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Kinesthetic Learners: The Four Categories Of Learning Styles

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Everyone is unique in their own way and learn in their own way as well.
There are seven categories in learning styles such as:
Visual learners prefer to use graphic, images or map to understand new information.
Auditory Learners can learn better through listening and speaking in a group discussion. They use repetition and mnemonic technique.
Kinesthetic Learners can learn well when they move their body like using hands and sense of touch. Drawing diagrams or writing are physical activities that are a part of this category. For example, putting toy car together to see how it works.
Verbal Learners using words in writing and speech to help their learning. They like to play on the meaning or sound of words like rhymes.
Logical Learners prefer …show more content…
Cognitivism . Constructivism Behaviourism
Behaviourists believe that people’s behaviour are result of their contact with the environment. Based on rewards or praise such as reinforcement or punishment, people react in certain ways. For example, a child having detention because of not following the instructions and rule in the class, then the child changes his/her behaviour and starts to follow the rules and listen to the teacher, it shows that learning has occurred and new behavioural pattern can be repeated automatically. So we need to know what sorts of different rewards and punishments affected children’s behaviour.
Cognitive is mental action and understanding through the experience, thought and senses.
In cognitive theory we need to do some research and find some information about different types of cognitive learning styles and what is the best activities we can use to engage different types of learners. Children learn easily when they connect new things to something which they already know. For example, if we want to ask children in the class about asteroid, we need to show them space and planets so they can guess and learn better. When we give lots of information by picture, text or sounds, the children can get a small fraction of the information so it’s important to be selective with what they process. It means people are selective about what they learn when we show them lots of

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Vark Analysis

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