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Islam: Reformation and Renewal


Submitted By Vernian
Words 518
Pages 3
Islam has always had a tradition of reformation and renewal. Each successive generation was quick to find degradation with faith or practice and has been quick to rectify anything to compromise the Islamic faith or community, because no matter where they lived or what language they spoke, Muslims have always put Islam before anything else. There are two components of the Islamic worldview that help keep the faith true: Tajdid and Islah.

Tajdid is the concept of renewal, and is based on the belief that the Prophet will send someone to review and correct the Islamic community and bring it back to the straight path at the beginning of each century. This "mujaddid's" job was to interpret the sources of Islam, remove foreign and un-Islamic innovations that have corrupted the community, and critique the established institutions' interpretation of Islam. The object of many mujaddids at the time was not necessarily to return the umma back to the early iterations of the Islamic community, but apply the Quran and Sunna to modern conditions. They tended to be militaristic and revolutionary. Their goal was to purify the Islamic community as opposed to improve or strengthen their respective nations as a whole.

Islah is the concept of reform, but for turning the community and the individual back to God's path and live within the norms of sharia. As the Middle East further interacted with the west, many innovations and customs bled into Islamic society. This concerned the proponents of Islah and warned their people to realign their lives to the original sources of Islam: The Quran and the Sunnah. They focused mainly on stripping un-Muslim practices from society and government and returning the community back to a pure interpretation of Islam.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, it was the height of western imperialism and colonialism, and the Arab/Muslim nations felt

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