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Dbq 9/11 Law Enforcement

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Pages 3
Terrorism has changed the role of intelligence in law enforcement. Borders have higher security and surveillance. People don’t have as much privacy as they used to. Phone calls, texts, emails are being recorded for safety purposes. Technology has improved. Law enforcement uses high, new technology. Before 9/11 things were different, people weren’t recorded without suspicious acts. For safety purposes the people in United States gave up some of their rights. Travel record is huge and airports have all kind of different scanners and cameras. In general, law enforcement has more control over the people and their daily activities. People are being watched, bank accounts are controlled, and phone calls are recorded, which means American’s way of …show more content…
Under intelligence we are talking about more surveillance, travel record, document evidence, forensic evidence, banking transactions, undercover etc. Surveillance is used the most now days. There are cameras in every corner, every store, gas stations, streets. Document evidence and forensic evidence is used also more often. Banking transactions and undercover are mostly used when there is a suspicious threat or terrorism involved. When it comes to investigating high crimes or terrorist threats, Federal Bureau of Investigation is responsible. There is an intelligence collecting cycle. Under the intelligence collecting cycle we are talking about tasking, collection, processing, exploitation and dissemination. Tasking means organizing, collection is getting the actual information, processing is having the evidence or the information ready to be used, exploitation is making sure if the information is significant and dissemination is the finished product. The intelligence collecting cycle is used in law enforcement. Intelligence support is a strong tool for all law enforcement agencies, especially when it comes to investigating and everyday

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