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Interpreting Authoritative Parenting Style

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Why you should consider Authoritative parenting style
There are many studies on parenting styles ( Abell, Clawson, Washington, Post, Vaughn...Etc. ) In all of their studies, they talk about the 3 main styles of parenting. Authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. Authoritarian style of parenting has high demands and low responsiveness. Authoritarian parents have very high expectations of their children, and their mistakes are not taken lightly but rather are punished harshly. Children of Authoritarian parents tend to have low self esteem, low self worth and lack basic trust in people. They also are more likely to show signs of psychological problems like depressions and anxiety. They also tend to lack in imagination and creativity due to the fact that they are trained to have good grades. …show more content…
Permissive parents have very low demands and high responsiveness. They tend to be very loving yet provide few guidelines and rules. These parents do not expect mature behavior from their children, and are usually seen as a friend rather than a parent figure. Children of Permissive parents might be more creative and assertive, but they also could grow up insecure, and lacking in self direction. The child's decisions tend to be impractical and illegal. The last kind of parenting is Authoritative parenting, not to be confused with authoritarian parenting. Authoritative parenting has reasonable demands and high responsiveness. The parents might have high expectations for their children, but they also give their kids the resources and support they need to succeed. Children of Authoritative parents are more likely to become independent, self reliant, socially accepted, have academical success, and be well behaved. They are also less likely to report depression and anxiety, they are also less likely to

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