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Isbister Research Paper

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2. I believe that Isbister refers to the world as a place of poverty because of the number of people that live in poverty. The third world as he calls it has the largest portion of people, around 4 billion that live in poverty. The story that Isbister refers to about Domitila Barrios de Chungara, just about caused me to be violently sick. Just to picture what her life was like is unreal. When she tried to stand up against the charges placed before her, she was beaten into submission. Later we read how her child who was born shortly after the beating was dead. She was a true fighter for her family and her people, even though her husband wanted her to give up so they could have some peace. The third world gets its name from the three social classes that …show more content…
All the power rested in the first two estates. The “third world” carried a perception of opposition, strain and struggle. The term third world has softened over the years but has taken on a different role. The countries that make up the third world are Asia, Africa, and Latin America. This is not to say that the third world only covers the countries I listed, but poverty encompasses all different types of religion, traditions, and ways of life. It is easy to say that the third world covers most of the globe. As the book states, “poverty really means is the inability to make choices.” I come across a static on, “according to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world”. This is a true example of the inability to make choices. Income figures are only a small hint into the world of poverty. Other attributes of poverty include, low birth rate, malnourished children, inadequate housing, child labor, and lack of safe water, health services, and sanitation. All of these elements are due to the choices

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