...Unable to cook, clean and care for themselves, the greatest generation is often seen as a helpless burden on their families and the community. Many cultures honor and respect the elderly for their knowledge and experience. Unfortunately, a lot of Americans seem to not respect or understand older citizens. Some stereotypes include the crazy old woman who lives with dozens of cats or the frail, senile man who spends his days in a rocking chair on the front porch. It is the responsibility of the police to serve their community, and the elderly are its forgotten members. Police can better serve the elderly community by knowing their; culture and customs, perception of law enforcement, special needs and organizations that supports them. Senior citizens currently represent the most rapidly growing part of the population in the United States. Currently, one in every eight Americans is age 65 or older, a total of more than 35 million. By year 2030, as “baby boomers” age and life expectancy increases, this number will increase to an estimated 64 million. Having a basic knowledge of this growing population’s customs and culture will produce the most effective type of officer. From my interviews I have gathered that the elder community is family orientated, believes in manners, personnel and finical responsibility and community involvement. Mrs. Kline said that “we are more patriotic, attend church regularly and vote more than younger people.” She went on to say “it was just the way...
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...Writing Workshop Anthropology 120 Course Paper Formatting Instructions ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 2,000 word minimum (~ 6 pages) double spaced, 1-1.5” margins stapled page numbers word count include your fieldnotes DUE WEDNESDAY APRIL 29 in lecture Minimum of THREE (3) Key Themes: sexuality, dating and marriage experiences – family and kinship experiences - economic (subsistence) experiences – the roles of race and ethnicity in the life of your informant (including the impact of racism and/or racial tension) - the social expectations of men and women (gender roles) as experienced by your informant- problems related to living in an increasingly industrialized society - social pressures related to the body - education experience- religious beliefs and experiences Paper Structure Introduction Body Conclusion Introduction ● Introduce the topic of your paper: immigrant or senior citizen. ● Introduce who your informant is and what is your relationship to him or her. ● Why you chose to interview him or her. ● Introduce the three (3) key themes that you will be examining in your paper Body Body Paragraph 1: Key Theme #1 Body Paragraph 2: Key Theme #2 Body Paragraph 3: Key Theme #3 Body Paragraphs: Basic Paragraph Structure Topic Sentence(s) Supporting Sentences Concluding Sentence(s) Body Paragraphs: Topic Sentence(s) Introduces the topic of the paragraph. It is a statement that creates questions in the reader's mind...
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...Human Service Programs: Commonalities & Successes Paper Mindy Joy Mayer BSHS/425 12/15/2014 Nicole Nightingale Human Service Programs: Commonalities & Successes Paper All human service agencies share the goal of satisfying human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, concentrating on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and asserting a commitment to better the tone of life enhancement and bring positive changes to the families and individuals (National Human Service, 2014). There are many characters of human service that are under vary by category, and it comes in different sizes, such as a worldwide representation to small agency in many urban centers. Most agencies are nonprofit, which the nonprofit uses its revenues to carry out its missionary work, and cannot distribute profits to owners or shareholders. Some agencies are for profit, which for-profit agencies carries out their missionary works, but uses revenue as profit. Human service agencies’ mission is to put people’s need as a first priority through an interdisciplinary knowledge base focusing on prevention and commitment to help improve the quality of life (National Human Service, 2014). There are four trends, which is political, economic, social, and technological. The political pressure to avoid displaying material reduction in service while costs increase and revenues falls the changes in human services. Technologies has produced a great alteration in human services, and...
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...Athens, GA. I remember being excited to start my first job and how wonderful it was to officially be on my own. Well, my first day at work I noticed I was the youngest person there (24) everyone else was in their late 30s to early 60s. The next day upon doing my daily routine I noticed an elderly woman about 65, her name was Ms. Edna she was a volunteer who came to work with our agency via the Council on Aging (it was a grant program, I forget the name of the program but it put seniors citizens back to work at minimum wage) after meeting her I remember listen to people complain about how she could do nothing right, but at the same time I never noticed anyone trying to correct(train) her or for that fact show her how to do anything right. But at the point I heard others talk about her I thought about my mother and how I would not want her to be treated in such a condition just because people “thought she was incapable.” I think it is so important that we continue to fund programs and also allow our senior...
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...Running Head: Non-Profit to Profit Making Plan Non-Profit to Profit Making Plan Assignment Two Strayer University HSA 505 Health Services Strategic Marketing Non-profit and for-profit hospitals come with their own set of rules, regulations, and expectations. They both work financially differently and it is known that for-profit hospitals generate millions of dollars in revenue every fiscal year. This is not the same for non-profit hospitals. Non-profit hospitals work with what the state and federal government allots them and they do not make money hand over fist. The obvious motive for turning a non-profit hospital into a for-profit hospital is for money. This paper will address the external and internal factors that influence decisions, the theory and practical framework of data, market segmentation, and analyzing of data for the switch from non-profit to for-profit hospitals. Describe the external and internal factors that influence the executive team’s decision making and specify which might be most instrumental in making the decision to become a for-profit entity. Why do you think so? It is imperative to understand the differences of internal and external factors, especially in terms of decision-making due to the fact that a problem has to be recognized in order to establish a next crucial step. In this instance the next crucial step is the decision to move from a non-profit to a for-profit entity. Within this move both internal and external factors...
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...rin.ac.uk/phys-sci-case contents executive summary Overview method cases Tools and practices of information Information sources 68 69 77 78 4 4 4 4 research software dissemination complexity conclusion and recommendations Information retrieval Information and data management data analysis citation practices dissemination practices collaboration Transformations in practice New questions New technologies recommendations 79 84 84 85 85 86 86 87 88 90 91 92 Glossary Information in the physical sciences background and related literature About the study Approach and methodology 14 16 16 18 18 Particle physics Astrophysics gamma ray burst Nuclear physics chemistry earth science Nanoscience Zooniverse and citizen science 22 30 38 46 50 56 62 endnotes references cited 96 97 collaborative yet independent: Information practices in the physical sciences...
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...Kevin T. Ellis English 155/Ms. Quinn 26 March 2013 Essay Should Colleges Accept Senior Citizen Student Imagine sitting next to someone’s father or grandmother in a classroom, at first it may feel awkward having a senior age classmate. Later you find they are just well on their subjects both in the classroom and online, and might be someone to consider as a study buddy on a class project. Keep in mind to those older Americans returning to school, the world of the classrooms, can seem both foreign and intimidating. For some senior citizens, taken online courses also eliminate the fear of feeling out of place, where being in a class full of decades-younger students may make them feel, shamed at not having completed their education. Being an online student, they do not have to share their ages or educational background. The flexibility of online courses is also beneficial for seniors with ambulation problems, allows them to still work on class assignments from home. When thinking of education and senior citizens that are returning to school with hopes in getting the degree they missed in the past has their families feeling very proud just to think that they're actually taking advantage of the opportunity that the government has given them to go back to school. Younger students are true believers of the fact that no one is ever too old to learn. The older generations, with the disruption of the wars and the increasing financial insecurities, had to take a back seat to the...
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...UGANDA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY - MUKONO CONCEPT PAPER ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANT FOR EMPOWERMENT’S TARGETING MECHANISM IN THE SELECTION OF SENIOR CITIZEN GRANT BENEFICIARIES. A CASE FOR COMMUNITY BASED TARGETING IN KOLE DISTRICT. PRESENTED BY ANDREW NEWTON OGEI odrew2002@yahoo.com RS15M13/602 MASTERS OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background Social transfers are increasingly seen as a key tool in Eastern and Southern Africa to combat the triple threat of chronic poverty, hunger and HIV/AIDS (Hyper & Veras, 2012).Social transfers have over the years been the main focus for most aid organisation and multilateral agencies in transferring aid and support to developing countries. These social transfers take the form of cash or in-kind transfer. They are also in form of conditional and unconditional social transfers. According to World Bank, Cash transfers are defined as the provision of assistance in the form of cash to the poor or to those who face a probable risk of falling into poverty in the absence of the transfer. In Africa, these cash transfer programme are being used as a means to fight and eradicate poverty. These programme target different categories of vulnerable groups such as; elderly persons, children, orphans, women, widows and people with disability. In Africa cash transfer programmes are being implemented in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe to mention but a few. Modest but regular and predictable income transfers helps...
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...milieu? (Oct 2010) * Changing variables at international and global level ANSWERED BELOW * Restructure and rationalise the HR process using the following processes: * by downsizing (clearing redundant staff with the aid of retirement packages); * right-sizing (auditing determines the skill pool so that optimal service can be achieved in critical areas), * by out sourcing (private institutions that specialize in the work concerned are given the public sector work under contracts agreed by both parties) and, * by re-engineering (constant investigation and adaption of HR methods and systems ensure the concept of total quality management). * Equal representation and affirmative action. With the aid of White Papers and the RSA Bill of Rights (1996), equality and representativeness is a goal of the workplace. The aim of equality of opportunity is to provide special opportunities to members of specific groups, who are either absent from or under-represented in certain areas of work, so that they can catch up with applicants and employees in the more privileged groups. An equal opportunity programme acknowledges the value of objective employment standards and aims at advancing personnel to that standard. Affirmative action refers to specific steps, beyond ending discriminatory practices, which are taken to promote equal opportunity and to ensure that discrimination will not recur. Affirmative action is the practice of favourably considering...
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... or otherwise known as “Obamacare,” was signed into law on March 23, 2010 by President Barack Obama. The thing that immediately comes to mind when I think of Obamacare is healthcare for every citizen in the United States. This sounds great to me, and without research with in-depth investigation, I would say it has been homerun for Obama with acquiring votes in the past, as well as giving every citizen healthcare. I am interested in the topic of Obamacare because of the simple fact that many people of this generation believe it is a great thing; my intuition tells me that same thing. I know that the main goals of Obamacare are to provide affordable health insurance to all Americans and to ultimately reduce health care costs. This means extending coverage to about 32 million Americans who lack insurance and protecting consumers from discriminatory and unfair practices established by insurance companies. This system must work great because, after all, Canada uses this exact same socialized health care system and I hear all of the time from news media such as MSNBC and CNN about how well the healthcare system in Canada works. In fact, I have heard Michael Moore, a very well-known member of the Democratic Party, say that citizens in Canada on average live 3 years longer than American citizens because of this great healthcare system. I am very impressed by that statistic! I have heard that because Canada has a single-payer system for healthcare, the administrative costs for the healthcare...
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...International Masters in Environmental Sciences, Lund University, Sweden November 2005 Submitted by: Noriko Sakamoto 4-41-4-805 Arakawa, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 116-0002 Phone: 81-3-3893-5171 Email: noriko.sakamoto.755@student.lu.se Supervisor: Dr. Tomas Kåberger TallOil Phone: 0853524723 Email: tomas.kaberger@talloil.se Mr. Kes McCormick International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University Phone: 0462220256 Email: kes.mccormick@iiiee.lu.se Acknowledgement First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Tomas Kåberger and Kes McCormick, for their continuous advice, support and encouragement throughout this thesis work. Without their support, I could not finish writing this paper. Next, I would particularly like to thank my interviewees, Ayako Fujii, Minoru Yamada, Yasuhito Endo, and Hiroshi Shimotenma for warm hospitality. They gave me inspirations for this thesis, and their energy gave me courage to finish this work. I would like to express my gratitude to LUMES program for offering me an opportunity to study environmental sciences, continuous support, and wonderful classmates. Special thanks to all of my classmates, Becky, Cynthia, Eda, Leah, everyone, for sharing laughs and tears, from hard time of thesis writing to wonderful party time. To Kerstin Hellen-Halme and her family. You are my family in Sweden. Thank you very much for everything, and your warm and continuous support to my life in Sweden. And to Patrick...
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...Implementation of the Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa ANDREW WILLIE BARTLETT 21936048 Mini-dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master’s degree in Development and Management at the Potchefstroom campus of the NorthWest University SUPERVISOR: MS LUNI VERMEULEN 2011 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to hereby express my sincere gratitude and appreciation towards the following persons for their support and assistance throughout this study: My Heavenly Father who blessed me with the opportunity, ability and strength to try to make a difference through this study. My wife, Elaine, without whose support, encouragement and assistance this study would not have been possible. My children, Elandre and Jade, for their support and understanding; may this achievement motivate you in your studies and development. My personal mentor and supervisor, Ms Luni Vermeulen, for her highly professional guidance, motivation, continuous support and patience. To all the respondents at the various institutions for their participation and valuable contributions. Thank you very much for your selfless assistance. ii ABSTRACT In 2001 the first Human Resource Development Strategy of South Africa (HRDSA) was implemented. The lack of institutional arrangements, structures, procedures, processes and capacity and the location of the HRDSA, 2001, at both the then Departments of Education...
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...OPEN UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA FACULTY OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BMIT 5103 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR MANAGERS Individual Assignment Abdul Matheen Abdul Sattar - S1409012172 Telephone: 7965141 Email addresses: abdul.matheen@villacollege.edu.mv Lecturer Name: Ahmed Shareef Learning centre: Villa College Eydhafushi Campus Trimester: January 2014 VILLA COLLEGE EYDHAFUSHI CAMPUS MBA B11 GREEN IT Abdul matheen abdul sattar s1409012172 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deepest heartfelt appreciation to my lecturer who has given guidelines, advice and support during his hectic schedule which will not be forgotten. Without the supervision and commitment this dissertation would not have been possible. I would also like to thank people whom I have interviewed to get the information from the different companies; Hussain Meeaadh from Baa Atoll Office, Thoriq Abdul Rahman from Baa Atoll Education Center and Mr.Prashaad from Sonevafushi Resort. Without their engagement and full support this project would be incomplete. Finally I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my classmates, where this project could not have been accomplished without the support of you all. ABSTRACT This research involves the study of the attitudes namely the awareness and readiness of IT managers towards Green IT adoption. The goal is to identify how much companies are aware and readiness towards Green IT adoption and propose the best...
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...Natarsha Hendricks Professor Slade LIBS 499 5 May 2014 Research Proposal for Senior Research Project Introduction This document details planning and preparation for the Senior Research Project, the capstone requirement in partial fulfillment for the bachelor’s degree in liberal studies at North Carolina A&T State University. Included are an overview of the project, the rationale for choosing this topic, the design of this project, and the methods that will be used to conduct the research. This proposal also includes resources needed to complete this project, and an annotated bibliography that will be used as the core sources for the literature review I will write for the final paper. Overview and Purpose of the Research Project The role of women in combat has changed drastically over the years. Their inclusion in the military has increased followed by their involvement. However, the women are still limited in terms of what roles they are allowed to take. The general stigma against women depicts them as homemakers and their place in combat cannot exceed certain levels such as allowing them in the front line. There are other factors that have been linked to their limitation including their capacity to handle emotions, their need for extended leave when they get pregnant and their overall performance as compared to the men. People are constantly advocating for equal rights in men and women. In a bid to achieve that, women should be encouraged to uptake military positions...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0142-5455.htm Mentoring for gender equality and organisational change Jennifer de Vries and Claire Webb Organisational and Staff Development Services, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia, and Mentoring for gender equality 573 Joan Eveline Business School, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia Abstract Purpose – There is considerable literature about the impact of mentoring on the mentees but little is known about the effect of the mentoring relationship on the mentor. This paper aims to address that gap. Design/methodology/approach – Interviews with 15 mentors and survey responses from 128 mentees are used to examine a formal mentoring programme. Most emphasis is on the perspective of the mentors, raising questions about how they view outcomes for themselves and their mentees, as well as the effects of mentoring on the workplace culture over time. Questions about the mentoring relationship, including gender differences, are analysed against the background of a decade-long organisational change strategy. Findings – Mentors report significant benefits for themselves and the mentee as well as the organisation itself as a result of their participation. The findings suggest that a long-term mentoring programme for women has the potential to be an effective organisational change intervention. In particular, men involved in that programme increased...
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