...Brazil and Portugal. Nike utilizes sponsorships deals to allow the Nike “Just Do It” logo to be displayed on each uniform as well as being on the inside of stadiums and arenas across the world, which continues to promote visibility of their products. Nike’s distribution channels and retail model Nike distributes its products through three major channels: By selling products to wholesalers in the US and international markets By direct-to-consumer(or DTC) sales, which include in line and factory retail outlets and e-commerce sales through www.nike.com Sales to global brand divisions.NIKE, Inc.has also tried to create category-specific retail destinations by partnering with footwear retailers such as Foot Locker, Inc., JD Sports, and Intersport. NIKE’s sales mix and retail slant Sales to wholesalers are the largest revenue category. However, this category’s contribution in the sales mix contracted from 83.3% in fiscal year 2012 to 79.2% of revenues in fiscal year 2014. DTC sales, on the other hand, increased from 16.2% to 20.3% over the same period. This is significantly lower than the ratio of...
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...Cours de Stratégie d’entreprise : Cas Décathlon 1/ Décathlon est une entreprise française de distribution d’articles de sport qui est actuellement implantée dans 21 pays. Elle a était la première entreprise a proposer des magasins multisports qui offrent a tous les sportifs, quel que soit le sport qu’ils pratiquent, et quel que soit leur niveau, des équipements qui leur corresponde a un prix inférieure a la concurrence. Décathlon a eu pour principal objectif de rendre accessible au plus grand nombre le plaisir du sport. C’est pour cette raison que l’enseigne a choisit de proposer tous les sports en un même temps, en visant toute sorte de consommateurs du débutant au compétiteur averti, ainsi que des produits du premier prix au haut de gamme .Sa diversification de gout et de choix a pue la distinguée de tous ces concurrents qui eux a l’époque proposaient que des magasins mono-sports ou des mono-marques. Ces principalement ces facteurs qui ont fait en sorte que l’entreprise ait connu un énorme succès immédiatement après son entrée sur le marché. 2 / On ne peut identifier aucun des groupe de distribution à la même catégorie de groupe stratégique que l’entreprise Décathlon, car celle-ci est composée des 20 marques passion et technique, qui lui a permis de déposer environ 1000 brevets par an. Ceci explique son désir de positionnement d’image vers les critères de prix et de technicité quand certains de ses concurrents se placent sur les critères de...
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...ΠΕΡΙΛΗΠΤΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ Η παρούσα εργασία είναι μια έκθεση – αναφορά της ιστορικής και πιθανής μελλοντικής απόδοσης του ομίλου εταιριών FOURLIS A.E. ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΩΝ. Ο όμιλος FOURLIS αποτελεί έναν από τους μεγαλύτερους εμπορικούς ομίλους καταναλωτικών αγαθών στην Ελλάδα και τα Βαλκάνια και δραστηριοποιείται σε τρεις κύριους κλάδους της αγοράς: * Λιανική πώληση αγαθών οικιακού εξοπλισμού και επίπλων * Λιανική πώληση αγαθών αθλητικής ένδυσης * Χονδρική πώληση ηλεκτρικών και ηλεκτρονικών συσκευών Μέσω των απολογισμών χρήσης της περιόδου 2006 – 2010 πραγματοποιείται ιστορική ανάλυση των χρηματοοικονομικών καταστάσεων του ομίλου, με τη χρήση αριθμοδεικτών και εξετάζεται η πιθανή μελλοντική του απόδοση. Τέλος, αναλύονται οι λόγοι της κακής απόδοσης του κλάδου ηλεκτρικών και ηλεκτρονικών ειδών, όπως επίσης τα πλεονεκτήματα των συνεργιών και των συγχωνεύσεων εταιριών μέσα στον όμιλο. ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΠΤΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ 2 1. ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ 3 ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟ ΤΟΥ ΟΜΙΛΟΥ FOURLIS Α.Ε. ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΩΝ 4 2. ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΕΩΝ 6 2.1. ΙΣΟΛΟΓΙΣΜΟΙ ΟΜΙΛΟΥ FOURLIS (2006 – 2010) 6 2.2. ΑΡΙΘΜΟΔΕΙΚΤΕΣ ΑΠΟΔΟΣΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΟΜΙΛΟΥ 7 2.3. ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΑΡΙΘΜΟΔΕΙΚΤΩΝ 9 2.3.1. ΔΕΙΚΤΕΣ ΡΕΥΣΤΟΤΗΤΑΣ 9 2.3.2. ΔΕΙΚΤΕΣ ΔΡΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΤΗΤΑΣ 10 2.3.3. ΔΕΙΚΤΕΣ ΑΠΟΔΟΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ (ΚΕΡΔΟΦΟΡΙΑΣ) 12 2.3.4. ΔΕΙΚΤΕΣ ΧΡΗΜΑΤΟΔΟΤΗΣΗΣ (ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΑΚΗΣ ΔΙΑΡΘΡΩΣΗΣ) 14 2.3.5. ΔΕΙΚΤΕΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΤΗ 15 3. ΑΠΟΔΟΣΗ ΚΛΑΔΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΟΜΙΛΟΥ 18 4. ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑ 21 ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ 1 23 ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ 2 31 ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ 3 33 ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ 4 35 ΒΙΒΛΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ...
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...Les Chiffres clés du Sport La pratique sportive des Français Top 10 des sports pratiqués régulièrement ou occasionnellement par les Français |Randonnée pédestre |32,9% | |Natation |30,4% | |VTT, VTC |20,9% | |Ski alpin |19,2% | |Pétanque |16,7% | |Jogging |11,7% | |Cyclisme |10,3% | |Football |9,4% | |Tennis ...
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...company Decathlon represents today almost half the French market in the distribution of sporting articles1. From bikes to rucksacks, from hiking boots to tennis rackets, this brand has acquired a great deal of savoirfaire in the conception, the realization and the production of its “universe” brand. By way of an example, Decathlon is the biggest producer of bikes (Btwin) in the whole of France, the number 1 in the country for rucksacks and the fourth largest producer in the world of sporting goods. The producer of sporting equipment has thus made the choice of a differentiation through innovation2. The model of innovation used by the company has allowed it to obtain a durable advantage in relation to other distribution brands such as Intersport and Go Sport. Its originality is based on a culture of innovation associated with certain values such as pleasure, accessibility and a...
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...CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION, LIMITED 2012 Annual Information Form February 21, 2013 ANNUAL INFORMATION FORM CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION, LIMITED TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. Corporate Structure Description of the Business 2.1 Retail Business 2.2 Financial Services Business 2.3 Seasonality of the Business 2.4 Intangible Properties 2.5 Economic Dependence 2.6 Lending 2.7 Financing of the Business 2.8 Risk Factors 2.9 Employees 2.10 Social and Environmental Policies General Development of the Business 3.1 Retail Business Developments 3.2 Financial Services Business Developments 3.3 Other Business Developments Capital Structure 4.1 Description of Capital Structure 4.2 Market for Securities Dividends Security Ratings Transfer Agents and Registrars Directors and Officers Interests of Experts 1 1 2 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 15 15 16 16 21 21 23 23 24 25 26 27 27 32 32 33 i 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Legal Proceedings and Regulatory Actions 11. Additional Information ANNEX A – Audit Committee Mandate and Charter Certain brands mentioned in this report are the trade-marks of Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, Mark’s Work Wearhouse Ltd., FGL Sports Ltd. or used under license. Others are the property of their respective owners. CAUTIONARY NOTE REGARDING FORWARD LOOKING INFORMATION This Annual Information Form, and the documents incorporated by reference herein, contain forward-looking information that reflects management’s current expectations related to matters such as future...
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...FSPA Sporting Goods Report CENTRAL EUROPE The third of the FSPA European Sports Research projects is the Central European Report, covering the larger 5 countries France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Germany and consisting of 4 volumes: Executive Summary – GERMANY Contact the FSPA: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Web: +44 (0) 2476 414999 x207 +44 (0) 2476 414990 milly@sportsandplay.com www.sportsandplay.com Executive Summary THE SPORTS GOODS MARKET IN CENTRAL EUROPE Volume 4: GERMANY 376 pages of English text and charts on the largest sporting goods market in Europe Case studies of successful and unsuccessful market penetration and related tips Sports participation and trade figures In-depth analysis of the whole supply chain Ten product categories studied from top to bottom Consumption trends and effective marketing strategies Comprehensive market and foreign trade statistics Listings of 184 executives interviewed and about 280 other distributors and retailers Profiles of 105 companies Fourth volume of a series also comprising reports on France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland Overview and highlights of the German report Located in the centre of Europe, Germany has been one of the few founding member states of the European Communities, later known as the European Union. The early membership has eased the supply chain from important ports. Thanks also to the fact that Germany has the largest population of any European country west of Russia, it has been the place on the...
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...ELAN ˝GO TO MARKET STRATEGY˝ TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Five-steps analysis of Elan 4 Step 1: TARGET MARKETS 4 Step 2: TARGET CUSTOMER 6 Step 2.1: ONLINE SURVEY 7 Step 2.2: CUSTOMER PROFILE EXAMPLE based on online survey and analysis of the Elan skis: 13 Step 3: BRAND POSITIONING 14 Step 4: OFFERING 14 Step 5: CHANNELS 15 2. BUSINESS IDEAS: 18 2.1 SHORT TERM 18 2.1.1 ˝OLD FOR NEW˝ 18 2.1.2 PROMOTION VIDEOS 18 2.1.3 OUTDOOR EVENTS WITH SPORT CELEBRITIES 19 2.1.4 ELAN COMPETITION DAY 20 2.2 LONG TERM 21 2.2.1 PARTNERSHIPS WITH SKI RESORTS 21 2.2.2 RENTING STORES 22 2.2.3 ELAN SKI SCHOOL / ELAN SKI JUMP SCHOOL / ELAN SKI CROSS SCHOOL 22 2.2.4 COLLABORATION WITH PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN SLOVENIA 23 2.2.5 FUTURE SKIS 23 2.2.6 PARTNERSHIP WITH SKI TRAVEL AGENCIES 23 3. FUTURE TRENDS 25 4. ATTACHEMENT 27 1. Five-steps analysis of Elan Step 1: TARGET MARKETS In 2014, the world ski market was spread around 80 countries, with more than 2 000 ski resorts. It is estimated that the skiers are spread upon Asia and Pacific- with 20% of market share, America with 19%, Western Europe with the third biggest share-27% and Eastern Europe and Central Asia with 16%. On the last places are Alps with 18% of total share and other with 1%. Seven countries are ranked on the top of ski market share, which are The United State, France, Japan, Switzerland, Canada and Italy. The current ski market is estimated at some 65-70 million skiers around the...
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...ELAN ˝GO TO MARKET STRATEGY˝ Group members: Laura Sešek 19553905, Mateja Pirnat 19554965, Vito Petan 19553657, Tilen Lenarčič 19537762, Dejan Lukić 19538765 Ljubljana, 28/05/2015 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Five-steps analysis of Elan 4 Step 1: TARGET MARKETS 4 Step 2: TARGET CUSTOMER 6 Step 2.1: ONLINE SURVEY 7 Step 2.2: CUSTOMER PROFILE EXAMPLE based on online survey and analysis of the Elan skis: 13 Step 3: BRAND POSITIONING 14 Step 4: OFFERING 14 Step 5: CHANNELS 15 2. BUSINESS IDEAS: 18 2.1 SHORT TERM 18 2.1.1 ˝OLD FOR NEW˝ 18 2.1.2 PROMOTION VIDEOS 18 2.1.3 OUTDOOR EVENTS WITH SPORT CELEBRITIES 19 2.1.4 ELAN COMPETITION DAY 20 2.2 LONG TERM 21 2.2.1 PARTNERSHIPS WITH SKI RESORTS 21 2.2.2 RENTING STORES 22 2.2.3 ELAN SKI SCHOOL / ELAN SKI JUMP SCHOOL / ELAN SKI CROSS SCHOOL 22 2.2.4 COLLABORATION WITH PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN SLOVENIA 23 2.2.5 FUTURE SKIS 23 2.2.6 PARTNERSHIP WITH SKI TRAVEL AGENCIES 23 3. FUTURE TRENDS 25 4. ATTACHEMENT 27 1. Five-steps analysis of Elan Step 1: TARGET MARKETS In 2014, the world ski market was spread around 80 countries, with more than 2 000 ski resorts. It is estimated that the skiers are spread upon Asia and Pacific- with 20% of market share, America with 19%, Western Europe with the third biggest share-27% and Eastern Europe and Central Asia with 16%. On the last places are Alps with 18% of total share and other with 1%. Seven countries are ranked on the top of...
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...Elevation TrainingMask Global Initiative China & Germany Table of Contents | Executive Summary | 1 | Proposal NEI | 2 | Company Information | 4 | Product Information | 5 | Preliminary Indicators of Need | 6-11 | China | 6 | Germany | 10 | Industry Information | 11-18 | China | 11 | Germany | 14 | Competition Information | 18-22 | China | 18 | Germany | 19 | Target Audience | 22-24 | China | 22 | Germany | 23 | Ch 1: Globalization Imperative | 14-18 | Ch 2: Economic Environment | 18-21 | Ch 3: Political Environment | 22-23 | Ch 4: Legal/Regulatory Environment | 24 | Ch 5: Global Cultural Environment | 27 | Hofstede’s Analysis | 31 | Ch 6: Global Market Research | 33 | Ch 7: Products & Service for Consumers | 35 | Ch 8: International Marketing Channels | 37 | Ch9: Communication with the World Consumer | 39 | Ch 10: Pricing Decisions | 40 | Final Decisions | | Work Cited | | Appendix | ## | NEI PROPOSAL The United States currently has the world’s strongest economy and contains a labor force of 155.4 million as of 2013, including unemployment. When compared to the year 2010 we had 154.9 million people in the labor force, giving a pretty stagnant amount of labor over these years. Manufacturing as well as other fields of work such including transportation and extraction make up a large portion for labor (20.3%). Sectors with managerial and technical positions...
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...Nguyen Le Huyen CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEY ACTILIFE FITNESS CENTER - KOKKOLA Thesis CENTRAL OSTROBOTHNIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Degree Programme in Business Management May 2010 FOR Thesis Abstract Department Date Technology and Business, 8 May 2011 Kokkola Degree Programme Degree Programme in Business Management Author Nguyen Le Huyen Name of thesis Customer Satisfaction Survey for Actilife Fitness Center – Kokkola Instructor Birgitta Niemi Page 41 + Appendices (6) Supervisors Kai Ahlroth & Birgitta Niemi Fitness industry is predicted to have a bright, blooming future . In a world of lots of competition, customer satisfaction is an important key to ensure customer loyalty as well as the living of a company. Since customers are pleased with the company, they can bring more potential customers by word of mouth communication. Therefore, a company should retain customer satisfaction by providing them excellent quality of services. This study is related to measure the customer satisfaction level of Actilife Fitness Center – Kokkola. W ith the strengths of innovative technology supported by Hur, Actilife constantly develops to bring customer joy, energy and good feeling. Customer satisfaction theories and service literatures are considered as the reference to the main findings of the survey. Throughout the r esearch, Actilife can measure where it lies in customers’ mind. Besides, the company can develop its strengths...
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...OUR GROUP 02 GRO UP M A N A GE ME N T R E P OR T 02.1 02.2 02.3 02.4 02.5 02.6 02.7 02.8 02.9 02.10 adidas Group Worldwide 66 Major Sporting Events 2014 67 Group Strategy 68 Global Sales Strategy 72 Global Brands Strategy 77 Other Businesses Strategy 86 Global Operations 94 Research and Development 99 Employees105 Sustainability111 G R O U P M A N A G E M E N T R E P O R T: This report contains the Group Management Report of the adidas Group, comprising adidas AG and its consolidated subsidiaries, and the Management Report of adidas AG. 1 Group Management Report – Our Group adidas Group Worldwide / 02.1 / adidas Group Worldwide Percentage of Group sales 26 23 Western Europe North America 8 3 1 4 2 13 6 12 Greater China 7 10 European Emerging Markets 5 9 20 13 66 11 15 Latin America Other Asian Markets 1 adidas North America, Portland/Oregon, USA 6 adidas International Trading, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2 TaylorMade-adidas Golf Headquarters, Carlsbad/California, USA 7 adidas Group Headquarters, Herzogenaurach, Germany 3 Reebok-CCM Hockey Headquarters, Montreal/Quebec, Canada 8 adidas Group Russia, Moscow, Russia 9 4 Reebok International Headquarters, The Rockport Company Headquarters, Canton/Massachusetts, USA adidas Global Sourcing, Hong Kong, China ...
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