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America As A Super Hero

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Imagine yourself in a big red cape flying above the sky high buildings and the wonderful lights that paint the city. Does this remind you of something? Does it? Of course! it’s a super hero! But, do superheroes exist in real life? Believe it or not, superheroes aren’t always in comic books. Superheroes are like guardians of their cities and countries, we have many of these kinds of guardians. Guardians such as police, fireman, doctors, teachers, and so on. But, have you ever thought of being a guardian yourself? Has it ever occurred to you that you can protect your city and country as well? Are the goresum government lessons you get taught for 45 minutes about your country really helping? So the real question is, how does learning about government and our America help you become a future guardian of the liberties of our country? Well then have you ever watched the news? If you have it talks about the problems in our country and is a great way and place to learn about all the …show more content…
Everyone of us have responsibilities in our everyday life and it is important for us to carry out them out as best as we can. Just as we have responsibilities so does our government. Our government is committed to our country and it’s every need and speciality. I’m pretty sure that by having to be responsible for a whole country would not be easy at all and would also be a lot of stress for the government workers. The responsibility of our country is not only a duty that falls on the government but also us as american citizens. Carrying out laws and making sure to keep our environment safe is a great way to relieve the government and of some of our burdensome responsibilities. Even Though it does truly depend on the person to make sure if it is a burdensome responsibility or not. Doing and helping accomplish some of the tasks that are important for our country is already something we as citizens of our america can

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