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Psoriasis, Chronic Skin Disease

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Until recently, many doctors and healthcare professionals considered psoriasis to be a disease involving the abnormal growth of the skin cells, and increase in cell’s numbers that lead to lesions. However, today dermatologists consider psoriasis as an inflammatory, chronic skin disease which is primarily caused by an autoimmune condition. Skin cells in patients diagnosed with psoriases multiplies ten times faster than normal individuals.7 The condition is explained as the immune system’s dendritic cells, macrophages and neutrophils attack the body’s own cells considering it an antigen because of hyper proliferative keratinocytes and infiltration of T-cells. Dermatologists use clinical evolution and in some cases skin biopsy to diagnose psoriases. …show more content…
For instance red patches of skin, dry and cracked skin that may bleed, swollen and painful joints, itching, and soreness. Following is the list of common psoriasis symptoms based on their shape and characteristics: i. Plaque psoriasis: It is the most common form of psoriasis, and it causes dry and red skin marks. The patches could be itchy or painful and scattered all over the body. ii. Nail psoriasis: It is found on fingernails and toenails, and causes discoloration and abnormal nail growth. iii. Guttate psoriasis: It is common in young adults and children, and it is caused by a bacterial infection. It has a water-drop-shaped, and it is found on trunk, arms, legs and scalp. iv. Inverse psoriasis: It affects the skin in the armpits, in the groin, under the breasts and around the genitals. It causes red and inflamed skin that worsens with itching and sweating. v. Pustular psoriasis: It happens as widespread marks on the hands, feet or fingertips. vi. Erythrodermic psoriasis: The most uncommon type covers entire body with a red, peeling rash that can itch or burn …show more content…
If either of parents has the condition there is a high probability that the offspring gets the gene and develop the condition during his/her life span.
• Prognosis and treatment A chronic condition like psoriasis needs a close watch on the symptoms and requires a significant time commitment on its treatment. It is important to realize that psoriasis can be controlled, but it cannot be completely cured, therefore; treatment plan for every individual depends on several factors such as parts of the body that have been affected, the severity of the disease, and finally the type of psoriasis. It is important to determine how scattered psoriasis has become to determine a prognosis, says Michael P. Heffernan, MD, a leader dermatologist at the San Luis Dermatology and Laser Clinic in San Luis Obispo, California. Doctors should measure the spread out of the psoriasis on any part of the skin in percentage, considering a patch the size of the palm of the hand equal to one percent of the skin. Dr. Heffernan also mentions the prognosis of psoriasis depends on how much it bothers an individual and based on the severity of the symptoms, a treatment plan is set for the patients. According to him if the patient has the marks on the inconvenient areas such as hands, feet, genitals or face an aggressive treatment should be

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