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Journal Article Breakdown

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Journal Article Breakdown Template
Title: The Effects of Recent Parental Divorce on Their Children's Sexual Attitudes and Behaviour
Author(s): Jeynes, William H
Year of publication: 2001
Research question(s): (What are the research questions or the argument of the article?)
Do children whose parents were recently divorced maintain different attitudes and behaviours regarding premarital sex?
Themes: (What themes are present in this article? The more specific you can be, the better)
Family Relationships, Divorce.

Methods: (What methods did the authors use to conduct their research?)
Surveys-Quantitative Research

Results found (i.e. evidence): (What data or evidence did the authors find through their investigation?)

1.Children from …show more content…
Themes: (What themes are present in this article? The more specific you can be, the better)
Family Relationships, Divorce.

Methods: (What methods did the authors use to conduct their research?)
Multiple choice questionnaire, checklist (Children’s Divorce Adjustment Inventory) – Quantitative Research
Results found (i.e. evidence): (What data or evidence did the authors find through their investigation?)

1. The children’s responses showed that they should not be placed in the middle of their parent’s fights, that they should not be responsible for carrying messages between their parents, and that they should look for compassionate people to help them with their feelings about the divorce.

2.“Sometimes I think it was my fault my parents have problems. ,Since the separation I have been having problems in school. I worry about what will happen to our …show more content…
Themes: (What themes are present in this article? The more specific you can be, the better)
Family Realtionships, Divorce
Methods: (What methods did the authors use to conduct their research?)
Quasi-experimental longitudinal study(rated by mothers and teachers),content analysis- Qualitative Research

Results found (i.e. evidence): (What data or evidence did the authors find through their investigation?)

1. Children from divorced families increased in their ranking of behavior problems. for example, a child from a divorced family may go from a relative rank of 7 in the sample to a ranking of 5 post-divorce.

2. Teachers suggesting that the observed differences.

3. Children were more likely to exhibit externalizing behavior problems after their parents’ separation if they came from families that had fewer financial resources before the

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