...and were likely considered peasants in their own countries. Jurgis Rudkus, a fictionalized character in Upton Sinclair's novel, The Jungle is an example of such a person. Jurgis is from Lithuania and comes to America in search of the American dream. At the beginning of the novel Jurgis comes to America as any other typical European immigrant. He dreams of America as being a land where a man with little can rise through the ranks and ultimately become a man with wealth and prosperity. Jurgis quickly realizes that industrial America is a land of heartache, where a willing man is exploited and used as energy to fuel the never ending industrial machine. At the end of the novel Jurgis learns that the great land of America has its limitations, but at a cost as he loses his wife and child and spends stints in jail for trying to defy the machine. Thus, the novel, The Jungle exemplifies how immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe in the early 1900s could not fully realize and achieve the American dream no matter how hard they toiled and worked in the brutal American factories of the time. A jungle is an area of madness and chaos where animals roam free and one either eats or is eaten. Upton Sinclair titled his novel, The Jungle because urban Chicago exemplified all of the same traits that a jungle possessed except for the fact that the jungle of...
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...Devi Henn Life science Assigned reading Part I March 3, 2015 INTO THE JUNGLE: Questions from the book CHAPTER 1 QUESTIONS: 1. What experiences of his youth helped to prepare Darwin for the voyage on the Beagle? 2. What geological phenomena and formations did Darwin witness? How did these shape his thinking about the age of the earth or how life changed? 3. What zoological evidence led Darwin to think that species evolved? 4. What were Thomas Malthus’ ideas, and how did Darwin react to them? 5. Why did Darwin delay publishing his species theory? CHAPTER 2 QUESTIONS: 1. Why did Wallace choose to go to the Malay Archipelago? 2. Compare and contrast the animals on Bali, Borneo, and the western islands of the archipelago with those on Lombok, New Guinea, and the eastern islands. What are the differences and why are they important? 3. What observations led Wallace to the idea of a “struggle for existence”? How were Wallace’s observations similar or different from those driving Darwin’s ideas about natural selection? CHAPTHER 3 QUESTIONS: 1. What was the “glimpse” that Bates had “of how nature manufactures her species?” 2. What evidence did Bates assemble to argue that mimicry was due to natural selection and not mere coincidence? 3. Why was Darwin so delighted by Bates’ discovery of mimicry? CHAPTER 4 QUESTIONS: 1. What influence did Thomas Huxley have on Eugene Dubios? 2. Why did Dubios choose to search in...
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...Zenja Jones Eng101 – Smith 2 Nov 2015 Jungle The most significant thing I’ve read does not come from a book, a magazine, or a blog. It comes from a hip-hop song. The song was made by a Canadian rapper, turned singer, named Aubrey Graham. He is well known as Drake in the music industry. The song I am referring to is called ‘Jungle.’ There is one lyric in particular that caught my attention and stuck with me. The lyric itself personally inspires me to be my best and encourages me to keep moving toward success. The song is fairly new. It was released in February of 2015, along with seventeen other songs, on Drake’s album ‘If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late.’ This is his fourth commercial released album. It was randomly available on iTunes on the thirteenth of February. The album has been very successful, as well as his others. The album debuted as number one on the Canadian Albums Chart and the Billboard 200. Because of ‘If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late,’ Drake became the first rapper to top Billboard’s Artist 100 chart. Jungle has the third most plays out of the whole album. Drake has always been one of my favorite artists to listen to. I feel his music is more relatable than others. Jungle really grabbed ahold of my mind and wedged itself in there, continuously playing even when I’m not listening to the actual song. It loops the same part of the song over and over again when I’m in apposition of giving up. It is a rather emotional song though. The meaning of the...
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...In 1906, Upton Sinclair's Book The Jungle was published in book form; it had previously been published as a newspaper serial in 1905. Few works of literature have changed history in the United States so much as The Jungle did when it was published. Does Sinclair Lewis make a compelling argument for socialism in his book, The Jungle? I think that the answer to this question is going to be dependent on what you end up believing about socialism. A die hard socialist is probably going to point to Sinclair's ending with zeal and passion because it proves that Jurgis could only find a home when renouncing capitalism and its perverse interpretation of the American Dream. I think that Sinclair believed in the socialist ending of his novel. Yet, I want to pivot the question a bit. While the socialist claim might not be persuasive, like Marx himself, Sinclair is probably more eloquent on suggesting that the current capitalist system, the one being written about at the turn of the century, is in desperate need of repair. His persuasion might lie in his critique of capitalism more than his embrace of socialism. “The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, exposed the nauseating conditions of Chicago’s meat packing industry.” (Goldfield, David R. The American Journey: A History of the United States.) He couldn't have been very happy that the book gained fame for a different reason, but nonetheless it did gain a significant amount of fame and get that message of socialism is better than communism...
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...The book “The Jungle” was published at 1905 and written by Upton Sinclair. The novel’s main characters Jurgis Rudkus was a Lithuanian immigrant lived in U.S., and the book described the life he experienced while he was working in a meat packing house at Chicago. Jurgis’s family and his fiancée’s family immigrated to the United States from Lithuania; they thought they could have a better life after living in the U.S. At the beginning, they were lucky and found the job in a very short time. It look like everything should be better, however things didn’t develop as they expected. In the meat packing house, people had a long working-time and the work environment was horrible; it made some of the worker hurt and even some of them were died. After Jurgis married, in order to support the family, he was working very hard. Unfortunately, Jurgis was hurt in an accident and had to stay home. After he back to the meat packing house, there was someone already did his task which means he lost his job. Everything became worse and worse. Jurgis went to jail because he fights with his co-work; when he got out of the jail, he found his life was totally changed because both his wife and kid were died. After that, Jurgis became weaker and hard to find a job. One day, he was listened a speech about socialism, he was very enlightening. After experiencing so many unfair things, he thought the society need to be changed and socialism brought hope to him. “I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident...
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...Kayla A. Simmons 1a. Wage slavery is basically a way of corrupting the minds of the lower class. The lower class needs the money so; they will do anything to get it because they have to survive. For example, when Ona got raped, Phil threatened to take their jobs away from them if she told; knowing that wouldn’t be an option for her. The upper class has control over them because they have something the lower class absolutely needs. “Then he threatened me. He knew all about us, he knew we would starve. He knew your boss—he knew Marija's. He would hound us to death, he said—then he said if I would—if I —we would all of us be sure of work—always. Then one day he caught hold of me—he would not let go—he—he—.” Phil Connor threatened Ona with life and death situations. She knows her family needs work and it was probably wonderful to hear him say they would always have a job. He knew he was at the top and they couldn’t stop him. He felt power, superior, they needed him. 1b. Child labor was a huge part of wage slavery. Little kids, forced to go out and do hard work that paid very little. They are not as strong as the older people and neither is their mind set. Working hard like this for scraps of money may have made the children exhausted and even put them in danger. “That Jurgis did not starve to death was due solely to the pittance the children brought him.” Just because this kept Jurgis alive does not mean it didn’t hurt him on the inside. The man of the house was at the...
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...Answer Key Name ________________________ Common Core Geometry R Date __________________ HW # 1 (Finding missing angles) A 1. Use the following diagram to answer the questions below: J F H Z G a. Name an angle supplementary to conclusion. ≮HZG or ≮JZF HZJ and provide the reason for your Linear pairs form supplementary angles. b. Name an angle complementary to HZJ and provide the reason for your conclusion. ≮JZA The supplement of a 900 angle measure 900. c. If m HZJ = 38, what is the measure of each of the following angles? Provide reasons for your calculation. (1) 380 Vertical angles are equal in measure. (2) 1420 (3) 520 Linear pairs form supplementary angles. Complementary angles are two angles that sum to 900. #2-6 Find the values of x and/or y. Show all steps to your solution, and give reasons for your calculations. 2. c B 112 y0 680 A 0 (4x 2)0 300 68 + y = 180 y = 1120 Linear pairs form suppl. ≮s. 4x - 2 + 142 = 180 Consecutive adjacent angles on a x = 10 line sum to 1800. D OVER 3. 4. C D A x0 x0 y0 B 470 240 A C B x0 47 + y = 90 y = 43 Complementary angles sum to 900. 2x + 24 = 180 x = 78 Consecutive adjacent angles on a line sum to 1800. D 47 + x = 180 x = 133 Linear pairs form supplementary angles. 5. 6. D A A (2x + 1)0 y0 C (5x + 45)0 (2x 5)0 (3x 25)0 ...
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...The rapid industrial expansion led to a booming growth in the economy. The most prominent businessmen of this century were Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan. These men had an enormous amount of money and were very powerful. By implementing monopolies and trusts, they built personal fortunes and corporations that made the American economy prosper. In the Jungle, Rudkus explains the struggles he has to go through in order to have an “American opportunity.” In the Jungle, Upton Sinclair argues, “A very few days of practical experience in this land of high wages had been sufficient to make clear to them the cruel fact that it was also a land of high prices” (Sinclair, 31). An organization that spoke out against low wages and the unemployment rate was the Knights of Labor. Rising in the 1880s, the Knights of Labor brought skilled and unskilled workers together to form one union. This organization did not only limit men but women and African Americans as well. The goal was to improve the lives of the middle...
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...Biomass pyramids First we have to know what biomass is. It is the total material of organisms that live ina a determinate place, to represent the mass of each individual we use pyramids that are classificated by the type of trophic level that belongs. Side Background The objective of this project is to construct a biomass pyramid for a given site, in this case it was a dry one. On Monday , third of December of 2012, my group of ib went to the school backyard cause our objective was to make an environmental experiment in dry soil. At the beginning we made quadrates (1m x 1m) with sticks and rocks .Then we wait for one hour, the land was totally dry with a very little vegetation. The only living organisms that we found were Ants Worms Plant Data collected At first we grabbed every living organism we saw and we put them inside the zip block. This example was taken to the laboratory for the checkout. Then we put them in a balance to measure the weight.: Table #1: Data collected from observation Spices | Number of individual | Weight for individuals (gr) | Plants | 1 | 0.07 | Worm | 1 | 0.10 | Ants | 3 | 1.99 | From this 3 spices that I found I will demonstrate what they eat and from which tropic level are they. Plants are considered producers which are the organisms that capture energy from the sun or from chemical reaction to convert carbon dioxide to organic matter. All this process is known as photosynthesis and respiration. Worm are ants are...
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...1. What influence did Thomas Huxley have on Eugene Dubois? Thomas Huxley influenced Eugene by what he described in his famous book “ Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature” where he stressed the relationship between man and apes. He proposed questions that were to explore the existence of man and his relations to the universe of things. Huxley “s book detailed biological examinations of the first human fossils and comparing them to the apes. This in a way motivated Eugene to want to explore the topic even more so that he can be the one to find the “missing link.” 2. Why did Dubois choose to search in the Dutch East Indies for the missing link and not Africa? Because Asia had the gibbon and the orangutan, which Haeckel had suggested, were more related to humans than the gorillas and chimps found in Africa. Also, there had been a recent fossil ape discovery in India at the time, and so he chose Asia to get a better lead. 3. What evidence did Dubois assemble to support his claim that Pithecanthropus was an intermediate between apes and modern humans? He assembled a 39-page description of the thighbone and the skullcap that he had found in Java. He included many photographs of them, and also provided pictures of ape skulls for comparison. He emphasized on how the close proximity of where these were discovered led him to believe that it was from the same individual. He also elaborated on how these remains had both human-like and ape-like features such as...
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...The Jungle Book CHARACTERS Who is Shere Khan? A lame tiger who wants to kill the man cub. Who is Mowgli? The man cub that Shere Khan wanted to kill and who was adopted into the Seeonee Wolf Pack. Raksha the Demon is another name for who? Mother Wolf Who is the leader of the Seeonee Wolf Pack? Akela Bagheera is who? The black panther that bought Mowgli’s way into the wolf pack. Who is Baloo? The old brown bear that teaches the wolf cubs the law of the jungle. Who is Kaa? The rock python that helps Baloo and Bagheera rescue Mowgli from the Bandor-log. What is Bagheera’s secret? He was born and raised in captivity. PLOT How did Mowgli come to live with the Seeonee Wolf Pack? Shere Khan tried to eat him but he got away and ended up outside a wolf den. Explain Mowgli’s acceptance by the wolf pack. Bagheera bought Mowgli’s way into the wolf pack with a freshly killed bullock. Why did Bagheera feel Mowgli needed the Red Flower? For protection from Shere Khan and the wolves that were following him when Akela is no longer the leader of the pack. Why do the jungle people hate Mowgli? Because they can not look him in the eyes. What is the Law of the Jungle? The rules that the jungle animals live by. Why is Mowgli forbidden to have anything to do with the Bandor-log? The Bandor-log have no laws, no leaders, and no speech of their own. They are evil, dirty, and shameless. What did the Bandor-log...
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...Henry James brings this idea to light through his story The Beast In The Jungle, where we see the struggle of the human mind to be satisfied with itself first hand through John Marcher. This story is a perfect example of psychological realism, which is considered to be character-driven and places special emphasis on the interior life of the protagonist or other point-of-view characters (Definition Of Psychological Realism). Not only is the story wrapped around the intricacy of the workings of the mind, but also it shows the negative or positive obstacles a person in these circumstances goes through. Therefore showing how in psychological realism the character’s fears, motives, and reactions make the story grasp a plot. Without the characters, their in depth complex thoughts, or their reaction to one another there would...
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...The Gentleman of the Jungle Power is, and has always been, one of the biggest threats to humans. The fear of being overruled by others is major and can make us sacrifice a lot just to satisfy those whose power is above us. Earlier in the history Great Britain used their power to expand their territory and gain colonies. The story “The Gentleman of the Jungle” is a fable written in 1938 by Jomo Kenyatta, who was a man born in 1894. He was born in British East Africa which today is known as Kenya. He was a lobbyist who had interest in more land to his tribe, Kikuyu, and independence of Kenya. He was arrested and sentenced to prison, but when he finally nine years after got released he became president of Kenya and is therefore today a famous and very honorable man. The fable takes place in a jungle and the protagonist is a man. One day a hurricane came and an elephant asked the man to settle in his hut, although there wasn’t space enough for both of them. The man ended in the rain and grumbled for some time. Short after the community of the jungle was gathered and discussed the situation. The animals manipulated the story and they urge the man to build a new hut. The episode repeats several times, although the man is aware of the fact that the animals are using him. But he can’t refuse to satisfy them because they have sharp teeth and claws. In the end he tricks them all into a huge hut and lighting it up, which kill all the animals. The fable is of course fiction and contains...
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...The Gentlemen of the Jungle "Peace is costly, but it's worth the expense." The theme of this text could be patience. How patient you can be before doing something for yourself or how far can you go for somebody else without getting anything? The story is about a man living in an animal world; he has a little hut in peace and quiet. One day there is a hurricane and Mr. Elephant seeks shelter at the man's hut, but with no room for them both, the elephant kicks the man out in the hurricane. This leads to a trial where the animals treat the man unfairly and give the hut to the elephant. In most cases, the man would surely win this trial by miles because it was his hut and all he did was help a friend. "The Gentleman of the Jungle" is written by Jomo Kenyatta in 1938. The story takes place at the edge of the forest in a fictitious land where animals and humans can talk. It states, ''Once upon a time an elephant made a relationship to a man. One day a heavy thunderstorm broke out, the elephant went to his friend who had a little hut at the edge of the forest.’’ (Line 1-3, pg. 171) The setting is the base of the story, the jungle laws they use because it takes place in the jungle. The relationships between the characters start out well. The story tells us that the elephant and the man are friends. The man shows patience when getting told by the lion that he will get his opportunity to get his hut back. This shows that the man has respect for the elders and the animals, "wait until...
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...Bridget Boyle Johanson Eng 105-39 23, February 2015 The Jungle Book Disney has the ability to make children out of adults and turn old stories in to movies that are memorable for all. From Snow White to Frozen, Disney has been capturing audience’s attention no matter what age group. One of the most notable films is the Jungle Book. The Jungle Book is an amazing story that takes viewer through the life of Mowgli who was a boy that was raised by wolves. The young boy must leave from his wolf family in order to escape the man-eating tiger named Shere Khan. With the Indian boy's fellow companions Bagheera and Baloo the audience experiences a great and positive story, fun songs, amazing animations for the time, and characters that will always be closed to the heart. The Disney version of Rudyard Kipling’s novel takes the audience to experience a great story and makes it into a family friendly animated movie. The story of a young Indian boy named Mowgli, who is a little boy that was separated from his village and was saved by his wolf father from the evil tiger Shere Khan. The boy was raised as a wolf and about 10 years later he grew up and learned that he couldn’t stay because soon Shere Khan would find him. Mowgli teams up with his panther friend Bagheera who will help him journey back to his village. On the way back the two protagonists run into another man-eating beast, Kaa the snake. Both Bagheera and Mowgli eventually meet up with a fun and loving bear named...
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