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Intersect Investments Problem Solution Statement


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Pages 17

Problem Solution: Intersect Investments
Lisa Browning
University of Phoenix
Transformational Leadership

Problem Solution: Intersect Investments This paper will reflect the issues and opportunities that are surrounded by a company called Intersect Investment, a financial firm that is experiencing extremely difficult times over the last several years and had struggled to maintain its existence within the industry and its credibility on Wall Street. Intersect Investment has been resistant to change within its organization and the industry causing the organization to suffer overall. Intersect Investments CEO has realized that radical changes must take place for the company to survive but there has been conflict within the organization to prohibit the growth that is needed for longevity. New, recruit, Janet Angelo has been hired to implement the change model that CEO, Frank Jeffers believes in and that it can turn Intersect Investment around to not only be profitable but improving the company’s organizational culture overall. Janet Angelo is ready to take on the challenge. Although, she has the track record for successful strategies that she has implemented in the past but, this one will be a little different, because she has to complete this task in record time. A task she has not had before. We will also look at the interest rights and values of all stakeholders involved, such as executive board members, senior team members and employees. We will also discuss the End State goals and Visions for the company and what its end state vision is and how the company will get to the end state vision by way of the end state goals and what they are in detail. This section will be the possible opportunities that can also be solutions for issues at hand for Intersect Investment.

Situation Analysis
Issue and Opportunity Identification Investment Intersect has been very resist in the past to face the changes that it must make to stay relevant in the financial investment industry over the last several years. The financial services industries have been in a very volatile state for the past four years. Since the rise of so many economic upheavals companies have had to re-organize and re-invent themselves to accommodate the ever changing needs of its customers. Intersect Investment must look at their mission and vision statement for the future to stay competitive and possess a presence in its own industry. Companies must be able to communicate internally in an effective manner. The mission, value and strategic plans must be conveyed throughout the organization to adapt to current trends that are happening in the industry. Goal setting must be effective and practical for the whole company to remain profitable and be a competitor in the industry. When facing opportunities like these, companies must be clear as to how they will approach any new changes that must be made within the organization. Although conflict is inevitable, a strategic plan must be developed and/or restructured for the new business opportunities that are revealed that will increase profitability, build brand equity and a solid organizational culture. The plan must be thought out thoroughly and all the necessary assessments made of each member in the organization to ensure their commitment to the new vision of the organization, its goals as well as being motivated to see it through to fruition.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas There are various stakeholders in the present series of events that are transpiring within the organization of Intersect Investment and the financial services industry. As the financial services market changes, it is requiring companies to reassess their mission, values and strategic plans to maintain their presence in the financial services industry overall. The executive board members, namely, CEO, Frank Jeffers has been watching this organization struggle for the last four years just to exist as an organization. The executive board has struggled with making the necessary changes to stop the bleeding within Intersect; this delay of action has caused the executive board to have to make drastic decisions within the company that would not have to be as harsh. CEO has had to identify and implement a new vision for Intersect and get the executive board members to commit to the vision, some were not willing to come aboard and were let go, as a result. Frank Jeffers has also brought new talent to the executive board to infuse the motivation needed to get everyone on board with the new vision for Intersect in a record time by transforming the organization to a new customer intimacy model in twelve months, as well as increase profitability and industry credibility in financial services. The senior leadership team has received the plan by the CEO that Intersect must begin implementing its transformation expeditiously. Along with transferring to this new system Intersect’s senior leadership team must sustain employee and customer retention and this is where the conflict arises because some employees are not able to grasp the vision nor are some open to the change that must take place. The team is also struggling with getting a full commitment for the organization’s new customer intimacy model that will build the trust necessary to get everyone motivated to move forward. The employees are very resistant to the change model and the vision for Intersect Investment. There is no clarity for the new customer intimacy model and a lack of communication that is causing resistance among employees and they cannot visualize how the model can be successful at this point. The vision of the transformation of Intersect Investment is very vague right now for the employees.

Problem Statement Intersect Investment will emerge as a leading competitor in the financial services industry with a solid reputation of trusted advisors providing a portfolio that meets the customer’s needs and adds value to them. Upon implementing the optimal solutions to the issues that are presently plaguing the growth opportunities that are available to Intersect Investment, it has the ability to emerge as one of the top leaders in its industry upon the organization’s willingness to make the drastic changes that are necessary to become visible in the financial services market along with a reputation of being a customer valued organization. There will be a wide range of opportunities that will be presented as Intersect Investment remains focused on the primary objective to transform Intersect as an organization to a “customer intimacy” model and increase its services along with profitability, while it remains relevant in the financial services industry.

End-State Vision Considering the present opportunity for the transformation that is going on at Intersect Investment and their desire to be a top leader in the financial services industry, but they must address external and internal forces of change and implement the change model to determine the type of change. Intersect Investment will be effective in its organization’s communications procedure and execute of effective hierarchical communication throughout the organizations. Intersect Investment will be a trusted customer value organization in financial services industry and establish organizational culture motivates everyone to goal completion. The projected time frame for this transformation of Intersect Investment is twelve months to implement the radical innovation that is necessary to bring Intersect Investment back to the forefront of industry.

Alternative Solutions An alternative solution for Intersect Investment would be to implement a new executive team that would consist of young and relevant talent, such as any Executive member that has been in their position for over five years would be either re-positioned or removed because of their resistance to change and the inability to become fluid in the midst of organizational that is essential for Intersect’s survival in the financial services industry. Every executive member must be open to change and all of the opportunities that it brings to make a company visibly relevant in its industry. This alternative solution will provide the necessary fuel for change within the organization and position Intersect to be a leading competitor in the financial services industry. Another alternative solution will be to keep the same executive team and focus strictly on customer retention and mastering the present customer base and products that are being serviced now. Not taking in any new customers or products but pursuing the consumer base that had been lost and re-invent the present customer base with the customer intimacy model to perfect the model before implementing it with new customers. This alternative will be used as a prototype to success internally for Intersect Investment. This alternative will help to eliminate the resistance to change that is presently within Intersect Investment and cause the vision to be received with motivation and success.

Analysis of Alternative Solutions First, to implement a new executive team would be the most beneficial because it would establish and would be more apt to achieve the goal more effectively due to the resources and talent necessary to achieve the desired goal. Second, the alternative to use the new “customer intimacy” model on the present customer base without bringing in any new customers would limit Intersect Investment’s presence in the financial services industry and would not achieve the ultimate objective of being a top leader in the financial service industry. Each of these alternatives has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. A new executive team would bring new life to a barely thriving company, infusing it with fresh new ideas that would cause the company to re-emerge as a formidable force in its industry. While keeping the same executive team and implementing the “customer intimacy” model would allow the executive team to remain with Intersect Investment would be similar to applying resuscitation to an already grave situation.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques The risks associated with the alternatives are stifling to the overall vision and objectives of Intersect Investment. Janet Angelo was brought on board CEO, Frank Jeffers to aggressively and expeditiously put Intersect Investment as one of the top leaders in the financial services industry. With the company barely surviving and the resistance to change that it is experiencing within the executive team could pose a serious problem for Intersect Investment and their desire to fast track in the financial services industry. It is essential to utilize mitigation techniques and implement a solution to transform the organizational change of Intersect Investment with the least possible resistance. Proper communication and effectively minimizing the resistance to change along with managing the stress that accompanies conflict will provide a buffer between those that will remain on board for the process of transforming Intersect Investment into a successful entity. This will be very effective in softening the blow of the radical changes that must take place to achieve the desired goals of the organization.

Optimal Solution The optimal solution for Intersect Investment will be to implement a new executive team that will be able to effectively and expeditiously implement the new vision of Intersect Investment and halt the deficits that are causing the company to lose its footing among the competition and increase profitability within the company while expanding its services and products in the financial services industry. Due to the drastic changes at Intersect Investment that must be made in an aggressive manner along with wisdom; the new executive team must be willing to utilize its players to operate where they are most effective at their level of expertise for the company to achieve its projected goals and objectives in the designated time frame. For instance, Janet Angelo the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales has been recruited as the expertise for the task of transforming the organization to a more profitable entity through a new customer intimacy model aggressively should utilize her team to make the necessary changes that are radically innovative for Intersect Investment. This company must reach their end state goals in a specific amount of time. The executive team members that should be utilized within the organization are Thomas Hardy, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Annie Sorrento, Director of Sales Operations to effectively assist in implementing the company transformation because of their relationship and receptiveness to present employees and other team members within Intersect Investment. These team members would present a factor of familiarity and trust to internal staff member and motivate them to be willing to be a team player in transforming Intersect Investment. Communication is the key when it comes to change, new information must be relayed and conveyed in a manner that is received in the most motivating means.
In a model of planned change, change must be initiated, managed and stabilized. “Psychologist, Kurt Lewin developed a three stage model for planned change…three stages of unfreezing, changing and refreezing. (p.677)” The team members that would be most successful in initiating change would be Thomas Hardy and Annie Sorrento because of their longevity with the company and Annie coming through the ranks of the company and both of them being trusted by employees and staff members. Their personalities will also help in the change process that requires unfreezing because when individuals come out of old behaviors there needs to be a motivation to come out of those behaviors. The information must be communicated in a manner that is motivational in various forms of communicating to these employees and should be utilized when hard decisions must be made so the conflict of change can be brought to a minimum. These executive team members should be utilized as liaisons to change among employees. These are your relationship keepers during the change process. They will ensure the values of the company stay intact as much as possible while the process of change is being implemented. In dealing with the entrance of the customer intimacy model the team members should set up the initial strategies for this portion of restructuring Intersect Investment are Janet Angelo and Joel Contino. Janet has the expertise of implementing the “customer intimacy” model already and is aggressive and knowledgeable in this area. Joel’s expertise in branding and marketing the “customer intimacy” model and services development in which Intersect Investment desires to grow in these particular areas. Although Janet has the ability to get profits going, however when dealing with issues or problems that may arise, creativity is also essential in getting profitability to grow. Janet Angelo knows how to get to the profits, but Joel Contino has the fuel to get to the end destination. Once each person on the executive team knows each of their positions in the plan and is ready to execute, then the model of change can be implemented with the least resistance. As everyone begins to catch on to the vision and truly see it as a possibility and reality Lyn Chen will become a vital inspiration to motivating sales teams to become ambitious in their sales quotas as well as presenting new products in a trustworthy manner to new an old customers. Annie Sorrento will also be effectively internally in communicating the vision and relaying the possibility of the transformation becoming a reality because she has come up through the ranks of Intersect and she will be able to be very relational to the sales teams within the company. She can help the sales team to believe in the product that they will be presenting to their customers. Marketing strategies are vital to the success of a company, it allows the customer as well as other organizations to know and understand why you as an organization are in the industry that you are in and what you represent as a company. Marketing creates buzz/communication about you and communication brings life and business to a company. By implementing these elements for the profitability of Intersect Investments will produce the end results that are desired. To increase their presence in the financial services industry, Intersect Investment must show provide a trusted presence in the financial industry by reaching out to old and new customers and build trusted relationships by possessing knowledge of new products and considering the customer needs as top priority. It becomes a win-win situation; each party receives something beneficial to him/her for services, tasks and knowledge rendered.

Implementation Plan The plan for Intersect Investment is projected timeline is twelve months to complete. This has never been done in this time frame by Janet Angelo but she is willing to take on the challenge. The first phase of the plan will be communicated to executive team members and then communicated to employees, this timeline for this task will be thirty to sixty days and assigned to Thomas Hardy and Annie Sorrento. After the plan has been communicated, Lyn Chen will take Annie Sorrento’s place and begin the second portion of the communication task which will be to keep staff inspired and motivated to perform and this timeline will be forty five to sixty days. The next phase will be to implement the “customer intimacy” model to begin customer retention and renewal. The timeline for this task will be approximately sixty to ninety days with Janet Angelo and Joel Contino. The next task will be development of new services and marketing implemented by Joel Contino and Annie Sorrento and the timeline for this task will be six to nine months. The next phase will be to evaluate and monitor the customers’ response to the new vision and plan for the customers and their trust regarding the information given and the recorded sales and profitability margins this task will be assigned to Janet Angelo and Thomas Hardy and their timeline will be nine to twelve months.

Evaluation of Results The evaluation of results will be measured qualitatively by each member of the executive team reporting the specific measurements of their tasks at the designated times, starting in the first quarter. Each specific task that is implemented will be measures and to ensure it is realistic the executive team will offer their collaborative expertise and knowledge by way of checks and balance system. A each member of the executive team comes together to measure the quality and progress of the assigned goal will be evaluated and measured to make sure each task is attainable and on track to reach its designated timeline. After evaluation and measurements have been assessed by the executive team will make any necessary adjustments to make sure Intersect Investment is able to meet its end state goals.

Conclusion In conclusion, Intersect Investment is facing very real issues regarding the future of this company. The issues and opportunities that Intersect Investment must face are challenging, yet rewarding. Intersect must be willing to realize their goals through a radically innovative process. The process will entail unavoidable conflict that should be thoroughly thought out with the executive team who is creative and understand that when change comes conflict is inevitable but essential and everyone has to be open-minded to develop a strategic plan that will bring the primary goal to fruition. When making radically innovative changes, an organization must be willing to assess their situation realistically to implement a successful model for change in relation to the organization’s objectives and goals. The decision makers must be committed to the overall objective and ethical as well to maintain a balance in the organizational culture that will synthesize the organization’s mission and vision with goals that produce positive equity throughout the whole organization. Practicality must also play a role to achieve balance in reaching its goals. Along with the radical changes that need to take place to achieve the company’s goals quality control must be intact as the strategic plan is executed and the plan must have options in case some issues present themselves that are not effective along with an efficient organizational communication process that has the capacity to relay information on portions of the strategic plan that is working effectively toward the goal or vice versa.

Kreitner-Kinicki, (2003). Organizational Behavior, Sixth edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies.

Table 1
Issue and Opportunity Identification
|Issue |Opportunity |Reference to Specific |Concept |
| | |Course Concept | |
| | |(Include citation) | |
|Intersect Investment is suffering in the financial |Intersect Investment |“All organizational changes |Systems Model of |
|services industry, lack of confidence and a volatile |can restructure its |should be consistent with an |Change |
|climate for the industry overall. Client trust and Wall |organizational culture |organization’s mission, vision| |
|Street credibility have resulted in a decreasing demand |to by revisiting its |and resulting strategic plan. | |
|of services that ultimately affect the profitability of |mission statement and |A mission statement represents| |
|Intersect Investment. This organization needs an overhaul|the overall vision of |the “reason” an organization | |
|to be able to survive in the financial services industry.|the company. |exists, and an organization’s | |
| | |vision is a long-term goal | |
|With the above mentioned issues, Intersect Investment is | |that describes “what” an | |
|a prime candidate for radically innovative changes which | |organization wants to become. | |
|are the most difficult to implement and most threatening | |(Kreitner-Kinicki, 2003, | |
|to job security and managerial confidence. | |p.679) | |
|(Kreitner-Kinicki, 2003, p.677) | | | |
|The resistance to change within the organization has |Intersect Investment |“Kurt Lewin developed a 3 |Lewin’s Change Model |
|caused a plethora of problems amongst the staff and |will possess the |stage model of planned change | |
|various member to keep employees and staff from the |ability to bring change|which explained how to | |
|objective/goal and enduring the process of change that |to an organization by |initiate, manage and stabilize| |
|produces the greater good/profitability and |utilizing the new |the change process.” | |
|sustainability for the company (Kreitner-Kinicki, 2003, |measures of change that|(Kreitner-Kinicki, 2003. | |
|p.678) |will assist in |P.677) | |
| |accomplishing the | | |
| |goals. | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|The executive team at Intersect Investment is divided and| Intersect Investment |“three general steps to follow|Practical Goal Setting|
|resistant to the necessary changes for the company to |must strategically |when implementing a | |
|become productive in the financial services industry. |implement the process |goal-setting program. Serious | |
| |of change strategically|deficiencies in one step | |
| |to obtain objectives |cannot make up for the | |
| |successfully. |strength in the other two. | |
| | |(Kreitner-Kinicki, 2003 p. | |
| | |312) | |
|The monetary incentives that were offered to the senior |Intersect Investment |“findings underscore some of |Goal Commitment |
|team leaders may not suffice because of the time frame |can establish a Goal |the dangers of using | |
|and the overall task and its completion in the timeframe |Commitment system that |goal-based incentives, | |
|requested because of the obstacles that encompass the |will produce desirable |particularly for employees in | |
|task. |effects for the |complex, interdependent jobs | |
| |organization |requiring cooperation. | |
|“empirical studies demonstrated that goal-based bonus | |(Kreitner-Kinicki, 2003. | |
|incentives produced higher commitment to easy goals and | |P.310) | |
|lower commitment to difficult goals. (Kreitner-Kinicki, | | | |
|2003 p.310) | | | |

Table 2
Stakeholder Perspectives
|Stakeholder Perspectives |
| | |
|Stakeholder Groups |The Interests, Rights, and |
| |Values of Each Group |
|Executive Board Members |Transform organization to new “customer intimacy” model in 12months, |
| |increase profitability, industry recognition/credibility |
|Senior Leadership Team |Sustain employee retention rate, commit to “customer intimacy” model, |
| |build trust , |
|Employees |Clarity of customer intimacy model (communication), procedural equity, |
| |motivation to change & commit, synergy to the team. |

Table 3

Analysis of Alternative Solutions

Table 4
Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques
|Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques |
|Alternative Solution |Risks and Probability |Consequence and Severity |Mitigation Techniques |
|Implement New Executive Team |New talent will achieve company |Lack of team |Senior team scouts prospects. |
| |goals quickly. |cohesiveness-organizational |Search out most favorable |
| |Synergized vision of organizational|change becomes stagnate. |talent/expertise for Intersect. |
| |culture. |Loss of Staff /Employees. | |
| |Increased profitability. | | |
|Use New Model on Present on |Ability to prove new customer |Most company objectives not met. |Senior team monitor projected goal |
|Customer Base w/o Bringing in |intimacy model. |Limited growth in new customer |settings to determine company growth |
|New Customer base |Establish trust within present |base. |at slower pace. |
| |customer base. |Slow profit margin. | |
| |Revive & retain old customers with | | |
| |new model. | | |

Table 5
Optimal Solution Implementation Plan
|Deliverable |Timeline |Who is Responsible |
|Communicate Plan to Employees |30 – 60 days |Thomas Hardy |
| | |Annie Sorrento |
|Inspire & Motivate the communicated plan |45 – 60days |Lyn Chen |
|Implement Customer Intimacy Model |60 – 90 days |Janet Angelo |
| | |Joel Contino |
|Development of New Services |6 – 9 months |Joel Contino |
| | |Annie Sorrento |
|Monitor/Evaluate Implementation of New Model |9 – 12 months |Janet Angelo |
| | |Thomas Hardy |

Table 6
Evaluation of Results
|End-State Goals |Metrics |Target |
|End State Vision – Intersect will be a top |Internal Evaluations to ensure that Intersect |Internal reviews every 30 days. |
|leader in the financial services industry. |Investment is in compliance with goals and |External reviews every quarter beginning at |
|End State Goal – Address the external and |objectives of change model. |the fiscal year. |
|internal forces and implement change model |External business reviews that indicate growth| |
|throughout the organization that caused the |in the industry. | |
|need for change model and determine the type | | |
|of change that is necessary i.e., adaptive, | | |
|innovative or radically innovative. | | |
|End State Vision – Intersect Investment will |Weekly meetings to discuss communication |Internal reviews begin at new fiscal year. |
|be effective in its organizational |issues and solutions within Intersect | |
|communication procedures. |Investment. | |
|End State Goals – execution of effective | | |
|hierarchical communication procedure | | |
|throughout the organization. | | |
|End State Vision – Intersect Investment will |Quarterly meetings with Executive team. |Quarterly meetings begin at new fiscal year. |
|be a trusted and customer valued organization| | |
|in the financial services industry. | | |
|End State Goals – establish organizational | | |
|culture that motivates everyone to goal | | |
|completion. | | |

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...Econ 140, Sample Midterm I, Spring 2014 1. A firm has a total cost function of C(Q) = 50 + 10Q1/2. The firm experiences A. Economies of scale B. Constant returns to scale C. Diseconomies of scale D. All of the statements associated with this question are correct depending on the quantity Take derivative of Cost function with respect to Q to get marginal cost of Q. C’(Q) = 5 / Sqrt(q) Cost per unit decreasing as Q increases Thus the firm experiences economies of scale. If derivative didn’t have Q at all, it would be constant returns to scale. If Cost per unit increases with Q, then there are diseconomies of scale 2. As the interest rate increases, the opportunity cost of waiting to receive a future amount: A. Increases B. Decreases C. May rise or fall D. Remains the same The interest rate going up increases the opportunity cost of waiting, because it increases the interest you are able to accrue by getting the money sooner. 3. A local telephone company charges $.10/min. based on a $.08/min. marginal cost of operation. What is the Lerner Index? A. 0.2 B. 0.25 C. 0.40 D. 0.50 Lerner index = (Price – Marginal Cost) / (Price) = (.1 - .08) / .1) = .2 0 means no mark-up, very competitive industry As this number increases, higher markups and more monopolistic competition 4. The Dansby-Willig Index measures market A. Structure B. Performance C. Conduct D. Behavior Low number means high performance; not much should be changed High...

Words: 2979 - Pages: 12

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Problem Solution: Intersect Investments

...Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION: INTERSECT INVESTMENTS Problem Solution: Intersect Investments Mary Jacobs University of Phoenix Problem Solution: Crys Tel Crys Tel has learned that resistance to change and lack of flexibility endanger the progress of an organization, limiting its powers. With this in mind the Chief Executive Officer Morgan Trevannon decided to initiate new ideas to increase the company’s financial future. A potential goal has been established to advance the telecommunication industry with this process Crys Tel is likely to face technological and administrative changes regularly. Team members have been organized to have brainstorming sessions to develop an implementation strategy that will be beneficial to shareholders, management, and employees. This implementation process will be done in stages to ensure any defects will be caught early in the project and corrected prior to finalizing the go live time. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification Crys Tel has decided to implement a transition plan to optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and sustain change. By the end of the initiation phase of the Project Delivery Framework (PDF), teams must complete the Project Charter. The Project Charter aims to achieve two key objectives: 1. To facilitate early engagement of the known cross-impacted teams and work together to finalize the high-level scope of the project. Although this high-level scope will be elaborated...

Words: 2788 - Pages: 12

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Intersect Investment Problem Solution

...Problem Solution: Intersect Investment Services Intersect Investment Services (IIS) is a financial services industry company which has been struggling to survive in a market which has been in constant state of flux, never certain and always chaotic (University of Phoenix, 2008). IIS has “barely managed to survive, but resisted making a drastic, strategic shift” (University of Phoenix, 2008, p. 1). The changed market conditions have led to the changed vision of IIS which is: “Provide a broad set of products and services to consumer and small business customers using a model of customer intimacy that will build long-term relationships based on trust and value to the customer” (University of Phoenix, 2008, p. 1). This new vision has not been realized yet and therefore, the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales has been released of his duties and was replaced by Janet Angelo as new Executive VP of Marketing and Sales. A number of reasons contribute to the fact that why the transformation of IIS was not successful and these reasons are (1) no clear communication about how the change should take place, (2) no explaining and reinforcing on why the change should take place, (3) resistance to the change of key personnel, and (4) the goals to achieve were not aligned with the new strategy. No clear communication has been identified by Kreitner and Kinicki (2004) as one of the main reasons why organizational change initiatives fail. The communication of organizational change...

Words: 5805 - Pages: 24

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Gre Math Review

...Math Review for the Quantitative Reasoning Measure of the GRE® revised General Test Overview This Math Review will familiarize you with the mathematical skills and concepts that are important to understand in order to solve problems and to reason quantitatively on the Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE revised General Test. The following material includes many definitions, properties, and examples, as well as a set of exercises (with answers) at the end of each review section. Note, however, that this review is not intended to be allinclusive—there may be some concepts on the test that are not explicitly presented in this review. Also, if any topics in this review seem especially unfamiliar or are covered too briefly, we encourage you to consult appropriate mathematics texts for a more detailed treatment. Copyright © 2012 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, LISTENING. LEARNING. LEADING. and GRE are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS). Table of Contents ARITHMETIC .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Integers.................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Fractions ................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Exponents...

Words: 31581 - Pages: 127

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...decision-making tool, and be able to compute the payback period for a capital project. 4. Explain why the accounting rate of return (ARR) is not recommended for use as a capital expenditure decision-making tool. 5. Be able to compute the internal rate of return (IRR) for a capital project, and discuss the conditions under which the IRR technique and the NPV technique produce different results. 6. Explain the benefits of a postaudit review of a capital project. I. Chapter Outline 10.1 An Introduction to Capital Budgeting A. The Importance of Capital Budgeting • Capital budgeting decisions are the most important investment decisions made by management. • The goal of these decisions is to select capital projects that will increase the value of the firm. • Capital investments are important because they involve substantial cash outlays and, once made, are not easily reversed. • Capital budgeting techniques help management to systematically analyze potential business opportunities in order to decide which are worth undertaking. |Imagine you were to start your own business. No matter what type you started, you would have to answer the following three questions in some | |form or another: | |...

Words: 5673 - Pages: 23

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Technology Solutions for North Valley Bank

...Technology Solutions for North Valley Bank Introduction Since technology has flourished over the years so have the society and the use and implementation of technology in our world. These advancements have impacted every part of our society and have affected all types of businesses in a positive way. Among these businesses is the banking sector. The advancement in the sector of information technology has opened up a new market and new opportunities for the banking sector. Those banks who capitalized on this enhanced communication resources have flourished. New services such as online banking, globally connected system of money transfer and debit card facility along with mobile banking have revolutionized the banking sector. This year has promised to be a profound one for positive technological shifts in banking, the sort of disruptive change that is desperately needed in this industry. The last few years have put more strain on a business model already stretched by compressed margins, capital constraints and fee erosion. While the uncertain regulatory environment has magnified these concerns in 2012, a prediction of community banks seeking innovative technology to deal with these existing burdens and prepare to solve new, are still unforeseen, challenges. In 2012, community banks that put effort into improving their use of technology will be better equipped to serve customers, improve efficiency, control costs and find new growth opportunities. The subject of this report...

Words: 3801 - Pages: 16

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...Abscissa - word for the x part of a coordinate pair. Absolute value - The positive value of the indicated number or expression./an operation that tells you how far a number is from zero. Additive inverse - Number with the same numerical part but the opposite sign (plus or minus) of the given number. If zero is the sum of two numbers, then these two numbers are additive inverses of one another Area - the amount of space covered by a two-dimensional object./measure of a specified region in a plane. Associative property - characteristic of addition and multiplication that allows the grouping of terms to change without affecting the result. Asymptote - Boundary line that a graph gets infinitely close to but never actually touches. Base - in the expression x to the second power, the base is x; x will be multiplied by itself two times./ value multiplied repeatedly in an exponential expression. Binary operation - process requiring two values to produce a third value. Binominal - two terms separated by addition or subtraction. Bomb method - technique used to factor quadratic polynomials whose leading coefficient are not equal to 1; also called factoring by decomposition. Circumference - distance around the outside of a circle. Coefficient - number muliplied by a variable./ the number appearing at the beginning of a monomial; the coefficient of 12xy to the second power is 12. Combinations - method of counting that tells how many ways a designated number...

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