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Interview Project


Submitted By ShaimaMG88
Words 2244
Pages 9
Health and Exercise Introduction
Health is a big and many-sided area of human life as well as exercising is very important to a person’s health. I think that among all questions related to the human's body, the health must overcome all other aspects and become the main reference point for finding the answers. Exercising also gently improves your health, improve your quality of life, and reducing the feelings of depression and anxiety. Although impossible to have a clear awareness and good impact in your academic life without being healthy. This research was important to us because we are students at Georgetown university, and health and exercise has influence in our academic performance. In addition, The questions covered topics such as exercising, having breakfast before class, taking vitamins, drinking coffee, and methods used to balance their daily diet in the exam periods. The open-ended question was designed to bring out responses in greater detail about their diet balance in the exam periods.
Our team had generated a number of hypotheses before conducting the interviews and the surveys. We predicted different answers from both genders, and also expected certain answers from people who are under and above 21. We thought that asking people at the gym would give us different perspectives than those who were not at the gym. Regarding time, we did not expect any highlighted differences in the responses that we
accumulated in the morning and those which were accumulated in the afternoon or evening. Our hypotheses that were related to gender differences were that men would jog more than women, almost all participants would say that they drink coffee to stay alert in classes, and females would take vitamins more than males. We also generated other hypotheses like that all people at the gym would not be vegetarians, and maintain their breakfast so they can keep

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