...Class | Attributes | Responsibilities | Operations | BookTextbookPicturebook | ISBNAuthorTitlePriceRangeAge | Receive Book DataValidate Book DataSelect and Print DataReceive Book DataValidate DataSelect and Print DataReceive Book DataValidate Book DataSelect and Print Data | +setBook-Over$50+validatePrice+setBook-GradeRange3to6+validateGrade+setBook-AgeRange3to6+validateAge | UML Book | -ISBN-Author-Title-Price | +over$50( ) | TextBook | -Grade | +GradeRange3to6( ) | PictureBook | -Age | +AgeRange3to4( ) | Book Class START setBook(inISBN, inAuthor, inTitle, inPrice) ISBN= inISBN Aurthor= inAuthor Title= inTitle Price= inPrice END START Over$50 validatePrice(validInput) IF validInput AND Price > 50.00 THEN Print ISBN, Author, Title, Price ENDIF END START validatePrice validate=true IF Price Not numeric THEN validInput=false Display ‘Invalid Price’, Price ENDIF END Book Driver Algorithm START testBook Create Book 1 as new Book( ) inISBN= 111111 inAuthor= ‘Test Aurthor’ inTitle= ‘Test Title’ inPrice= 55.99 Book 1.setBook(inISBN, inAuthor, intitle, inPrice) Book1.Over$50( ) END START TextBook class setTextBook(inISBN, inAuthor, inTitle, inPrice, inGrade) ISBN= inISBN Aurthor= inAurthor Title= inTitle Price= inPrice Grade=inGrade END START ...
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...Intro to CS: stored program concept Panos Hilaris Intro to CS: stored program concept 1 Stored program concept John von Neumann’s idea: Store programs, together with data, in the memory of the computer. Memory contains: (a) instructions, (b) data. Conceptually, programs and data seem very different. In fact the first computers, distinguished between them and stored them in different places. Another point of view: Treat programs as data. Intro to CS: stored program concept 2 Inside hardware The two hardware parts, that are ‘inside’ the computer: Processor or CPU (Central Processing Unit) Main memory (RAM: Random Access Memory) (Remember: the other part is input/ouput devices) Intro to CS: stored program concept 3 Components of CPU/memory arithmetic and logic unit (ALU): circuitry for arithmetic and logic operations (here the ‘real’ work is done) control unit (CU): responsible for running programs (here the ‘book-keeping’ job is done) • Fetch next instruction • Decode instruction • Execute instruction (activate relevant circuitry in ALU) registers (in ALU and CU): hold data for use by arithmetic and logical operations bus: wires connecting CPU and main memory Intro to CS: stored program concept 4 Review question What is the difference between a computer and a calculator? Intro to CS: stored program concept 5 Review question What is the difference between a computer and a calculator? Answer: The computer is programmable, and this is achieved through the control unit...
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...ITIL Study Guide | | | | ITILFND01 Service Management as a practice The purpose of this unit is to help the candidate to define Service and to comprehend and explain the concept of Service Management as a practice. 01-1. Describe the concept of Good Practice (SS 1.2.2) 01-2. Define and explain the concept of a Service (SS 2.2.1) 01-3. Define and explain the concept of Service Management (SS 2.1) 01-4. Functions and Processes (SS 2.3, 2.6.1, SD 2.3, SD 3.6.4, ST 2.3, SO 2.3, 3.1, CSI 2.3) 01-5. Explain the process model and the characteristics of processes (SD 2.3.2, 3.6.4) The recommended study period for this unit is minimum 45 minutes ITILFND02 The Service Lifecycle The purpose of this unit is to help the candidate to understand the value of the Service Lifecycle, how the processes integrate with each other, throughout the Lifecycle and explain the objectives and business value for each phase in the Lifecycle 02-2. Structure, scope, components and interfaces of the Service Lifecycle (SS 1.2.3 All ) 02-3. Account for the main goals and objectives of Service Strategy (SS 1.3) 02-4. Account for the main goals and objectives of Service Design (SD 2.4.1, SD 3.1) 02-5. Briefly explain what value Service Design provides to the business (SD 2.4.3) 02-6. Account for the main goals and objectives of Service Transition (ST 2.4.1) 02-7. Briefly explain what value Service Transition provides to the business (ST 2.4.3) 02-8. Account for the main goals and...
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...Chapter 2 OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS SYS-ED/ Computer Education Techniques, Inc. Solaris System Administration: Introduction Operating System Concepts Objectives You will learn: • Operating system components. • Solaris usage of processes. • File management and file systems. • Use of the Solaris Management Console. SYS-ED/COMPUTER EDUCATION TECHNIQUES, INC. (Solaris – System Admin: Intro - 6.5) Ch 2: Page i Solaris System Administration: Introduction 1 Operating System Concepts Operating System: Definition An operating system is the set of programs that controls a computer. The core of the operating system is the kernel. The kernel is a control program that functions in privileged state that allows all hardware instructions to be executed. It reacts to interrupts from external devices and to service requests and traps from processes. The kernel creates and terminates processes and responds to requests for service. Operating systems are resource managers. The main resource is computer hardware in the form of processors, storage, input/output devices, communication devices, and data. Operating system functions include: • Implementing the user interface. • Sharing hardware among users. • Allowing users to share data among themselves. • Preventing users from interfering with one another. • Scheduling resources among users. • Facilitating input/output. • Recovering from errors...
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...samenvatting_introduction_to_international_business.pdf Samenvatting Introduction to International Business Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | International Business | Introduction to International Business Verspreiden niet toegestaan | Gedownload door: Dorien De Vries | ID: 118424 INTRO TO IB KEY WORDS AND CONCEPTS Conceptual Foundations of International Business Strategy 1. Internationally transferable FSAs . Tacit knowledge = personal knowledge MNE’s heritage=key routines developed by the firm since its inception. 4 archetypes of administrative heritage: • Centralized exporter=only exporting the standardized product, no activity in host country. • International projector=FSAs from home country copied, no development of new ones. • International coordinator=different parts of the production process in different countries. • Multi-centered MNE=does everything(produce, sell, etc.) in the host country. 2. Non-transferable or location bound FSAs. 4 types of non-transferable FSAs: • Stand-alone resources=linked to location advantages. Such as certain immobile markets. • Other resources=such as local marketing knowledge, don’t have same value abroad. • Local best practices=routines which are highly effective at home, not the same abroad. • Recombination capabilities=taking FSAs/products from home and adapt it to host country. 3. Location advantages. !Strengths of a location, useable for all the firm’s operations in that location. !The reason why an MNE should go there. Foreign...
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...Architecture Lecture review pipeline and memory hierarchy EECS 252 Graduate Computer Architecture Computer Systems Architecture Review of Pipeline and cache memory concepts t Mats Brorsson, professor matsbror@kth.se, tel. 790 4121 Lec 3 – Performance + Pipeline Review Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences El t i l E i i dC t S i University of California, Berkeley http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~pattrsn http://www‐inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs252 David Patterson Review from last lecture • Tracking and extrapolating technology part of architect’s responsibility • Expect Bandwidth in disks DRAM network and Expect Bandwidth in disks, DRAM, network, and processors to improve by at least as much as the square of the improvement in Latency • Quantify Cost (vs. Price) – IC ≈ f(Area2) + Learning curve, volume, commodity, margins Outline • • • • • • • • Review MIPS – An ISA for Pipelining 5 stage pipelining 5 t i li i Structural and Data Hazards Forwarding Branch Schemes Exceptions and Interrupts Conclusion • Quantify dynamic and static power Quantify dynamic and static power – Capacitance x Voltage2 x frequency, Energy vs. power • Quantify dependability – Reliability (MTTF vs. FIT), Availability (MTTF/(MTTF+MTTR) 3/28/2008 CS252-s06, Lec 02-intro 3 3/28/2008 CS252-s06, Lec 02-intro 4 1 IS2202 Computer Systems Architecture Lecture review pipeline and memory hierarchy MIPS ‐‐ A "Typical" RISC ISA • • • • 32‐bit fixed format instruction (3 formats)...
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...7 | POL_256 15 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS | W | 0.00 | | | 13/SP | 8 | HIS_255 07 EARLY U.S. AND PA HISTORY | C | 3.00 | | | 12/FA | 9 | SOC_155 05 PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY | W | 0.00 | | Y | 12/FA | 10 | HIS_249 WA THE CIVIL WAR | A | 3.00 | | | 12/FA | 11 | POL_155 15 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT | C | 3.00 | | | 12/FA | 12 | CPT_145 03 INTRO TO COMP. TECH. | W | 0.00 | | | 12/SP | 13 | HIS_155 19 EARLY WESTERN CIVILIZATION | B | 3.00 | | | 12/SP | 14 | HIS_156 07 MODERN WESTERN CIVILIZATION | B | 3.00 | | | 12/SP | 15 | RDG_050 09 READING & STUDY SKILLS | C | 3.00 | | | 12/SP | 16 | CPT_120 WB INTRO TO THE INTERNET | W | 0.00 | | | 11/FA | 17 | CPT_150 21 MICROCOMPUTER CONCEPTS | F | 3.00 | | | 11/FA | 18 | MTH_050 09 BASIC MATHEMATICS | W | 0.00 | | | 11/FA | 19 | RDG_050 DA READING & STUDY SKILLS | W | 0.00 | | Y | 11/FA | 20 | SPC_155 06 EFFECTIVE SPEECH | B | 3.00 | | | 11/FA | 21 | CPT_150 W2 MICROCOMPUTER CONCEPTS | W | 0.00 | | Y | 11/SU | | | Total Earned Credits | 42.00 | Total Grade Points | 81.00 | Cumulative GPA | 2.250 |...
Words: 267 - Pages: 2
...BUS1001 – Introduction to Management and Organisations: Examination Guidance & How to tackle specific questions The Exam Wednesday 21st May 9.30 – 11.30. Three venues: * Sports Centre Hall * Sports Centre Multi Purpose Room Level 1 * Tyne Suite. Premier Inn * Make sure you know which venue you are in and where it is and turn up in good time * 2 hours * 3 questions from a choice of 7 * 40 minutes per question * make sure you do THREE questions 7 questions - 7 areas of management activity * Management generally * Organisation design, structures and processes * Groups and teamwork in the Organisation * Decision Making * Motivation * Leadership * Organisational Culture 2009/10 Paper 1. What are the main features of an organic organisation? In what situations might this type of organisational form NOT be appropriate? Justify your answer with reference to appropriate theory. 2. Explain why, with reference to motivation theory, Performance Related Pay may have limited impact upon an employee’s motivation at work. 3. Why is team-working considered important in modern organisations and what are the problems that may be encountered when trying to introduce such an approach? 4. (Brooks, 2006) states that “an intimate knowledge and awareness of culture should improve our ability to analyse organisational behaviour and to manage and lead” Explain why knowledge of organisational culture...
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...Modernism and the Visual Arts Must Knows I.Jane Avril II.Toulouse Lautrec III.Post Impressionism (France) 1. This artist embraced the concept of the Demi-Monde which was the late night meeting place of the intellectuals and the emotionally troubled and as well upper class social society and lower class social society. 2.Inspired by Japanese print making and Manet’s summery modelling, this artist revolutionized commercial advertising art and brought the common poster into the ranks of high classical comparison. I.Starry Night II.Van Gogh III.Impressionism (France) 1.This artist largely self taught continues the angst occupied ideas of the biblical so called doomsday philosophy typical of the last 2 decades of each century in western culture for more than 1000 years 2. The artists passionate style looks forward to the birth of expressionism in the 20th century and his subconscience death related symbolism looks forward to the birth of a symbolist movement in the 20th century. The artist is therefor called both a proto expressionist and a proto symbolist I.Mount Sainte Victoire II.Cezanne III.Post impressionism (France) 1.On the one hand Cezanne flattens out the picture plane by largely using Manet’s idea of summery modelling and it emphasizes the concept of art for arts sake simply defining a painting as being pigment on a 2 demential surface. 2.Cezanne returns the illusion of 3 dimensional space by using the theory of advancing and receiving...
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...Ernesto Castro Intro to marketing communications MW 4:30pm MKTG-4233 Sec001-1320 Product name: Morph Ernesto Castro Intro to marketing communications MW 4:30pm MKTG-4233 Sec001-1320 Product name: Morph 1. Executive Summary The world’s fully flexible phone. Morph is a cellphone concept created by Nokia. Morph is a “bridge between highly advanced technologies and their potential benefits to end-users.” Some of features this new technology included: •Newly-enabled flexible and transparent materials blend more seamlessly with the way we live. •Devices become self-cleaning and self-preserving. •Transparent electronics offering an entirely new aesthetic dimension •Built-in solar absorption might charge a device, while batteries become smaller, longer lasting and faster to charge. •Integrated sensors might allow us to learn more about the environment around us, empowering us to make better choices. The main target audience for this concept is for the innovators and early adopters. By having this group test the product, we’ll be able to decide if the product needs to be changed or if we have green light to mass produce. Promotions will mostly be targeted to those two groups and it’ll be done in such way that will have the greatest impact. Popular channels of communications will definitely be used to capture the most attention which will also include that of other groups like early majority. 1. Situation Analysis Environmental Scan Introducing...
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...2014 |E-mail: cbyers@scu.edu & byers.charles@ yahoo.com | |Meeting Times: Sat. – 8:30 – 11:15 p.m. |Office Hours: Sat. 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. or by appointment | |Meeting Place: Lucas Hall 307 | | Integrated Marketing Communications Textbooks & Materials Byers & Barr, “Integrated Marketing Communications Custom Edition for Santa Clara University 3E”: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2014. CoursePack Reader – “Marketing 596 – Winter 2014” Course Description This course is designed as an introduction to the concept and practice of integrated marketing communications (IMC). It takes the participant through communication, marketing, branding, and integrated marketing theory, planning and IMC program coordination. The course also addresses the marketing communications tactics of advertising, public relations, direct response, sales support, the Internet and social media. Emphasis is placed on business-to-business and technology marketing demonstrating how theories and practices from consumer marketing are applicable to those discipline areas. Premise IMC is based on the premise that a proper mix and balance of communications strategy and tactics (advertising, public relations, direct response,...
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...Elizabeth Ann Armstrong Course Speech (27 WEB 201108) Test Quiz 3 Started 8/29/11 3:09 PM Submitted 8/29/11 3:14 PM Status Completed Score 17 out of 20 points Time Elapsed 4 minutes. Instructions Answer questions. Question 1 .1 out of 1 points Reggie had a speech to prepare. He selected a topic, did his research, and sat down to draft the speech. He outlined the main points first and added the introduction and conclusion later. Is this a "textbook" way to organize a speech? Answer Selected Answer: Yes; your text suggests to start with the body of the speech first, then go back and draft the intro. Correct Answer: Yes; your text suggests to start with the body of the speech first, then go back and draft the intro. . Question 2 .1 out of 1 points The primary objective of class lectures, seminars, and workshops is to Answer Selected Answer: inform. Correct Answer: inform. . Question 3 .1 out of 1 points When you inform, which of the following do you accomplish? Answer Selected Answer: all of the above Correct Answer: all of the above . Question 4 .0 out of 1 points If the central idea is "There are three ways to interpret the stock-market page of your local newspaper," and you organize the speech into three parts, which method are you using to generate the main ideas? Answer Selected Answer: all of the above Correct Answer: logical divisions . Question 5 .1...
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...FOUNDATIONS First-Year Seminar (GEC 101) (choose 1, 2 credit hours, 1st semester on campus) GEP 101 First Year Foundations UHC 110 Freshman Honors Seminar Written Communication & Info Literacy (GEC 102) ENG 110* Writing I (#) Oral Communication (GEC 103) COM 115 Fundamentals in Public Speaking (#) GEC 104 3 3 NATURAL WORLD at least 1 course from each box, 7-9 total credit hours 2 different course codes, at least 1 with a lab Life Sciences (3-4 credit hours) BIO 100* Biological Sciences for Educators (lab) BIO 101 Biology in Your World BIO 111* Understanding Bio Sys Through Inq. (lab only) BIO 121* General Biology I (lab) BMS 100 Concepts & Issues in the Life Sciences BMS 105 Concepts & Lab in the Life Sciences (lab) BMS 110* Intro to Biomedical Sciences (lab) BMS 111* Intro to Lab in Biomedical Sci (lab only) GLG 115 Life of the Past Physical Sciences (3-5 credit hours) AST 113 Modern Astronomy AST 114 Survey of Astronomy AST 115 Basic Astronomy (lab) CHM 107 Chemistry for the Citizen CHM 108* Chemistry for the Citizen Lab CHM 116* Fundamentals of Chemistry CHM 117* Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab GLG 110 Principles of Geology (lab) GLG 171 Environmental Geology GRY 135 Principles of Weather & Climate (lab) GRY 142 Introductory Physical Geography (lab) PHY 100 Survey of Physics (lab) PHY 101* Physics by Inquiry for Educators (lab) PHY 123* Introduction to Physics I (lab) PHY 203* Foundations of Physics I (lab) 4(3-3) 3(3-0) 1(0-2) 4(3-3) 4(4-0) 4(3-2) 4(3-2) 1(0-2)...
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...specific classes. I have highlighted, in yellow, the top five most influential classes that have inspired me in one way or another. CORE CLASSES Lecture Project Discussion Field Work Experimentation Research Senior Seminar x The Ancient World x Intro to Literature of the New Testament x Spanish I x Statistics for Social Sciences x Lifetime Fitness and Wellness x Music Appreciation x National Government x Survey of Math w/ Applications x Analysis of Text x New Student Seminar x Environmental Science x Development of Civilization x Intro to Speech Communication x Business Math x Composition I x MAJOR Lecture Project Discussion Field Work Experimentation Research Personality Theory and Assessment x Women and Crime x Intro to Philosophy x Techniques of Individual and Group Counseling x Psychology and Religion x Human Sexuality x Internship x Counseling Theories x Human Development x Addictive Behaviors x Abnormal Psychology x Intro to Human Services x Psychology Intro to Sociology x Gangs of America x Ancient Arts x Intro to Sociology x The very first semester I attended DMACC, I took Psychology. It sounded like a more difficult class, and I wasn’t sure I’d like it at all, but once I began the class, I found a new love. I realized that Psychology helped to make sense of all...
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...| UCSI UNIVERSITYFACULTY OF BUSINESS AND INFORMATION SCINECE (FoBIS) | Teaching Plan 1. | Unit Code &Unit Title: | BA106 INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNTING | 2. | Course of Study: | BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE, BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING, BACHELOR OF FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS | 3. | Year of Study: | 1 | 4. | Year and Semester: | JAN 2015 | 5. | Credit Hour & Contact Hours: | 3 credit hours Lecture: 3Tutorial: 3Practical: | 6. | Lecturer: | SHAKERIN ISMAIL | 7. | Tutor: | SHAKERIN ISMAIL | 8. | Mode of Delivery: | LECTURE, TUTORIAL | 9. | Objective: | This subject would enable the students: 1. To understand and appreciate of the accounting concepts and accounting practice. 2. To prepare the recording process and understand the whole accounting cycle. 3. To possess the technical ability in preparing basic financial statements. | 10. | Learning Outcome: | At the end of the course, students should be able to:Knowledge 1. Distinguish different forms of business and its reporting environment. 2. Explain the accounting principles and the role of accounting reports.Thinking Skills 3. Use accounting equation to analyse the economic effect of a transaction. 4. Use double entry system of accounting to record business transactions.Subject-based Practical Skills 5. Prepare trial balance. 6. Prepare adjusting entries and closing entries. 7. Prepare entry for special journals and subsidiary...
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