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The Scavengers Pros And Cons

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It is no secret that the entertainment industry is one of the biggest and most glorified markets in the world, with it growing everyday. Every year television shows, video games, and movies find new ways to out do themselves, looking for the next big thing. When it comes to the film industry you can see the growth as new movies break box office records what seems like every couple months, and as of late comic based super hero movies seem to be benefiting the most with Marvel studios leading the way. With movies such as The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Guardians of the Galaxy hitting it big in the box office as well as receiving critical acclaim it was no surprise Marvels counter part DC was ready to follow with its next …show more content…
After such a strong start it seemed to have die down pretty quickly as it finished a little south of 900 million, I believe this to be the cause of critics and reviewers who certainly had a lot to say about the film. Though DC has plenty to be happy about as it made a good amount of money their concerns now lie with the quality of the films of the future. As Marvel continues to churn out movies it seems each surpassing one is better then the last, as many have received great reviews and praise as they seem to be just hitting their stride, whereas DC has to go back to the drawing board right out of the gate. Jordan Hoffman from the Guardian summed it up perfectly in my opinion as he stated, “It isn’t terrible, but considering it’s the foundation for the Justice League and standalone Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman movies to come, there’s a lot to be worried about.” Some of the main complaints of the film seem to have to been that the plot was predictable on top of being a little long for most’s liking. Many also criticized the performance of Jesse Eisenberg as villain Lex Luthor as Hoffman put it, “swapping “the world’s smartest supervillain” for a bratty twerp with no clear motivation is a disgrace to the character .” While many were disappointed in Luthors' first showing in a feature film, Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot were praised by most for their performance’s as Batman and Wonder Woman. This is a key factor moving forward as both have their own movies releasing was well as co-starring in the Justice League movies. As a huge fan of super hero movies as a whole I found a hard time disliking the movie as well as many seem to agree as it was looked at as an enjoyable movie. Many even claiming that many of the critics were

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