Alexis De Tocqueville's That The Americans Combat The Effects Of Individualism
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Throughout the course of history people have always had thoughts of what their most ideal living situation would be. The exploration of people to America and the start of America brought over people from every continent searching for a better life. The discovery and expansion of America caused for people to migrate over and begin new, and better lives. The American people dreamed of a new beginning and a flourishing lifestyle, driven by hard work and dedication. The American dream can be accomplished through perseverance and working hard to achieve our goals.
In Alexis de Tocqueville’s, That the Americans Combat the Effects of Individualism by Free Institutions, it is made clear from the beginning that the American dream can be accomplished by oneself through hard work but it can be made easier through the help of other men trying to accomplish the same goals or objects. “Men…show more content… The fastest way to reach the common man’s American dream is to learn how to be selfless and work together with others to accomplish a task quickly and efficiently. If the entire community develops, it is easier to set the foundation for achieving the average man’s American dream. “It is difficult to draw a man out of his own circle to interest him in the destiny of the state, because he does not clearly understand what influence the destiny of the state can have upon his own lot”. The American dream is a general idea or thought of what living in America will bring you financially and spiritually.
In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s, Self-Reliance, the general idea of the American dream stays the same, and this work of literature brings out the background for where the