...THE CONCEPTS OF LITERATURE IN WESTERN AND ISLAMIC TRADITION By NUR 'ABIDAH ABD SAMAD Literature can be defined as a man’s creation using fictional quality, described with language, in order to serve certain purposes. Literature entails a vast array of forms including prose, novel, drama and poetry. This discussion covers the concepts of literature in the Western and Islamic tradition. To further explore the above dichotomy, this paper identifies the unifying function of both literatures as enhancing knowledge of self. Besides, this essay also clarifies the function of literature as a didactic instrument of teaching from both different traditions. In addition, by comparing these two traditions, there is a clear explication of the elements of fantasy and reality infused in both literary traditions. Lastly, this essay concludes with the value-judgment of evaluating good or bad literature. Muhammad Qutb defines ‘Islamic literature’ as literature written by people belonging to Muslim writers as well as works by non-Muslim writers who deal with Islamic values in their views (M. Badawi, 1993, p. 50). Islamic conception of literature is significantly derived from the very first word of the Qur’anic revelation iqra’, an instruction to read, followed by the word ‘al-Qalam’ which carries the meaning that reads: “it was God who taught man with pen” (96: 4), which indicates the ultimate role of reading and knowledge to Muslim...
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...Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.0 Introduction In this chapter, revision of the relevant literature is undertaken to provide an overview of previous studies related to this particular study. The first section starts with the Principles of Islamic Banking and a description of the products. The next one consists of studies indicating the relief provided by Islamic Microfinance institutions globally. The remaining sections comprise of the factors affecting the demand of Islamic financial products namely, awareness, religious factors and trust among parties. The last sections include the Mauritian government’s assistance in introducing Islamic Finance in the country and measures taken to set high standards and women empowerment. 2.1.1 Products...
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...banking, but has also increased the attention on Islamic banking.1 Academics and policy makers alike point to the advantages of Shariah-compliant financial products, as the mismatch of short-term, on-sight demandable deposits contracts with long-term uncertain loan contracts is mitigated with equity elements. In addition, Sharia-compliant products are very attractive for segments of the population that demand financial services that are consistent with their religious beliefs. However, little academic evidence exists on the functioning of Islamic banks, as of yet. This paper describes some of the most common Islamic banking products and links their structure to the theoretical literature on financial intermediation. Specifically, we discuss to which extent Islamic banking products affect the agency problems arising from information asymmetries between lender and borrower or investor and manager of funds. Second, we compare the business model, efficiency, asset quality and stability of Islamic banks and conventional banks, using an array of indicators constructed from balance sheet and income statement data. In separate regressions, we focus specifically on the relative performance of both bank groups during the recent crisis. While there is a large practitioner literature on Islamic finance, in general, and specifically Islamic banking, there are few academic papers. Cihak and Hesse (2010) test for the stability of Islamic compared to conventional banks, while Errico...
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...“Islamic Accounting : Their Position in International Standard Harmonization” Rendy Anggita Putra “Islamic Accounting : Their Position in International Standard Harmonization” 1. Abstract According to (Susela, 1999) said the development of accounting theories is are affected by several factors including political and economic interests of certain people or group in community. Therefore, it can be also called if the accounting is a significant tool to illustrate the interests and perspectives of the various stakeholders. Islamic industry of finance has obtained tremendous growth in last few years, both in number of assets that manage by industry and in the diversity of financial products. A global system that can rule the industry will become significantly important for the Islamic finance sector in order to meet the needs of continued growth (Vinnicombe, 2012). Harmonization of Shari’a accounting standards has continue to be made by the AAOIFI as it is also done by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) for conventional accounting harmonization. In its development, financial reporting in Islamic accounting adds some different additional reports than conventional accounting to accommodate the unique transactions of Islamic economics. In that regard, this paper have objective to explore the main important values of Shari’a accounting and reporting standards of Islamic Accounting and try to find the answers of Islamic accounting positions among the process...
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...Research Proposal on Islamic Banking Table of Contents TOC \o 1-2 1) Research Title PAGEREF _Toc \h 3 2) Introduction to the Research Topic and Main Research Question PAGEREF _Toc1 \h 3 3) Literature Review Outline and Detailed Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc2 \h 5 3.1) Introduction PAGEREF _Toc3 \h 5 3.2) Background of Islamic Banking PAGEREF _Toc4 \h 5 3.3) Features of Islamic Banking PAGEREF _Toc5 \h 6 3.4) Determination of Whether Islamic Banking is a Matter of Semantics PAGEREF _Toc6 \h 8 3.5) Detailed Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc7 \h 10 4) Ethical Considerations PAGEREF _Toc8 \h 10 References PAGEREF _Toc9 \h 12 Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc10 \h 17 1) Research Title “Islamic Banking: A Matter of Semantics?” 2) Introduction to the Research Topic and Main Research Question Islamic banking is denoted as a banking system, which is mainly governed by the principles that have been formulated by the Islamic Shariah (Hasan, 2012). In general, the term Islamic banking is not only typically based on evading internet-based transactions that are strictly prohibited under the law of Shariah, but also discards any sort of unsocial or unethical practices (Ahmed, 2011). With this concern, it can be affirmed that Islamic banking is regarded as the procedure of transforming predictable money lending into transactions that are fundamentally based upon real as well as tangible services (El-Gamal, 2006). This banking...
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...BRAND IMAGE OF ISLAMIC BANKS SUBMITTED BY TARIQ JALEES LT.COL(RETD) RAZA KAMAL ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DIRECTOR ACADEMICS COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE PAF-KARACHI INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGY KORANGI CREEK , KARACHI-75190 WWW.PAFKIET.EDU.PK UAN 111-723-733 TELEPHONE 5091114-7 FAX 92215091118 RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF TARIQ JALEES 87-Q, BLOCK-2, PECHS, KARACHI, RESIDENCE TELEPHONE 9221-4556308 MOBILE 0300-82007019 EMAL TARIQUEJ2004@YAHOO.COM TARIQJ@PAFKIET.EDU.PK 1 BRAND IMAGE OF ISLAMIC BANKS 1.0.0 Introduction What is Islamic banking? What is brand Image? Both the topics independently have been researched, discussed and deliberated so many times that the readers generally don’t fancy reading them. However, there is not a single research to best of our knowledge wherein researchers may have combined both the diversified topics. Lack of research on “brand image of Islamic bank” was one of the major motivator for undertaking this research. Thus the objective of this paper was to measure the brand image of Islamic banks, and develop the profile of the customers of Islamic banks. 1.1.0 Literature Survey In order to develop the conceptual background, the literature review has been structured as follows: 1.1.2 A brief over view on Islamic banking and literature on consumer behavior, characteristics and perception towards Shariah banks A brief overview of branding imaging concept An Overview Islamic Banking There are about 270 Islamic banks around the world (including subsidiaries...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Introductory Paragraph Islamic banking refers to a system of banking that complies with Islamic law also known as Shariah law. The underlying principles that govern Islamic banking are mutual risk and profit sharing between parties, the assurance of fairness for all and that transaction are based on an underlying business activity or asset. The Islamic banking system has gained momentum worldwide. There are now 16 Islamic banks and financial institution operating in Malaysia. The popularity of the Islamic banking system is not limited to the Islamic bank only. The conventional system also interested in Islamic banking system For instance, CIMB has established CIMB Islamic bank that operates in accordance with Islamic Shari’ah principles. Islamic banks faced with strong competition not only from Islamic bank but also from conventional banks. The Islamic banking system is different from the conventional banking system but have some similarities between the two. For example, an Islamic bank conduct s its activities in accordance with the Islamic Shari’ah principle that strictly prohibit any payment or receipt of interest. However, the Islamic bank can offer product and service which are similarity by conventional bank. When Islamic banks or conventional banks offered any new product or service, the successful depends on the customer satisfaction level towards that product or service. In this competition, they must have to give extremely high...
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...this research is to find out if Islamic Banking is a better alternative to the Western, Conventional Banking. The information provided will reveal various Islamic Banking principles that would have prevented previous major economic crises and if applied globally today could prevent a major economic collapse. Islamic Banking is banking system based on Shari'a (Islamic) Law on which it developed its unique characteristics that will be discussed in this paper. Shari'a Law does not allow the use of Interest (Riba), trading in financial risk, and investing in businesses that are considered unlawful according to the Quraan and Islamic scholars. Shari'a law in Islamic Banking is meant to promote economic and development through the means of disciplined investing, fair risk sharing, and profit or loss sharing (Warde, 2000). The literature that will be examined in this paper will show that Islamic Banking is a good alternative to the current global banking system, however, it will be near impossible to revamp the existing banking system and replace it with Islamic Banking because it goes against many of the core principles of conventional banking that the global economy is built on which has been around for decades. Brief History The main goal of Islamic banks was to promote social and economical welfare in society through guiding investors and offering financial assistance to businesses by engaging in profit sharing transactions (Warde, 2000). Islamic banks were thought of as more...
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...door for the banks run in accordance with Islamic rules and regulation. First Islami Bank started the banking system that runs according to Islamic rules and regulations. Then some other Islamic banks also started business. Currently some banks even the foreign bank like H.S.B.C and Standard Chartered bank open their Islamic banking section. Theses banks are doing these because most of the people of our country are sensitive to their religion. Banks want to do business by utilizing their sentiment. Different factor can lead the customer towards Islamic banking like interest is prohibited in Islam. Another factor can be people want to deposit their money in those banks that do not give loan to those businesses that is not permitted in Islam. Banks having the provision of giving interest free loan to the needy people of the society which is called ‘Quard E Hasan’ in Islam can also lead the customer to those banks. Many religious programs telecasted in different channels become very popular in our country that may also influence the customers to switch. So in this study we will identify some factor that may responsible for customer switchover to Islamic banks and try to discover whether these factors really responsible for the customer switchover. 1.2 Problem statement: Now a day’s many non Islamic banks are opening Islamic banking section. It is an observed phenomenon that the banks are doing that because there is a huge market for Islamic banking in Bangladesh because the people...
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...Maximum | Part time | 2 academic years | 4 academic years | 5 academic years | Full time | 1 1/2 academic years | 2 academic years | 3 academic years | 28 credit hours of coursework + 12 credit hours of dissertation Entry Requirements Programme Structure The Masters in Accounting programme comprises of 28 credit hours of coursework (10 courses) and 12 credit hours of dissertation. Core Courses Course Code | Course Name | ACC 6610 | Financial Accounting And Reporting | ACC 6620 | Managerial Accounting | ACC 6630 | Accounting Theory And Policy | ACC 6640 | Islamic Worldview And Accounting Ethics | ACC 6810 | Islamic Accounting And Finance | ACC 6820 | Accounting Research Methods | ACC 6650 | Introduction to Library Search & Academic Writing | ACC 6660 | Literature Review | | | Elective Courses Course Code | Course Name | ACC 6830 | Accounting For Islamic Institutions | ACC 6840 | Issues In Auditing | ACC 6850 | Issues In Taxation | ACC 6860 | Issues In Public Sector Accounting | A candidate shall be required to pass all the courses with at least a "B" grade and attain a minimum a CPGA of 3.00. In certain circumstances, a candidate may be required to take pre-requisite courses. Dissertation (12 Cr. Hrs.) After completing all the courses, students will proceed with a dissertation before they could graduate. The research proposal will be specifically developed in their Accounting Research Methods course (i.e. ACC 6820)...
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...disclosure by Islamic banks: evidence from Gulf Cooperation Council countries Abdullah Awadh Bukair and Azhar Abdul Rahman Abstract Corporate social activities have become major subjects because of their effects on the quality life of citizens, in particular, and on the society at large. Therefore, today, there is an increase awareness of social responsibility due to the challenges meeting the financial institutions (particularly, Islamic banking) around the world. This paper examines the influence of the board of directors’ characteristics, consisting of board size, board composition, and the separation roles of CEO and chairman, on corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure in 53 annual reports of Islamic banks of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries after controlling of bank size, financial performance and relevant public. Based on the framework of legitimacy theory, the findings show that CSR disclosure has a negative and insignificant relationship with board composition. On contrast, the study found insignificantly and positive association between CSR disclosure and other characteristics of board of directors (board size and the separation roles of CEO and chairman). With regards control variables, the study indicates that bank size and financial performance have a positive and significant influence on CSR disclosure, while relevant public has no effect. Therefore, the results indicate that corporate governance structure of board of directors within Islamic banks of...
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...Responsibility in Islamic Banks of Bangladesh Quazi Sagota Samina* The evolution of Shariah based profit –loss sharing centered Islamic banking, worldwide has changed the thought of financial institutions even of the developed countries in the west. On the other hand the recognition of importance of corporate social activities in the business organizations as well as in financial institutions has accelerated the significance of Islamic banks as in Islam these CSR practice have been emphasized in different ways. Likewise the Islamic financial institutions all over the world, Islamic banks in Bangladesh are also being engaged in various social activities as a part of their responsibilities. In this study it has been tried to find out whether the Islamic Banks of Bangladesh are adhering to the prescribed forms of the CSR activities or not. This paper is mainly designed based on the CSR forms to be followed by Islamic banks as has been prescribed by Farook (2007) in his study “On Corporate Social Responsibility of Islamic Financial Institutions” under the light of Islamic Shariah. The research found compliance to the mandatory forms by the 6 full fledged sample Islamic banks in Bangladesh whereas variety in involvement in recommended forms of CSR activities by considering the scenario of banks from 2007 to 2011. The study also finds a strong positive correlation between CSR expenditure and sample banks’ deposit, loan and profitability. Keyword: Corporate social responsibility, Islamic banking...
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...PERFORMANCE OF Islamic bank Versus CONVENTIONAL BANK (A COMPARATIVE STUDY) A RESEARCH REPORT SUBMITTED by SAAD SIDDIQ to University of Karachi in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In MARKETING This thesis has been accepted for the faculty of UNIVERSITY OF KARACHI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Allah the All Merciful the all Benevolent for providing me the strength, courage, direction and skills to learn, acquire knowledge, and the ability to accept and meet challenges. Second I would like to thank all those people who have helped me in performing this research study.. I would like to give credit for those who gave their precious time to conduct the interview session and to those who filled the questionnaires. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Sir Mehmood Qasim for providing me his precious time, guidance, and instructions all along in order to materialize my content for the report.I am also thankful to my parents who accommodated me during those long hours of work in my project development and all the friends and colleagues who helped me out in my times of weakness and encouraged me. I am hopeful that the effort will be fruitful for the students to come in KU after us. Once again, I am very thankful to all people who have been involved in this thesis report directly or indirectly. Abstract This project compares the performance of Islamic banks and conventional...
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...Risk Management in Islamic and Conventional Banks: A Differential Analysis Salman Ahmed Shaikh* Dr. Amanat Ali Jalbani Abstract Islamic banking is interest-free banking which makes it necessary for Islamic banks to take active part in the operations of the business, i.e. share profits as well as losses. Banks including Islamic banks prefer to take minimum risk. On the surface, it may seem that Islamic banks face more risk and hence, will have more volatile or even negative returns on their assets. This paper analyzes the risk management procedures of Islamic banks by giving a differential analysis of risk management discussing only the unique characteristics of risk management in Islamic Banking. The usual credit assessment procedures and BASEL are not discussed. This paper looks at the comparative performance of Islamic banks and conventional banks by using ROE as the benchmark. Keywords: Risk management, commercial banking, Islamic banking, price risk 1. Introduction 1.1. Background of the Study Islamic Banking was first introduced in 1959 in Egypt. Since then, Islamic Banking is growing rapidly throughout the world and has been introduced in more than 60 countries of the world so far. Global financial players like Citibank, ABN AMRO, American Express Bank, HSBC, etc. are also participating in Islamic Banking and Financial Industry. However, skepticism still surrounds Islamic Banking keeping into view the earlier demise of BCCI. Profit and loss sharing...
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...Note: This Introduction appears in Christopher Napier & Roszaini Haniffa (eds) Islamic Accounting (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011), pp. xiii-xx. The printed version may differ slightly from the text set out below, and the printed version should be regarded as definitive. An Islamic Perspective of Accounting: Introduction and Overview Christopher Napier and Roszaini Haniffa Introduction The emergence of Islamic banks and other Islamic financial institutions since the 1970s has stimulated a modern literature that has identified itself as addressing “Islamic Accounting”. What does the term “Islamic Accounting” mean in the rapidly growing contemporary literature? Napier (2009) has proposed three interrelated aspects: a historically-oriented sense, in which “Islamic Accounting” refers to ideas and practices in Muslim-majority countries in past periods; a practice-oriented sense, where the focus is on how entities describing themselves as “Islamic” account for and report their transactions and activities; and a principle-oriented sense, where fundamental accounting concepts and methods form a coherent body of ideas and practices based on the religion of Islam. The word “Islam” means total submission or surrender to the will of God (Allah), and a Muslim is one who so submits. However, this raises the question of how Muslims can determine what the will of God is. The principal sources are the Qur’an, which is considered by Muslims to be the exact words of revelation from...
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