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Marching Band Research Paper

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My experience in the South Western Marching Mustangs as a color guard member has made my life unique in several ways. From learning in a new way, having a second family to go to, and no matter if we win or lose we are still champions has made my opportunity thrive in multiple ways.
I still remember my first day during freshman year at band camp and our director saying this won’t be easy but it will be fun. Learning what a drill book, dot book, a set, count structure, and much more used to be confusing to me. Now I can say that a drill book is a binder filled with pages that have images on them that let me know where my spot or set is in the show for that moment. Also on that page I can find how long I can take to get to that set which is called a count structure. Then a dot book is a book filled with explanation of where my set is in a condensed version in a little binder filled with index cards. I learned what a parallel, money hand, prayer, stir, pole hit, and other kinds of color guard techniques are. This wasn’t easy at first but with faith and …show more content…
Also if I got stressed out and frustrated I could look at one of my friends and know I just need to calm down. No one said marching band would be easy but it sure is worth it. Over the years the organization has this one song from Michael W. Smith we all sing after a competition which is called Friends. We link arms and make a circle while swaying and singing to the music. This makes everyone break down in tears because no matter what kind of day we had, we know we still have each other. During the song there is one point in where the seniors make an inner circle with the band directors and the rest of the band is behind them. This is made me realize that this would be one of many lasts of my first experiences during my senior year. I will always cherish what this organization has given and taught me throughout high

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