...tl M *trm-u+4Q 2.'fP. OST DEvELoPMENT IOOI PERsPEcTIvEs YEAA Tll'DY OF I 6EMEETER tl cREDt!POttiT! 2 cotl^cl 80uR tER WEEK COMPUI!ORY COURSE . IN MODEOFTE CHINC !€.1!l€., Sorln6l!, hdtvtdiJ.l and Goup Arlig^;nl Developmsnt a transforma$on as of society (Strategy) What Daveloplnent? la D6v6lopmonthss d6fnoa3an€ctol b€en ot orrnlarslne or flliJ,onuj:n "'otno'nn a process,n whtch somothlng pa6sos bv (o o6gr€6s a dlffelonl stagg, alsols a_transfonhlng people,swayB ot th€ of Ntng/oohg lhtn9!for the bet6r ons. Changlng pgopto ud6! poslfl al vety. Development Shategy . Oevolopment strategy dein€ as th6 19 screnca artofualnohe forceof6 and natlon soclety) 6xecul6 (or to approve (long t6rm)plans eff6cflve pos3iblo as a3 rormebetterment th6soclety. of COUR!E OBJECTIVES -,#fi ,.fi,i#;l},,.j:#i^ijnft fiHl:l?.ffil , tn'.*".'lsj,ff ::;.,*,i.Si".*:*f : rH:i:#:Titffi,1^1:ff t-' *."H'ffi'.Tffi;f"tff :J,J^--."** Whlt l. StEteey? t*ii3ii"i.o:,1i":;ll;r dosr! to sctron n6d . Olvon d€flnl tht! on ol dovotoomont. it t. :fi'Jjlit,$ililt;iffi i::ffi"HjH::?" loclery,|n tdan fytnoth6 b8.rtoru to, ar wetl a! polon0dc6lalylt3 chan06, for, frni"{i{i"}i*fd'jllJ}lf i*:lrr Dettermonl socl6ty. of tho Developmenta transformaflon as of soctety (strategy) ' atransformailon otiJffi"nt'uot"""nte . a movementfrom tradlonal rala{on3, . tradluonql ofthlnklng, ways ways, ' tradlllonat...
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