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Porch Ceiling Case Study

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Roof Framing

Ridge Beam: For the ridge beam we used a 2”x6”x8' and attached five ridge rafter connectors to each side. Starting at the front we placed these at 2”, 24”,48”, 72”, and 93”. Hurricane Ties: We then set the ridge beam on top of each side wall, and nailed the hurricane ties to the side walls, aligning them with the center of the ridge rafters. The ridge beam overhang by 1 1/2 inch at the front and back wall. This was where the information from our helpful lumber store employee came in handy. Porch Ceiling: For the porch ceiling we cut a 4'x8' sheet of tongue and groove sheathing in half, lengthwise, and set half the sheet, groove side down flush with the front posts and over the front wall, notching out for each of the …show more content…
The youngest of these has made it clear from a very early age that she is not fond of pink and purple. Orange is more her color. I had found a stick on chalkboard with princesses on it to put on one wall so they could write messages. The youngest, Sadie, recently told me i needed to get a chalk board with Power Rangers on it to put on the other side. I'm still looking. When her older sister decided on a recent trip that we needed a couch in the playhouse, she and I built one. We did not use pink or purple for the upholstery. We used blue.

We built this playhouse several years ago, and the girls continue to enjoy it when they visit. Over the years, though, they probably have not enjoyed playing in it more than we enjoyed building it. One day toward the end of the building process when we had finished our project for that day, we stood back and admired our work.“The girls may never appreciate this,” I told my husband, “but we sure have enjoyed building it.” Besides making something our granddaughters would enjoy, it was a learning experience in building and something we could look at and say "We built that." We still do

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