...University Wayne Huizenga Graduate School of Business & Entrepreneurship Assignment for Course: ISM 5014-Enterprise Information Systems Submitted to: Dr. Nainika Patnayakuni Submitted by: Date of Submission: 12/08/2013 Title of Assignment: Individual Reflection Paper CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledge and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas of words, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. Student Signature: z ******************************************* Instructor’s Grade on Assignment: Instructor’s Comments: The cases that we analyzed as a group as part of the class requirements were very interesting. I was able to relate to both cases especially due to the company I work for. Case number 1, was related on how to survive and adapt to a new market place. As the company I work expands, it continues to navigate and explore new markets with the different products it manufactures. Case number 2, concentrated on how pay attention to contracts and making sure one does its homework before making any type of decisions. I was able to learn from both cases different type of information system solutions and how to manage it. The group projects were very helpful by allowing us to learn how to communicate...
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...640 9044 Managing Projects, Operations, and Information Systems (2145) Discussion Activity #4 Instructions Basic Instructions: During Weeks 8 and 9, working in teams under the leadership of a student CIO and Assistant CIO, the section drafts an information systems management (ISM) plan for Acme Mexico City. In doing so, the section completes the work tasked as Assignment 4 in the Four Assignments Package to be found in Content/General Information. Additional Instructions: In view of our time constraints, this will be a draft ISM plan. Acme corporate headquarters will have standards, policies, and expectations with which Acme Mexico City (AMC) must comply. These may be hypothesized. Acme Mexico City will need to support both store-internal and -external IS needs Internal needs will include support of at least store Business processes and operations Decision mak ing by employees and managers Strategies to gain competitive advantage Human resource needs External needs will include at least: Reporting to Acme corporate Meeting Mexican and US government regulatory requirements Fulfilling supplier and customer expectations in this business sector in Mexico City Any format that logically and succinctly addresses that above needs may be used A sample IM (=ISM) plan for a health services organization follows below. It is deliberately for such an organization because: Health services is another important business sector supported by IM (ISM) I do not want you to simply copy a sample...
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... an information system management plan needs to be established in order to oversee employment and management, as well as meet the needs of Acme’s stakeholders including employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and investors. The plan has a goal of improving aspects such as sales and marketing, budgeting, planning, hiring and training all while using technology to assist in the assignment of roles, and to discover correlations between profits, performance, and competitors. System Objectives & Information Requirements of Stakeholders The goals and scope of the Information Systems plan is to identify how the plan will help each stakeholder group obtain the necessary information, data, and equipment required in order to complete the tasks associated with each group. A stakeholder is someone that has put a level of trust and interest into a business, project, or idea. Regarding the Acme Mexico City project (AMC), the stakeholders consist of those employed by AMC, buyers of the product, suppliers, and their shareholders and investors. All of the needs of the stakeholders will be met by the AMC information system, which will help to organize departments such as human resources, marketing, operations management and sales. Human Resources is defined as a department which “maintains policies, plans and procedures for the effective management of employees” (Baltzan, 2011). This includes the hiring and training of those employed by AMC and maintaining the information and data...
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...End-To-End Communication An Analysis of Cisco Systems and how the use of Information Technology gave them a Competitive Advantage Mira Vissell ISM 158 Business Analysis Paper March 4th, 2004 Table of Contents Objective Section I: Industry Summary: An Analysis of Network Equipment Industry A. Industry Profile B. Competitive Strategies within the Industry C. Porter Model Evaluation of Industry Forces D. Globalization of the Industry E. Importance of Information Technology in the Industry Section II: Company Perspective: An Analysis of Cisco Systems A. Cisco Systems profile B. Market and Financial Performance C. Competitive Strategy Statement D. Significance of Information and Information Systems E. Strengths and Weaknesses of Cisco Section III: Structured Analysis of Information System Use A. Strategic Option Generator B. Roles, Roles and Relationships C. Redefine/define D. Significance of Telecommunications E. Success Factor Profile Section IV: A Final Analysis of the Success of Cisco Systems A. The Success of Business Strategy and IT used to Date B. The Effective Position of the Company for Future Performance Bibliography Objective The objective of this paper is to analyze how Cisco Systems gained competitive advantage in the networking industry through the use of information systems and key business strategies. This paper has four sections...
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...(A): The Role of the Operating Manager in Information Systems CASE STUDY I-1 IMT Custom Machine Company, Inc.: Selection of an Information Technology Platform CASE STUDY I-2 VoIP2.biz, Inc.: Deciding on the Next Steps for a VoIP Supplier CASE STUDY I-3 The VoIP Adoption at Butler University CASE STUDY I-4 Supporting Mobile Health Clinics: The Children’s Health Fund of New York City CASE STUDY I-5 Data Governance at InsuraCorp CASE STUDY I-6 H.H. Gregg’s Appliances, Inc.: Deciding on a New Information Technology Platform CASE STUDY I-7 Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (B): Cleaning Up an Information Systems Debacle CASE STUDY II-1 Vendor-Managed Inventory at NIBCO CASE STUDY II-2 Real-Time Business Intelligence at Continental Airlines CASE STUDY II-3 Norfolk Southern Railway: The Business Intelligence Journey CASE STUDY II-4 Mining Data to Increase State Tax Revenues in California CASE STUDY II-5 The Cliptomania™ Web Store: An E-Tailing Start-up Survival Story CASE STUDY II-6 Rock Island Chocolate Company, Inc.: Building a Social Networking Strategy CASE STUDY III-1 Managing a Systems Development Project at Consumer and Industrial Products, Inc. CASE STUDY III-2 A Make-or-Buy Decision at Baxter Manufacturing Company CASE STUDY III-3 ERP Purchase Decision at Benton Manufacturing Company, Inc. CASE STUDY III-4 The Kuali Financial System: An Open-Source Project CASE STUDY III-5 ...
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...Computer Information System Brief ACC/542 Computer Information System Brief Kudler Fine Foods operates in La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas California providing gourmet meats, cheese, produce, wine, and deserts to the community. Kudler Fine Foods offers its customers a selection of fine foods from around the world as the company takes pride in providing the finest epicurean delights. During the review of Kudler Fine Foods determined the company’s needs to strengthen accounting practices and fix the technological weaknesses found with the technology and computer systems. This brief will discuss the key business and accounting information needs; strengths and weaknesses of Kudler’s current computer system and technology use; explain the opportunities Kudler has in terms of technology and provide suggestions; and evaluate the threats that Kudler may encounter with the current systems. Computer System Kudler Fine Foods success depends on the systems three stores have in place. As each store sells meat, bakes goods, produce, cheese, wine, and dairy products, the computer system must allow managers and employees of the company to track inventory, sales, spoilage, and consumer purchasing trends. The current computer system in each store is accessible 24 hours a day, and the owner is responsible for training the employees to ensure each employee understands the daily operating system. The decision to have the owner train the employees serves as a strength because...
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...Introduction • Information system is a system that uses the resources of people, hardware, software and communication technology to perform input, processing, output, storage, and control activities that convert data resources into information products. • It can also be referred to as a set of interrelated components that collect or retrieve, process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization. • Components of information systems include: People resources (specialists and end – users); Hardware (computers etc); Software (programs and procedures); Data resources (databases, model bases, knowledge bases); Communications systems and; Information products (management reports, business documents etc.). • From a business perspective, information systems are part of a series of value-adding activities (value chain) for acquiring, transforming, and distributing information that managers can use to improve decision making, enhance organizational performance (processes), and ultimately increase firm profitability. • Value chain is series of activities a company performs to achieve its goal by adding values when each activity proceeds from one stage to the next one. • Value chain analysis is examination of the value chain of an enterprise to ascertain how much and at which stage value is added to its goods and/or services, and how it can be increased to enhance the competitive advantage through product differentiation. • The value...
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...Record Store Table of Contents Intro I Information Systems Table II Conclusion III Intro The Hot Red Record Store offers thousands of music records. The record store sales records written by songwriters from all over the country and we specialize in rare record hits that are hard to find. Consumers come to our store when they are unable to locate a record. Not only do we offer thousands of music records, but our consumers also have the ability to record and download music to any electronic device such as an Ipod, Iphone, or Laptop. In order for the business to operate in a smooth operating manner, increase profits from record sales, and stay ahead of competitors we utilize different types of information systems that support the record store in the following functional areas: • Management Information System • Office Automation System • Transaction Processing System • Functional Area Information Systems • Increasing and Retaining the record stores’ budge Information Systems Table |TYPE |FUNCTION |EXAMPLE | |Management Information Systems |Produces reports that are summarized from transaction data |Drafts reports on total sales from...
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...Evolution of Information Systems (Relevant to AAT Examination Paper 8: Principles of Auditing and Management Information Systems) David Chow FCCA, FCPA, CPA (Practising) This article discusses the evolution of information systems, levels of management decision-making and information systems that enhance the value of information. Students are encouraged to understand the reasons for the development of an information system and its replacement; these will help you identify the benefits and limitations of each type of information system. From EDP to MIS Until the 1960s, the role of most information systems was simple. They were mainly used for electronic data processing (EDP),purposes such as transactions processing, record-keeping and accounting. EDP is often defined as the use of computers in recording, classifying, manipulating, and summarizing data. It is also called transaction processing systems (TPS), automatic data processing, or information processing. Transaction processing systems – these process data resulting from business transactions, update operational databases, and produce business documents. Examples: sales and inventory processing and accounting systems. In the 1960s, another role was added to the use of computers: the processing of data into useful informative reports. The concept of management information systems (MIS) was born. This new role focused on developing business applications that provided managerial end users with predefined management reports that...
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...COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEM BRIEF-KUDLER FINE FOODS Kudler Fine Foods expresses on their website that they “will go to extensive lengths to assure that Kudler Fine Foods is the purveyor of choice for customers aspiring to purchase the finest epicurean delights”. This information lets our company know that we are working with a company that is ready and able to take that next step into the 21st century when it comes to technology and accomplishing any business goals. Kudler Fine Foods, as our client, has asked how computer systems might be more effectively integrated to meet their business needs and improve their accounting operations. In the following brief, our company will attempt to give suggestions on making Kudler Fine Food’s information system more successful for their business and accounting operations. IDENTIFYING BUISNESS AND ACCOUNTING NEEDS Kudler Fine Foods seems to have the internet site set up very well. It allows the customers to see what the company has to offer as well as give them important contact information on where the product is sold, and how to get it. One need as far as the customer’s base is concerned is maybe reaching out to more paying customers. Kudler Fine Foods are searchable through the world wide net and that also means that they can receive profits from all parts of the world. As far as addressing business needs, an internet site where products can be purchased would be greatly beneficial. When it comes to the Kudler’s intranet...
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...Information Systems Selecting and acquiring an information system Information systems that are available now days are anticipated for improving the organizations goals and work tasks for everyone involved including the stakeholders, they play a huge part in the systems their selves. For most organizations the challenges of information systems can be somewhat hectic, so being that it is vital that an organization choose the proper information system according to their facility in helping them to achieve the goals that may have set up for accomplishing. The process for selecting and acquiring an information system is first, having everyone within the company to come together to be part of the decision making in establish a strategic plan of action. Secondly, research and become aware and alert of the new technology the company is planning on using. Third, if all is in favor of the decision conduct and identify an analysis of the workflow and system which was selected, after this is when the implementation process should take place knowing it would probably take a bit of time to put together so all staff of different organizations if so are strongly involved. Lastly, review and evaluate the system selected and that it is the right decision for the company, continue to follow up with the progression of the project. Some organizations actually take their time constantly looking and analyzing, while others just sometimes be quick to choose, not thinking of long-term progress...
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...MANAGING INFORMATION – CRITICAL EVALUATION OF RELEVANT ISSUES MODULE: MANAGING INFORMATION Table of Contents Sr. no. Contents Page no. 1. Introduction............................................................................................3 2. Definition of Information Systems...........................................................3 3. Information System as an Organizational and Management Solution.........3 4. Information Manager and Information System..........................................4 5. Environmental and Industrial Analysis.....................................................4 6. Recommended Information Systems for a Medium Sized Accountancy and Management Consultancy Firm........................................................5 6.1. Management Information System.............................................................5 6.2. Decision Support System..........................................................................6 6.3. Knowledge Management System..............................................................6 6.4. Transaction Support System.....................................................................6 6. Evaluation of Organizational, Technical and Management Aspects of the Information Systems Used.................................
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...Information Systems and Software Application BIS/219 April 25, 2012 Abstract Information Systems and Software Application There are many types of information systems and software applications that an organization uses to run their businesses. Today, organization uses the information systems and software applications to broaden their horizons and allow their businesses to function at its full capacity. For example, human resources use the software applications to manage employees, were accounting uses the software applications to help manage the company finances and other applications that help manage the company on day-to-day operations. Every organization has a different agenda and specific duties they must perform. The information systems and software applications helps the organization to run a successful business in todays, environment and help manage every aspect of their business affairs. Also, it will help determined how well a business is doing and which direction the business is going. Business that takes the opportunity to seek investment in this type of software can help take accurate inventory of the company. Three major organizational departments that help run a company is human resources, marketing, and accounting. Human resources gather the information that relates to the employees and the company they uses the information system and software applications to help maintain the company, such as hiring, employees...
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...History Initially, accounting information systems were predominantly developed “in-house” as legacy systems. Such solutions were difficult to develop and expensive to maintain. Today, accounting information systems are more commonly sold as prebuilt software packages from vendors such as Microsoft, Sage Group, SAP and Oracle where it is configured and customized to match the organization’s business processes. As the need for connectivity and consolidation between other business systems increased, accounting information systems were merged with larger, more centralized systems known as enterprise resource planning (ERP). Before, with separate applications to manage different business functions, organizations had to develop complex interfaces for the systems to communicate with each other. In ERP, a system such as accounting information system is built as a module integrated into a suite of applications that can include manufacturing, supply chain, human resources. These modules are integrated together and are able to access the same data and execute complex business processes. With the ubiquity of ERP for businesses, the term “accounting information system” has become much less about pure accounting (financial or managerial) and more about tracking processes across all domains of business. [edit]Software architecture of a modern AIS A modern AIS typically follows a multitier architecture separating the presentation to the user, application processing and data management...
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...Manufacturing From: Anthony Goodeill, Project Manager Organization Name: Consulting One Solutions Introduction In response to your request the team has analyzed your HR system integration with existing tools to create a single integrated application. The development team has taken advantage of a more sophisticated information systems technology. The development team has determined that Riordan Manufacturing has developed from a small plastics research and development firm to an international plastics manufacturing corporation. Riordan carries the contracts of over 30 customers of varying size, including the Department of Defense. Therefore, due to this growth the development team will show you how we have created the business requirement definitions for the development of your HR system that will support the objective of establishing a single integrated application by using more sophisticated information systems technology. Project Initiation & Approach Riordan Manufacturing has a requirement for making the HR system into a single integrated application by using more sophisticated information systems technology. Initially management looked at the current system to determine it short-comings and what technology is currently being used. After looking at the current system, the development team called a meeting to determine the scope, mission and process of communication and documentation standards. Therefore, the development team will determine the...
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