...Assignment Questions Introduction Students may be concerned that writing and referencing a law academic paper is ‘different’ to other types of academic papers. This is not correct except that perhaps the level of analysis required may be greater and more reliance on primary sources (e.g. precedent cases and legislation) and secondary sources (textbooks, articles) may be required. But the basic fundamentals are still the same: a well-structured piece of work that leads the reader through a discussion of a particular problem or issue. There should be an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Inevitably, either you will be required to put up arguments for hypothetical parties dealing with a hypothetical business problem or you may be asked for your view about a particular legal issue. It is essential that you base your arguments and views on legal principles and cases and thus reliance on what others have written is necessary. This guide attempts to provide you with some assistance in writing and referencing law academic papers. Some basic resource materials are also noted. [NB: This guide is a starting point only.] There are two types of Law Academic Papers Students who take the Business Law Major will inevitably be expected, at some stage, to answer at least two different styles of legal questions: legal case studies and essays. Legal case studies These are questions based on a set of hypothetical facts. The purpose of legal case study questions is both...
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...Course Code ECO111 Course Category Course Title MICRO ECONOMICS Courses with conceptual focus Course Planner 12526::Pooja Kansra Lectures 4.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 1.0 0.0 5.0 TextBooks Sr No T-1 Title Microeconomics Theory and Applications Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 R-3 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 OR-5 OR-6 OR-7 Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) Kwang Ng,Yew,Why Is a Financial Crisis Important? The Significance of the Relaxation of the Assumption of Perfect Competition,International Journal of Business and Economics,2009,Vol.8,No.2,91-114 , Roman Indrest and Tommasso Valletti,Price Discrimination in input markets,The Rand Journal of Economics,Vol. 40,No.1,Spring 2009,1-19 , Cordtz,Dan,Car wars: A global report on Auto Industry,FInancial World,August 22,1989;158,17;ABI/INFORM Global , S.k.Mishra,A Brief History of Production Functions,The IUP Journal of Managerial Economics,November,2010,Vol. VIII,No. 4,pp.6-34 , Monika Jain,Paradox of Plenty,with Special Reference to Inelastic Demand for Apples,The IUP Journal of Managerial Economics,May,2011,Vol. IX,No. 2,pp.4455 , Cathy Locke Bee Staff Writer. The Sacramento Bee ,"EID report reveals household water use on rise An analysis of supply, demand recommends holding off on meters" http://search.proquest.com/docview/246565304?accountid=80692 , Yeung; Vincent Mok,Regional monopoly and interregional and intraregional competition :The parallel trade in coca cola between...
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...+ PSPA 263 Public Policy and the Legal Framework L1 Introduction Lecture + 2 Content v Who’s v What v the who is this course about big picture v what does it cover v learning outcomes v Housekeeping v Case v Discussion and Videos Citizens United and Hobby Lobby + 3 Who’s Who Mahmoud Haidar mahmoudhaidar@ yahoo.com +961 3 600535 Moodle or page @ Facebook Thursdays 2:00pm or by appointment Office Hours Jesup 207B Tel-4330 + 4 Your Turn Major Graduation Year Public Policy Law Aspirations Work General + Introduction Questions What is a policy What is public What is politics Who is involved Why is it relevant + Triangular Affaire public policy devise POLICY implement politics public admin + 7 PSPA 263 Public Policy and the Legal Framework n This course introduces students to the legal framework of policy formulation and policy implementation. The students will become familiar with legal materials related to the different aspects of the public policy making process. In addition, the course focuses on the relationships among the lawmaking agencies on the one hand and their relation to the policy making entities. Specific case studies are included to explore these relationships. + 8 PSPA 276 Public Policy n A course that analyzes the nature, scope, and performance of public policy. This course examines the different approaches...
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...MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITY OF KENYA AUTO-LITIGATION SYSTEM EVANS ODONDO ODUOR IST-221-028/2012 3RD YEAR SEMESTER 2 SUBMITTED ON 10TH APRIL 2015 Name of the supervisor Signature of the supervisor TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INRODUCTION……………………………………………………3 1.1 Background study………………………………………………………..3 1.2 Problem Formulation and solution……………………………………....3 1.2.1 Problem Definition…………………………………………4 1.2.2 Justification…………………………………………………4 1.2.3 Objectives…………………………………………………..4 1.2.4 Scope………………………………………………………..5 1.2.5 Research Questions…………………………………………5 1.2.6 Basic Assumptions of Study/Project………………………..5 1.2.7 Basic Limitations of Study/Project………………………….5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………..6 2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………................6 2.2 Review of Relevant Literature and Opinion…………………………….6 2.3 Existing Systems………………………………………………………...7 2.4 Re-Definition of Problem………………………………………………..8 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………………………....8 3.1 Participants………………………………………………………………8 3.1.1 Leading/senior counsel…………………………..……………8 3.1.2 Junior Associate Attorney………………………..……............8 3.1.3 other non-legal staff……………………………..……………8 3.2 Research Design…………………………………………………………8 3.2.1 Descriptive Design……………………….….………………...8 3.3 DATA COLLECTION…………………………………………………9 3.3.1 Interviews………………………………………………………9 3.3.2 Questionnaires…………………………………………….........9 3.3.3 Literature Review………………………………….…………..10 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS……………………………………………………….10 2 3.5 RESOURCES...
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...Royal University of Law and Economics Case Study 26 “JetBlue Airways IPO Valuation” Lecturer: Kou Lim Hong Prepared By: 1. Ms. Khoun Davy 2. Ms. Khoun Dalin 3. Ms. Chiem Sothana 4. Mr. Soksithika 5. Mr. Oag Sothearith 6. Mr. Mov Vandara MFM, Group 2 team 6 2011-2012 Outline of The Presentation I. II. Introduction of Case Study Main Problem III. Literature Review IV. Case analysis V. Conclusion Outline of The Presentation I. II. Introduction of Case Study Main Problem III. Literature Review IV. Case analysis V. Conclusion Introduction of Case Study JetBlue Airway Background JetBlue airways are a low cost airline established in July 1999 by David Neeleman. David Neeleman was experienced in the operations of airline and start up airlines. The airline was to provide new levels of service in the airline travel industry, concentrating on customer service and low fares. Introduction of Case Study JetBlue Airway Background David Neeleman plan was to commit to innovation in people, policies and technology to keep the companies planes full and thus the company profitable. To ensure this goal and the company’s future David Neeleman assembled and impressive management team and group of investors. JetBlue’s COO was to be David Barger ex-vice president of Continental Airlines. John Owen who was executive vice-president and treasurer of Southwest Airlines agreed to become JetBlue’s CFO. Introduction of Case Study JetBlue Airway Background David...
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...Lovely Professional University,Punjab Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials ] Course No. ECO111 Course Title: MICRO ECONOMICS L: 4 T: 1 P: 0 Cr: 5 Course Planner :- 13612 :: Chander Shekhar Dogra TextBook 1. Geetika, Ghosh Piyali, Purba Roy Choudhury, Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008 Other Specific Books 2. 3. 4. Other Readings Ahuja, H.L,”Modern Microeconomics Theory and Applications,” Sultan Chand, 2008 Misra and Puri, Economic Environment of Business, 4th Edition, 2007. Samuelson, P.A. and W.D. Nordhaus (1998), Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2008 Dominick Salvatore, Managerial Economics, Oxford University Press, Sixth Edition Sr. No. Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference) 5 6 7 8 Competition and the cartel crusade, Alan Moran. Review - Institute of Public Affairs. Melbourne:Jan 2008. Vol. 59, Iss. 4, p. 57-59 Supply and Demand Irena Asmundson. Finance & Development. Washington:Jun 2010. Vol. 47, Iss. 2, p. 48-49 Impact of Anti dumping measures on Indian Industry by Swati Jain, Sudhir K. Jain, Decision, Vol 35, No 1, January-June, 2008, p 3. The New Global Opportunity by Michael Elliot, Fortune, July 5, 2010, Vol 162, No 1, Relevant Websites Sr. No. Web adress (only if relevant to the courses) Salient Features 9 10 11 www.ecommerce-guide.com www.bloomberg.co.uk www.mit.edu Excellent source of reference...
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...assignment guidance: 2 weeks Lecturer: Mr. Dalton Vincent Start date: 01/10 /2013 Day: Friday Time: 10.00 – 13.00 & 14.00 – 17.00 Room: LH 2 & LH 3 Term: Winter Term CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 2. MODULE OUTLINE AND TEACHING METHODS 3. READING AND COURSE PREPRATION 4. LECTURE WITH DETAILED COURSE PROGRAMME AND OBJECTIVES 5. ASSESSMENT DETAILS 6. INTRODUCTION The unit introduces the law of contract, with a particular emphasis on the formation and operation of business contracts. Learners are encouraged to explore the content of these agreements and then develop skills relating to the practical application of business contracts, including offer, acceptance, intention, consideration and capacity. Relevant case law examples will be covered. Learners will consider when liability in contract arises, the nature of the obligations on both sides of the contract, and the availability of remedies when a contract is not fulfilled in accordance with its terms. Additionally, the unit will enable learners to understand how the law of tort differs from the law of contract and examine issues of liability in negligence relating to business and how to avoid it. Aim: The aim of this unit is to provide learners with an understanding of aspects of the law of contract and tort and the skill to apply them, particularly in business situations. Key Objectives: 1. What are...
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...A. Object and Scope of the Study of Constitutional Law Constitutional Law in this concept more emphasis on objects which are the subject of studies in Constitutional Law itself. In connection with the definition of the Constitutional Law on the corner of the object of this study Van Vollenhoven (Netherlands) in his book "Staatrecht Over Zee" states: Constitutional Law is the law that governs all people, law-top to bottom, which in turn determines the area neighborhood people, determine ruling bodies, authorities and functions within the legal community. While Paul Scholten (Netherlands), in his book "Staatrecht, Algement Deel", defines that the Constitutional Law is a law that regulates the state organization or organizations of a country....
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...Introduction The following case study provides an analysis of central idea of consideration and when the contract is enforceable because the agreement lacks consideration. In addition, discussion of multiple sources of law such as common law and the Uniform Commercial Code will summarize the difference between those sources and help to determine which one is applicable in the reviewed case study. Case Study As a recap of the facts, Jinsoo Kim invested about $170,000 into two companies part-owned and operated by Stephen Son who was not personally liable for the debts of the companies because of their corporate status. The companies eventually went out of business causing Kim to lose his investment. This fact made Son feel guilty who signed a contract in blood in Kim’s presence stating that all debts would be repaid back to Kim in exchange for Kim’s agreement not to sue Son for the money owed. At a later time, Son refused to pay Kim back and Kim sued Son to enforce the contract. The outcome of the lawsuit was that the contract was not endorsable because there had been no consideration (Beatty, Samuelson & Bredeson, 2008). To determine a presence of consideration, we need to remember that “contracts must be a two-way street” (Beatty, Samuelson & Bredeson, 2008, p. 163). Therefore, we need to review the following three rules of consideration: 1) Both parties must gain something valuable from the contract; 2) there should be a promise to give something valuable; 3) both parties...
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...LEGAL AUTHORITY Lynette Ann Simmons Introduction to Legal Analysis and Writing PA 205-0731-1008-01 August 5, 2013 Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989) PA 205: Introduction to Legal Analysis and Writing, Unit one, Assignment 1). The case study references section 42.09 (a) (3) of the Texas Penal Code. The statute prohibits the desecration of a venerable object. 2). Legislative 3).The passage discusses the court case that involved State V. Johnson (Gregory Lee Johnson). 4). The three courts that heard this case: 1). Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (most authority) 2). Texas Court of Appeals 3). Dallas County Criminal Court (least authority) 5).Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989) 6). The Texas statute was struck down since the Supreme Court ruled it was inconsistent with the First Amendment. 7). Statutory laws are laws passed by sending a bill by passing it through a legislative body. Statutes are created when original court cases are heard and ruled upon. Case law is created by rulings that are a result of examining statutes. Case law can either uphold the original statute or strike it down. Case law turns out to be an interpretation, or a “second look” at statutes, determining whether or not they uphold the U.S. Constitution. Statutes can be either struck...
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...cover the concepts that define law and the thoughts that help shape jurisprudence along with its history. The Federal Court, Supreme Court, and the jurisdiction of the courts are also covered. Constitutional law is covered from the perspective of business. This week also provides an introduction to the various forms of business. Small businesses, entrepreneurs, and general partnerships are explored. You discuss how a corporation is formed and how it can be financed. Finally, you study limited liability companies and limited partnerships, as well as franchises and special forms of business. This week further introduces you to the concept of alternative dispute resolution as a method for resolving disputes outside traditional litigation. After first looking at the litigation process, you are then introduced to arbitration, negotiation, mediation, conciliation, minitrial, fact-finding, and the use of a judicial referee. The Legal System and the Legal Forms of Business OBJECTIVE: Explain the major components of the legal system. Resources: Ch. 1, 2, & 4 of Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues Content • Ch. 1: Legal Heritage and the Information Age o Introduction to Legal Heritage and the Information Age o What Is Law? • Landmark U.S. Supreme Court Case Brown v. Board of Education o Schools of Jurisprudential Thought • International Law: Immigration to the United...
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...associated legal considerations. As an example, you consider legal considerations such as discrimination in the workplace. You also study regulatory compliance issues for an organization, as well as the associated business consequences. The readings focus on workers’ compensation, occupational safety, and other worker protection laws, with a specific attention to the Family and Medical Leave Act. This week also covers the collective bargaining agreements and labor law, as well as several laws and decisions a company must make regarding these labor law issues. In addition, you examine equal opportunity in employment and Title VII, including what comprises this significant law. You review regulatory laws, environmental protection and global warning, as well as antitrust laws and unfair trade practices. The readings focus on introductory concepts and the laws that support these concepts. Employment and Regulatory Risk OBJECTIVE: Differentiate between types of employment relationships and the associated legal considerations. Resources: Ch. 31 & 32 of Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues Content • Ch. 31: Employment, Worker Protection, and Immigration Laws o Introduction to Employment, Worker Protection, and Immigration Laws o Worker’s Compensation • Case 31.1 Workers’ Compensation: Medrano v. Marshall Electrical Contracting Inc. o Occupational Safety • Ethics Spotlight:...
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...Unnatural Law Hoang Le Bristol University University APA STYLE FOR RESEARCH REPORTS 2 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to describe and model APA-style of writing for research reports. Each section of an APA-style paper is described and is written according to the APA-style guidelines to allow you to use it as a model. The Abstract summarizes the main points of the paper in 120 or fewer words. The Introduction should describe the research topic and hypotheses and the support for these hypotheses. The Method is written in subsections: Participants, Design, Materials, and Procedure. The study should be described in enough detail to replicate it. The Results section describes the data and any statistical tests used. The Discussion restates the hypotheses, giving evidence if they are supported. APA STYLE FOR RESEARCH REPORTS 3 Introduction to APA Publication Style for Research Reports in Psychology It is important for businesses to be legally right. But it is even more important for businesses to be ethically right. History Laws are made by people. As such, it is subject to only two factors: the lawmaker’s sense of justice and his/her personal’s interests. History has proven the law as a method to, most importantly, protect the interests of the person or group who drafted it. Since ancient times, within monarchy society, king uses law to protect...
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...Introduction The pure origin of law was founded on the rudimentary platform of customs, or what H. L. A. Hart describes it as “rules of obligation”. It forms the essence of the framework of order within a society. He stated the conditions required for the existence and effective implication of an “obligation” in a society would be the introduction of constrictions on the actions of its citizens and those who oppose the idea of it constitutes the minority of the population. This would effectively conjure social pressure for people to adhere to the rules. This has worked well in primitive societies. However, home to many societies bearing differing culture and religious practices, the sources of law of a modern nation does not simply come from the amalgamation of legally binding customs from respective societies as a solitary and direct source. By far, the law has been compounded, overruled, refined and developed over past centuries under the influences of historical, economical and social events. As such, the sources of law in a developed nation of UK today would involve common law and statutes as the leading sources, supplemented by delegated legislation, academic doctrines, customs, constitution, transnational and European Law. The Ius Commune In 1066, William the conqueror emerged victorious in the Battle of Hastings and became King of England. He unified counties with disparate customary practices into a national legal system, giving birth to common law. The word “common”...
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...Research Proposal on RECENT TREND OF CYBER CRIME IN BANGLADESH : LAWS AND PRACTICES GOLAM RABBANI Student of LLM Roll 10119032 Department of Law Rajshahi University BANGLADESH E-mail: g.rabbani.law@gmail.com Recent Trend Of Cyber Crime In Bangladesh : Laws & Practices INTRODUCTION The development in information technology and electronic media especially from 1980`s onwards have given raised to a new variety of computer related crimes which are commonly called cyber-crime. The cyber-crime may be done by using computer only, but this crime may be done very easily by using internet. Cyber crime or computer crime refers to any crime that involves a computer and a networks. Some authorities feel that the term cyber-crime is misnomer as this term is nowhere defined in any statutes or act enacted by the Parliament. In a sense is radically different from the concept of conventional crime in so far as both include conduct whether act or omission which causes breach of law and therefore, it is punishable by the state. It is not surely said that, from when the cybercrime was started but in 1999 at Tywan a virus was attracted named CIH, made the topic of cyber-crime familiar to the whole world. In the present time people become more dependent on computer and internet, as result, we can’t not think our daily activities without this technological help. For this reason, some self-gainer people chose this technological way...
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