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Submitted By 504buudy
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tJacobi Benoit
Alex Linden
English 101
Crime In New Orleans

Growing up in New Orleans, I have seen a lot. On January 10,2008 my view on crime in New Orleans changed. I remember being at one of my classmates birthday party. We were all having a good time at this teem club. We were all dancing, drinking, and having fun. After about two hours there was a fight. It was one of my friends and some other boys. Everybody got scared and started running. The club owner began to push us. Any person who was around the fight and in it got pushed out of the club. That included me. All you heard was big boom. That was the door slamming. When he shut the door there were about fifteen of us left outside. So many people were running downing the street screaming as the fight continued. I ran and hid behind a pay phone. The pay phone was only a few feet away from the fight. Breathing hard, afraid to go any other way. Within five minutes the fight was over. Then were gun shots. Pow , pow, pow ,pow, pow, and pow. My eyes were closed. When I opened them I could see my friend face down. He was shot down multiple times. All I heard was a car that sped off. After the gun shots, stopped the club owner open the door. So many people ran out. We were all crying and screaming. “Call the police”. “Somebody help him”. I was terrified. My hands, legs, and feet were trembling. After about twenty minutes the police and ambulance arrived. So many people were at the crime scene. Just hurt by everything that had happen. My view on crime was never the same. Since then crime has only gotten worse. Since 2008, I have lost a total of ten people who either I knew or have grown up with. All ten of them were lost to crime in New Orleans. Crime in New Orleans is an ongoing issue. As it continues to only get worse. I pray that no more of my friends are killed. As I look at the news and read about crime everyday, I sit and wonder; will the crime in New Orleans ever stop?

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