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FARC: Fuerzas Armadas De Colombia

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Origins and Timeline. FARC, is known as Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia. FARC is Colombia's biggest and foremost equipped group. It has about eighteen thousand people in the group. The FARC manages about half the country. They are also responsible for most kidnappings in Colombia. FARC is known to aim at wealthy landowners, domestic officials and foreign tourists. They are also known for airline hijackings, assassinations and extortions. The State Department added FARC to the list of foreign terrorist organization, it is also the largest rebel group. In 1964, Manuel Marulanda Velez and Jacobo Arenas to formed FARC known the Revolutionary Armed Forces. They were land workers and farmers who were working as a …show more content…
In August 30, 1996, the Colombian military had about fifty-four dead people, fifteen that were wounded. A surprise attack had occurred the night after. After Fifteen hours of fighting there was a complete destruction of a military base. In 1998, FARC attacked took place between March 2–4, about sixty-two people were killed and forty-three were taken as prisoner. August 1998 FARC attacked and demolished another military base in Miraflores. October 2000 FARC attacked a town called Dabeida, killing fifty-four Colombian army people and police officers. The town was taken by the government's troops, killing twenty-two soldiers and two helicopters that had landed in a close by military bases due to some damage. In 2002, the FARC seize a commercial flight, kidnapped the Colombian senator. In 2005, FARC kidnapped about sixty people so they could arrange a trade. The FARC was known to target wealthy landowners, foreign tourists, and international domestic leaders and ransom kidnappers. In 2006, eight people were murdered on the bus near a Colombian town. Within the same year, eighteen people were injured in a car bomb attack. 2010 the FARC also killed four hundred and sixty people and wounded more than two thousand civilians. In 2007 a bomb attack killed ten Colombian soldiers in Valle del Cauca. 2011 FARC covered a wide area and a well-armed group they had between nine thousand and sixteen thousand fighters at any time. The Colombian government stated that the FARC was accountable for killing more than two hundred and sixty-seven soldiers and two hundred and one police officers. FARC controlled about a third of Colombia. The last attack was on June 22, 2015. FARC put an explosive in the Tansandio pipeline, and another explosive in the oil pipeline in Nariño. Ten thousand cylindrical container of oil were contaminated/poison. In Qatar there was about one hundred and fifty thousand people that could

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