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Is Abortion Morally Wrong

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The idea of abortion is morally looked down upon. Killing a life that has not yet had the chance to live is a huge issue. Some people look at abortion as morally wrong, and others see no problem with having an abortion. This causes havoc among theologians and devote Christians around the world. Most people do not see abortion as a moral issue anymore because times are changing, and as we progress in the world, society is more welcoming to more ideas than others. One of these ideas happens to be abortion. People no longer look at some of the most controversial issues of the world and deem them as morally wrong anymore. Abortion, however, does not have to be the case. It is unlawful to kill an unborn child when there are plenty of other options …show more content…
Janssens talks of eight fundamental and constant dimensions of the human person. One of those dimensions can perfectly contribute to the topic of abortion. The first of those eight dimensions is the human person is a subject, not an abject. Once again, an unborn child is considered living in the church’s perspective. Therefore, the fetus is the be considered as a subject, not an object. Considering the unborn child as a subject lead us to decide what is best for the child. This not only looks at the first dimensions Janssens mentions in his article, but also the second. The person is a subject in corporeality. This is to be considered, because in his explanation, Janssen says, “We must take care of our own health and bodily integrity, as well as that of others.” The mother is not only taking care of herself now, but another life. She is to protect that life at all costs and make sure she takes the proper precautions to ensure the health of not only herself, but also the baby she is carrying. She would be putting that baby in danger if she goes on to get an abortion. In an abortion, the child would be killed and the mother could suffer as well. If she does not follow through with the abortion, she would be living out the first two dimensions mentioned by Janssens fully and faithfully. She would be able to take care of her child, through herself. This is something for people in the situation of unplanned pregnancies to consider for they are taking the unborn child’s life and health into account, as well as their own health. God also created us in his image and likeness, and to destroy the figure God had in mind for that child is not

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