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Fireflies On The Water Analysis

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For something to be considered “special” it has to be striking, uncommon, and appeal to our positive emotional mental functions. As stated in “The Core of Art: Making Special” by Ellen Dissanayake, “...not all aesthetic making special is art” (Dissanayake 56). A police interrogation room may be uncommon because of the way the room is designed, but this does not make it art. Art is a way of expressing something special. Striking is defined as: “attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent” ( If you see Yayoi Kusama’s “Fireflies on the Water” you would call it striking. Standing in a twelve by ten room with mirrors on all of the walls, water reflecting on the ground, and one-hundred fifty lights hanging like fireflies, you stare into a darkness filled with brightness. This is a peaceful version of never-ending darkness and intimate space. On the other hand, sitting in a police interrogation room, it is also very striking because of the unusual design of the room. No colors, decorations, or windows, except the one way glass mirror and the camera in the corner of the ceiling, watching your every move. The table that you sit at with one …show more content…
When your Mother calls you “special” a positive emotional feeling consumes our body. A smile crosses our face as a glow radiates from within us. It gives us special gratification and a feeling that can’t be held inside, thus a feeling of aesthetic making special. This is how you feel when you stand in Kusama’s work of art, unlike being in an interrogation room where your mind and heart are racing. Just being in this room makes you worried, upset, and nervous. The stress of an interrogation room is a negative place to be. Thus, the feelings of a positive mental appeal cannot be found in an interrogation room, but in the peaceful installation, “Fireflies on the

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