Free Essay



Submitted By Mabusi
Words 2585
Pages 11

M *trm-u+4Q
tl cREDt!POttiT! 2 cotl^cl 80uR tER WEEK
!€.1!l€., Sorln6l!, hdtvtdiJ.l and Goup

Developmsnt a transforma$on as of society
What Daveloplnent? la D6v6lopmonthss d6fnoa3an€ctol b€en ot orrnlarslne or flliJ,onuj:n "'otno'nn

a process,n whtch somothlng pa6sos bv
o6gr€6s a dlffelonl stagg, alsols a_transfonhlng people,swayB ot th€ of Ntng/oohg lhtn9!for the bet6r ons.
pgopto ud6! poslfl al vety.

. Oevolopment strategy dein€ as th6
screnca artofualnohe forceof6 and natlon soclety) 6xecul6
to approve (long t6rm)plans eff6cflve pos3iblo as a3 rormebetterment th6soclety. of COUR!E

-,#fi ,.fi,i#;l},,.j:#i^ijnft fiHl:l?.ffil , tn'.*".'lsj,ff ::;.,*,i.Si".*:*f

: rH:i:#:Titffi,1^1:ff t-' *."H'ffi'.Tffi;f"tff

Whlt l. StEteey?

t*ii3ii"i.o:,1i":;ll;r dosr! to sctron n6d
. Olvon d€flnl tht! on ol dovotoomont. it t.

:fi'Jjlit,$ililt;iffi i::ffi"HjH::?" loclery,|n tdan fytnoth6 b8.rtoru to, ar wetl a! polon0dc6lalylt3 chan06, for, frni"{i{i"}i*fd'jllJ}lf i*:lrr Dettermonl socl6ty. of tho

Developmenta transformaflon as of soctety
' atransformailon otiJffi"nt'uot"""nte

. a movementfrom tradlonal rala{on3,
. tradluonql ofthlnklng, ways ways,
' tradlllonat of deanO heanh wfih snd coucauon. m€thods
" tadltlonel ofprcduc0on,more to

It is important for us all to actively participate in posting any materials we may have so that we may always have a sufficient supply of materials online. You can easily share with your classmates any materials you may have by simply scanning them and forwarding them to “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened”



tt$tl{in"l*"' Li"
"i" "l,i'"" ,",
. x6ouc6lnfsnt monlJttu .

Altsocteflos a blsnd ar6 0nrerh;;.\

€xr6nd tll€lpam and
.- Inc'l6ls prcducr/vltu

' 3'l3lt"o,gg3" ,tlorr but m6e€ a ro
"* "

'#,f"iilT:"T'"ffi r&llfi li##sh,"-

Th" fo.. n"iffiffi n""d ljp{:,ff,gillir}ff

ff $"f"X"lnE".jrs,"j4oili1ig5*l i:x$fijf .;ifl;r,
ff#i&Ti,#:P#,?€"?"x,:sii" Alix#li fl".,}""ff;L:t The lessons history of u€!
['|7rffi ff H:t*fix'pp'io'ch6s

Thelessons history of cont,






Forlhls govemmont! lho muslptey lmDortsnt an 3.-Tho Aslan


*l ofEast iiilTll,gl"yL"J "ounhres

iiiri_"i, trfr Ui1*Illl:ffi


4,Ti€ Es3tAsiSn crisls: . a reduc on of poveny,

. ev6na proces! of dsrDocratr on.



Theprinciptes the-li of stratsgy

Th" of '1969,ru
"on."pt d"u"toffi srrategies *nwr*'n:ur.dJ:m"r



rh. ol ""*,,o !.i ronh vr.ron

. Thtswlll rsduco pov6rtv. 3


TheconcePt develoPmenl strategies . Thb vldon R€y .t$Fc.

c€rlsln quannb ve !o6lt !!ct!

' *^*"f gi,gffi $ll!1,'3i:#[[?3ii'""*"
wgl6r.tnlLtlon hr. ntru6 6Ic l6lltr6nl, . sur lhs. .l! elotl.nts In d tare.b ror lnr lrgtulorrullo. po€a!, nol lha rl.Dn d m.

documont: st€togyls a llving
A dev€lopment
. ll n6rdalo lel lotth howlt b io bs c|!6t6d,
. 6vb6d endadoPled
. th€ ptlcoss ol P€rtlclpauon consonsus . themeeffibywhlch owl€rshlpand and
Elo b6obtained,
. howth€ d€talls b€ ll€6hed out. will

. ar$ n16vFbn no6dato hcldo 6 vl4 0l lh' rBn.lonn {on ol ln3lllu0on! .t\d ur6 ct aM oI

L%i"*'HRi$"iif'1fl or d.v.iogmnr
M.li6ncd in ln. Dl!6$

s€veral srategyfulfils Thedevelopment for as lunctions it s6F forthltsvlsion the fut!r€, '1.Devolopmont ailatoglearnd prlodtlgl ol 15 an . A kgyasp€ct pdodUzallon awarBnes-s ol Doroftt b€ lalk3hgveto don6
olh€lliask!, a . ForInslanco. €s36ntal eslabllsh lo be b6lor€ lramswork comp€llon androgulatory ollabllshe ll may
Ddvatlzatonior b€o536ni5lto bofor€capilal lrame'l/ork r€gulalory hnanclal sgcbr llboEllzatlon ma*61or llnanclal

ttrutogle! rnd
coordlnallon is . Having sens€ ofwhorethoeconomy a
Ther€mustb€ a golng ossgntial: ls 18
coordination as theeconomy to move
ofdevolopment to the nsxtstage tho inglanco appropatoinfrastructure' all and caplial Instltutions haveto human b6Inplace.



3tratoglo!!l con3€n!u3'
3, Oevolopmoni bullderg . Consensus-buildlng onlyan ls not politicaland parl importanl of schlevlng lo but
3tablllty alsoload8 sooiql and of 'owne€hlp" pollcl€s Insutution3 of whlch tum onhanc$thellkellhood ln thelrsucc€3s.

4, lranllormlng whole soclall6t as . Tobasflecllvg, stbmplto 3€No calalyst thls th6
to wllln€€d 6mbEc€ smblllout t€nllomauon socl€ty'wldo encoureglng In
. O6vgloomsnt
€florls3ucc66ded lr.nsletnno wrthouuanstomlng3ocl6t€! ln lhs t€chnology p|!c53! c€allng duallocl€tes wllh pock6Bor t€.hnologybtit ltfll€mor6 firoroadvsnc€d Participation, owner"hF;;;; rote outsiders of '1. lnd _OwnoBhlp panlclp.flon

;:;"fi l*'#l:t&i"..",#Tgil"". H3f; '"no''"'"'"".t,
|11"ffi to'




Theneed inctusionlil for d;li:riiiirr."
':";j"ilfili}"*ifi ''ff"",#ly#Jii:,J.]i'*'o'""?Jlii""*,


Cont. to soms ff i:Tl:""1*gi;r"fl""?":s6 orcups

' fff.f :i!:",T"%T#lTtrtff

of strategy _-development


's+*;l?+*i'id+ip,*'*i#;: ffiffii,ffi 7/31t201



(b)Public sector dovetopment.

. Th6d6votoptrEnr
!l6r69y nsd! ro p.y Dafltcltsf
Eflonrr@ lh€ puDuc t0 loctof.
. An6r6lt it lh6 Gov.mru.l
@nnorrunloo Il! M atraG, n@ c5n bo orpetod {o mnaco (or 6vo^ afi€cl sn.ppropdete Ey) thortistB otorhe6?
' T16 key quoslon boh nd $6 stEr€gy tor l^o oublc
3€clorr! lo rdonllryth6 Elo ot lhe G@smnEnt _ bolh wi. ho GovohrEntsholtddoand how lnootddoIt


rcrDnngtng aboLjl i€nsforma of soci€tv the on
. Whije
covemments simoly ar€ loo rcmotg, th6opportunites and tormeanlnaful padic palion too mit6d arc Cont.

(d) Famllydevelopm6nt.
Typ6rol ladty: t.mlt/ whtch
6n!t!l wtrhs s rcrnd !^d chfldo. ontwhlt. Errond€d


(c)Community dovslopment. Cornmv^ltl€solt6n most er€ ths

r.th6t3 ibth., chrdr6n, olhs/l9rsr.d end ' A nElord6t.mhanr ot !!c.€33 ln 6/3nOInconoo€f
4016 13 oopuhnon cowlh, d6dlbnB "4rtch.tem.'om
. Anolh€r rul.r dotoirntnanl b asnl5te
€due o.,
. Ths mpaci ot torot. sduelon h refl& ve ot th6 ke
rhalwomn p.y li oducai the nen no osn€6iio;

Resources, knowledge and institutions D6v6lopm6nt slretegies focuse3 that on flv€lavels-ln6privatss6ctor, Govgmm€nt, ths lhscommunty, housohold thsindivtdual the and
A socond sl th6d€vetopm6nt cul st€tsgy approach emphastzes ths t€v6ts whtch not on ll op6rdt6s, whallt mustpmvtd€, bul (s)R€source!. nr.d-,0,.r-b odbr I Err .r r.edio'.r,.@rc...

(e)Individual development . h tho €nd,|he rsnsfomaton ot society
a ransronnatbnot rhaway Indivlouals thinkend behave.
€ntalts empow€rmsnl th€ or hdrvrduals, sothat lhsy hav€mor6control ov€rths lorcBsthat aft€crlh€k hvss,so thatthev can havea richer,h6atthl€rtit6.
. Education healthare and at th€ cents of €llorls to ach 6ve indivduatd6velopmenl,

Nli 3otoulro don$y lh6 msi lmpon.ntdbtonbnsln rhoaconomv a n oh @ t n 6 v . r . r " r ,n ! r u ra * o u ,i ro r rn€3e/ar@srsandb € a d d c r B e mpacr,ot pot,c,€3
'o dtslnbulonEo

(c)Knowlsdgo manag€m€nt. D.volopm€nl feautrua cbllno th. 060notontvtn
'obj.ctr' 1^hurun..d phyJe/eptE, bur liro n




Knowl€d!. lnd €ph.t .l. /n tEct@md6mnt!: rhprovod kno*.dc. .nh..€3 rh€Btlh on eoMl
*hir€eddtlon. oppodun ro turo ly .cquod kn@t€d!6,

(o)Soclal organizationat and capttal
Arolhd toh ol eplls, b.yoM phylldt@pt€, hutuf
@ptr. endkno$ded!6. .t.o o!!6nfl.1tor . .uc@rsr! l! (d)S6ctor sub-national and skategles.

. Sal.l .nd dgEntallon.t
c.pfst e^not b.! ov6. ro 6 counry rrch ho tr mult ba dsvotoGd t6n
\'lnhln,6v.n ll knowt€dc. t6n abod k6v
IncEdr6.t. c3n t c l.te lh6 cl€slbn of tht. @id end oo€nrat on6t@pir6tTn. pacaotchsno6 andtho peroh or BrorumBl b6 edaptod lo.ach @unlfr,s
6On to cGstos@retrnd ry o.laht2aonatc€pllst

In mny c5!o!, ti k u!€tut to n5'w on€ s tocu! $.
Moro oconofit t0 a $dor,lo lonl€ i.dustry {th. h6atrh el. !.clor 0. acdcu[!€), lo ,orb @gron,6ad€s(an
!o3. !rr.i.!y) or to th€ ruEt .16


Consistency, coherence and completeness havs366n pt6ce! consiltuls vartouE that an ry-e srcctvodgv€topment sratooy strat€gy onvisioned i6 not
' Thedovolopm€nt h6rs a ons-l€ar ptan, 6ven llva-yesr or plan, a Forinstsncs frutBot€nhanctng th6 nutilo. or soucalon € prs€choot d wtI nolb€tultv to ch f6llunl a d€cadsor.nor6 tat6r . A]lhouoh pedicutsr the pdoriti$wi| differ torh counuy country b the|earc

. Educ.rlon, wtthout aduc.ltofi @u^rry enrct o.v6rop. ennol sfir&t andbutd trlod€m indurtd.6. snd


ne c/os'ic

a! 6p dry rh6

. Inrr.rtv.rur. enilde on! snd rBn.pongtbn_ t. v[6[or lh€@nduct otbul..!.In th.4Fdom world tl3 aFo n@3$ry io l!du@ lho..n!o ol t3oauonot rhola rn oovebphg @nfia., rtltch tr on. ot lh6 mir cdppho ert cl! ot undsrdlvobpnbnt.
. x..lrh€. unho.llhy potutetbn @nnot 6 p@dudh. b6 E@urro6,bc5us s b4tc rrandadot h6a[h.houtd
o. vr.*sd .18 tud.m.Et hutun .tdhl

ngful, vlsion actions the ' To b€ mean and musl bs36i*ilhlna cohsr€nt tram€wDrk. whtch requlr€3 ssnhgpriodti€s,
pannor8nlpand Inro taklng accountth€ olobal sndrcgbnat
! ln order have to succ€sstul d6veloOm€nl w€ ne€d setpdoritios. td€nlvnder€as lo on where lne|r[mitod aclton! h6v6 cen taQ+scet€€fl6c!!, anow16.a absonc€ r€qutstto th6 of
In6rr c€nhav6 dBasrrous 6ft6cr.

. Knowl€dg€-ttk€ educa|on, 6nrjchssrh6 tt numan spirit b6caus6, educaUon and lik6 end ho€lth, le€ds more lt toa prcduc 3oclstv. vo . C!plclty.bu dtng succ6ssfur dev6topm;nt. ande lucc6$tultransformaton, com6 must trcmWthtn countn/ the tt!€[.
(b)Padn6r!hlp counr.y and s!31sbnc€ strstogl€3: .

couhvya@n d€votoprunt
.hl69y Orovtdo.. th€n ^ ovo6[ r6'eo,,t tor thhkh! ebolr.
colntry,! Dta. ror cnEn!!. w htn ttur tdtrrrc/r, vidou! dm; rErirdrnc wodd 8ank,en ad .! Ddnn.Eh th€ tha @bpnanl tlloa uy taentt4anc wh.€ ih.y c.n b.

It is important for us all to actively participate in posting any materials we may have so that we may always have a sufficient supply of materials online. You can easily share with your classmates any materials you may have by simply scanning them and forwarding them to

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened”


. lheaercl6s Includ6 onty will not transfenjng capilal, elsoprovidinglh6 but knowisdgo is that €ssental d9v6lopm6nl capacity for and buitdlng, (c ) Corulstoncy thegtobatand ona with reg we hav€ss€n alllivscompononh the that ol d6v€lopm6nt stretogy int6n6lated: are For ln3tance, ltrat6gt63 ths pdvato lor s€ctor muslb€ compl€m6nled strat6glss lho by tor public s6c!cr; slretsgtss thonationa|ev€l and al musl compl6m€nl6d bs bystrat€glos the at Development strategy the and national ideology . Anerthelndependence
. Thogovernm6nt ofTanzania doclared thr6e enefties d€velopment of were poverty, ignorance dis6ases. and . Tofightthese enomies government the hasto cohe upwithdev€lopment strategies. lmplementation of development strategy 2.Tra nslormation (1963) appmach Laler
1963 govemmont the discoverEdrth€ soitoverwasv6rylitlle andstartodto runa new
Th6appoach lmplement€d wa6 lh(rugh provldlng setilem€ni
loanto tho36who havo docld€d g8bblbh to roilement sch6m6, In 1966th6govomment r6sllz.d thlsapprcach thst wa3 convincingjust tmprcvamentlh€n not as ths aoDroach aba6don. was Developmant strategy the and national ideology . Wh€tls ldeology?
. l3 tho !6t thetconstltute! on6'sooats, expoctetlon actlons, and . An ldoology b6lhoughtofa! e cen clmpEh6nalvo vl8lon, E wayoftooklng aa at thlngg, In common aa aon!6, by ' A36tofldeas pmpo3ed lhg domtnont cla36 a loclotyto 6ttftemb€Bof this of aocl€ty.

lmplementation of development strategy . Aft6r Indepondonca tho 1981to
the gov6mment lmplomsntod tho d€velopm6nt
througthefo owlng h a0Dloach:
1. rmpovement
sppoech borowed !/l''llat he!besndone ln thocolonlalgovommentandfoculod 6aa on tmprcvgm€ntof crop!andllvgglock ca8h Ptoductlon,

lmplementation of development strategy 3. TheArugha
markod snd of th6 lh6 ldoology adopt€d fromthocolonlal govemm6nt alongglde ltg wlth lmprcvement ran3formatlon ond appfoacne3.
natlonallzetlon ofallmajormeans prodlctlon, ot I

|mplementatlon of development strategy a. rh. vttt.ltlatbn prqrfi (10t3-70)
Th. ts r slr io ttsn.tom th. p.n!m ot ru€tt lt nl€nr
& con!|lcfltond rud oooutlrbn.
Yh. rd.. s.. torom n.$, vtll.g. wnbh6ujd teorn th. 0.d. rd . roddtd .y.t m ot Nduc on lh. vllLgl!.iton.nh.,r.. th. tolowtnC
. E.rlly p! ot toct.l r.fvjc.!, .,g, hrlhn,
. €..lly rolowmlng lhe&doly.
. In6.r. .odatctplr.t.
. Vlllao.Er.N. of tood,

6.Agrlcuttur€ 6 mafler |||6sndd6eth a! (j97+ ot 1975)(Klllmocha ns kuoomg). kurs Thogovommsnl thepurpo!6 lor ol6ncoureotno
ConCofulng ruralar6€ eqdcuttu|.l ss devtbpmJrl Introduca polcy urhlch n6w rnl€gtLd thameJodty tho ruratsn e to
cooporEta v/o* hed e! lha wayof and on@uraelng d€volopm€nt !r/a! to p€opl€in ruratar6as!o as to
0gdcultur6 th6kmsrjnumlevet.

€nsurod ellschootaosd thal chlldron shoutd r6gtsr€r6dpdhai schoo. b€ In
The€ss€nc€ tc €ltmlnats
dls€ases and ignoranc€.lfs ls notr€gist6r6d, chlld parcnts w€r6taken court,llngd ordered oo to end to backand chlldl6n school th6 to
schootsw€r6 sothatDooo coutd bull e oet lnilial knowtedg6 ski s and Cont...
7. Dec6ntralizallon gov€rnmont of funclion
Duringlhig psrioddistricland town council were abollshod and centraladmlnist ation dissolv€d
Inlo rogjonand djstrict.
8. 6lc.

. D6velopment strat€gy Tanzanla in togoth€r National wlth tdeology
ldgology) to thodevetopment l6ad otth6 natlonal ospeclally agrlcutturat
soclor slnc6lho govornmonl moro6ffort k€pt on
rathor lhsnanyothereconomlc 6otlvltio3.


It is important for us all to actively participate in posting any materials we may have so that we may always have a sufficient supply of materials online. You can easily share with your classmates any materials you may have by simply scanning them and forwarding them to
“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened”

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...Retention(n), retain verb (used with object) the ​continued use, ​existence, or ​possession of something or someone:Two ​influential ​senators have ​argued for the retention of the ​unpopular ​tax.The retention of ​old ​technology has ​slowed the company's ​growth.​water/​heat retention Particularly(adv) Especially(adv) Deter(v) to make someone less likely to do something, or to make something less likely to happen caydırmak, vazgeçirmek, yıldırmak Perception(n) BELIEF [C]› what you think or believe about someone or something algılama, sezgi, görme The public perception of him as a hero is surprising. NOTICE [U] the ability to notice something fark etme, farkına varma, tanıma, görme Alcohol reduces your perception of pain. Conationimpulse Unanimous agreed by everyoneoy birliği ile üzerinde uzlaşılan; herkesçe kabul edilen; genel kabul görenThe jury was unanimous in finding him guilty. unanimity     /ˌjuːnəˈnɪməti/ noun [U]› when everyone agrees about somethinggenel/toplumsal uzlaşı; oy birliği ile anlaşma; genel kabul; fikir birliğiunanimously adverb›oy birliği ile kabul edilmişThe members unanimously agreed to the proposal. dissonancenoun [U]  UK   /ˈdɪs.ən.əns/  US   /ˈdɪs.ə.nəns/      › specialized music a ​combination of ​sounds or ​musical ​notes that are not ​pleasant when ​heard together:the ​jarring dissonance of Klein's ​musical ​score› formal ​disagreement dissonant adjective UK   /ˈdɪs.ən.ənt/  US   /ˈdɪs.ə.nənt/ specializedor formal ›a dissonant ​combination of...

Words: 335 - Pages: 2

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...Student Handbook 2015/2016 Table of Contents Introduction Message from the Director Mission, Vision and Values Why study at Prague College Admissions A short guide to Prague College qualifications English for Higher Education Foundation Diploma in Business Foundation Diploma in Computing Foundation Diploma in Art & Design Professional Diplomas in Business Professional Diplomas in Computing Higher National Diploma BA (Hons) International Business Management BA (Hons) International Business Management (Flexible Study Programme) BA (Hons) Business Finance & Accounting BA (Hons) Graphic Design BA (Hons) Fine Art Exp. Media BSc (Hons) Computing BA (Hons) Communications & Media Studies MSc International Management MSc Computing Accreditation & Validation UK/Pearson Credit system Transfer of credits Student support Accommodation Study Advising and Support Financial support Visas for foreign students Scholarships Benefits for students Study abroad Internships Assistance in employment Counselling Centre Student Resources Computer labs Online Learning Centre (Moodle) Prague College email Physical library Digital Library ISIFA Images Textbooks and class materials Graphic Design/Interactive Media/Fine Art materials and costs Personal computers Message boards and digital signs Newsletters Open lectures, seminars and events Student ID cards Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies (CRIS) Prague...

Words: 27092 - Pages: 109

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International Student

...[pic] TOPIC: INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES ABOUT HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UK Student: Pham Trang Huyen My Student ID: 77142444 10 weeks Pre-sessional course December, 2013 List of content Abstract 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Literature review 5 2.1. Higher Education in the UK 5 2.2. Teacher-student relationships and the quality of teaching 5 2.3. Different learning styles 6 2.4. Group work 7 2.5. Financial issues 8 3. Methodology 9 4. Results 10 5. Discussion 14 6. Conclusion 16 List of References 17 Appendix 19 Abstract Higher education is a competitive business which produces huge benefits for the UK economy. This paper reveals international students’ attitudes about UK higher education and focuses on direct factors which can affect students’ opinions. Reports of international students’ attitudes already carried out in Leeds Metropolitan University are analyzed and the main findings are emphasized. A total of eighteen international students interviewed provided data on their experience in UK education that involves the challenges they have faced and what they have achieved. The project concludes that not only UK tuition fees but also the quality of education can affect international students’ decision to study in the UK. Therefore measures should be taken in...

Words: 3732 - Pages: 15

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Working Student

...INTRODUCTION Many students of HRM in Taguig City University work part-time Employment during school could improve grades if working promotes aspects that correspond with academic success, such as industriousness or time management skills, or instead reduce grades by reducing time and energy available for school work. Otherwise, working might be associated with academic performance, yet not directly influence it, if unobserved student differences influence both labor supply and grades. Unmotivated students might neither work for pay nor receive good grades because they put little effort into the labor market or school. In contrast, HRM students uninterested in academics might work long hours that would otherwise have been devoted to leisure. Students might misjudge the link between college achievement and future earnings when making labor supply decisions. If so, obtaining a consistent estimate of how such decisions affect academic performance is prospectively important for policy consideration. Some of HRM students in Taguig City University Students are more likely to work than they are to live on campus, to study full time, to attend a four-year college or university, or to apply for or receive financial aid. Students work regardless of the type of institution they attend, their age or family responsibilities, or even their family income or educational and living expenses. Most HRM students at Taguig City University face many challenges in their already busy everyday lives...

Words: 2898 - Pages: 12

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Student Adversity

... Adversity allows an individual to develop a sense of discipline, as well as encouraging individuals to exercise their mind to confront a problem or conflict. Specifically, students who encounter hardships are more inclined to try harder, which promotes competition within the school. Although adversity may be beneficial towards some students, challenges can be detrimental for students who lack confidence. For instance, some students develop a mentality of despair; they believe that if one has to work hard, then the person does not have the natural ability for the assignment. Based on the effects of adversity aforementioned, I believe that students can both benefit from the obstacles faced in school with the proper mentality or the effects could be hindering. Students face adversity every day, regardless of how transparent the obstacle may be; some problems may not be as evident as others. According to Carol S. Dweck, author of Brainology, all students face adversities throughout their high-school career, specifically, the challenge of overcoming a fixed mindset. In this excerpt, “The belief that intelligence is fixed dampened students’ motivation to learn, made them afraid of effort, and made them want to quit after a setback”, Carol portrays the illusion that students have over intuitive intelligence (Dweck 2). Students who share this belief of a...

Words: 1029 - Pages: 5

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Student Handbook

...Student Handbook (Procedure & Guideline) for Undergraduate Programmes 2014 Revised: April 2014 UCSI Education Sdn. Bhd. (185479-U) VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT OF UCSI UNIVERSITY VISION STATEMENT To be an intellectually resilient praxis university renowned for its leadership in academic pursuits and engagement with the industry and community MISSION STATEMENT  To promote transformative education that empowers students from all walks of life to be successful individuals with integrity, professionalism and a desire to contribute to society  To optimize relationships between industry and academia through the provision of quality education and unparalleled workplace exposure via Praxis Centres  To spearhead innovation in teaching and learning excellence through unique delivery systems  To foster a sustainable culture of research, value innovation and practice, in partnership with industries and society  To operate ethically at the highest standards of efficiency, while instilling values of inclusiveness, to sustain the vision for future generations 2 UCSI Education Sdn. Bhd. (185479-U) Graduate Attributes Getting a university degree is every student‟s ultimate dream because it opens doors to career opportunities anywhere in the world. A university degree is proof of one‟s intellectual capacity to absorb, utilize and apply knowledge at the workplace. However, in this current competitive world, one‟s knowledge and qualifications...

Words: 28493 - Pages: 114

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Student Policy

...Student Academic Policies Computer Usage: Sullivan University Systems (SUS) provides computer networking for all staff, students and anyone else affiliated with the university community. Sullivan University will provide a platform that is conducive for learning while maintain and respecting the user privacy. Users are authorized to use the accounts only. Passwords should be protected, please keep the confidential (Computer Usage. (2012) Sullivan University. Student Handbook 2012-2013, pp. 12-14.). While using the SUS users have a responsibility and are expected to follow some key rules: 1. Do not abuse the equipment 2. Computers must be used for course work 3. No unauthorized down loading 4. At no time will user install software of any kind Disciplinary action for violations of the Computer usage of policy will be enforced and are as follows: 1. Loss of computer privileges 2. Disconnection from the network 3. Expulsion 4. Prosecution The Compute usage policy is standard and pretty straight forward. The statement lets students know what is and is not proper usage. What I would have like to have seen is a social media portion in the usage policy. Academic Integrity: Cheating and Plagiarism is a violation of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. All students are expected to submit their own work. Penalties for those who are found guilty of cheating may include: (Academic Integrity. (2014, January 1) Sullivan University. Sullivan University 2014 Catalog...

Words: 320 - Pages: 2

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Student Satisfaction

...between the quality of school facilities and student...

Words: 2174 - Pages: 9

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Working Students

...performance of hiring working students Introduction While most students have parents that can support them, there are those students that need get what you call a “part-time job” to help their parents that can’t support them all the way. However, being employed and being a student can be too much to a person. The business process outsourcing industry in the Philippines has grown 46% annually since 2006. In its 2013 top 100 ranking of global outsourcing destinations. Significance of the Study There are situations in the life when one must do what they can to achieve their dreams or help their families. Especially if dealt with financial difficulties and there is a need work while studying. They also need to deal with their everyday busy schedules. This research aims to help understand and discuss the issues and concerns of the employed students to benefit the following: Working Students – Being an employee and student at the same time takes a lot of hard work. It can be rigorous but also rewarding especially if you helped your parents. It can also be a good working experience for them for their future. This study will assist them to see the behaviors that help them achieve their professional skills. Scope and Limitations This is study is conducted at the LPU-Manila and the information is viewed only in the light of the particular student and his or her experience as working student. It does not reflect the view of the general working student population or that of other...

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