...SALES, DEMOGRAPHIC AND USAGE DATA 2010 ESSENTIAL FACTS ABOUT THE COMPUTER AND VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY © 2010 ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE ASSOCIATION WHAT’S INSIDE WHO IS PLAYING 2 4 5 6 Who Plays Computer and Video Games? How Long Have Gamers Been Playing? Parents and Games Parents Play Games AT PLAY 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 2009 Computer and Video Game Sales by Rating What Were the Top-Selling Game Genres in 2009? What Were the Top-Selling Games of 2009? Who Plays Games Online? How Many Gamers Play Games Online? What is the One Type of Online Game Played Most Often? How Many Americans Play Games on Wireless Devices? THE BOTTOM LINE 10 11 11 Recent Sales Information (2008 and 2009) Historical Sales Information (1996 – 2009) How Many Americans Plan to Buy Games in 2010? WHO WE ARE 12 12 About the ESA ESA Members OTHER RESOURCES 13 ESA Partners ALL DATA IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FROM THE ESA’S 2010 CONSUMER SURVEY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) released its 2010 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry at the 2010 E3 Expo. The annual research was conducted by Ipsos MediaCT for the ESA. The study is the most in-depth and targeted survey of its kind, gathering data from almost 1,200 nationally representative households that have been identified as owning either or both a video game console or a personal computer used to run entertainment software. WHO IS PLAYING GAMER DEMOGRAPHICS WHO PLAYS COMPUTER AND VIDEO...
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...SALES, DEMOGRAPHIC AND USAGE DATA 2013 ESSENTIAL FACTS ABOUT THE COMPUTER AND VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY [ iii ] “No other sector has experienced the same explosive growth as the computer and video game industry. Our creative publishers and talented workforce continue to accelerate advancement and pioneer new products that push boundaries and unlock entertainment experiences. These innovations in turn drive enhanced player connectivity, fuel demand for products, and encourage the progression of an expanding and diversified consumer base.” —Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO, Entertainment Software Association [ iv ] WHAT’S INSIDE WHO IS PLAYING 2 3 Who Plays Computer and Video Games? Who Buys Computer and Video Games? AT PLAY 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 What Type of Online and Mobile Games are Played Most Often? How Many Gamers Play on a Phone or Wireless Device? How Many Gamers Play Games With Others? How Long Have Gamers Been Playing? Parents and Games Do Parents Control What Their Kids Play? Top Reasons Parents Play With Their Kids THE BOTTOM LINE 8 9 10 11 What Were the Top-Selling Game Genres in 2012? What Were the Top-Selling Games of 2012? Sales Information: 2002–2012 Total Consumer Spend on Games Industry 2012 WHO WE ARE 12 12 About ESA ESA Members OTHER RESOURCES 13 ESA Partners The 2013 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry was released by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) at E3 2013. The annual research was conducted...
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...Psychological * Addiction B. Physical * Poor health C. Mental * Loss of interest in studies III. Conclusion A. Summary of findings B. Recommendations Introduction The youth is the hope of the country, as once stated by the Philippine national hero Dr. Jose Rizal. Indeed, the youth is the hope of the people for they will be the next generation to cradle the responsibility of leading our nation whilst educating the minds of generation to come. Although, big responsibility of the youth they still need time for them to unwind, relax, to act like the children that they are. And one of ways for them to do that is through playing games. Through the years, games have evolved from ideas crafted from children’s imagination, to simple toys, to the present gadgets and consoles which might require the use of the internet and cost a hefty sum of money. But despite the games’ innovating unfolding, students especially those who are financially supported by their parents continue to play a game as their source of great enjoyment and past time. Computer games is one of the most favorite hobbies and past time of the Filipinos especially the students aside from watching television and playing sports, until the Blizzard Entertainment released Warcraft III Reign of the chaos and Icefrog released the DOTA custom map For Warcraft. The invasion of DOTA in the Philippines is very massive, that millions of Filipinos are getting involved into it. Many people...
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...Assignment 1 – Annual Report Project Zachary Professor Chuck Brooks Accounting 1 – ACC100 December 3, 2012 The annual report is a financial documentation that is published by the company to summarize the transactions that went on throughout the year. Activision Blizzard, Inc, is a worldwide online, personal computer, video game console, handheld and mobile device game publisher (2012 Annual Report, Activision Blizzard Inc). The main sections of its annual report are the statement of operations, balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows. Annual Report Main Sections The statement of operations, also known as the income statement, is used to access the performance and financial position of a company (Kelly & McGowen, 2012). It performs this action by listing the revenue collected minus the expenses deducted to give a net income or net loss. Activision Blizzard Inc., its total revenue was higher that its total expense thus when put into the equation revenue – expenses with the revenue higher the company received a net income. The balance sheet, sometimes called the statement of financial position, is the summary of the companies financial balances (Kelly & McGowen, 2012). The balance sheet shows the company's assets, liabilities and owner's equity. This is information is presented in an equation where the assets must be equal to the liabilities plus the owner's equity. The statement of cash flows is the financial statement that shows how the changes in balance...
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...UOIG’s portfolio. Activision Blizzard, Inc. BUSINESS OVERVIEW university of oregon investment group http://uoig.uoregon.edu Activision Blizzard, Inc. is located in Santa Monica, CA. They are responsible for creating and publishing video games and accessories. These games are distributed and available on a wide range of platforms across the globe. Additionally, Activision Blizzard maintains and operates Battle.net, a online-game service in which players can connect via the internet and play with each other online. Activision Blizzard has created some of the most recognized and successful game franchises including, Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, Tony Hawk, Spider-Man, James Bond, Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft, and the #1 online subscription-based game in the world, World of Warcraft. Activision Blizzard,...
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...UOIG’s portfolio. Activision Blizzard, Inc. BUSINESS OVERVIEW university of oregon investment group http://uoig.uoregon.edu Activision Blizzard, Inc. is located in Santa Monica, CA. They are responsible for creating and publishing video games and accessories. These games are distributed and available on a wide range of platforms across the globe. Additionally, Activision Blizzard maintains and operates Battle.net, a online-game service in which players can connect via the internet and play with each other online. Activision Blizzard has created some of the most recognized and successful game franchises including, Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, Tony Hawk, Spider-Man, James Bond, Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft, and the #1 online subscription-based game in the world, World of Warcraft. Activision Blizzard,...
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...SurSaleS, Demographic, anD USage Data 2014 eSSential FactS aboUt the compUter anD ViDeo game inDUStry [i] “our industry has a remarkable upward trajectory. computer and video games are a form of entertainment enjoyed by a diverse, worldwide consumer base that demonstrates immense energy and enthusiasm for games. With an exciting new generation of hardware, outstanding software, and unmatched creativity, technology, and content, our industry will continue to thrive in the years ahead.” —michael D. gallagher, president and ceo, entertainment Software association [ ii ] What’S inSiDe Who iS playing 2 4 Who plays computer and Video games? Who buys computer and Video games? at play 5 5 6 7 7 9 What type of online and mobile games are played most often? how many gamers play on a phone or Wireless Device? how many gamers play games With others? parents and games parents control What their Kids play top reasons parents play With their Kids the bottom line 10 11 12 13 What Were the top-Selling game genres in 2013? What Were the top-Selling games of 2013? Sales information: 2003–2013 total consumer Spend on Video game industry in 2013 Who We are 14 14 about eSa eSa members other reSoUrceS 16 eSa partners the 2014 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry was released by the entertainment Software association (eSa) in april 2014. the annual research was conducted by ipsos mediact for eSa. the study is the most in-depth and targeted...
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...Akhir Penyelidikan bertajuk 'The Effects of Computer Games on the Academic Performance of CSC 134 (Computers and Information Processing) Students in UiTM Terengganu Dungun Campus' oleh kumpulan Penyelidik dari Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat dan Sains Kuantitatif, UiTM Terengganu (kampus Dungun) untuk makluman pihak Prof. Sekian, terima kasih. Yang benar, NOR AZILA AWANG ABU BAKAR Ketua Projek Penyelidikan ii COPYRIGHT © UiTM PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS NOR AZILA AWANG ABU BAKAR Project Leader ................................................: 11 ~ / Sig at t'e . NAZATUL AZLEEN ZAINAL ABIDIN Project Member ~ .............................. . NORLINA MOHD SABRI Project Member ............................................ 1':f?~ Signature iii COPYRIGHT © UiTM . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost we thank Allah the Almighty for giving us the strength to complete this research and made this humble effort a reality. Second gratitude goes to those who have contributed towards our understanding and thoughts that have guided us throughout this research. Our sincere appreciation also extends to our colleagues who provided help and encouragements in making this research a success. Lastly, we would like to...
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...HOW THE GAME ATTRACTS THE FILIPINO YOUTH? The first factor why it attracts the youth is the type of game involved. Filipino gamers The Culture love strategy of DOTA in theaction games and Philippines compared to board and mini games. It has a very different gameplay compared among other games. Also, it is a multiplayer game; people can play with others up to 10 persons per game. These are the heroes of DOTA, there are so much to choose from. They are divided into three groups, the Sentinel, the Scourge, and the Neutrals. Also they are divided further by their Joshua Frankie B. Rayo Department of Computer Science University of the Philippines Diliman The Culture of DOTA in the Philippines Joshua Frankie B. Rayo Department of Computer Science, University of the Philippines Diliman jbrayo@up.edu.ph Abstract. The culture of DOTA (Defense of the Ancients) has taken the Philippines to storm because of its very creative gameplay that caused millions of Filipino students hard for them to avoid playing the game; and it is also evident from media to the internet. This game has brought such intense effects to the Filipino youth and its everyday life; up to the point where they are affected physically, psychologically, and their respective careers. Because of DOTA, the computer shops in the country have been growing massively since its release; the youth are gathered there to play informally and to show their enthusiasm and foster friendship, teamwork...
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...Research and Development of Freeform Gameplay in Computer Games Contextual Report Contents Section 1: Introduction………………………………………………………… | 1 | 1.1 The Project……………………………………………………………... | 1 | 1.1.1 Project Key Words…………………………………………… | 1 | 1.1.2 What is Freeform Gameplay?.............................. | 1 | 1.1.3 Project Goal…………………………………………………….. | 1 | 1.1.4 Project Context……………………………………………….. | 2 | 1.1.5 Project Objectives…………………………………………… | 3 | 1.1.6 Techniques for Realisation………………………………. | 3 | 1.1.7 Structure of This Report………………………………….. | 4 | Section 2: The Contextual Review……………………………………….. | 6 | 2.1 Market Research…………………………………………………….. | 6 | 2.1.1 Categorisation of Gameplay Elements…………….. | 6 | 2.1.2 Game Comparisons…………………………………………. | 8 | 2.1.3 Comparison Analysis………………………………………. | 9 | 2.2 Market Surveys……………………………………………………….. | 11 | 2.2.1 Target Audience……………………………………………… | 11 | 2.2.2 Survey Approach…………………………………………….. | 11 | 2.2.3 Questionnaire…………………………………………………. | 12 | 2.2.4 Survey Results………………………………………………… | 12 | Section 3: Project Planning………………………………………………….. | 17 | 3.1 Design Blueprints……………………………………………………. | 17 | 3.1.1 Design Approach……………………………………………...
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...To : From : Date : 20th April 2012 Subject : Report Proposal Proposed Report Topic: “The Internet and E-business”. Executive Summary: “In five years’ time, all companies will be Internet companies, or they won’t be companies at all.” - Andy Grove, the chairman of Intel, The Net Imperative, The Economist, June 26 to July 2, 1999. Background: Information technology has transformed the way companies conduct business. Technology allows businesses to automate manual operations and process information much faster. While business technology often is used through personal computers, server storage and point-of-sale or cash register systems, THE MAJOR technological advancement is the Internet, which has created new communication forms and other business methods that companies use when processing financial and business information. Context: Some companies are using the Internet to make direct connections with their customers for the first time. Others are using secure Internet connections to intensify relations with some of their trading partners, and using the Internet’s reach to request quotes or sell off perishable stocks of goods or services by auction. Entirely new companies and business models are emerging in industries ranging from chemicals to road haulage to bring together buyers and sellers in super-efficient new electronic marketplaces. Due to the success of the internet the world has become a much smaller place and people can stay connected, from wherever...
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...SJC-Cavite High School Student Grade 7 Ignore Their Study Just to Play DOTA Group name: Justine Movido Kennedy Dalondonan Gemboy Nunez Gabriel Cailing Deither Pastolero Jefferson Bacanto Section: Grade 7 – St. Anthony CHAPTER 1 Introduction: The high school students ignore their study because of playing DOTA, specially the boys. Some of the High school students common at the boys regret to focus their studies because of playing computer games like DOTA. They wanted to finish the school or cut their classes to play DOTA. Students also spend their money to play DOTA with friends and ask some of them to lay and if who win they’ll get their money back of earning it double than their normal money. DOTA is a computer game a war game of a warrior that reaching their goal, defending their territory. Problem: The students can’t focus their studies cause of DOTA. Because of it they fail their grades at school. Mostly students go to computer shop to play DOTA not to research their assignment or projects. They even ignore their parents of focusing to study hard and stop spending their money just to play DOTA. Background of the study: Drawing inspiration from a popular starcraftmod known as aeon of strife the first version of DOTA was released in the middle of 2003 by an individual know only by hispseudonym Eul. Statement of the problem: The problem is high school students are not participating in the class because of playing DOTA, many high school students...
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...Novel Engine, Story-driven, Visual Novel, ———————————————————— 1 INTRODUCTION In this past decade, computers revolutionized the way of living. Computers make our work faster, more reliable and more accurate. Computers can be in different form like mobile phone, tablet PC, or in the form of desktop computer. Computers help us in numerous ways; communication, transportation, education, entertainment and many more. While computers have entered millions of families in most countries, computer games also became increasingly popular and the main entertainment during leisure time among family members [9]. Today, there many kinds of games from personal computer games like Plants vs. Zombies and Angry Birds to local area network games like Warcraft III, and Counter-Strike up to online games like Special Forces and Audition. And it really becomes...
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...O valor de músicas para games e seus impactos para a promoção do jogo e para a carreira do músico Ao observarmos a história dos jogos de vídeo game, pudemos observar uma incrível evolução tecnológica e artística, de barulhos cômicos e imagens desenhadas a superproduções dignas de Hollywood. Da mesma forma, a música dos games se transformou. O mercado de games cresceu tanto que hoje em dia até mesmo grandes compositores do cinema e televisão estão buscando espaço neste mercado. Em média, um compositor recebe cerca de $2,000 a cada minuto de música gravada em um vídeo game. Valor muito superior ao recebido por compositores de outras mídias de maneira geral. Um jogo famoso pode chegar a render até meio milhão de dólares para seus compositores. A demanda por compositores para vídeo games cresceu tanto, que a universidade de Berklee decidiu abrir duas turmas voltadas para este mercado no começo de 2015, as quais foram lotadas em questão de minutos. Um jogo possui em média cerca de sessenta minutos de música. Porém, pode ser jogado por dias, até mesmo meses. Durante esse tempo, o jogador é exposto repetidamente às músicas do game, que passam a compor sua própria imagem, criando um vínculo com o jogo o qual dificilmente se cria em qualquer outra mídia, como cinema ou televisão. Deste modo, podemos ressaltar que a música é de extrema importância para o marketing do jogo. Sua própria existência traz todo tipo de recordações e reconhecimento aos jogadores. Basta alguns minutos do tema...
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...THE PLAYER Good game design is player-centric. That means that above all else, the player and her desires are truly considered. Rather than demanding that she do something via the rules, the gameplay itself should inherently motivate the player in the direction the designer wants her to go. Telling players they must travel around the board or advance to the next level is one thing. If they don’t have a reason and a desire to do it, then it becomes torture. In creating a game, designers take a step back and think from the player’s viewpoint: What’s this game about? How do I play? How do I win? Why do I want to play? What things do I need to do? MEANINGFUL DECISIONS Distilled down to its essence, game design is about creating opportunities for players to make meaningful decisions that affect the outcome of the game. Consider a game like a boxing match. So many decisions lead up to the ultimate victory. How long will I train? Will I block or will I swing? What is my opponent going to do? Where is his weakness? Jab left or right? Even those few, brief questions don’t come close to the myriad decisions a fighter must make as he progresses through a match. Games invite players into similar mental spaces. Games like Tetris and Chess keep our minds busy by forcing us to consider which one of several possible moves we want to take next. In taking these paths, we know that we may be prolonging or completely screwing up our entire game. The Sims games and those in...
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