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Interregional Slave Trade In The United States

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Interregional Slave Trade
Slave trade refers to the commercial purchase and sale of slaves; whereby, a slave is a person considered as a property of another person. The social practice of owning other people as property is referred as slavery. The institution of slavery and slave trade in the United States of America, encompassed the shipping of slaves from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas, where they were required to provide labor. Notably, the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade is approximated to have lasted from the year 1526 to 1867 (Muhammad, 2003). However, the importation of slaves in the United States of America was abolished by Congress in 1808 , hence paving way to the Second Middle Passage, also called as Interregional …show more content…
Thus, the regional slave trade, resulted to the purchase and sale of slaves amongst the different states of the United States depending on the relative demand and supply of slaves in the different states which made the country (Collins, 1904). Thus, the trading operations of the second middle ages, had a significant impact on the distribution of slaves in the United States, since it resulted to the relocation of slaves from one state to the other depending on their respective …show more content…
Considerably, the boom of domestic slave trade came at a time when many of the states of the old south were in a state of economic transition from being purely dependent on agriculture following instances of soil exhaustion and population pressure which was experienced in these states. Thus, the interregional slave trade formed a major economic activity for many of the old south states. As Pritchett (2017), stipulates the emergence of the business, show many of the old southern states such as Virginia resort to the economic activity of breeding slaves for sale. The lucrative nature of the business was particularly enhanced by the fact that many of the old southern states, had acquired a substantial number of slaves before the abolition of international slave trade in 1808, who it could easily breed and sale (Tadman, 1999). Therefore, domestic slave trade had a huge economic implication on the old southern states, since it became an alternative source of revenue to that could help revitalize this states following the decline of agricultural activities due to soil

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