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Is Globalization a Positive or Negative Development for the World?


Submitted By abhishekdandona
Words 2107
Pages 9
Is Globalization a positive or negative development for the world?


What is globalization?
Is it the global amalgamation of national economies, socio cultural, technological and political forces into a single and unified community? Is globalization, a strength to achieve prosperity, freedom and economic growth? Or is it rather a force that can cause exploitation of the developing world, environmental devastation or suppression of human rights? The question now is that is globalization ‘good’ or ‘bad’?

Since the commencement of globalization, the global economy has boomed at a very great rate. It has increased the living standards of the people in underdeveloped and developed countries. It has helped in fair worldwide spread of wealth, improved the variety of services and goods offered in different countries. Globalization has created jobs for people in underdeveloped and developing countries, companies sought to invest in underdeveloped countries where the cost of production will be minimal as compared to investing in developed regions.

Yet globalization is criticized, mainly because of the effects it has on the society, environment and culture. Globalization has created competition between economies that compete vigorously with each other to achieve superiority. Such completion has caused more devastation and exploitation. Globalization has affected the financial market, economy, health, environment and culture.

In this research project, the positive and negative aspects of development of nuclear program have been compared, analyzed, and evaluated. The nuclear program that includes, nuclear as power source, as a weapon and as a future research material, has been consistently growing. Every economy is investing in nuclear programs. Nuclear is a great source of energy, it is harnessed to produce electricity. Discovery of nuclear has

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