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At a time when lide has rerely benn tougher for manufacturers in the developed world, miele’s strategy for survival is to break almost all the rules. The german company, a global leader in high-quality domestic appliances such as washing machines and vacum cleaners, is renowned for its exavting manufacturing standards and its refusal to move down-market and compete on price.
Miele bases nearly all its manufacturing in high-cost Germany and is self-sufficient to a high degree. Rather than outsource to low-cost supliers, it makes 4m electric motors ayear (enough for all its products) in its own plant near cologne. Which it says is essential to maintain its quality standards. Sales last year werw E2.2bn (L1.5bn)
The approach commands respect among miele,s industry peers. ‘it is the Rolls-Royece of the industry, with a fantastic position at the top end,’ says Andrea Guerra, chief executive of Merloni, the italian white goods maker.
But the domestiic appliance sector is one of europe’s most competitive and inevitably questions are being asked about how long miele can stick to what many see as its old-dashioned ways, before succumbing to lower-costt rivals. In fact, whether miele survives in its current form over the next decade will be an important test case for the whole of european manufacturing.
The company sells appliances ranging from dishwashers to coffee machines, most commanding a price premium of up to 70 per cent over the competitors’ wares. It spends 12 per cent of its revenue on product development – far more than the industry norm. Miele’s attention to detail is legendary. Ovens are tested using machines that open and shut their doors 60,000 times to simulate the rigours they will withstand in their owners’ kitchens.
In truth, most things about mile seem unusual, even quaint, when compared with the cut-and-thrust style of most big companies today. It is run jointly by the two great – grandsons of the men who set up the company 104 years ago.
Markus miele and Reinhard Zinkann – whose families still own the business - share adjoining offices in its unfussy headquarters in Gutersloh, a quiet town in northern germany. Just along the corridor are their two fathers, who still have a say in running the business. Emphasising the sense of togetherness, the side walls to all the offices contain enormous glass windows that make the office suite resemble a greenhouse.
‘it means all the family members can see what each other is doing,’ says markus miele.’it saves a lot of time when we want to have a discussion.’
The Miele/Zinkann clan has been spending a lot of time recently debating the tough times facing the industry. Total annual domestic appliace sales in Europe – worth some E20bn at manufacturers’ prices – are barely froced down by cost pressures while volumes expand at no more than 1 to 2 per cent a year. Some 90 per cent of miele’s sales are in Europe, where it has a 6 per cent market share, with the rest mainly in the US.
Its main competitors include BSH (a joint venture between Bosch and Siemens of Germany), Sweden’s Electrolux and Whirlpool of the US, as well as low-cost producers from eastern Wurope, China and Turkey.
Apart from domestic appliances, Miele has a professional division supplying commercial caterering equipment and also sells high-quality kitchen fittings for the domestic market.
With Germany accounting for 30 per cent of its sales, the company has been hit by the country’s economic slowdown, which has dramatically shaved demand. While Miele does not divulge its profit margins, arivals suspect these have shrunk significantly since the mid – 1990s. Miele has recently put 1,900 emloyees in Germany, or 13 per cent of its global workforce, on short – time working until next spring.
More ominously for those who would like to see miele maintain its manufacturing strategies, the company has announced plans to set up a small washing machine plant in the Czech Republic next year. This will employ only 100 people but could easily be expanded, although the company has given no hint about this. ‘i don’t see how they can stick with their current way of doing things,’ says a senior executive at one of miele’s European competitors. ‘In my view, to survive they will have to face the music and move more of their production out of Germany, while making parts such as motors in their own factories is just not viable.’
The mood at miele’s headquarters, however, is serene. Markus Miele says the fall in demand in Germany has been partly compensated for by better sales in other European countries, including the UK, [plus] Australia and the US.
‘A few years ago we made our products mainly for the German market and then adapted them to orher countries and hoped they would sell,’ syas Mr Miele. ‘now we are more international: for instance, because we know people in Greece use a lot of oil, the ovens we make for this country contain special coatings that make it easier to remove oil splashes.’
A crucial question concerns the company’s high production cost – linked to the concentration of its manufacturing operations in plants in Germany, mainly around Gutersloh. Apart from Germany, miele also has a factory in Austria and a small joint venture in China for making vacuum cleaners. More than tow – thrids of the company’s total worldwide staff are in its home country, where wages are frequently four or five times higher than in, for instance, the Czech Republic.
But Mr Mile says wages are not the only factor governing production costs. The company does not publish the figures but almost certainly less than 20 per cent of its manufacturing costs are accounted for by factor wage bills. ‘We think we have offset these [highwages] in recent years to some degree by automation. Last year we spent E125m on capital investment, much of this on machinery.’
The company also believes it can make its German plants more competitive by changes in work practices. ‘We have aplant near Gutersloh which makes 50 per cent of all the plastic parts we need. But we make this plant compete with outside contractors to see who gets the work for specific jobs. We make sure they [the Miele plant] charge prices no greater than the other bidders. This is one way we encourage our factories to innovate [in production processes] and improve.’
Even though Miele’s manufacturing costs are higher than those of its competitors, the company says these are justified by its ability to turn out appliances that – despite their high prices – people want to buy . Roughly 50 per cent of Miele’s manufacturing costs come from components it makes its self, company says, will work for 20 years, longer than comparable products. This, it says, is linked to the high reliability of individual parts.
As well as making all its own motors, mile produces nearly all its own printed circuit boards – the building blocks of electronic control systems – in a modern plant in Gutersloh adjacent to a new E10m electornics research center.
The policy pays off, says Mr Miele. ‘My fateher[Who was in overall charge of Miele until 2002] once had a letter from an old lady in eastern Germany. She said she didn’t have much money but she was willing to pay 50 per cent more for a Miele washing machine because she knew it would last for the rest of her life.’
Nick Platt, a home appliance specialist at the GfK market research company, says such feelings are not uncommon. ‘The company has built up a tremendous loyalty among consumers who know that the brand stands for quality,‘ he says.
Irrespective of what it does internally , miele faces a tough few years as it strives not just to fend off competitors at the top end of the white goods market but also to interest new generations of increasingly cost – conscious consumers in buying machines that – in terms of kitchens – are the equivalent of luxury Swiss watches. Can it survive? Hermann Simon, a German management consultant who is the author of Hidden Champions, a bestselling book examining the philosophy of leading German manufacturers, is inclined to say Yes.’ They have a focus and a single – mindedness which I think will ensure they can continue to do well. Thirty years ago people were asking the same questions [about Miele’s staying power] and they have come through. The company has shown that making thigs in Germanny can – in the right product area – still act as an advantage.’

From milk churn to washhing machine
Innovation is a vital activity at Miele. The company puts about 12 per cent of its annual sales into research and development, a figure more reminiscent of semiconductor businesses than of companies making kitchen appliances. The accent on new ideas was central to the company – which owns 681 worldwide patents – from its inception.
The founders of the business, carl miele and reinhard Zinkann, started by making machines for separating cream from milk, which were sold to farmers in the agricultural region of northern Germany where miele has always been based. The pair branched out in 1900, a year after the company started, into butter churns – large containeers fitted with hand – propelled paddles to make the milk curdle.
Miele’s first washing machines followed in 1901. It was a simple matter for the company’s technicians to take the butter churns, fill the with soapy water tather than milk and replace the paddle with a mechanical agitator to wash clothes. Electic power was added later; the company made its first vacuum cleaner in 1927 and its first dishwasher in 1929.
Markus Miele, the company’s current joint managing director and the great – grandson of the first Mr Miele, says the company tries continually to improve its products. A few years ago, it rethought the design for the large metal drums that contain the wash load in modern frontloading washing machines. ‘ The drums had 4,000 holes [for letting water in and out] and our engineers thought for years that it was impossible to reduce them in number without interfering with the water passage. But after a lengthy series of test we showed you could reduce the figure to 700 without impeding performance. The change made the systems simpler to make and more resilent [by increasing their stiffness].’
What does Mr Miele think of James Dyson, the UK domestic appliance enterpreneur who through his company, syson has done an impressive job in marketing, which has helped us because he has helped to make the public keener on buying high – cost appliances. But it’s not correct to say he devised [bagless cleaners] before anyone else. We thought of this idea some years before but we never marketed the products because having vacuum cleaners without bags causes problems for the consumer in terms of disposing of the dirt. We think it’s better to use bags, which is why we have not gone down this route.’

1. What are the key resources that have made miele a successful company so far? Which of these are marketing assets? 2. Miele are now facing more and more competition in a changing market. Do their resources provide them with a sustainable competitive advantage? 3. What new resources might they need to develop/acquire to remain successful in the future?

Pada saat Lide telah rerely Benn sulit bagi produsen di negara maju, strategi miele untuk bertahan hidup adalah untuk memecahkan hampir semua aturan. The Jerman perusahaan, pemimpin global dalam peralatan rumah tangga berkualitas tinggi seperti mesin cuci dan pembersih vacum, terkenal karena standar manufaktur exavting dan penolakannya untuk bergerak ke bawah-pasar dan bersaing pada harga.
Miele basis hampir semua manufaktur di-biaya tinggi Jerman dan mandiri pada tingkat tinggi. Daripada outsource ke murah supliers, itu membuat 4m motor listrik ayear (cukup untuk semua produk) di pabrik sendiri di dekat cologne. Yang dikatakan adalah penting untuk mempertahankan standar kualitas. Penjualan tahun lalu werw E2.2bn (L1.5bn)
Pendekatan perintah hormat di antara miele, s rekan-rekan industri. "Itu adalah Rolls-Royece industri, dengan posisi yang fantastis di ujung atas," kata Andrea Guerra, chief executive Merloni, Italia yang pembuat barang putih.
Namun sektor alat domestiic adalah salah satu Eropa yang paling kompetitif dan pasti pertanyaan yang sedang ditanya tentang berapa lama miele dapat menempel dengan apa yang banyak lihat sebagai cara-cara lama-dashioned nya, sebelum menyerah pada saingan rendah costt. Bahkan, apakah miele bertahan dalam bentuk yang sekarang selama dekade berikutnya akan menjadi ujian penting untuk seluruh manufaktur Eropa.
Perusahaan menjual peralatan mulai dari mesin pencuci piring dengan mesin kopi, paling memerintah harga premium hingga 70 persen selama barang pesaing. Ini menghabiskan 12 persen dari pendapatan pada pengembangan produk - jauh lebih dari norma industri. Perhatian terhadap detail Miele legendaris. Ovens diuji dengan menggunakan mesin yang membuka dan menutup pintu mereka 60.000 kali untuk mensimulasikan kerasnya mereka akan menahan di dapur pemiliknya.
Sebenarnya, banyak hal tentang mil terlihat aneh, bahkan aneh, bila dibandingkan dengan gaya potong-dan-dorong perusahaan yang paling besar hari ini. Hal ini dijalankan bersama oleh dua besar - cucu dari orang-orang yang mendirikan perusahaan 104 tahun yang lalu.
Markus miele dan Reinhard Zinkann - yang keluarganya masih memiliki bisnis - kantor sebelah saham markas unfussy di Gutersloh, sebuah kota yang tenang di Jerman utara. Hanya sepanjang koridor dua ayah mereka, yang masih memiliki suara dalam menjalankan bisnis. Menekankan rasa kebersamaan, dinding sisi ke semua kantor berisi jendela kaca besar yang membuat office suite menyerupai rumah kaca.
"Itu berarti semua anggota keluarga dapat melihat apa yang saling lakukan," kata markus miele. 'Menghemat banyak waktu ketika kita ingin memiliki sebuah diskusi. "
The Miele / Zinkann klan telah menghabiskan banyak waktu baru-baru memperdebatkan masa sulit yang dihadapi industri. Total penjualan appliace domestik tahunan di Eropa - senilai E20bn dengan harga produsen '- hampir tidak froced turun oleh tekanan biaya sementara volume berkembang pada tidak lebih dari 1 sampai 2 persen per tahun. Sekitar 90 persen dari penjualan miele adalah di Eropa, di mana ia memiliki 6 persen pangsa pasar, dengan sisa terutama di Amerika Serikat.
Pesaing utamanya termasuk BSH (perusahaan patungan antara Bosch dan Siemens dari Jerman), Swedia Electrolux dan Whirlpool dari AS, serta murah dari produsen Wurope Timur, Cina dan Turki.
Terlepas dari peralatan rumah tangga, Miele memiliki divisi profesional yang menyediakan peralatan caterering komersial dan juga menjual peralatan dapur berkualitas tinggi untuk pasar domestik.
Dengan Jerman akuntansi untuk 30 persen dari penjualan, perusahaan telah terpukul oleh perlambatan ekonomi negara itu, yang telah secara dramatis permintaan dicukur. Sementara Miele tidak membocorkan margin keuntungan, arivals menduga ini telah menyusut secara signifikan sejak pertengahan 1990 - an. Miele baru-baru ini menempatkan 1.900 emloyees di Jerman, atau 13 persen dari angkatan kerja globalnya, di singkat - waktu kerja sampai musim semi berikutnya.
Lebih menakutkan bagi mereka yang ingin melihat miele mempertahankan strategi manufaktur, perusahaan telah mengumumkan rencana untuk mendirikan pabrik mesin cuci kecil di Republik Ceko tahun depan. Ini akan mempekerjakan hanya 100 orang tapi bisa dengan mudah diperluas, meskipun perusahaan telah diberi petunjuk tentang hal ini. "Saya tidak melihat bagaimana mereka bisa tetap dengan cara mereka saat melakukan sesuatu," kata seorang eksekutif senior di salah satu pesaing Eropa miele itu. "Dalam pandangan saya, untuk bertahan hidup mereka harus menghadapi musik dan bergerak lebih dari produksi mereka dari Jerman, sementara membuat bagian seperti motor di pabrik-pabrik mereka sendiri hanya tidak layak."
Suasana di markas miele, bagaimanapun, adalah tenang. Markus Miele mengatakan penurunan permintaan di Jerman telah sebagian diimbangi oleh penjualan yang lebih baik di negara-negara Eropa lainnya, termasuk Inggris, [ditambah] Australia dan Amerika Serikat.
'Beberapa tahun yang lalu kami membuat produk kami terutama untuk pasar Jerman dan kemudian diadaptasi mereka untuk orher negara dan berharap mereka akan menjual,' Mr syas Miele. 'Sekarang kita lebih internasional: misalnya, karena kita tahu orang-orang di Yunani menggunakan banyak minyak, oven kita buat untuk negara ini berisi pelapis khusus yang membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menghapus cipratan minyak. "
Sebuah pertanyaan penting menyangkut biaya tinggi produksi perusahaan - terkait dengan konsentrasi operasi manufaktur di pabrik di Jerman, terutama di sekitar Gutersloh. Terlepas dari Jerman, miele juga memiliki pabrik di Austria dan perusahaan patungan kecil di Cina untuk membuat pembersih vakum. Lebih dari belakangnya - thrids total staf perusahaan di seluruh dunia di negara asalnya, di mana upah seringkali empat atau lima kali lebih tinggi daripada di, misalnya, Republik Ceko.
Tapi Mr Mile mengatakan upah bukanlah satu-satunya faktor yang menentukan biaya produksi. Perusahaan tidak mempublikasikan angka-angka, tetapi hampir pasti kurang dari 20 persen dari biaya produksi yang dicatat oleh tagihan upah faktor. "Kami pikir kami telah mengimbangi [highwages] dalam beberapa tahun terakhir untuk beberapa derajat dengan otomatisasi. Tahun lalu kami menghabiskan E125m atas investasi modal, banyak dari hal ini pada mesin. "
Perusahaan juga yakin dapat membuat tanaman Jerman lebih kompetitif oleh perubahan dalam praktek kerja. "Kami memiliki aplant dekat Gutersloh yang membuat 50 persen dari semua bagian plastik yang kita butuhkan. Tapi kami membuat tanaman ini bersaing dengan kontraktor luar untuk melihat siapa yang mendapatkan pekerjaan untuk pekerjaan tertentu. Kami pastikan mereka [tanaman Miele] harga biaya tidak lebih besar daripada penawar lainnya. Ini adalah salah satu cara kami mendorong pabrik-pabrik kami untuk berinovasi [dalam proses produksi] dan memperbaiki. "
Meskipun biaya produksi Miele adalah lebih tinggi daripada pesaingnya, perusahaan mengatakan ini dibenarkan oleh kemampuannya untuk mematikan peralatan yang - meskipun harga tinggi mereka - orang ingin membeli. Sekitar 50 persen dari biaya produksi Miele yang berasal dari komponen itu membuat diri, perusahaan mengatakan, akan bekerja selama 20 tahun, lebih lama dari produk sebanding. Ini, ia mengatakan, terkait dengan keandalan tinggi masing-masing bagian.
Seperti halnya membuat semua motor sendiri, kilometer memproduksi hampir semua papan sirkuit cetak sendiri - blok bangunan sistem kontrol elektronik - di sebuah pabrik modern di Gutersloh berdekatan dengan E10m pusat penelitian electornics baru.
Kebijakan tersebut terbayar, kata Mr Miele. 'Fateher saya [Siapa yang bertanggung jawab secara keseluruhan Miele hingga 2002] pernah memiliki surat dari seorang wanita tua di Jerman timur. Dia bilang dia tidak punya banyak uang tapi dia bersedia membayar 50 persen lebih untuk mesin cuci Miele karena dia tahu itu akan berlangsung selama sisa hidupnya. "
Nick Platt, seorang spesialis alat rumah di perusahaan riset pasar GfK, mengatakan perasaan tersebut tidak biasa. "Perusahaan telah membangun loyalitas luar biasa di kalangan konsumen yang tahu bahwa merek singkatan dari kualitas," katanya.
Terlepas dari apa yang dilakukannya internal, miele menghadapi beberapa tahun yang sulit karena berusaha bukan hanya menangkis pesaing di ujung atas pasar barang putih tetapi juga untuk menarik generasi baru semakin biaya - sadar konsumen dalam mesin yang membeli - dalam hal dapur - adalah setara mewah jam tangan Swiss. Bisakah itu bertahan? Hermann Simon, seorang konsultan manajemen Jerman yang merupakan penulis Champions tersembunyi, sebuah buku laris memeriksa filosofi produsen terkemuka Jerman, cenderung untuk mengatakan Ya 'Mereka memiliki fokus dan satu -. Pikiran yang saya pikir akan memastikan mereka dapat terus untuk melakukannya dengan baik. Tiga puluh tahun yang lalu orang-orang bertanya pertanyaan yang sama [tentang kuasa Miele yang tinggal] dan mereka telah datang melalui. Perusahaan telah menunjukkan bahwa membuat thigs di Germanny dapat - di daerah produk yang tepat - masih bertindak sebagai keuntungan '.

Dari susu churn untuk washhing mesin
Inovasi merupakan kegiatan penting pada Miele. Perusahaan menempatkan sekitar 12 persen dari penjualan tahunan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan, sosok yang lebih mengingatkan bisnis semikonduktor daripada perusahaan yang membuat peralatan dapur. Aksen pada ide-ide baru adalah pusat perusahaan - yang memiliki 681 paten di seluruh dunia - dari awal.
Para pendiri bisnis, carl miele dan reinhard Zinkann, mulai dengan membuat mesin untuk memisahkan krim dari susu, yang dijual kepada petani di wilayah pertanian di utara Jerman di mana miele selalu didasarkan. Pasangan bercabang pada tahun 1900, setahun setelah perusahaan mulai, menjadi mentega bergolak - containeers besar dilengkapi dengan tangan - dayung propelled untuk membuat susu mengental.
Mesin cuci pertama Miele menyusul pada tahun 1901. Ini adalah masalah sederhana untuk teknisi perusahaan untuk mengambil mentega bergolak, mengisi dengan Pater air sabun daripada susu dan mengganti dayung dengan agitator mekanik untuk mencuci pakaian. Listrik electic ditambahkan kemudian, perusahaan membuat perusahaan vacuum cleaner pertama tahun 1927 dan yang pencuci piring pertama tahun 1929.
Markus Miele, saat ini direktur pelaksana bersama perusahaan dan besar - cucu pertama Mr Miele, mengatakan perusahaan berusaha terus-menerus untuk memperbaiki produknya. Beberapa tahun yang lalu, itu dipikirkan kembali desain untuk drum metal besar yang berisi cucian di frontloading mesin cuci modern. 'The drum memiliki 4.000 lubang [untuk membiarkan air masuk dan keluar] dan insinyur kami berpikir tahun bahwa itu tidak mungkin untuk mengurangi jumlah mereka dalam tanpa mengganggu bagian air. Tapi setelah serangkaian panjang tes kami menunjukkan Anda bisa mengurangi angka sampai 700 tanpa menghambat kinerja. Perubahan ini membuat sistem sederhana untuk membuat dan lebih resilent [dengan meningkatkan kekakuan mereka]. "
Apa Mr Miele memikirkan James Dyson, Inggris domestik pengusaha alat yang melalui perusahaannya, syson telah melakukan pekerjaan yang mengesankan dalam pemasaran, yang telah membantu kami karena dia telah membantu untuk membuat lebih tajam publik untuk membeli tinggi - biaya peralatan. Tapi itu tidak benar untuk mengatakan dia tipu [pembersih bagless] sebelum orang lain. Kami memikirkan ide ini beberapa tahun sebelumnya tapi kami tidak pernah dipasarkan produk karena memiliki pembersih vakum tanpa tas menyebabkan masalah bagi konsumen dalam hal membuang kotoran. Kami pikir lebih baik menggunakan tas, itulah sebabnya mengapa kita tidak pergi ke rute ini. '

1. Apa sumber daya utama yang membuat Miele perusahaan yang sukses sejauh ini? Manakah dari ini adalah aset pemasaran?
2. Miele sekarang menghadapi lebih banyak persaingan dalam pasar yang berubah. Apakah sumber daya mereka memberi mereka keunggulan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan?
3. Apa sumber daya baru yang mungkin mereka butuhkan untuk mengembangkan / memperoleh untuk tetap sukses di masa depan?

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...Maria Escobedo RHT 102 A Waitress's Instructions on Tipping The poem "A Waitress's Instructions on tipping or Get the Cash up and Don't Waste My Time" by Jan Beatty shows more depth and insight on the realities and in fractures of tipping. This poem is an example of a free verse. It has no rhyming or formal structure where it shows her experience as an irritated, mad and greedy waitress. She remarks on several points like the importance of the tipping, because it is the wage for waitresses. Moreover, any and every special request needs to be tipped extra. There is never an over tip for a waitress. Lastly, customers do not own the waitress. Beatty uses exaggerations in her poem to make sure we all perceive her message (Importance). In this poem, Beatty shows how some waitresses live from tips. On line eleven she says, "Remember, I am somebody's mother or daughter."(706) This is one of the strongest images in the poem. In some way she is calling out to her customers who probably have or are someone's mother or daughter. She is trying to make them see that she is a human and loved just like they are. The content of the poem help us understand of waitresses. "Throughout the poem, while we are being lectured on proper tipping, we come to understand that the waitress is in a position where she depends on our gratuities."(Importance). For a waitress, every special request is a waste of time if the customer does not appreciate the waitress's job and gives a good...

Words: 822 - Pages: 4

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Leadership Orientation

...Leadership Orientation My Name Leadership 305 Introduction In this paper, I will describe my personal leadership orientation. I will give a brief description of my motives and traits I use as a leader. Finally, I will discuss how I can improve my effectiveness as a leader in my future leadership roles. Personal Leadership Orientation I am an Air Force First Sergeant. According to the Enlisted Force Structure, “First Sergeants provide a dedicated focal point for all readiness, health, morale, welfare, and quality of life issues within their organizations. At home station and in expeditionary environments, their primary responsibility is to build and maintain a mission-ready force to execute home station and expeditionary mission requirements” (United States. Department of the Air Force, 2009, p. 17). To do this job effectively, it takes some level of emotional intelligence. I am very self-aware and this allows me to understand my strengths and weaknesses. According to DuBrin (2010) by utilizing this awareness, I can recognize effectively whether I am liked and if I am exerting the right amount of pressure to get tasks completed and reach mission accomplishment (p. 45). I also have a high social awareness. It takes a certain level of empathy to listen to others and help solve issues, while showing that I care. This is especially important in the First Sergeant role. “Working with their fellow SNCOs and supervisors...

Words: 863 - Pages: 4

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Controlled Mayhem

...` Philip Combs Jed Wyman WR121 05 May 2011 A Controlled Mayhem By: Philip Combs The idea of boot camp is dreaded by most everyone that has to face the reality of replacing their nice, warm, loving, and familiar home environment with military barracks, filled with drill sergeants who are now your over bearing parents, and hundreds of other people of the same sex who are now your wretchedly unhappy brothers or sisters. The amiable bedroom where you lay your head to rest so often is gone, but don’t worry, you’ll now have a new bedroom to sleep in, the carpet is replaced with concrete floors, your bed has grown legs stretching upward to support the second mattress laying above you, and your privacy is now shared with 10 other stinky human beings, all as homesick and miserable as you. The closet where you had all of your dirty laundry thrown in a ragged pile in the corner has transformed into a wall locker that includes a cabinet with three pull out drawers, and exactly 18 hangers, no more, no less. Don’t worry though, in this essay I’m going to provide you with enough information to help you prepare for your 9 weeks of controlled mayhem, and help you get a glimpse of what to expect, allowing you to make an educated decision, hopefully before you have signed the dotted line. I’m going to start by explaining how to prepare for BCT (basic combat training). After enlisting and taking your oath of allegiance you will be given your ship...

Words: 3692 - Pages: 15

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...Communicating in the Workplace. Assignment #1 Who was the sender: The Supervisor (Unit Commander) Who was the receiver: The Supply Sergeant What was the message: To order new uniforms for all soldiers in the unit. (New digital Fatigues – Dept of the Military 2006) What channel was used to send the message: Email What was the misunderstanding: Why was the Supply Sergeant ordering uniforms again because he had received the Statewide memo via email stating that all soldiers would have to have the new uniforms by a certain date and he had already done it. He felt that the commander failed to read the memo and he was being double tasked. How could the misunderstanding be avoided: If the unit commander read the email in its entirety, he would have seen that the letter furnished to him as a courtesy copy. He could have also communicated with the Supply Sergeant. I learnt if the Commander had taken the time to read the full email message not just the subject line and first paragraph he would have seen at the bottom of the message that he was copy furnished with the same memo that was sent to all Supply Sergeants for that unit. I think the main cause of misunderstanding was not paying attention to detail. The Commander was probably rushing through his email and knowing the significance of the memo just sent it without reading all the information. Assignment #2 Who is the sender: First Sergeant Who was the receiver: Squad leaders What was the message:...

Words: 516 - Pages: 3

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Hv Mario

...MARIO ALBERTO BARRANCO RACEDO Cra. 51 No 79-168 Apto 5 B. Barranquilla. Colombia Celular Colombia 3205715900 E-mail: PERFIL PROFESIONAL Administrador de empresas, bilingüe, Master en creación y apertura de negocios, con experiencia administrativa y comercial en las áreas de servicio, ventas, marketing, comercio exterior y logística. Fortalezas en comunicación, negociación, influencia y liderazgo en los grupos; creatividad y facilidad para establecer relaciones y trabajar en equipo. EXPERIENCIA LABORAL CENTRO COMERCIAL BUENAVISTA SANTA MARTA. Gerente, administrativo. Santa Marta. Mayo 2009 – Enero 2013. Responsabilidades: Administración de la copropiedad horizontal, gran superficie de 67.000 mt2 construidos, mantenimiento, seguridad, aseo, marketing, ventas de áreas comunes, relaciones comerciales, representación legal, manejo de los medios de comunicación, planeación y desarrollo de las asambleas y juntas directivas con los copropietarios y miembros de la Junta Directiva. Logros:   Ocupación del 100 % de los locales comerciales Centro Comercial Buenavista posicionado como el mejor centro comercial de la ciudad de Santa Marta y uno los más importantes del Caribe Colombiano. Aumentar los ingresos de áreas comunes en un 88% con referencia al 2009. Aumento en un 56% del trafico del centro comercial , de manejar 2.256 vehículos diarios a la fecha manejamos 3.526 Apertura de 8 puntos nuevos de áreas comunes y de negocios en concesión.       ...

Words: 639 - Pages: 3

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...purpose of this memorandum is to establish educational priorities for the Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) of the 33TH Military Police Battalion (MP BN) and provide training guidance for the planning, conducting, and execution of the NCODP for units within the 33TH MP BN for fiscal year 2015. 3. In order to maintain tactical, technical, and leadership proficiency all NCOs must be fully qualified in their career field and for their NCO level of leadership. The priority for course/school completion is as follows: a. MOSQ course schools for NCOs to become duty MOS qualified. b. NCOES/SSD course schools for NCOs compatible with their rank. * Sergeants are expected to complete WLC (SSD-1 completed prior to attending WLC). * Staff Sergeants are expected to complete ALC (SSD-2 completed prior to attending ALC). * Sergeant First Class are expected to complete SLC (SSD-3 prior to attending SLC). * Command Sergeant / Sergeant Major are expected to complete SMC (SSD-4 prior to completing SMC). * SSD-5 upon completing SMC * Complete all required Sharp training and NIMS courses c. Specialized course schools to meet duty position SSI requirements. d. Additional course schools which enhance the NCOs skills and abilities. 4. To further develop the skills of our NCOs, NCODP will be conducted and attended by all NCOs of the unit. IAW NGIL Regulation 350-2, NCODP is to be conducted at least quarterly during the training year. Monthly NCODP is recommended...

Words: 636 - Pages: 3

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A Review Essay

...crab meat and sautéed onions and bell peppers. These delicious crab cakes will have your mouth melting for more. Fezzo’s also has a variety of salads such as, the chef salad, the grilled or fried shrimp salad, and the grilled or fried seafood salad which one can add the fresh crabmeat on top of the salad if you would like. One can also try their famous, homemade bread pudding. This mouth-drooling desert is loved by many people who come to the restaurant. This might just make you melt with how hot and this desert is. The delicious food is not always what people keep coming back for. A lot of people come for the wonderful service. The waiters and waitresses always have a smile on their face. They always seem to enjoy their jobs. The wait staff is very happy and cheerful. If one has...

Words: 590 - Pages: 3

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New Technology Implementation

...owners of Staff One attempted a few short term adjustments to pull in the reign on the accounting of the business as well as other aspects of the business of staffing. In the past they trusted the office manager to pay the bills, deposit the checks and pay the employees. They expected her to be truthful when questioned about specifics. They expected the information regarding payments and bank account balances shown to them to be accurate. Never in their wildest dreams would they have thought that payments made to the IRS would be deleted, bank statements were falsified or that a second set of QuickBooks would have been downloaded on the computer. Technological Improvement Many long term changes need to be implemented at Staff One but a good start is with a system that schedules employees, houses client and employee information as well as timekeeping information. A scheduling system more inclusive of the system used in the past is what is needed. A system that has the ability to involve clients, employees, managers and the owners of the company. A system that gives both ‘front office’ and ‘back office’ access. The system must also be used to as much of its capacity as possible. It is time for Staff One to learn to rely on outsourcing providers with extensive experience in dealing with Information Systems and Technology. (Pearlson & Saunders 2013) There is a system available that would meet the needs of Staff One, it is...

Words: 1029 - Pages: 5

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Tipping Smiley Faces

...Tipping Smiley Faces Kameron Coleman Dr. Lora Jacobi PSY 133.001 Core Assignment Tipping Smiley Face Part 1 The research problem is finding what factors of being a waiter or waitress earn bigger tips. The authors Rind and Bordia conducted an experiment in which a waiter and waitress were to serve customers and have a certain variable affect their tip. In the case of this experiment they used a smiley face on the back of the check. There were many independent variables that could have been used; the smiley face was used in this case, and also the male and female as a whole. The servers were given fifty 3 x 5 cards. Half the cards had smiley faces drawn on them and the other half did not. They were then randomly shuffled to vary which cards were drawn. When a waiter was to present their check to the diners they would draw a card to determine if a smiley face would be put on the check or not. When presenting the check they were to present the check to every customer with a neutral facial expression to avoid any more contact with the customer and say “Here’s your check” and immediately leave. The only dependent variable was the tip that the waiters earned. The tip percentage was measured by dividing the tip size by the bill amount and then multiplying it by 100. I believe that the male would receive less on his tips regardless of the smiley face. I believe this is because some customers will perceive this as weird coming from a male, unlike the female. Many might...

Words: 1072 - Pages: 5

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...Leadership is a very dynamic process. Different situations require different leadership styles to be truly effective. Though I believe I use different leadership styles to fit the situation, I would characterize my base leadership style as a combination of the affiliative and coaching styles. The affiliative style of leadership believes that the number one priority is people first. People work to provide for their families, which in turn mean they hold their families as their number one concern. As a leader, that is my number one concern as well. When my employees know that I truly care for them and their families they reciprocate with greater loyalty, greater sense of duty, and genuine concern for me and the team. Even if my employees do not like the organization as a whole they will still assist me and the rest of the team to meet our goals – if not for the good of the organization then out of mutual respect for one another. When I was a supervisor at the Department of State and someone called in sick or could not make it to work, it was the supervisor’s job to call employees who were off duty to try and cover the now-vacant post. It was much easier for me than other supervisors to find someone to come in on their day off because of my interaction with the employees. While making my rounds and conducting post inspections I would chat up the employees, ask how they and their families were doing, and even give them a quick break to use the rest room if they needed. ...

Words: 584 - Pages: 3

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Granite City

...guests. If there was no one they would walk around and help where needed. We did see one that was washing windows and cleaning tables. The Wait staff was approximately 12 strong. They were very polite and friendly. They help each other out. One waitress came to our table and informed us she was helping our waitress out and would take our drink orders. Then our waitress came and introduced herself. During the time our waitress was not busy she also assisted other wait staff and help in the prepping area in the kitchen. The wait staff was always active - we had many of them come by to ask if we needed anything. The wait staff seemed to support one another and balance out when certain staff was too busy. We saw many tables get assistance from different wait staff. Their actions indicated they had a great team atmosphere. In the Kitchen there were 6 cooks. The cooks worked feverously to get things made and prepared for the wait staff. They had one head cook that seemed to give the directions and pull tickets from the printer. He would work back and forth gathering the necessary items needed for each plate. He would inspect the plates before the wait staff would take them. He was assisted by certain wait staff and the managers when things got too busy. The majority of the time he spent visiting with the wait staff and...

Words: 543 - Pages: 3