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Plaque Psoriasis Research Paper

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Plaque psoriasis
What is Plaque Psoriasis?
It is one of the most common forms of psoriasis that appears as raised, red and silvery patches covered with the scales of dead white skin cells. These plaques often show on scalp, elbows, and knees and even on the lower back. These red patches can be itchy, painful and often can be crack and bleed out. It believes that this sustained disease attack almost 5 million people around the world and in United State America. Plaque Psoriasis can be extremely severe and painful condition. It can be a shameful situation for the patient and does not always answer to treatment and medication. However, it is sometimes misdiagnosed by people as another type of skin problems like dermatitis …show more content…
In eczema, your skin becomes red and ablaze. The symptoms of eczema are rough, scaly, leathery patches and these patches can be black. Eczema causes swelling and sometimes feel like bitten by an ant.
But in plaque psoriasis, the skin become patchy red skin which covered with the silvery scales on the body. The conditions for both the disease are different like in eczema the reasons are asthma and hay fever, but in psoriasis mostly the reasons behind are depression, heart disease, and diabetes. In this picture, you can see severe eczema with the black spots and scale. And below is the picture which is showing the severe plaque psoriasis with white dry scales. Causes of Plague psoriasis:
The causes of the plaque psoriasis are the same as the causes of psoriasis because plaque psoriasis is the form of psoriasis. The main reasons of psoriasis are:
Plaque psoriasis is also related to the abnormal functionality of the immune system.
1. Infection and injury: Normally the white blood cells which we called T lymphocyte or T cell fight against the diseases and to heal wounds. But sometimes by mistake attack the healthy cells of human and become the cause of …show more content…
It may be embracing and irritating condition for someone to handle. However, psoriasis on scalp requires many different kinds of treatments which include shampoos, gels and ointments and careful removal of scales from the head. Consequently, it is curial to clean the scalp from plaque psoriasis by systematic medications. Sometimes, the plaque psoriasis covers the whole body of the patient and sometimes the specific areas of the body. Psoriasis can be severe and dangerous according to its severity level, therefore, medical science define the plaque psoriasis in different categories according to their levels of severity. It may be mild to moderate that means the patchy red skin covers the 10% of the body. But it is not to say that if it is mild, then it is easier to handle. Because the small areas also can turn into the great problem if they are painful and itchy. It is crucial to identify the right type and go for the right

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