...Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION: INTERSECT INVESTMENTS Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Joshua Shinlever University of Phoenix Problem Solution: Intersect Investments In a tough economy and the time of globalization, organizations that have found that the time for offering minimal products and an impersonal approach is not always the most profitable or successful way to operate. In the scenario of Intersect Investments, the CEO Frank Jeffers at this fictional organization believes that a customer intimacy approach is the logical next step to realize growth targets. As a result, the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales was replaced as he was not on board with the new vision for Intersect Investments. (University of Phoenix, n.d.). Internal problems threaten to hinder the success of Intersect Investments. This paper will examine the issues and opportunities faced by Intersect Investments, the stakeholders perspectives and any ethical dilemmas faced by Intersect Investments, as well as alternate solutions to the issues faced. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification With the economic downturn, the financial services industry has been instable. The unpredictable environment of the industry has left countless financial firms struggling to keep both their clients’ trust and Wall Street’s credibility. With weakening profits and after years of struggling to stay afloat, the CEO of Intersect Investments has decided that some quick...
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...Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION: INTERSECT INVESTMENTS Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Michelle Wickham University of Phoenix Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Intersect Investment is an organization operating in the financial services industry that has been experiencing financial difficulties because of its inability to improve falling sales and establish long term customer relationships. The company has been struggling for the past four years and the leaders of the organization have resisted making needed changes in the company’s strategic direction. CEO, Frank Jeffers wanted to change the direction of the company and created a new vision for the organization “Provide a broad set of products and services to consumer and small business customers using a model of customer intimacy that will build long-term relationships based on trust and value to the customer” (University of Phoenix, 2010, p. 1). Jeffers is aware of the tough road ahead for the company and has rallied his troops to share his vision to help the struggling organization regain its profitability. There are major obstacles on the road to achieving the new mission as some key staff members are resistant to the change efforts. For the new vision to be a success the organization requires a major overhaul of its current practices; however, all obstacles to change efforts must be overcome. Additionally, a clear and concise plan must be developed and include strategies for addressing...
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...Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION: INTERSECT INVESTMENTS Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Jack Sacks Problem Solution: Intersect Investments In this paper you will read my understanding of the facts in reference to the Intersect Investment Scenario. Since 2001, the financial services industry has been encountering problems with trying to bounce back from the turbulent Wall Street disaster. Over the period of four years, Intersect Investments has been struggling to compete in the financial services industry. The company must develop a new strategy that will change the current direction of the company. Intersect Investments has several major problems that need immediate attention. The company is suffering from declining sales which has created declining share value, low customer base, poor customer satisfaction, dissatisfied employees, senior leadership resistant to change, and the company’s credibility is rapidly declining. Realizing the problem, the CEO has hired a new Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales to pull the company out of its current state and advance the company to a new level. The CEO has developed a new vision to, “provide a broad set of products and services to consumer and small business customers using a model of customer intimacy that will build long-term relationships based on trust and value to the customer.” This plan sounds like a winner; however the CEO wants the new Executive President of Marketing and Sales...
Words: 2742 - Pages: 11
...Problem Solution and Defense MMPBL 520 Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Problem Solution and Defense Intersect Investments is a financial services organization that has been struggling to compete against Wall Street's compelling record of success since the day of September 11, 2001. As a result of the perpetual unrest in the financial world; Intersect Investments needs to make a decision immediately in order to maintain momentum and assurance to their clients of their reliability and stability in the financial market. During the past four years Intersect Investment Financial Services has scarcely managed to survive the highs and lows of the financial market without making any drastic organizational or procedural changes. It has become quite evident that Intersect Investment Financial Services must make some chancy, yet calculated choices if it is to be competitive and regain the company's standing in the financial services industry. The problem based solution model is used within this paper to identify the problem, goals, alternatives, risks, implement a solution and assess the risks. An additional analysis outlines the company's challenges and transitions them into opportunities. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification Intersect Investment Services, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Frank Jeffers has finally realized the company must broaden its services and improve its customer service to survive a tumultuous climate within the financial services...
Words: 3099 - Pages: 13
...Head: INTERSECT PROBLEM: SOLUTION AND DEFENSE MBA 520 Transformational Leadership October 27, 2008 Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Introduction Intersect Investment is a financial services organization that has been struggling to compete against Wall Streets compelling record of success since the day of September 11, 2001. The constant flux in the financial organization has left Intersect with a decision they need to make immediately in order to implement and maintain the trust of their clients and their credibility in the market. In the past four years Intersect Investment Financial Services has barely managed to survive but has resisted making any drastic changes. Now it is apparent that the organization must make risky choices in order to see how it affects the changes in the way it interacts with its customers if it is to be competitive and regain the company’s standing in the financial services industry. This paper will examine the problem solution analysis next will follow the problem-based learning model which are: situation background, framing the right problem, identifying end state and goals, identify alternatives, evaluate alternatives, identify and assess risks, make the decision, develop and implement the solution, and finally evaluate the results. The Intersect Problem Solution and Defense analysis will refer to the problem-based learning model and scenario, which will focus on turning challenges into opportunities and transitioning Intersect Investments...
Words: 4464 - Pages: 18
...Intersect Investments Transformational Leadership Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Since September 11, 2001, financial service organizations have struggled to maintain existing clientele and gain additional customers. Intersect Investment Services is no exception. The rapidly changing climate has left Intersect Financial Services, CEO Frank Jeffers with an immediate decision to transform the financial institution. Through the volatile climate changes Intersect has managed slightly to survive and has resisted change the last four years. Jeffers realizes he must make some dramatic changes if the organization is to regain its competitive status in the market place. In this paper the subject matter will identify the organization’s decision, goals, opportunities, alternatives, risks, and optimal solution. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification The company’s CEO, Frank Jeffers has strong convictions that the company must move in a different direction by broadening its products and services to consumers. Jeffers plans to implement a customer intimacy model to provide more value, increase customer’s trust and enhance relationships. The sales and marketing executive team has an opportunity to embrace the vision that can increase profitability and the company’s clientele base. Team members, employees resistance to change, lack of stakeholders feedback, misaligned values, and beliefs among stakeholders are factors that could prevent...
Words: 2159 - Pages: 9
...`Running head: GAP ANALYSIS: INTERSECT INVESTMENTS Gap Analysis: Intersect Investments University of Phoenix MMPBL/520 Gap Analysis: Intersect Investments With such constant state of flux within the financial services industry, Intersect has attempted to survive. CEO Frank Jeffers decided on a new vision for the company and it is called the “customer intimacy model”. To help implement this model, the organization must align employee morale. Jeffers goal is to build long-term relationships and add value and trust to the customers of Intersect, but employees must stand by the new vision. Intersect understands that benchmarking is a great start to implement its new vision but the restructuring of organizational culture is much more important for the success of the model. Different values, rights, and interest are at stake and it is creating resistance to change. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification The financial services industry is struggling and Intersect Investments is in need of an organizational change. Intersect Investments is managing to survive within its industry and is currently facing a 25% turnover rate. The company is in desperate need of increasing customer rates and plans to establish long-term customer relationships so that its brand image is improved. CEO Frank Jeffers realizes that the company will survive by implementing the “customer intimacy” model. In hiring Janet Angelo as the company’s new VP in marketing...
Words: 2522 - Pages: 11
...Running head: GAP ANALYSIS: INTERSECT INVESTMENTS Gap Analysis: Gene One Stacy Starkes University of Phoenix May 17, 2010 Gap Analysis: Intersect Investments Gene One is a ground-breaking Biotech organization that has been faced with many issues. The organization has been forced to expand at a rapid rate to meet the organizational goals of becoming one of the leading organizations in the biotech industry. In order to compete with the ever increasing biotech industry, the CEO and the board of directors believe that going public within the next three years would be beneficial for the organization. By making the appropriate choices of becoming a publically traded organization, Gene One will bark upon a journey that will help them to revolutionize and to use cutting edge technology of eliminating pesticides on tomatoes and potatoes to meet the organizational goals. The rapid growth rate took the organization from a small $2 million start-up company to more than a $400 million in annual sales. Therefore, by implementing an IPO strategy and implementing other strategic goals will help fulfill the organizations growth target and prove the organization is worthy of its capabilities. In addition, the method of benchmarking can help Gene One to succeed and enable the organization to find the necessary solutions to the most pressing and immediate issues. According to The Benchmarking Exchange (2010), “Benchmarking is the process of measuring an organization's internal processes...
Words: 3263 - Pages: 14
...Econ 140, Sample Midterm I, Spring 2014 1. A firm has a total cost function of C(Q) = 50 + 10Q1/2. The firm experiences A. Economies of scale B. Constant returns to scale C. Diseconomies of scale D. All of the statements associated with this question are correct depending on the quantity Take derivative of Cost function with respect to Q to get marginal cost of Q. C’(Q) = 5 / Sqrt(q) Cost per unit decreasing as Q increases Thus the firm experiences economies of scale. If derivative didn’t have Q at all, it would be constant returns to scale. If Cost per unit increases with Q, then there are diseconomies of scale 2. As the interest rate increases, the opportunity cost of waiting to receive a future amount: A. Increases B. Decreases C. May rise or fall D. Remains the same The interest rate going up increases the opportunity cost of waiting, because it increases the interest you are able to accrue by getting the money sooner. 3. A local telephone company charges $.10/min. based on a $.08/min. marginal cost of operation. What is the Lerner Index? A. 0.2 B. 0.25 C. 0.40 D. 0.50 Lerner index = (Price – Marginal Cost) / (Price) = (.1 - .08) / .1) = .2 0 means no mark-up, very competitive industry As this number increases, higher markups and more monopolistic competition 4. The Dansby-Willig Index measures market A. Structure B. Performance C. Conduct D. Behavior Low number means high performance; not much should be changed High...
Words: 2979 - Pages: 12
...Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION: INTERSECT INVESTMENTS Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Mary Jacobs University of Phoenix Problem Solution: Crys Tel Crys Tel has learned that resistance to change and lack of flexibility endanger the progress of an organization, limiting its powers. With this in mind the Chief Executive Officer Morgan Trevannon decided to initiate new ideas to increase the company’s financial future. A potential goal has been established to advance the telecommunication industry with this process Crys Tel is likely to face technological and administrative changes regularly. Team members have been organized to have brainstorming sessions to develop an implementation strategy that will be beneficial to shareholders, management, and employees. This implementation process will be done in stages to ensure any defects will be caught early in the project and corrected prior to finalizing the go live time. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification Crys Tel has decided to implement a transition plan to optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and sustain change. By the end of the initiation phase of the Project Delivery Framework (PDF), teams must complete the Project Charter. The Project Charter aims to achieve two key objectives: 1. To facilitate early engagement of the known cross-impacted teams and work together to finalize the high-level scope of the project. Although this high-level scope will be elaborated...
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...Problem Solution: Intersect Investment Services Intersect Investment Services (IIS) is a financial services industry company which has been struggling to survive in a market which has been in constant state of flux, never certain and always chaotic (University of Phoenix, 2008). IIS has “barely managed to survive, but resisted making a drastic, strategic shift” (University of Phoenix, 2008, p. 1). The changed market conditions have led to the changed vision of IIS which is: “Provide a broad set of products and services to consumer and small business customers using a model of customer intimacy that will build long-term relationships based on trust and value to the customer” (University of Phoenix, 2008, p. 1). This new vision has not been realized yet and therefore, the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales has been released of his duties and was replaced by Janet Angelo as new Executive VP of Marketing and Sales. A number of reasons contribute to the fact that why the transformation of IIS was not successful and these reasons are (1) no clear communication about how the change should take place, (2) no explaining and reinforcing on why the change should take place, (3) resistance to the change of key personnel, and (4) the goals to achieve were not aligned with the new strategy. No clear communication has been identified by Kreitner and Kinicki (2004) as one of the main reasons why organizational change initiatives fail. The communication of organizational change...
Words: 5805 - Pages: 24
...Math Review for the Quantitative Reasoning Measure of the GRE® revised General Test www.ets.org Overview This Math Review will familiarize you with the mathematical skills and concepts that are important to understand in order to solve problems and to reason quantitatively on the Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE revised General Test. The following material includes many definitions, properties, and examples, as well as a set of exercises (with answers) at the end of each review section. Note, however, that this review is not intended to be allinclusive—there may be some concepts on the test that are not explicitly presented in this review. Also, if any topics in this review seem especially unfamiliar or are covered too briefly, we encourage you to consult appropriate mathematics texts for a more detailed treatment. Copyright © 2012 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, LISTENING. LEARNING. LEADING. and GRE are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS). Table of Contents ARITHMETIC .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Integers.................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Fractions ................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Exponents...
Words: 31581 - Pages: 127
...decision-making tool, and be able to compute the payback period for a capital project. 4. Explain why the accounting rate of return (ARR) is not recommended for use as a capital expenditure decision-making tool. 5. Be able to compute the internal rate of return (IRR) for a capital project, and discuss the conditions under which the IRR technique and the NPV technique produce different results. 6. Explain the benefits of a postaudit review of a capital project. I. Chapter Outline 10.1 An Introduction to Capital Budgeting A. The Importance of Capital Budgeting • Capital budgeting decisions are the most important investment decisions made by management. • The goal of these decisions is to select capital projects that will increase the value of the firm. • Capital investments are important because they involve substantial cash outlays and, once made, are not easily reversed. • Capital budgeting techniques help management to systematically analyze potential business opportunities in order to decide which are worth undertaking. |Imagine you were to start your own business. No matter what type you started, you would have to answer the following three questions in some | |form or another: | |...
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...Technology Solutions for North Valley Bank Introduction Since technology has flourished over the years so have the society and the use and implementation of technology in our world. These advancements have impacted every part of our society and have affected all types of businesses in a positive way. Among these businesses is the banking sector. The advancement in the sector of information technology has opened up a new market and new opportunities for the banking sector. Those banks who capitalized on this enhanced communication resources have flourished. New services such as online banking, globally connected system of money transfer and debit card facility along with mobile banking have revolutionized the banking sector. This year has promised to be a profound one for positive technological shifts in banking, the sort of disruptive change that is desperately needed in this industry. The last few years have put more strain on a business model already stretched by compressed margins, capital constraints and fee erosion. While the uncertain regulatory environment has magnified these concerns in 2012, a prediction of community banks seeking innovative technology to deal with these existing burdens and prepare to solve new, are still unforeseen, challenges. In 2012, community banks that put effort into improving their use of technology will be better equipped to serve customers, improve efficiency, control costs and find new growth opportunities. The subject of this report...
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...Abscissa - word for the x part of a coordinate pair. Absolute value - The positive value of the indicated number or expression./an operation that tells you how far a number is from zero. Additive inverse - Number with the same numerical part but the opposite sign (plus or minus) of the given number. If zero is the sum of two numbers, then these two numbers are additive inverses of one another Area - the amount of space covered by a two-dimensional object./measure of a specified region in a plane. Associative property - characteristic of addition and multiplication that allows the grouping of terms to change without affecting the result. Asymptote - Boundary line that a graph gets infinitely close to but never actually touches. Base - in the expression x to the second power, the base is x; x will be multiplied by itself two times./ value multiplied repeatedly in an exponential expression. Binary operation - process requiring two values to produce a third value. Binominal - two terms separated by addition or subtraction. Bomb method - technique used to factor quadratic polynomials whose leading coefficient are not equal to 1; also called factoring by decomposition. Circumference - distance around the outside of a circle. Coefficient - number muliplied by a variable./ the number appearing at the beginning of a monomial; the coefficient of 12xy to the second power is 12. Combinations - method of counting that tells how many ways a designated number...
Words: 3052 - Pages: 13