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Italy Study Abroad Program


Submitted By djspeshot
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Pages 2
Participating in any foreign study program will enhance my educational career but taking part in the College of Architecture’s 2011 Italy Program will definitely be advantageous to my architectural career.

Italy is home to centuries of architectural history. There are architecture from prehistoric and roman architecture, early Christian and byzantine architecture, Romanesque and gothic architecture, renaissance and baroque architecture, and now many modern architectural wonders. Studying in Italy will give me first hand experience of all this historic architecture that I studied. I will also be exposed to the language and culture of Italy making me a more diverse architecture student.

Studying aboard will enhance the value of my Bachelors of Architecture degree. While aboard, I may gain a new academic interest and perspective on architecture. I will be able to take courses in a multicultural educational environment that are not available in the United States. This program will also add more value to my degree and therefore enhances my future employment opportunities. The world is becoming more globalized and employers are also looking for employees with diverse and international experience. Many large firms, such as HOK and USR, have offices internationally, especially in Italy, and studying abroad will improve my portfolio. However, if I decide to attend graduate school instead, studying aboard will also increase my chances of admission into the program.

No matter what I choose to do with my experiences in Italy, I am sure that this program will add to my personal and professional development and will one day make me a better and more successful architect.

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