Premium Essay

It's Our Responsibility


Submitted By kebler15
Words 949
Pages 4
In our society it's clear that everything we do is a personal decision we make whether if its eating a burger verses eating a grilled chicken sandwich with no bun. Today, we see fast food all over America, whether it is through television advertisements, billboards or magazines it is always going to surround us. So when we start to gain weight due to our busy life style is it our fault or the fast food industry? In 2002 there were multiple complaints filed against the McDonald’s corporation. One family claimed that McDonald’s was the cause for their child's obesity. This lawsuit raised some controversial questions about corporate responsibility versus personal responsibility. Is McDonalds truly the cause for this child's weight problem or the individual or even the parents themselves? There are studies that show an individual could be obese due to genetics but it is absolutely a matter of personal responsibility. Mcdonald's advertising did not force this family into their restaurant or force feed them double cheeseburgers everyday to their child. It certainly did not mislead this family's knowledge about the importance of a living a healthy life style and the importance of eating right. In some ways the idea that obesity could be a matter of corporate responsibly completely undermines the decisions of American people and how they live their lives. People who think that McDonalds advertisements are unfairly advertised to society and to children forget to realize that is the companies rights to advertize however they freely want. In the first amendment of the constitution it clearly states the protection of freedom of speech and this includes commercial advertising.

A wide majority of companies like McDonalds advertises to children to a extent. The reason why is because it works. Children are easily influence with music, toys and characters such as Ronald

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