Premium Essay

Internet Marketing


Submitted By arippaan
Words 23948
Pages 96
Table of Contents
Disclaimer....................................................................................................................................................... i
About this eBook........................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Top 10 Secret Weapons for Internet Success ............................................................................................... 5
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Market Research and Niche Targeting.................................................................................................... 17
Google Keyword Tool .......................................................................................................................... 17
Advanced Keyword Tool and Competition Minimization ................................................................... 20
Building Professional-Looking Websites Quickly (Baby Steps) ............................................................... 23
Domain Registration ........................................................................................................................... 23
Hosting Account Sign-Up and Domain Integration

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Internet Marketing

...for their products to major cities in Malaysia. The objectives of this tasks are: 1. To identify the elements of internet marketing for 2. To evaluate the internet marketing mix for 3. To compare the internet marketing tools that implement 4. To examine the interactive order processing in SECTION 2 : BODY Nowadays, many businesses optimise the use of the internet to advertise and sell their products or services rather than the traditional brick-and-mortar way. The term internet marketing best describes those kinds of businesses., an online florist applies the functions of internet marketing in their business. According to Jen Williams on Search Engine Journal, internet marketing is the process of promoting a brand, products or services over the Internet. Its broad scope includes email marketing, electronic customer relationship management and any promotional activities that are done via wireless media. It also combines the technical and creative aspects of the World Wide Web such as advertising, designing, development and sales. Moreover, Internet Marketing also deals with creating and placing ads throughout the various stages of customer engagement cycle (Williams, 2012). Apart from that, Vangie Beal on Webopedia defines internet marketing as advertising and marketing efforts that use the web and email to drive direct sales via electronic commerce, in addition to sales leads from...

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