...Student name: ________________________________ Student ID _______________________ York University Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies School of Administrative Studies AP/ADMS 4250 Marketing Strategy, Fall 2013 Instructor: A. Rusetski, Ph.D. EXAM 1: Case AP/ADMS 4250 Marketing Strategy Exam 1 Page 1 of 7 FIAT RETURNS TO CANADA1 A.RUSETSKI, PH.D F IGURE 1: A 2011 FIAT 500 On March 18, 2011 two hundred strange looking tiny cars lined up on the streets around the Quebec Business Centre. FIAT, a major European car manufacturer, was celebrating its return to Canada after 28 years of absence. This comeback became possible thanks to a partnership with one of the Detroit Big Three car manufacturers – Chrysler. From Montreal, columns of FIAT 500 cars paraded to designated Chrysler dealerships where FIAT opened its “FIAT Studios”. A number of important and at times sad developments led to this celebratory moment. Once a powerful player in the North American market, in early 2000s Chrysler Corporation was struggling with declining demand and decreasing market share. In 1998 the company “merged” with German Daimler Benz to form DaimlerChrysler AG. In fact, the German automotive giant took ownership of Chrysler, but after nine years the new owner acknowledged that the “marriage” was not successful and it could not improve Chrysler’s financial ...
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...companies lack the necessary transformational intelligence that is based on constant teaching and learning and the required power of empathy, which bring an increase level of sensitivity to signals changing. The main idea here is to identify change and its associated opportunities in order to become the competitive one and the only one. I am very much agreeing with change and how one can change the rules and not compete head-on. We have to take a look at case by case models of change and understand the quantifiable rate of production. Let’s take for example: the smart car or electric car. If we all agree, it makes sense for the environment to accept a smaller “smart car”, and we achieve 100% adoption as consumers, what happens to the tracking industry and the delivery of our consumptive goods? Are we now willing to transport goods because we have to transport them into smaller containers with less power? Can you imagine a smart car next to a diesel 18 wheeler? Are we willing to sacrifice the safety of our families for the cost of the maintenance of the environment? People are fundamentally selfish and will not voluntarily create a sea change unless they are forced to do so or unless there is no choice. Companies can identify the need to change with the associated opportunities to become the only competition but without government intervention to drive the change at a local global effort, the results are depressing. Blue Ocean is a fantastic way to look at familiar environments in...
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...Chapter 8: Use What You’ve Learned 1. Have you seen the new Smart car? If you have, you are probably part of the buzz that has been heard recently about this new concept car that has made it to the streets. The car seats two, is available in three different models, and costs between about $12,500 and $17,000. The most significant fact about the Smart car is that it gets about forty-five miles per gallon. That fact alone has become central to Smart car’s initial introduction to the driving public. Has “small” finally become better than “large, extralarge, and supersize”? The manufacturer of the Smart car is betting on it. Investigate the Smart car. Once this is done, construct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis for the Smart car. Evaluate the car’s likelihood of success. Strengths: The Smart car has many • Economically priced, beginning at just $12,500 • Small enough to park anywhere • Up to 45 mpg- good for the environment and your wallet • Customizable • 2. Is there a Chick-fil-A in your neighborhood? If there is, you’ve probably eaten at one of the fastest-growing food franchises in the southern United States (seehttp://www.chickfila.com). Chick-fil-A has a unique approach to running their business. Using the company’s Web site and search engines, your task is to investigate the Chick-fil-A organization in order to conduct a situation analysis. During your investigation be sure to comment on the perceived competitive situation...
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...CASE STUDY 3 CASE 10-2 The Smart Car by B. Renea Kosino 1. What is Smart’s competitive advantage? Its brand image? The Smart Car, made by DaimlerChrysler, offers a cost focus and focused differentiation. It brand image is very narrowly focused. Smart appeals to single people (or families with no children), who primarily do city driving and want a no frills automobile that is economical and eco-friendly. Some advantages that Smart brings to the table are as follows. First, the vehicle has an exceptional look that appeal to those who want to be unique. Next, this very small, but roomy vehicle makes city driving and tight parking easier. Subsequently, crash testing and safety experts consider Smart as an extremely safe vehicle. Moreover, its models are very fuel efficient at 35 mpg on average. In addition, this automobile’s low exhaust emissions earned an Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) classification. These condition were essential in Smart being one of five automakers to receive Greenopia USA’s highest environmental rating (see attach1). Finally, the vehicle is very economical with the most basic vehicle starting at $12,000. 2. Assess the U.S. market potential for the Smart. Do you think the car will be a success? Why or why not? Smart Car is economical, unique, and eco-friendly. Generation Y (Gen Y) is a target market, which should be pursued because Gen Y’s, those born from 1977 to 1994 (1980-1995, depending on who you ask), is demographically...
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...overall. Explain your rationale. · From the e-Activity, asses the barriers to entry you foresee as the Smart for two EV expands into foreign markets to determine which will be the most difficult to overcome. Support your answer with examples or evidence. The cultural and social differences are factors that should be taken into consideration when deaing with issues of trade. Social and cultural differences brings the aspect of trade on a more personal level. Cultures are constantly changing and evolveing but few things stay the same such as lanuage, religion, and values. For a company to stay economically ahead of the curb they need to make sure that thier employees are familiar with international cultures. Empolyees will not only need to understand the culture but they will also need to be able to communicate in order to do business buiness internationally. The rules are duffult and there to protect, and it is the businesses responsiblity to have the proper people in place to understand how these rules affect thier business and the cultures they will be conductiong business. Barriers to entry for theSmart for two EV as it expands into different markets is the economic baarrier the product will face. The product has a lot of great features and well dsigned, however the price of an electric car versus a vechile that runs on gas is much more expensive. The frist model of the smart car did not result in high market sales. For example the US economy today is very unstable and with...
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...Haris A. Raja Industry Analysis BA 01 Smart Grid Industry Introduction Current electrical grid was conceived more than a hundred years ago. With rising and ever changing energy demands of the 21st century, existing grids are under pressure to deliver efficient, reliable and sustainable supply of electricity. 21st century demand for electricity is driving the evolution of smart grid technologies. The smart grid is a “developing network of new technologies, equipment, and controls working together” to deliver electricity efficiently and reliably. (www.smartgird.gov) Its been called “electricity with a brain,” or “the energy Internet.” (www.nist.gov) Some key benefits associated with smart grids are as follows: • Efficient power transmission • Faster recovery from power disruptions or failures • Better integration with other power generation systems (e:g. renewable energy) Driving Forces and Trends Capacity- growing demand According to International Energy Agency, $6 trillion investments will be needed to satisfy the global demand between now and 20301. Boston Consulting Group predicts that by 2020 there will be 40 million electric cars in the US. This mean that a robust infrastructure is needed to charge potentially millions of batteries. This will clearly put higher demand on the electrical systems. (www.abb.com) Reliability- Reliable operation According to the US Department of Energy power outages and interruptions in the US electrical supply cost $150 billion...
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...The article presents a study which aims to analyze the role of information technology (IT) in the Indian banking industry. Indian banks are investing heavily in the technologies such as automated teller machine (ATMs), net banking, mobile banking, tele -banking, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, call centers, CRM, data warehousing etc. It is essential to evaluate the impact of information technology on the performance of Indian banks in terms of extended value added services and customer satisfaction thereby. Foreign banks and Private sector banks which took more IT initiative, were found to be more efficient and more competent force than public sector banks in India. Based on the article, technological innovations have enabled the industry to open up efficient delivery channels. It is said that IT has helped the banking industry to deal with the challenges the new economy poses. The study examines the views of banking customers on the implementation of IT in banks. According to the author, private and foreign banks use more IT-related banking services than public sector banks. Keywords and Abbreviations: Awareness level, Banking sector, Customer Satisfaction, ITeS, Security ATM – Automated Teller Machines / Any Time Money CBS – Core Banking Solution IAM – Investment and Assets Management CRM – Customer Relationship Management GRC – Governance Risk and Compliance IDRBT - Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology...
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...Executive Summary The Smart car has been around for over 10 years; it is currently being manufactured by Mercedes-Benz. The car is incredibly small; the two-person model is only 2.5 meters long from front to back (half a meter shorter than a Mini Cooper). The doors make up three quarters of the car's length. It's almost as wide as it is tall. The Smart car is obviously very easy to park. The plastic body panels on the car are replaceable. You can change them after an accident, or whenever you want, even with a different colour. The seats apparently are quite comfortable, with sufficient legroom, and headroom is adequate for most passengers thanks to the car's tall stance. Assessment and Diagnosis In the late 1980s, SMH (makers of the Swatch brand of watches) CEO Nicolas Hayek began developing an idea for a new car using the same type of manufacturing strategies and personalization features used to popularize Swatch watches. He believed that the automotive industry had ignored a sector of potential customers who wanted a small and stylish city car. This idea soon became known as the "Swatchmobile". Hayek's private company Hayek Engineering AG began designing the new car for SMH, with seating for two and a hybrid drive train. Analysis of Change Strategy: Nicolas Hayek, the CEO used a transformational Change strategy which involves radically rethinking and redesigning a major business process with the objective of achieving large-scale improvements in overall business...
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... I do not dream about over the line expensive cars, I dream about a car that fits both my current and future needs as well as what’s best for the planet. My dream car is a Smart fortwo Brabus. This is my dream car because for eight reasons. Those reasons include style, high gas mileage, maneuvers well, the comfortable feeling, easy to clean, I don't have to take someone who I don't want in my car, the storage compartment in the back and technology. I have a car which is named Chevrolet Geo-Metro which was introduced in 1992. It is not a car many teens who be happy to say they own. I have seen many different cars but this car is something different. This car has an engine of 3-Cyl, 1.0 Liter with the 55-79 horsepower and 58-75 lb. of torque. This Geo-Metro has some smooth features in it such as the hard roof, seatbelts that are connected to the windows and its unique shape which gives an edgy look. In addition, the Chevrolet Geo-Metro has manual gears in it. It can catch the speed of 55 mph in a matter of seconds. The fastest car ever right? I know that maybe slow to others. But nowadays there are faster and bigger cars than the Geo-Metro. I have a dream of having a Smart fortwo Brabus in my driveway. The Smart fortwo Brabus is an electric car but yet has a "Save the Earth" vibe. The Smart fortwo Brabus is an absolute beauty. It has both a sporty but yet classy look. Its sporty look makes it popular and trendy. It is something that a young person such as me, would...
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...ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER FACULTY OF ENGINEERING VACATION INTERNSHIP REPORT Name of Student: ____Hou Liwen ___ Matric No. _A0105595B __ Course/Year/Training Period: ___Electrical Engineering/2014/12/5-1/8 Student’s Email Address: __A0105595@NUS.EDU.SG Name of Mentor: __Chen Zhi Ning_____ Name of Company: __Surbana Technologies Pte Ltd _____ ______ 1 Vacation Internship Report 2 AT Surbana Technologies Pte. Ltd. Reporting Period: 23/06/2014-01/08/2014 Submitted by: Hou Liwen A0105595B Dept/Year of Studies Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The National University of Singapore 2014 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I INTRODUCTION II THE TRAINING ASSIGNMENTS III CONCLUSION Student Feedback form Student Log Sheet VIP Report Clearance Form 4 5 6 23 24 26 27 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The vacation internship program is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development. I consider myself very lucky and honored to have such a wonderful opportunity to be an intern at Surbana Technologies Pte. Ltd and have so many helpful knowledgeable people lead me through in completion of my internship program. I wish to express my indebted gratitude and special thanks to Mr Louis Tay who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowing me to carry out my internship at his esteemed organization. I do not know where I would be without him. I also...
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...Assignment No: 01 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYESTEM Presented To: Prof. Hammad Mushtaq Presented By: Syed Kafait Hussain ID No: 14021034013 Q No.1: How do smart grids differ from the current electricity infrastructure in the United States? Ans: Difference between current electricity infrastructures in the United States Current Electricity Grid: Current electricity grid was conceived more than 100 year ago. Power generation was localized and built around the communities. The grid was designed for utilities to deliver electricity to consumer’s home and bill them once a month. This limited one way interaction makes difficult for the grid to respond to the ever changing and rising energy demand of the current century therefore Smart Grid is a better technology. Smart Grid: These are basic function of Smart Grid: The digital technology that allows for two-way communication between the utility and its customers, and the sensing along the transmission lines is what makes the grid smart. Like the Internet, the Smart Grid will consist of controls, computers, automation, and new technologies and equipment working together, but in this case, these technologies will work with the electrical grid to respond digitally to our quickly changing electric demand * Two way interaction : Smart Grid introduces a Two way interaction (dialogue) where electricity and information can be exchanged between the utility and its consumers. * Developing networking: ...
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...The Smart Grid is a decentralized and interactive system. The interactive nature will involve two-way communication between the utility companies and the consumer. Through Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) consumers are able to make better energy use decisions, defer usage to off-peak periods, and contribute power to peak period usage. Utilities will be better able to detect problems within their own systems and react quickly to replace power sources from multiple possible sources. The “Prices to Devices” concept, based on the premise that energy is priced in real time, allows for ongoing transmission of power availability and pricing to “smart” home controllers and devices. The devices can interpret this information to alter energy usage accordingly – to defer usage to more amenable and less expensive times. The current U.S. power grid is no doubt an amazing machine, but it has many limitations and poses many challenges. One main drawback of the current system is that it was built to move power in one direction – from the plant to the consumer. Years ago this made sense, but today it limits the ability to handle power generated from wind turbines and solar panels. The smart grid uses two-way communication, which handles excess distributed power as well as detects and avoids potential power outages. Currently, power companies rely on customers to tell them if there is an outage or problem. The smart grid automatically detects the problem and instantly reroutes...
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...PORTFOLIO MANAGER’S REVIEW A Monthly Publication of BeyondProxy LLC September 30, 2010 Subscribe at www.manualofideas.com When asked how he became so successful, Buffett answered: “we read hundreds and hundreds of annual reports every year.” Edited by the Manual of Ideas Research Team “If our efforts can further the goals of our members by giving them a discernible edge over other market participants, we have succeeded.” Top Five Ideas In This Report Lavendon (London: LVD) ………………… p. 16 Nokia (Helsinki: NOK1V, NYSE: NOK) .. 20 OMV (Vienna: OMV, OTC: OMVKY) …. 24 OPAP THE EUROPEAN VALUE ISSUE ► Snapshot of 100 European value opportunities ► 45 European “magic formula” companies ► 45 book value bargains by country ► 20+ companies profiled by MOI research team ► Top 5 ideas, based on proprietary MOI methodology ► Plus: Superinvestor holdings update ► Plus: Favorite stock screens for value investors ► Plus: Exclusive interview with Ciccio Azzolini (Greece: OPAP, OTC: GOFPY) .. 28 Premier Foods (London: PFD, OTC: PRRFY) ….. 32 Also Inside Editor’s Commentary …………….. p. 4 Superinvestor Holdings Update …. p. 9 45 European MF Companies …… p. 10 Interview: Ciccio Azzollini ……… p. 12 Top 5 European Ideas ……………p. 16 Other European candidates …….. p. 36 Euro Book Value Bargains ……. p. 100 100 Cheap European ADRs …….p. 114 About Portfolio Manager’s Review Our goal is to bring you investment ideas that are compelling...
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...www.datamonitor.com Datamonitor USA 245 Fifth Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 10016 USA t: +1 212 686 7400 f: +1 212 686 2626 e: usinfo@datamonitor.com Datamonitor Europe Charles House 108-110 Finchley Road London NW3 5JJ United Kingdom t: +44 20 7675 7000 f: +44 20 7675 7500 e: eurinfo@datamonitor.com Datamonitor Germany Kastor & Pollux Platz der Einheit 1 60327 Frankfurt Deutschland t: +49 69 9750 3119 f: +49 69 9750 3320 e: deinfo@datamonitor.com Datamonitor Asia Pacific Level 46 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia t: +61 2 8705 6900 f: +61 2 8705 6901 e: apinfo@datamonitor.com Datamonitor Japan Wakamatsu Bldg 7F 3-3-6 Nihonbashi-Honcho Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0023 Japan t: +813 6202 7681 f: +813 5778 7537 e: jpinfo@datamonitor.com Contactless Payments 2006 Reference Code: DMFS1839 Publication Date: 06/06 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, Datamonitor plc. The facts of this report are believed to be correct at the time of publication but cannot be guaranteed. Please note that the findings, conclusions and recommendations that Datamonitor delivers will be based on information gathered in good faith from both primary and secondary sources, whose accuracy we are not always...
Words: 22812 - Pages: 92
...1 2. Investment versus Speculation: Results to Be Expected by the Intelligent Investor 58 65 COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 3 4. A Century of Stock-Market History: The Level of Stock Prices in Early 1972 80 General Portfolio Policy: The Defensive Investor 88 COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 4 5. 101 124 Portfolio Policy for the Enterprising Investor: Negative Approach 133 COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 6 7. 112 COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 5 6. The Defensive Investor and Common Stocks 145 iv 155 COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 7 8. Portfolio Policy for the Enterprising Investor: The Positive Side 179 The Investor and Market Fluctuations 188 v Contents COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 8 9. Investing in Investment Funds COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 9 213 226 242 10. The Investor and His Advisers 257 COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 10 272 11. Security Analysis for the Lay Investor: General Approach COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 11 12. Things to Consider About Per-Share Earnings COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 12 13. A Comparison of Four Listed Companies COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 13 14. Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 14 15. Stock Selection for the Enterprising Investor COMMENTARY ON CHAPTER 15 16....
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