...Alexia Magana English 35 Professor Freije Journal # 3 The Truth “No man has good enough memory to make a successful liar” –Abraham Lincoln When reading this quote I immediately thought about how often I lie and how often other people lie. Could you imagine a world where there’s no such thing as lying? Would we all just be better acceptors of everything or would the world just be filled with anger for those not as willing to accept the truth? The fact of the matter is that the truth will come out sooner or later. You have to have a good memory to remember your own exact words. In many instances when someone tells a lie it’s usually a very quick response, denying or simply distorting a statement. For myself personally I am not one of the best liars. There is something about lying that goes against my morals and way of thinking especially when it comes to lying to certain people. As a teenager now I can distinguish how to lie and to whom I can lie to. I wouldn’t lie to my parents the same way I lie to my peers at school. For one thing my parents know me far too well and I probably would have a much more complex thought in the way I lie and what I decide to feed them . Whereas on the other hand lying to peers at school is much simpler because there is not as strong as a connection (not with all peers but the majority) there’s no need for your peers to interrogate you further. In this type of lying method you have to consider remembering the complex lie with its details...
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..."The Truth " Do you agree and promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? This is the question our United States high ranking judges ask the prosecutor. Why do we contradict ourselves, like in the situation of the Atomic bomb and us having to lie about us killing and hurting many people, telling people evidential videos were destroyed, lying and telling people we hit their army base. Are we who we say we are or just a lie? When the bomb hit Nagasaki everyone that it was a big success for revenge for what the Japanese did to Pearl harbor. People walking around thinking of our success as a wonderful thing making the Japanese surrender because of the destruction of their " army base". People not knowing of the fact that we hit a highly populates suburb of normal harmless people some on their way to work, kids on their way to school just killed for something they didn't even do. Once people figured out that we have killed thousands of innocent people, they started to rethink America's lifestyle. People cursed us they thought we were extremist. The worst part is that the harmful radiation was still killing people, what have we done? The only proof we had was forced to be hidden by U.S Generals. Until one day at a film fest the clip was shown. There was no serious reaction from the Americans until a situational stir up by the press that had made a very emotional reaction from most Americans questioning our...
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...ready to sit down at my honeymoon feast and stare into his eyes. Oh, how glorious the day when the real me is set free. My husband is coming in on a white horse. He is my knight in shining armor. He is going to take me away to paradise. If this sounds sickening to you, it should. The sad part about it is, this is the exact type of message that gets people to shout down a man behind a pulpit. I don’t know if they do it out of ignorance or if they do it just to get a good offering. Either way it is very unbiblical to teach such falseness. The Bible says to study to show ones self approved of God, a work man that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Anyone who studies should know who and what the true church is. Hopefully by the end of this paper, I’ll be able to give you a glimpse of that truth. The Scriptures and background is beyond the scope of a paper. Origin of the Word Church It is not the scope of this paper to go into all the history and language study of the church. It is important, though, to have a foundation that can be built upon. I encourage one to look back in history and to do word studies on the different names of the church. It is important to know our roots and how this thing called church got started. Or should I say “the church”. The main Greek word used in the New Testament for the church is ekklesia. It is used around 115 times in the New Testament. It is also interesting to note that it is used very few times in the four...
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...Here’s what others have to say about Self-Confidence: “Compelling. Candid. Controversial. You have to read it!” Steve McDermott – Former European Business Speaker of the Year and bestselling author “You will love this book. Paul McGee is an incredibly intuitive and inspiring presenter and writer. This book will go a long way in helping you regain and rebuild your confidence so that you can reach your full potential for your life” Rosemary Conley CBE. Diet and Fitness Guru “From improving your love life, to boosting your job prospects, confidence can unlock the doors to a brighter future. This brilliant book, packed with honesty, humour and hope, provides the keys.” Laine Ferguson Retail Director of The Body Shop “Packed with practical ideas and insights to build your confidence from the boardroom to the bedroom – and most things in between. You’ll wish you’d read this book years ago.” Philip Hesketh. Award winning, international speaker and best selling author And what they say about Paul McGee, The SUMO Guy: “Your input made an incredible difference. The average score of how well people felt able to cope with change, moved from 71% to 94%; a great move, especially starting from a reasonable base. Your SUMO ideas continue to be frequently used.” Marks & Spencer “May I on behalf of everyone at Manchester United who attended your session, thank you for a great presentation. The feedback has been excellent and all very positive and I know the ideas within your S.U.M...
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...Truth--its definition, its pursuit, its discovery--is central to much of human intellectual activity. One place we look for clues about what is true is in the trends of the community. We may attempt to find it in religion or cultural beliefs, for example, that we have learned from a community that shares these beliefs. We know the earth is round or that war is bad because everyone knows it. Pierce’s statement praises this way of knowing, suggesting that community, whatever that community may be, is a key to the search for truth. This suggestion is tied to the idea of a body of human knowledge, the idea that the human race progresses as each community member adds to the world’s knowledge, relying on what others have concluded is true and then building on it with his or her own new knowledge. Thus, knowledge is a group pursuit, closely tied to community. There are many types of communities. The whole human race may be thought of as a knowledge community. The smaller group of all scientists is often referred to as the scientific community. Even a ToK class is a kind of community. Depending on what truth we seek, we may tie it to the community of the whole world or to a smaller community that reflects a focus on a particular area of knowledge. For example, although a Catholic may tie his or her theological knowledge to the leadings of the Catholic community, he or she probably does not tie them to the theological knowledge of the world community, or even of the western world. Whatever...
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...Lesson Guide Lesson 1 - Veritology: What is Truth? Introduction In this initial episode, students receive a general introduction to the overall scope and purpose of The Truth Project. This series is designed to take participants on a guided worldview tour, following the points of the worldview compass, a tool designed to direct our thinking with regard to four fundamental issues: Truth, God, Man, and the Social Order. Along the way, we will attempt to build a logical, systematic framework of ideas by which to organize and evaluate the various truth claims to be encountered during the course of our tour. Our ultimate goal is not simply to gain knowledge, but to look upon the face of God – and to be transformed in the process. Themes Our destination in Lesson 1 lies due North. The focal point for this first hour of discussion is the concept of Truth itself. What is truth? Why is it important? What role does it play in the biblical view of the world, God's purpose for the cosmos, His will for mankind, His plan of salvation, and the way we live our personal lives? In his comments on this subject, Dr. Del Tackett will demonstrate how truth was fundamental to the mission of Jesus Christ in the world; how it forms the heart of the Cosmic Battle that has been raging since the beginning; how this battle has divided the world into two opposing camps or sides; how lies, the antithesis of Truth, take human hearts and minds captive by the power of deception; and how every man and woman...
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...The Al Gore Effect: An Inconvenient Truth and Voluntary Carbon Offsets∗ [Job Market Paper] Grant Jacobsen University of California-Santa Barbara 2120 North Hall University of California Santa Barbara, 93106-9210 jacobsen@econ.ucsb.edu Phone: (717) 315-5503 Fax: (805) 893-8830 I thank Matthew Kotchen, Robert Deacon, Olivier Deschenes, and Charles Kolstad for helpful comments. I also thank participants at a UCSB seminar, the Western Economics International Association’s Conference, and the University of Colorado Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop. ∗ 1 The Al Gore Effect: An Inconvenient Truth and Voluntary Carbon Offsets Abstract This paper examines the relationship between climate change awareness and household behavior by testing whether Al Gore’s documentary An Inconvenient Truth caused an increase in the purchase of voluntary carbon offsets. I find that in the two months following the film’s release, zip codes within a 10-mile radius of a zip code where the film was shown experienced a 50 percent relative increase in the purchase of voluntary carbon offsets. During other times, offset purchasing patterns for zip codes inside the 10-mile radius were similar to the patterns of zip codes outside the 10-mile radius. There is, however, little evidence that individuals who purchased an offset due to the film renewed them again a year later. This research has implications for how information campaigns, which are commonly used by policy-makers to...
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...Individual Reality and Truth Growing up my mother always told me “a person’s perception is their reality”. I remember cringing every time she said this because it was usually when the two of us were arguing about something. Of course as a teenager I did not pay attention to her, but since I’ve entered the work force I have a better understanding of her point of view. Most of the time a person’s perception is based on their reality regardless of whether the situation is in a personal or professional arena. Individual reality is when a person’s personal experience becomes the basis on which they determine their truth. Schein stated, “ Individual reality refers to what you have learned from your own experience and has a quality of truth to you” (Schein, 2010 p.118). This definition is true and is very apparent in the work environment and it is evident that one’s individual reality might not be shared by everyone, thus leading to many work related disagreements. As Schein stated “When we disagree at this level, it becomes very hard to move forward until we can clearly articulate what our actual experience base is” (Schein, 2010, p. 118). In my current role as a recruiter I work in a department of over 40 people with strong personalities. In the recruitment world most people are extroverts and have strong opinions, if we didn’t we probably would not be good recruiters. At the end of the day our main job is that of a sales person. We move fast to find good candidates...
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...Michael abbington Michael abbington For this Introduction to Sociology class I had to think of what would be my violation of a folkway. Norms are standards or guides for behavior. Norm specify behavioral expectations by defining what are correct and incorrect ways to situations. Folkways are often referred to as customs. They are a standard behavior that are socially approved but not morally significant. The norms of everyday people follow for the the sake of tradition of convenience. In short mores distinguish the difference from right and wrong while folkway draw a line between right and rude. As a kid, I can remember being taught don’t talk to strangers and although I was young I still felt that I was a reasonable judge of character. I know our parents instructed us never to enter anyone’s car without a parent’s permission. The same rule applies to taking food or drinks from other people you know. As children we were taught to respect an adult and listen to them so most children have difficulty say no to adults. Folkways operate primarily at an unconscious level and persist because they are expedient. I thought about what sort of norm I should violate and where should I perform the experiment. It was every Saturday morning when my three brothers and one sister had to clean the house from top to bottom. Our duties included washing walls, mopping the basement floor, doing the laundry and washing windows. After completing our chores we would take our bathes and get...
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...Shahd Abd Elkader Email: shahd9@aucegypt.edu Phone number: 01142488804 February 22 2013 Island Of Gold Research The Internet is a powerful channel for accessing information. Using the web has made it easier for people and it allows people to access a significant amount of information without geographic boundaries and time limits. Even with that, the reliability of the sources can be uncertain, and some topics that one looks for cane be harder to find then others. For example the topic I chose Island of Gold is a topic that hasn’t gone into depth, people haven’t taken note on the island and it hasn’t been a problem that people are aware of. The Island of Gold faces many problems, and has been around for almost a 100 years; yet it’s still hard to find information on the web. The things I found through the Internet made me realize that the problems the island faces can be found in an undeveloped country or even developed countries such as America. Looking through pictures of the Island one can make up the same conclusion. The problem about this island is that there are rural people who are embedded in an urban area. The government neglects these rural people living on the most fertile island on Cairo, they aren’t taking the inchoative on helping the people on the island, which is another reason why one cant find a lot of information on the web about the island. The Island lacks educational institutes; they lack satiation and lack health care. With that observation it made...
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...Technological impact research study Name of the student Institution Lecturer Introduction Over the recent past, there has been an enormous revolution in the technological industry in terms of computing and communications. This has been due to the reduction the costs of communication because of the technological advances and an increased competition in the technological sector that has in turn reduced the cost of communication. Moore’s states that the production of microchips is on the double rise every one and half a years. In the current society, innovations made in the technological industry are bringing about a wide range and the policy makers are really working on the ways of resolving the effects to do with economic productivity (Berque, Prey, Reed & WIPTE, 2006). Technology can there can there be seen as a discrete force with a great influence and the impacts of technology is a metaphor It is there seen as a dynamic force that causes collisions and impacts on the society. Mechanically, technology can be viewed as to be having an impact on the society as it reinforces that technological systems have an independent existence and appears to be having a mass, velocity and a momentum of its own, which drives technology to influence on the society (Karacapilidis, & Raisinghani, 2012). Thesis Statement The focus of this study is to establish and interpret the principles of technology and the effects of the technological advancements...
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...Vol. 14 Nº 27 Ben Tran: Green Management: The reality of Being Green in Business 21 GREEN MANAGEMENT: THE REALITY OF BEING GREEN IN BUSINESS GESTIÓN VERDE: LA REALIDAD DE LA SOSTENIBILIDAD ECOLÓGICA EN LA GESTIÓN GERENCIAL Ben Tran1 ABSTRACT Green management and going green are not as clear cut and easy as hyped by the general media. While going ecologically green is indeed beneficial and appropriate, the process and procedure of becoming green is anything but easy. Firstly, turning green is largely not a legal requirement, but a voluntary process. Thus, even though LEED (which is by far the more publicly known green certification standard) governs the certification of the green management effort, it is not a compulsory condition for practitioners to go green. Secondly, even with the encouragement of incentives to comply, practitioners are skeptical in becoming green due to: (a) a lack of true understanding of the benefit of ecologically friendly procedures (the practice of profits versus the theory of benefits); (b) lack of short term gain in life cycle costing (practitioners want instant incentives); and (c) mostly, because it is not a legal requirement for the vast majority of municipalities. Keywords: Green management, green business practices, barriers toward green management, encouragement & incentives for green management, LEED Certification. RESUMEN La gestión ambiental sostenible y el tornarse ecológico no es tan claro ni factible como lo pregona la prensa. Mientras...
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...Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree) Sojourner Truth was born in 1797, legal name Isabella Baumfree in Ulster County, New York. She was one of thirteen children to James and Elizabeth. Truth was born a slave and had to serve a wealthy Dutch, Charles Hardenbergh. Truth only knew how to speak Dutch. At the age of eleven, she was sold from her family to John Neely for $100 and a herd of sheep. Truth didn’t understand English therefore was beaten by Neely’s wife because of the miscommunication between them. This made Truth understand and know English but always spoke with a Dutch accent. During the hardship of this period she relied on her deep Christian faith which her mother established in her. Truth was then sold to other owners before her last owner, John Dumont of New Paltz, New York. Here she was baldy mistreated and forced to marry his slave named Thomas. They had four children together. Truth then fled to New York City where she felt the calling from God to become a preacher. In 1843, Truth changed her name to Sojourner Truth because she felt her mission in life was to tell people the truth about slavery and women’s right. In 1850, Truth’s autobiography, The Narrative of Sojourner Truth, was published. The sales of autobiography funded her traveling and speaking arrangements. In 1854, Truth gave her most famous speech “Ain’t I a Woman” at the Ohio Woman’s Rights Convention. This inspired many African-American women to stand up for themselves. Truth retired...
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...What is truth? For hundreds of years people discussed about whether “Truth” exists. The argument usually contains whatever truth was, is, or will be, and the arguments are just the test of the rightness or wrongness of people’s ideas and theories beyond doubt and dispute. Those people who accepted the existence of “Truth” believed it was a spiritual reality but not a physical one. The simply sum of reality can also be called “Truth”. On the other hand, those people who rejected the existence of “Truth” thought “How could all reality be summed up that way?” We should find evidence to support of its existence. With the purpose of finding the evidence of the existence of “Truth”, I will talk about what is truth or what it might be, and I will also talk about how to attain the truth. In my opinion, “Truth” cannot be only judged as a specific thing or word, it also seems like a process of finding the knowledge or the conclusion which we don’t know. We will usually ask: “What actually the truth is?” Briefly speaking, the facts we believed and the knowledge we have learned are all means “Truth”. But why there are still so many persons do not believe the existence of “Truth”? It was because that no one can ensure the knowledge we are learning now or the way of life nowadays is right, we just follow what the old have done. There is seldom people will try to confirm the original of the things that most people have known, so no one can definitely saying “this is true”. For example, the...
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...drawn from the question of “what is truth?” It also seems to be that no single take on that question can be deemed as indisputably correct. Whether in search of the meaning of “truth” or of the meaning of “Truth” the discussion will always boil down to there not being clear cut distinction or boundary between true and false. This last statement is applicable to the Liar’s Paradox, where the paradox analyzes the logic behind statements such as “this sentence is a lie;” the contentious point being to try and decipher whether it is true that the sentence is a lie and therefore the sentence is false, or whether the sentence’s being true means that the sentence lies about it itself being a lie and is, in fact, true. It seems less applicable to say that there is not a clear cut boundary between truth and falsehood, however, with such statements as “it is true that the Earth is round.” On the contrary, in this case it seems very clear cut that it is in fact true that the Earth is round. No one can argue otherwise without quickly being shown contradictory proof (barring any sort of infinite regress of truth in the epistemological sense, which is not a practical argument in this sense as that would only dispute that we cannot be aware of truth, not that truth exists or that it is able to be known). The point remains, however, that there are situations in which true and false are not easily discernible. What, then, is it that differentiates the truth of statements such as “this sentence...
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