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Itt Lab 7 Lab Doc


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Lab #7 - Assessment Worksheet
Using Encryption to Enhance Confidentiality and Integrity
Course Name and Number: _____________________________________________________ john schenberger
Student Name: ________________________________________________________________

Instructor Name: ______________________________________________________________
Lab Due Date: ________________________________________________________________
In this lab, you learned how cryptography tools can be used to ensure message and file transfer integrity and how encryption can be used to maximize confidentiality. You used Kleopatra, the certificate management component of GPG4Win, to generate both a public and private key as both a sender and a receiver. You used the sender’s keys to encrypt a file, sent it to the receiver, and decrypted it using the receiver’s copy of the keys.
Lab Assessment Questions & Answers
1. If you and another person want to encrypt messages, should you provide that person with your public key, private key, or both?
The public key is the only key that I will share with another person as part of the handshake in order of the encryption take place.

2. What does Kleopatra allow you to do once it is installed?
Kleopatra allow you to encrypted messages, files and text with a private key.

3. What key type was used to create the certificate on Kleopatra? What other types of encryption key types are possible?
Kleopatra uses both RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman encryption algorithm) and DSA (Digital Signature
Algorithm) for encryption.

4. What was the fingerprint generated with your Kleopatra certificate?

5. If someone sends you his public key and you import it into Kleopatra, will he be able to decrypt the encrypted messages you send him?
No, because I would still ha(e to pro(ide my public )ey to the user who wants to decrypt my message

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