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Teaching Assistant Training

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A study done at 240 institutions revealed that only 26% of them offered some university wide training for TAs. Of these, only about 56% offered department specific training. Gray, P.L.; N. Buerkel-Rothfuss (1991). "Teaching assistant training: A view from the trenches". In J. D. Nyquist, R. D. Abbott, D. H. Wulff, & J. Sprague (Eds.). Preparing the professorate of tomorrow to teach. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt. pp. 40–51.
A survey carried out by Golde and Dore (Golde, C.M. & Dore, T.M. (2001). At cross purposes: What the experiences of doctoral students reveal about doctoral education ( Philadelphia, PA. Report prepared for the Pew Charitable Trusts), found that graduate teaching assistants reported being placed in teaching …show more content…
Some of these include timing of the training, who conducts it, duration of training, types of training for international and native teaching assistants, the assessment of training, faculty responsible for training, follow up sessions, peer mentoring, etc. (Weimer, M., Svinicki, M. D. and Bauer, G. (1989), Designing programs to prepare TAs to teach. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 1989: 57–70. doi: …show more content…
In most cases, if these trainings are offered, they are optional and are the responsibility of the department or professors. In many universities, there are mandatory trainings for TA’s but are limited to one day trainings (Ronkowski, S. (1989). Changes in teaching assistant concerns over time. Paper presented at the National Conference on the Training and Employment of Teaching Assistants, November, Seattle, WA.) and mainly deal with university policies and rules. Other trainings include grader training, handling class situations, teaching and learning styles. In the TA training program at North Carolina State University, a short session on facilitating laboratories was offered. This however, was dropped in 2006 due to low interest by the TA’s. (Emory Laney Graduate School, “Teaching Assistant Training and Teaching Opportunity (TaTTO)”

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