...many runners train mile repeats at a 5K pace or faster. Reps that this pace rev your aerobic system close to full capacity, so it’s counterproductive to train at that level for longer than 5 or 6 minutes. Actually, runners who are slower shout limit reps at a 5K pace to short distances. Because they use slow-twitch, intermediate- and fast-twitch muscle fibers, you’ll increase capillary and mitochondrial density for all of them. Workouts at this pace should include three to four reps, with recovery intervals that match the time of the rep, or half the duration for fitter runners....
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...little or no background in running. The workout starts out with only walking and gradually advances to walk/run workouts and finally to all running. If you feel you are a bit more advanced and would like to start with some running right away, choose your appropriate point in the program to start. Just remember not to start out too quickly. If you have not exercised before, are over 40 years of age or have any injury or medical condition, you must get clearance from your doctor before beginning this program. The Workouts This program contains rest days, walking and easy runs. This is a very basic training program and is intended only to increase your fitness level to the point at which you can run 2 miles without stopping. Do not worry about speed. After you complete this program, you can move on to more advanced programs that will further improve your speed and endurance. You will monitor and adjust the intensity of these workouts using the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale. This is a scale that rates your workouts by how you feel. The ratings range from 1 (very light), such as sitting and watching TV, to 10(maximal effort), which is like running as fast as you possibly can. Easy Runs Easy runs should be run at a pace that feels comfortable to fairly comfortable, or a rating of 3 to 4 on the RPE scale. You should be breathing hard, but should be able to carry on a conversation. If you are breathing so hard that you cannot talk, you are running too hard. If...
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...Month 1 | Week | M | T | W | TH | F | S | S | TOTAL | Vol | 1 | 24-Swim | 48-Bike | 32-Swim | 40-Swim | Off | 80-Bike | 40-Run | 4h 48m | | | | | 24-Run | | | | | 288m | | 2 | 26-Swim | 53-Bike | 35-Swim | 44-Swim | Off | 88-Bike | 44-Run | 5h 16m | +10% | | | | 26-Run | | | | | 316m | | 3 | 29-Swim | 58-Bike | 38-Swim | 48-Swim | Off | 97-Bike | 48-Run | 5h 47m | +10% | | | | 29-Run | | | | | 347m | | 4 | 17-Swim | 35-Bike | 23-Swim | 29-Swim | Off | 58-Bike | 29-Run | 3h 28m | -40% | | | | 17-Run | | | | | 208m | | Notes | Short Swim | Short Bike | Med Swim | Long Swim | Off | Long Bike | Long Run | | | | | | Short Run | | | | | | | Grand total: 19h 19m | Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Post Workout: 10 push-ups, 20 crunch sit ups, 10 body weight squats, and 10 lunges, each leg. Keep good form do ONE set! Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, Post Workout: 2 minutes jump rope, 10 steps up, 10 reverse lunges, 10 dips and 15 crunch sit ups – do ONE set! Month 2 | Week | M | T | W | TH | F | S | S | TOTAL | Vol | 1 | 29-Swim | 58-Bike | 38-Swim | 48-Swim | Off | 97-Bike | 48-Run | 5h 47m | | | | | 29-Run | | | | | 347m | | 2 | 32-Swim | 64-Bike | 42-Swim | 53-Swim | Off | 107-Bike | 53-Run | 6h 23m | +10% | | | | 32-Run | | | | | 383m | | 3 | 35-Swim | 70-Bike | 46-Swim | 58-Swim | Off | 117-Bike | 58-Run | 6h 59m | +10% | | | | 35-Run | | | | |...
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...Amanda Munoz Professor Montoya English 1301-2029 October 16th A Guide to Running Your First Marathon Marathon training can seem overwhelming to many people. There are many important factors that will help a first time marathon runner to cross the finish line. Once prepared, a runner can choose to run a full marathon race at twenty six point two miles or a half at thirteen point one. Marathon races are timed events. Achieving the goal will take physical endurance and perseverance. Three of the most important things to consider are diet, apparel and physical training. Nutrition is such an important factor when preparing to run a full or a half marathon. Complex carbohydrate intake from grain and pasta has long been recommended as the foundation of a running diet. This is called carb loading. Carb loading works by adding additional glycogen to the body. Glycogen is the fuel muscles will burn during long distance running. Sports gels like Gu or Honey Stinger taken every 30 minutes of running will add extra glycogen, and give the extra energy needed for long runs. Recovery drinks will also help to recover glycogen lost during physical activity. A recovery drink should be taken as soon after running as possible to be the most effective at aiding in the recovery of muscle soreness. Hydrating properly is another very important part in preparing to run a marathon. A good general guide is to drink 3 to 6 ounces of fluid for every 15 to 20 minutes of activity, or on average, about...
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...FARTLEK TRAINING PE 1 Physical Fitness Training Program Submitted by _ Submitted to Prof. Arroyo In partial fulfillment of the requirements for PE 1 Table of Contents |Cover Page |p. 0 | |Table of Contents |p. 1 | |Introduction |p. 2 | |Objectives |p. 3 | |Scopes and Limitations |p. 3 | |Constraints |p. 3 | |Definition of Terms |p. 4 | |Methodology |p. 5 | |Frequency |p. 5 | |Intensity...
Words: 2012 - Pages: 9
...Warm-up: 1 mile run2nd session: 2-3 mile run w/ sprint intervals | 2 miles walk uphill2 miles walk downhill | Warm-up: 1 mile runCool down: 1 mile walk | Warm-up: 1 mile run2nd session: 3 mile run w/ sprint intervals | OFF DAY | Weightlifting | Upper body:Chest press, bent-over row, abdominal crunch | Lower body: Abdominal crunch, lunge, side crunch | Upper Body: Rows, press, triceps extension, biceps curl | Lower body: Squat, alternate arm/leg extension | Focus on hand and leg weights. | OFF DAY | OFF DAY | Nutrition | Make a healthy diet plan, focus on drinking enough water per day | Focus on protein post-workout; Maintain healthy choices. | Focus on eating more veggies and fruitsGain vitamins | Focus more on whole grains and wheat | Focus on protein post-workout; Maintain healthy choices. | Crabs pre-workout for energy; protein post-workout; healthy choices all other meals | Crabs pre-workout for energy; protein post-workout; healthy choices all other meals | Stretching | Static stretching after waking and before going to bed. | Do some legs stretching (post-activity). | Do some arms stretching (post-activity). | Static stretching – whole body (post-activity) | Do some legs stretching (post-activity). | Do some arms stretching (post-activity). | Static stretching – whole body (post-activity) | First, the cardio make your body more energetic. During the walking, it helps you burn more calories and control your weight. Running and walking is good for your health which helps...
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...The Simple Plan Run Smart, and Slim Down Eat Right, The Simple Plan From the editors of r 1 The Simple Plan Your Personal Calorie number Before you start figuring how you’re going to create a calorie deficit, you need to know how many calories your body requires to maintain the weight you are now. That calorie number is unique to you. It depends on many things—your size, your gender, your age, and how active you are. Roughly speaking, the more active you are and the younger you are, the more calories it takes to maintain your current weight. Bigger folks need more calories to fuel them; as they start to lose pounds, they’ll require fewer. Just go to www.runnersworld.com/ rybo and go to the basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculator, where you can enter your numbers. This tool measures how many calories you need each day to maintain your current weight if you’re sitting around doing absolutely nothing—and how many you need if you’re more active. Once you know how many calories you need to maintain your weight, you can make some well-informed decisions about the food you’re consuming and your exercise. You can eat less or move more to get the scale to move, too. n Calorie Math: A Quick Review Let’s strip this idea down to the simplest possible terms. Your body burns calories every day. If you eat more calories than your body burns, those calories are stored on the body as fat. If you eat fewer calories than your body burns, you lose fat. In other words, a calorie...
Words: 3814 - Pages: 16
...Distribute the 6 and the 3 * 6x-6+4= 21x+3 Step two: Combine like terms * 6x-2= 21x+3 Step three: Move smaller variable to one side and subtract * -2= 15x+3 Step four: Move the three to the other side * -5= 15x Step five: Divide by 15 * -5/15= x Step six: ALWAYS simplify * -1/3= x * Example 3: 7x/9-12= x Step one: Multiply each side by 9 * 7x-108=9x Step two: Add 108 to both sides * 7x= 9x+108 Step three: Subtract 9x from both sides * -2x=108 Step four: Divide by negative 2 to find what “X” is * X= -54 Solve and graph the inequality. Write the solution set in interval notation. * Example 1: 7x-9 > 6x-12 Step one: Move the smallest variable to one side and subtract * X-9 > -12 Step two: Move the constant term to other side and add * X > -3 Step three: Write in interval notation * [-3, infinity) Step four: Graph * Example 2: 2x+8 > 10x-14 Step one: Subtract 8 from both sides * 2x > 10x-22 Step two: Subtract 10x from both sides * -8x > -22 Step three: Multiply both sides by -1 (reverse inequality) * 8x < 22 Step four: Divide both sides by 8 * X < 11/4 * Example 3: 7x < 49 Step one: divide both sides by 7 to find out what “X” is * X <49 Step two: Graph Solving the equation * Example 1: | 3x-4 / 8x+5| = 3 Step one: Get rid of the absolute value sign by rule 2 (|x|>c x>c or x c-c) * 3x-4/8x+5 = -3 Step...
Words: 468 - Pages: 2
...Inequalities This assignment involves the use of inequalities in mathematical equations. The formula for finding Body Mass Index (BMI) is BMI =703W/H^2. In this formula W = weight in pounds In this formula H = height in inches. For this assignment four intervals based on our own personal heights must be calculated. I am 6 feet 4 inches tall. My height in inches (or H) equals 76. These intervals include inequalities that are categorized as between or compound inequalities. One interval in this assignment will be a regular inequality. Wherever “BMI” appears in the inequalities, we will exchange the formula and solve the inequality for W to find the weight ranges that fit each category for my height. The first interval calculates those who might have a longer than average life span. The compound inequality for this follows: 17<bmi<22 17<703W/76^2<22 17<703W/5776<22 17*5776<703W<22*5776 98192<703W<127072 (Dividing all by 703) 139.6756<w<180.7567 140<w<181 People with a height of 76 inches may have a longer lifespan if they weigh between 140 and 181 pounds (after rounding up). Now we will do something a little different from the previous problem. Below we will solve the 2nd inequality for the formula for W prior to entering the different values to find W. 23<703W/H^2<25 23H^2<703W<25H^2 Divide all by 703 23H^2/703<w Square H for insertion (76*76) = 5776 23(5776)/703<w 132848/703<w 188.9729<w<205...
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...MATH 012 Midterm Exam Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwaid.com/shop/math-012-midterm-exam/ Math 012 Midterm Exam Name________________________________ Instructions: • The exam is worth 75 points. There are 15 questions, each worth 5 points. Your score on the exam will be converted to a percentage and posted in your assignment folder with comments. • This exam is open book and open notes, and you may take as long as you like on it provided that you submit the exam no later than the due date posted in our course schedule of the syllabus. You may refer to your textbook, notes, and online classroom materials, but you may not consult anyone. • You must show all of your work to receive full credit. If a problem does not seem to require work, write a sentence or two to justify your answer. • Please type your work in your copy of the exam, or if you prefer, create a document containing your work. Scanned work is also acceptable. Be sure to include your name in the document. Review instructions for submitting your exam in the Exams Module. • If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail (mary.dereshiwsky@umuc.edu). At the end of your exam you must include the following dated statement with your name typed in lieu of a signature. Without this signed statement you will receive a zero. I have completed this exam myself, working independently and not consulting anyone except the instructor. I have neither given nor received help...
Words: 894 - Pages: 4
...CASES ANALYSIS OUTLINE STEPS If all of the objectives of the case analysis method are to be realized, an organizational structure for the compilation, analysis, and presentation of case analyses should also be considered. Without this structure, integral parts of the case analysis may be ignored, and the multi-purpose nature of the course defeated. Such a structure would provide the inclusion of the following: 1. Statement of the major problem – the essence of the case, the point beyond which one can no longer find a broader, more pervasive or underlying issue. 2. Outline of minor problems – with facts and reasons. A hierarchical order of importance for the sequencing of these minor problems will be discussed following these steps. 3. Existing major policy issues – if any. This section will develop the ability to discriminate between goals, strategies, polices, programs, procedures, and rules by requiring a delineation of those policy issues which require formulation, administration, or revision. 4. Major rejected alternative solutions – with facts and reasons. This insures an adequate search for alternatives, as opposed to superficial analyses that lead to 5. Recommended solutions – with reasons. These solutions should embrace and resolve all major and minor problems delineated in steps 1 and 2. 6. Policy recommendations: This step will require the completion of the goals cited in step number 3. 7. Programmed implementation of recommendations...
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...Personal Narrative- Track Competition The moment of truth was upon me. The official times, this includes whom qualified for finals, for the 400m relay had been posted. My eyes scanned the page for the bold letters that spell ANDERSON. As I ran my finger across the page to where the times were posted, my ears began to shut out all outside noises, leaving me alone with the thump of my heart and the inhale and exhale of my lungs. Both began to increase in speed as my eyes narrowed in on the time. My sophomore year had begun and I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to do track this year. Last year I played football in the fall and soccer in the spring. Not really enjoying it, the decision was made to play " real futbol" (soccer) in the fall, leaving the spring sports season open. My friend kept telling me how fun track was, so I decided to give it a try. As the first meet neared, things were going well. I made it onto the 4x100 team making me the third fastest kid on the team. The other members of the relay were Jason Schmidt, Jeremy Willard and Rodney Schmidt. Jason and Jeremy were both the top dogs and Rodney and I were second from the bottom of the barrel. The 400 relay was my best event. We placed in every meet and even took home some medals as the season progressed. As the track year rounded for the home stretch, we had only three more meets to compete in: the Tiger Invitational, regionals, and state. As the Tiger rolled around, there arose a question...
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...How to run an event? The purpose: To inform the audience how they can run an event on campus? Main points: -Complete the contract of the performer and fill out all the forms necessary, -Market the event, -Running the event the day of. Being a member of LEAP the first thing you learn is how to run an event on campus. 1. The first thing you need to do is contact the performer and book the performer for the day that you’re interested, also first make sure the performer is around the amount of money that your assigned to use. After you book the performer you wait for them to send you the contract. Meanwhile there are three other forms that you need to feel out. The green form, which is due 2 weeks before the event, this includes your food form for which you go to Paul, also book the room in which you want to have the event. Book the room for the time of the event, PLUS time for setup and tear down. Make sure to have the items that are required by contact. The red form, also due 2 weeks before, which is basically a checklist to help you do everything that you need to get done before the event. The green form -Overview of the event: Place to find more information, confirmed room, review tech needs, confirm food orders. Yellow Form - Don’t miss deadlines: Make sure staffing list is sent at least two weeks prior to the event; make sure parking request is sent at least 7 days before the event The lion production for sounds and after the event you have to fill out the evaluation...
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...Failing to Success It was tryout day. My heart was beating fast and sweat was running down my face as I approached the starting line. Wait. Stay still. Take a big breath. “Get set…RUN!” My adrenaline rush rose as I began to sprint. The sun was thrashing down my back as my feet pierced the burning, concrete track. With every stride I took, my lungs clasped for air. Everything felt the way it should as I was running at the same pace as everyone else. Half a mile through, I began to notice that most of the girls were about fifty meters ahead of me. They all had passed me. My short legs moved as fast as they could on the last two hundred meters left of the 5k but I just couldn’t catch up. As I came closer to my final steps, my legs were so worn out, that they began to wobble like a bridge in an earthquake. I reached the finish line and collapsed to the ground. This was my first year of high school and it was already not going well for me. I had failed to make the cross-country varsity team, which consisted of the top seven girls from a total of fifteen that had tried out. Mr. Nelson, the head cross-country coach, had decided to choose seven girls from those who hadn’t made varsity to run for junior varsity. Since there were eight girls, one would have to leave the team, so he eliminated me for having the slowest time. We all had viciously tried our hardest to earn a spot on the team by running against our teammates, but I just wasn’t good enough. I considered cross-country...
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...question: Whether 'tis easier to race And face the harsh pains of a race Or to stay lazy And, by not moving, avoid pain To run, to hit the adrenaline rush- No more – and by running to say I face The early morning preparations for the events That each race day holds ‘Tis a situation I do not wish to face To run, to race- To fall perhaps too hard. Ay there’s the problem, For in running what events may come about When we are hiding from the finish line Must make us stop and think. That’s the idea That makes disaster of running For who really wants to face the 7 a.m. sun The first start, The runners’ obnoxious cheeriness, The disappointment in Gatorade, The team’s early practices, The overly chipper song of the early bird, And the cold looks That other runners send in my direction When they too may run On weekends free from tribulations? What would heed the team’s early call To sprint and jog through the first hours of the day But that the horror of something may be missed while running That unknown events that have occurred which The gossips discuss While we stand in a confused daze Wishing we had chosen a different sport Instead of seeking those futile adrenaline rushes? Thus the chance of missing out does make runners of us all And thus the bliss of running Is tainted by eye opening thoughts of lost news And peaceful moments of calmness and scenery With this regard their paths are cut short And lose the race in favor of the...
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