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My Strengths Quest Results Analysis

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After receiving my Strengths Quest results I was very much surprised at the outcome. My results revealed that I was an achiever, futuristic, strategic, a learner, and had a strong belief in life. Honestly, I would have never guessed that this assessment would reveal true facts about my personality. I have always been an achiever just never really believed that I was not like everyone else would tell me. A learner describes me so well because I enjoy learning new things and from past life experiences. I believe in so many things that others wouldn’t believe in. I always analyze different outcomes and take the best route. I’ve always dreamed about the future but never really could grasp the whole picture.
Knowing my strengths I would have to say that it makes me look at myself a little differently. I honestly believe in myself a little more and I’m looking at a better way to make myself known to this world. The future holds so many wonderful and exciting things for me and I just want to live up to my potential. These strengths are honestly the most believable to me because I have been demonstrating each strength throughout the past 4 years.
My reaction on my …show more content…
The reason being a learner is learning new and interesting things. The hunger for knowledge is the best because by graduation you are going to want to walk away while carrying new facts and interesting ways to go about life and your career. The biggest reward that comes with a degree is true knowledge that can be used on the job and in your career. If you don’t have knowledge then what do you have? Nothing honestly. My strengths will help me by being more realistic when it comes to school, work and my personal life. Separating the three will be easier to prioritize the important task that must be done before having fun. If you want to succeed in life sacrifices must be made no matter how much you will miss out on or what others may

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