worst of this population, I though about the bad behavior, diaper changing, and taken a client down in public. To my surprise my clients are so far from the stereotype I had in my mind. HeartShare has helped New Yorkers develop to their fullest potential and lead meaningful lives. We are a community-based organization providing a wide range of services to children and adults with developmental disabilities, families in crisis, and people with HIV/AIDS. Our mission is to help each person we assist become as independent as possible. HeartShare serves more than 25,000 New Yorkers annually at more than 60 program locations. To learn more about our services, please visit each program area (www.heartshare.org/programs/). What do you bring to the field of helping what would benefit this specific population? The skills I bring to the developmental disabilities field for helping what would benefit this specific population are my people skills, social skills, my listening skills....
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...Homework Chapter 12 MAT 540 WK 2 Quiz 2 Chapter 11,12 MAT 540 WK 3 Assignment 1 – JET Copies Case Problem MAT 540 WK 3 Homework Chapter 14 MAT 540 WK 4 Assignment 2 – Internet Field Trip MAT 540 WK 4 Homework Chapter 15 MAT 540 WK 5 Midterm Exam MAT 540 WK 6 Homework Chapter 2 MAT 540 WK 6 Quiz 3 Chapter 2 MAT 540 WK 7 Assignment 3 Case Problem – Julia’s Food Booth MAT 540 WK 7 Homework Chapter 3 MAT 540 WK 8 Homework Chapter 4 MAT 540 WK 8 Quiz 4 Chapter 4 MAT 540 WK 9 Homework Chapter 5 MAT 540 WK 9 Quiz 5 Chapter 9 MAT 540 WK 10 Assignment 4 Case Problem – Stateline Shipping and Transport Company MAT 540 WK 10 Homework Chapter 6 MAT 540 WK 11 Final Exam Course Home Work aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of MAT 540 Entire Course Latest Strayer in order to ace their studies. MAT 540 ENTIRE COURSE LATEST STRAYER To purchase this visit following link: https://coursehomework.com/product/mat-540-entire-course-latest-strayer/ Contact us at: HELP@COURSEHOMEWORK.COM MAT 540 ENTIRE COURSE LATEST STRAYER MAT 540 WK 1 Homework Chapter 1,11 MAT 540 WK 1 Quiz 1 Chapter 1,11 MAT 540 WK 2 Homework Chapter 12 MAT 540 WK 2 Quiz 2 Chapter 11,12 MAT 540 WK 3 Assignment 1 – JET Copies Case Problem MAT 540 WK 3 Homework Chapter 14 MAT 540 WK 4 Assignment 2 – Internet Field Trip MAT 540 WK 4 Homework Chapter 15 MAT 540 WK 5 Midterm Exam MAT 540 WK 6 Homework Chapter 2 MAT 540 WK 6 Quiz 3 Chapter 2 MAT 540 WK 7 Assignment 3 Case Problem...
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...Analysis In Vietnam, the trend of domestic tourist today has changed to travel oversea. People do not want to travel one place many times. Even though, there are many beautiful places in Vietnam, it is still a small country. Therefore, the number of domestic tourist is not enough to fulfill the company’s schedule of opening tours. Unlike Thai Land and other countries in the area, Vietnam just opened for foreign investment in the field of tourism a couple of years ago. In the past, the foreigners could be upset about the quality of service, infrastructure, and transportation, but they could be satisfied totally through the new face of tourism industry of this country. Beside that, according to Pacific Asia Travel Association report, the growth of international arrival into Southeast Asia increased 14% and 11% in the first two months of this year 2012 respectively (Southeast Asia Continues, 2012). It is a good point of time to establish many packages of tour for the foreign tourist. Hao Phuong Travel Company has more than ten years of experiences in the field of domestic tourism. It is the right time for company to expand its business by opening feature tour package for the foreigners. 2.1 Market Summary United States is a large country and giant market for tourism. Different cultures and environments usually influence the habits of travel. Americans have their distinct habits of taking vacations in special occasions as their pleasure. An interesting statistic from Deloitte LLP...
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...Algebra 1: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Lesson Plan for week 2 Age/Grade level: 9th grade Algebra 1 # of students: 26 Subject: Algebra Major content: Algebraic Expressions Lesson Length: 2 periods of 45 min. each Unit Title: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of terms. Lesson #: Algebra1, Week 2 Context This lesson is an introduction to Algebra and its basic concepts. It introduces the familiar arithmetic operators of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in the formal context of Algebra. This lesson includes the simplification of monomial and polynomial expressions using the arithmetic operators. Because the computational methods of variable quantities follows from the computational methods of numeric quantities, then it should follow from an understanding of basic mathematical terminology including the arithmetic operators, fractions, radicals, exponents, absolute value, etc., which will be practiced extensively prior to this lesson. Objectives • Students will be able to identify basic algebraic concepts including: terms, expressions, monomial, polynomial, variable, evaluate, factor, product, quotient, etc. • Students will be able to simplify algebraic expressions using the four arithmetic operators. • Students will be able to construct and simplify algebraic expressions from given parameters. • Students will be able to evaluate algebraic expressions. • Students...
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...Analysis Website Of Travel Of Travelling Website Expedia.com World's 2nd travel website Expedia is an Internet-based travel website based in the US with localised sites for 22 countries : (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada,Denmark, France, Germany,India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, SouthKorea, Mal aysia, Mexico, Netherlands, NewZealand, Norway,Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, UK, US). Expedia was started by Microsoft and later spun off as a multi-billion dollar company because it was "no longer about software intensive technology" and they were "concerned that they would not do their best at this." In October 2012, an advert for Expedia, titled "Find Your Understanding" As the world’ s largest online travel agency, their goal is to help plan a great trip with the best prices. Expedia offers : Hotels Flights Car-rentals Cruises Activities Easy to use. Very exciting. Wonderful graphics. Options that encourage travel What is ‘ Advertising Stickiness ’ ? (advertising) a research measure that captures the extent to which viewers wish to spend more time looking at or reading a print ad. The low stickiness rating helped explain why its ad’s brand linkage rating was so low: people were turned off by the blurriness of the main photo. Stickiness and Websites When a website is sticky, it means that there's something about it that makes Internet users want to return. Many websites use the advertising revenue model; however, some are more successful at...
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...Home-school: Is There a Reason? In the Fall of 2000, a six year old girl is sitting in her kindergarten classroom waiting for her mom to pick her up. While she waits, she starts cleaning up around her desk and cubbyhole. When her mom come, the teacher gives the girl a hug and the all students waved goodbye, as the girl walk out of the classroom with her mom. This was the girl’s last day of school, public school that is. The girl’s parents pull her out of the public school to homeschool her. Some friends of the parents told them that they started a home school program, and that they should let their daughter join the program before another year of school starts. So the parents ask their daughter if she want to try home schooling. The girl said she would try homeschooling only if she can go back to public school if she does not like being homeschooled. A couple of months after that, the girl started homeschooling. When you think of Homeschooling, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think of a child being pulled out of public school for bad school environment, such as bullying and negative peer-pressure? Maybe you think of a child with special or personal needs?Or, do you think of a child that would be socially shelter from his/hers peers? For some, these are the first conclusions about homeschoolers, but are any of these conclusions true? That 6 year old girl was me 12 years ago, and I remember the first day I started home schooling, I was quite unsure how is...
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...The possible advantages of the Internet in the classroom are as diverse as the services and tools offered by the network. The Internet offers many resources that are not usually available in any books. In addition to these resources, the Internet also improves various skills of its users. Communication and writing skills can be directly affected through the use of the Internet. It may also help in areas such as critical thinking, problem solving, and group work. This section of the paper will elaborate on how the Internet provides access to resources and how it can enhance various skills for students. Many positive results have come from the invention of the Internet. One positive that has resulted from the Internet is the fact that you are always able to access research information anytime of the day or night. Besides research information there also is daily local and world news information. They also benefit from the Internet because there are so many websites prepares to learn from it. It can be a huge source for children trying to look up information for a school project or do homework. It also eliminates barriers for handicapped students who may have trouble getting to a library. It allows all students to have access to information whether or not their family has a set of encyclopedias. The use of networks can be a great motivator for students. On Net, there are lots of reading materials with impressive graphics and sound. They can catch kid's attention at first glimpse...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report was to analyze the conflict of intellectual property between both pharmaceutical research firms located in New Zealand and Venezuela. Specific objectives were to identify whether there exists any agreement on Intellectual property agreement between Venezuela and New Zealand, determine if the conference paper constitutes a piece of intellectual property and determine how to handle the situation with the two employees. Research found that New Zealand and Venezuela are parties to various international agreements. The report makes recommendations on what step to take should the firm be guilty of intellectual property infringement, dealing with the two employees involved in the research and putting a process in place to avoid such occurrence. In addition the report recommends re-circulating of the non disclosure agreement and the firm's contract of employment around the organisation to be read and signed again by all employees. INTRODUCTION Intellectual property rights are the rights given to people over the creations of their minds; inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Intellectual property relates to items of information or knowledge, which can be incorporated in tangible objects at the same time in an unlimited number of copies at different locations anywhere in the world. Intellectual property rights are also characterized by certain limitations, such as limited...
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...ICMP Vulnerabilities and its Countermeasures By Shweta Jhunjhunwala (MITS,Lakshmangarh) Kriti Goenka (MITS, Lakshmangarh) Sandeep Tanwar (GPMCE,IP University, Delhi) Abstract: To prevent distributed denial of service (dDoS) attack via ICMP (ping). 1. Introduction ICMP or The Internet Control Message Protocol is the de facto protocol used to communicate error messages reporting errors that might have occurred while transferring data over networks. ICMP messages are sent in several situations: for example, when adatagram cannot reach its destination, when the gateway does not have the buffering capacity to forward a datagram, and when the gateway can direct the host to send traffic on a shorter route. The purpose of these control messages is to provide feedback about problems in the communication environment, not to make IP reliable.There are still no guarantees that a datagram will be delivered or a control message will be returned.Some datagrams may still be undelivered without any report of their loss.The higher level protocols that use IP must implement their own reliability procedures if reliable communication is required. The ICMP messages typically report errors in the processing of datagrams.To avoid the infinite regress of messages about messages etc., no ICMP messages are sent about ICMP messages.Also ICMP messages are only sent about errors in handling fragment zero of fragemented datagrams.(Fragment zero has the fragment offeset equal zero). ICMP...
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...Setting high expectations for responsible student behavior is an essential part of any teacher’s education plan. The knowledge and understanding of these expectations will help students learn valuable skills within social settings, as well as teach them the important fact that there will always be consequences to all of their actions. These expectations are effective teaching tools during in-class activities as well as out-of-class activities. One very common in-class activity would be students answering question during any given lesson. It is very common during this time of the school day for students to begin asking questions randomly, which can disrupt the teacher’s rhythm and interrupt the entire lesson. A behavioral expectation for this activity would be for the students to raise their hand when they have a question, and then wait to be called on before they ask it. This behavior will help students understand the value and importance of patience as well as begin to condition them to recognize and accept acceptable patterns of behavior. Another behavioral expectation would be for the students to only ask questions that are relevant to the lesson at hand. It is very easy for young children to drift of topic and begin asking questions about subjects they would rather be discussing. By requiring students to only ask questions that pertain to the immediate topic of discussion, they are more likely to stay focused and gain a better understanding of the lesson being taught....
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...MILESTONE 2 - PROBLEM ANALYSIS Problems, Opportunities, Objectives, and Constraints Matrix. T he matrix should be completed based on the solution of Milestone 1, the case background information, and the user interviews. The students should try to identify the causes and effects of the problems identified in Milestone 1. Make sure students identify a cause and not restate the problem. Also, make sure they specify proper objectives to correct the problems. You will have a multitude of different answers. Evaluate their thought processes. The following matrix illustrates one possible solution. PROBLEMS, OPPORTUNITIES, OBJECTIVES AND CONSTRAINTS MATRIX |Project: Client Technology Tracking System |Project Manager: Peter Charles | |Created by: Anna Kelly |Last Updated by: Anna Kelly | |Date Created: 03/22/2006 |Date Last Updated: 03/22/2006 | |CAUSE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS |SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT OBJECTIVES ...
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...developed by researchers over the years. By studying congestion control techniques used in TCP implementation software and network hardware we can better comprehend the performance issues of packet switched networks and in particular, the public Internet. 1 Introduction There has been some serious discussion given to the potential of a large-scale Internet collapse due to network overload or congestion [6], [17]. So far the Internet has survived, but there has been a number of incidents throughout the years where serious problems have disabled large parts of the network. Some of these incidents have been a result of algorithms used or not used in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [19]. Others are a result of problems in areas such as security, or perhaps more accurately, the lack thereof [24]. The popularity of the Internet has heightened the need for more bandwidth throughout all tiers of the network. Home users need more bandwidth than the traditional 64Kb/s channel a telephone provider typically allows. Video, music, games, file sharing and browsing the web requires more and more bandwidth to avoid the “World Wide Wait” as it has come to be known by those with slower and often heavily congested connections. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who provide the access to the average home customer have had to keep up as more and more users get connected to the information superhighway. Core backbone providers have had to ramp up their infrastructure to support...
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...Yiming Sun ------------------------------------------------- Student ID: i144996 Introduction Marketing via the internet is a very dynamic phenomenon, since websites suddenly emerge and widely spread, it alter the way of people operating business and acquiring information. It is unquestioned that the centrality of internet in modern society. Nearly all aspects of modern life are operated and stayed online, such as communication, commerce, education, entertainment and so on. This trend was noticed by marketers and advertisers as well. Numerous companies advertise, sell and promote products and services via the internet. The successful marketing on the internet fulfill the development of a company. This essay wil throw light upon the e-marketing strategy of the New Zealand flag carrier -- the Air New Zealand Airline group. The principles, nature and scope of Air New Zealand’s e-marketing strategy will be analysed. In addition, this essay will explain the opportunities and challenges faced by the company when carry out e-marketing strategy. And lastly, micro and macro environment factors that impact the e-marketing strategy will be discussed in this essay as well. Discussion Air New Zealand adopted series of e-marketing strategies, and as a result, it displayed a stable increase of profit even though there is a integral shrink in airline field (Freed, 2014).The vision of Air New Zealand is to strive to be the number one in every market, the services provided to customers...
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