...Vaasudevam sutam devam Kansa chaanoor mardhanam Devaki parmanandam Krishnam vande jagat gurum Jaya radha ramana hari bol (2 tones) Hari bol hari bol (2 tones) Narayana hari (Sai) narayana (chorus) (3) Hare hare Krishna (2) (2 tones) Krishna tere bina ham to mar jayeinge (3) Marte mar tera darshan to kar jayeinge Baba tere bina hum to mar jayeinge (3) Sai toute na mala mere prem ki Varna anmol moti bikhar jayeinge Marte mar… Sai tere bina hum to …. Nandalala he Krishna murari Teri bansi bajade giridhari (3 tones) Krishna murari he giridhari Teri bansi ……. Parthi vihari he giridhari Teri bansi….. Radha madhava shyam gopal Shyam sundara mohan gopal Devaki nandana shyam gopal Murali manohara shyam gopal Shyam gopal giridhara lal Parthi purishwara Sai gopal Jaya radha madhava jaya koonjvihari Jaya gopi jana vallabha jaya giri balihari, jaya radha…. Yashoda nandana braja jana ranjana (2) Yamuna teer vanchari Jaya giri balihari (Fast)Hare Rama (2) Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna (2) Krishna (2) hare (2) Krishna Krishna gata jawo Krishna ka naam pyaara hai Sai ka naam pyaara hai Murli madhura sounaata hai Krishna kanhaiya laal hare Sai Krishna gata jawo….. Murli madhura ….. Ram hare ghanshyam hare (2) Govinda…… Gopala Shyam murari mohe nandalala Ram hare…… Hare murari madhu keitabaare govinda gopala mukunda showdhe Ananda shridhara govinda keshava mukunda madhava narayana Devaki thanaya gopika ramana bhakton dharna trivikrama ...
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...19 MENGAPA KEKEBALAN BAKTERI TERHADAP ANTIBIOTIK BUKANLAH CONTOH PERISTIWA EVOLUSI? Satu konsep biologi yang dicoba-sajikan sebagai bukti teori evolusi oleh para evolusionis adalah kekebalan atau daya tahan bakteri terhadap antibiotik. Banyak sumber evolusionis menyebutkan bahwa kekebalan terhadap antibiotik adalah sebuah contoh perkembangan makhluk hidup melalui mutasi yang menguntungkan. Hal serupa juga dikatakan tentang serangga yang menjadi kebal terhadap insektisida seperti DDT. Akan tetapi, kaum evolusionis pun salah dalam hal ini. Antibiotik adalah “molekul pembunuh” yang dihasilkan mikroorganisme untuk melawan mikroorganisme lain. Antibiotik pertama adalah penisilin, yang ditemukan oleh Alexander Flemming pada 1928. Flemming menyadari bahwa jamur (seringkali ditemukan seperti bubuk atau benang-benang di permukaan bahan organik sudah lama – penerj.) menghasilkan molekul yang mematikan bakteri Staphylococcus, dan penemuan ini merupakan titik balik dalam dunia obat-obatan. Antibiotik yang diambil dari berbagai organisme digunakan untuk melawan bakteri, dan berhasil. Tidak lama kemudian, hal baru ditemukan. Seiring dengan waktu, bakteri mengembangkan kekebalan terhadap antibiotik. Mekanisme kerjanya adalah sebagai berikut: sebagian besar bakteri yang diberi antibiotik akan mati, tetapi sebagian lain yang tidak terpengaruh oleh antibiotik tersebut, akan dengan cepat berkembang biak dan membentuk populasi yang sama dengan yang sebelumnya. Sehingga, seluruh populasi menjadi...
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...Capital Market the market, or realistically, the group of interrelated markets, in which capital in financial form is lent or borrowed for medium and long term and, in cases such as equities, for unspecified periods. The capital markets, in distinction from other parts of the financial market ie, the money markets, are those for long-term government securities, corporate bonds, stocks, municipal bonds issued by state and local government units, and mortgages. industry and commerce as well as government and local authorities raise capital from the capital market which performs several important functions in the process of economic development. Most important among them are the promotion of savings and investment and efficient allocation of funds among competing uses. Participants in the capital markets are many. They include the commercial banks, saving and loan associations, credit unions, mutual saving banks, finance houses, finance companies, merchant bankers, discount houses, venture capital companies, leasing companies, investment banks, investment companies, investment clubs, pension funds, stock exchanges, security companies, underwriters, portfolio-managers, and insurance companies. Capital market in Bengal was founded during the Mughal regime in the early 17th century. Although in a limited scale, there were money and capital market activities in Suba-e-Bangala throughout the 17th century. Bengal under the nawabs was fairly developed in trade and communication. An historian...
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...| | | | | | | 1..........close ↑ Pathak panel probe : Loose ends, grey areas Businessline. Chennai: Aug 8, 2006. pg. 1 Abstract (Summary) Both the failure to cross-examine the representatives of the Party under Sections 8B and C, and the unexplained omission to vest the Authority with the power under Section 166A of the Cr.P.C. considerably dilutes the force of the Inquiry Authority's opinion that there was "not a shred of evidence" to link the Congress party to these transactions, that no wrong can be attributed to the Congress party, that there was "no evidence that the Congress party was involved in the contract and that it derived any benefit at all from the contracts," that "indeed, there is nothing to show that the Indian Congress Party had anything to do with the contracts" and that "the reference to the Indian Congress party with respect to Contract No M/10/57 is not justified at all." The impression left in an average reader's mind is that the Authority, by its repeated asseverations to the above effect, wanted to drive home the innocence of the Congress Party beyond all ambiguity or misunderstanding, although this seemingly contradicts its opinion that the sources, materials and documents collected by [Volcker] were "authentic and reliable". Another incongruity There is yet another incongruity as well: Of the four from India named by Volcker report as non-contractual beneficiaries (meaning that they had no obligation to supply food or humanitarian goods...
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...Pengantar | * Dipelopori oleh David Hume (1711-1776) di Inggris dan John Locke (1632-1704) * Empirisme menekankan senses atau pengetahuan didapat dari pengalaman panca indera sendiri * Empirisme tidak menyetujui ajaran rasionalisme * Hume dikenal sebagai filsuf yang skeptis dan radikal * Hume ingin membersihkan filsafat dari simbol-simbol religious dan metafisis | Metafisika | * Tabula Rasa yang berarti manusia lahir seperti taplak kosong, tidak memiliki pengetahuan apapun karena pengetahuan datang dari pengalaman * Hume tidak menyetujui adanya ide-ide bawaan dan anggapannya bahwa jagat terdiri dari sebuah keseluruhan yang bertautan * Hume juga menentang pemikiran religious bahwa Allah membiarkan alam semesta bekerja mekanis tanpa campur tangan-Nya, yang dipercayai oleh ajaran deisme * Empeira (pengalaman indrawi), merupakan prinsip empirisme * Realitas harus dapat dialami secara fisik | Epistemologi | * David Hume membedakan ideas dan impressions. Impressions atau kesan-kesan diterima terlebih dahulu dan ideas atau ide diperoleh setelah kesan-kesan tersebut diterima. Kumpulan dari kesan-kesan membentuk ide * Ajaran David Hume ini mirip dengan ajaran Aristoteles * Substansi tidak diterima sebab yang dialami adalah kesan tentang berbagai ciri yang selalu terdapat bersama-sama saja. * “Aku” dianggap a bundle or collection of preceptions, karena manusia mempercayai dan kebiasaan hidup yang berulang-ulang dengan berpikir sebagai aku, muncullah persepsi...
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...CHAPTER – VIII CONCEPTS HARMONY WITH ENVIRONMENT The term can be best described as “Ethico moral reponsiveness of business to all the members of the environment.” Man and nature are deeply interconnected and interdependent. The social responsibility of business must ensure that dealings and transactions with its stakeholders are ethico-moral. Ecology or nature is also an important stakeholder. Hnece there is no such right to exploit nature for purely selfish motives. As some one rightly said, “Man, nature, divine are one, attack one, the other two get the impact. They are part of a grand cycle. Hold a global vision and do not be greedy. Dependence of any business on its social and ecological environment is so complete that the very existence, survival and growth of any enterprise depends upon its acceptance by society and environment (who provide all inputs of resources). If it outlives its utility to the Society and environment it has no place and reason to exist. Today, we insist on the social responsiveness and awareness, the ability to relate the plans, policies and programmes to the social environment in such a way that these are mutually beneficial to the organization, society and ecology. The current trend is an organizations’ involvement in social actions. The mission and vision of any organization must express deep involvement in social actions to improve the quality of life in the society and quality of the environment. SELF CONTROL ...
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...Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Parliamentary Affairs | M. Venkaiah Naidu | 6 | Road Transport and Highways, Shipping | Nitin Jairam Gadkari | 7 | Defence | Manohar Parrikar | 8 | Railways | Suresh Prabhu | 9 | Law & Justice | D.V.Sadananda Gowda | 10 | Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation | Uma Bharati | 11 | Minority Affairs | Dr.Najma A. Heptulla | 12 | Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution | Ramvilas Paswan | 13 | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | Kalraj Mishra | 14 | Women and Child Development | Maneka Sanjay Gandhi | 15 | Chemicals and Fertilizers | Ananthkumar | 16 | Communications and Information Technology | Ravi Shankar Prasad | 17 | Health & Family Welfare | Jagat Prakash Nadda | 18 | Civil Aviation | Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati | 19 | Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises | Anant Geete | 20 | Food Processing Industries | Harsimrat Kaur Badal | 21 | Mines, Steel | Narendra Singh Tomar | 22 | Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation | Chaudhary Birender Singh | 23 | Tribal Affairs | Jual Oram | 24 | Agriculture | Radha Mohan Singh | 25 | Social Justice and Empowerment | Thaawar Chand Gehlot | 26 | Human Resource Development | Smriti Zubin Irani | 27 | Science and Technology, Earth Sciences | Dr. Harsh Vardhan | S. N. | State and U.T. | Chief Minister | Governor | 1 |...
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...Top Careers & You™ Economy/Business Wipro Tied up with Kana Software to Service Global Insurers General Knowledge GK Notes - September 1 Wipro Ltd. signed agreement with the US-based Kana Software to provide customer service solutions to its global insurers through a joint development centre. The agreement provides Kana with systems integration scalability, as Wipro has presence across 57 countries worldwide. Kana Software has its headquarters in California. It provides customer service solutions using cloud computing network to about 900 enterprises and mid-market organisations, which includes 250 government agencies all over the world. RBI Issued Norms for Currency Swap Window The Reserve Bank of India issued norms for currency swap window from Mumbai. The Reserve Bank also cleared that the facility of currency swap would be made available to scheduled commercial banks (excluding regional rural banks) for fresh Foreign Currency Non-Resident Bank (FCNRB) deposits, which would be mobilised for a minimum tenure of three years. The Reserve Bank also mentioned that the deposits can be made in any permitted currency, but the swaps would be made available only in dollars. The Swap Window would remain functional and under operations on all working days at Mumbai on daily basis but a particular bank can access the facility of currency swap only once in a week. The Swap Window would remain operation from 10 September to 30 November 2013. th th Currency Swap A foreign...
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...Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi PSP Area, Plot No.!, Sector 22, Rohini Delhi 110086 Student Declaration This is to certify that I have completed the Project titled “A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics Ltd” under the guidance of “Mr. Jagat Jyoti barua” in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration at Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi. This is an original piece of work and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere. Vaibhav Bansal 0411471707 BBA (Gen) VI semester Sec A CERTIFICATE This is to certify Project titled “A Market Survey of Consumer Durables Product of Samsung Electronics Ltd” is an academic work done by “Vaibhav Bansal” submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of the Bachelor of Business Administration from Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, under my guidance and direction. To the best of my knowledge and belief the data and information presented by him in the project has not been submitted earlier. Mr. Jagat Jyoti Barua Lecturer, MAIMS ACKNOLEDGEMENT I take great...
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...Chapter 1 Introduction Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buys goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets. Companies also use the Internet to convey, communicate and disseminate information, to sell the product, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers. Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to compare prices, product features and after sale service facilities they will receive if they purchase the product from a particular store. Many experts are optimistic about the prospect of online business. In addition to the tremendous potential of the E-commerce market, the Internet provides a unique opportunity for companies to more efficiently reach existing and potential customers. Although most of the revenue of online transactions comes from business-to-business commerce, the practitioners of business-to-consumer commerce should not lose confidence. It has been more than a decade since business-to-consumer E-commerce first evolved. Scholars and practitioners of electronic commerce constantly strive to gain an improved insight into consumer behavior in cyberspace. Along with the development of E-retailing, researchers continue to explain E-consumers’ behavior from...
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...The ANNAPURNA REGION’s popularity is well deserved: nowhere else do you get such a varied feast of scenery and hill culture and the logistics are relatively simple. Treks can all start or finish close to Pokhara, which is a relaxing place to end a trek and a handy place to start one, with its clued-up guesthouses, equipment-rental shops and easy transportation to trailheads. With great views just two days up the trail, short treks in the Annapurnas are particularly feasible, and good communications mean the region is also fairly safe, from the point of view of medical emergencies. Tourism is relatively sustainable, too, thanks to ACAP, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project. The inevitable consequence is commercialization. The popular treks in this region are on a well-beaten track, and unless you step aside from them you’re more likely to be ordering bottled beer from a laminated menu than drinking homebrew with locals. The Annapurna Himal faces Pokhara like an icy, crenellated wall, 40km across, with nine peaks over 7000m spurring from its ramparts and Annapurna I reigning above them all at 8091m. It’s a region of stunning diversity, ranging from the sodden bamboo forests of the southern slopes (Lumle, northwest of Pokhara, is the wettest village in Nepal) to windswept desert (Jomosom, in the northern rain shadow, is the driest). The himal and adjacent hill areas are protected within the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP). A quasi-park administered by a non-governmental...
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...B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management SYLLABUS Class: - B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: - Indian Ethos in Management Unit-I Business Ethics: Introduction, Business Ethics and Management, Business Ethics and Moral Obligations; Corporate Social Responsibility; Corporate Governance; Report of the Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee on Corporate Governance; Role of Media in Ensuring Corporate Governance; Environmental Concerns and Corporations. Ethical Issues related with Advertisement and Marketing; Secular versus Spritual Values in Management, Work Ethics, Stress at Workplace Relevance of Values in Management; Gandhian Approach in Management and Trusteeship; Social Values and Political Environment Indian Ethos: Values and Ethics; Requisites for Ethics Globally A Holistic Management System; Management in Indian Perspective Unit-II Unit-III Unit-IV Unit-V 45, Anurag Nagar, Behind Press Complex, Indore (M.P.) Ph.: 4262100, www.rccmindore.com 1 B.B.A. VI Semester Subject: Indian Ethos in Management UNIT – 1 BUSINESS ETHICS Business ethics is nothing but the application of ethics in business. Business ethics is the application of general ethical ideas to business behavior. Ethical business behavior facilitates and promotes good to society, improves profitability, fosters business relations and employee productivity. The concept of business ethics has come to mean various things to various people, but generally it‘s coming to know what it right or...
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...Introduction After the bloodshed among devotees of different faiths resided in South Asia, India, though partitioned, at last gained independence in 1947. Even if it was stated that this ‘’new-born’’ country will be a secular state, the majority of population was regarded as Hindus and fear of possible subordination of other communities was displayed. The majority of Muslims who supported All-India Muslim League led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah moved to Pakistan where the whole governmental system was built to maintain and develop Muslim society. It seemed that both Hindu and Muslim majorities were more-or-less content about post-colonial juncture but not the rest of population that did not fit to both categories. The notions of partition of India into two huge units -India with a huge majority of Hindus and Islamic country Pakistan, brought anxiety and stimulated nationalist ideas into other layers of Indian society. It was obvious that this huge new built, culturally and religiously diverse country, India, will have to tackle problems emerging from different national and communal movements to maintain unity. One of those who were absolutely discontent and worried about the juncture was a community of Sikhs. They were anxious about their status, opportunities and security in both countries but had to choose which country to join. It was Shiromani Akali Dal party founded in 1920, which decided to stay with India, made all the main decisions concerning Sikh community and represented...
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...SUSTAINABILITY IN TOURISM SUSTAINABLE TEA-HOUSE TREK IN MANASLU REGION OF NEPAL I. Table of contents I II. List of abbreviations II III. List of tables and Figures III 1. INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF MANASLU 5 1.2 THE TEA HOUSE PROJECT 6 2. Sustainability Model 8 2.1 Social: 8 2.2 Economic: 9 2.3 Environment: 9 3. THE TARGET GROUP 10 3.1 INVOLVEMENT OF THE LOCALS 11 3.2 TRAINING 11 3.3 PROPOSED MODULE 12 3.4 OUTCOME 15 4. SWOT ANALYSIS 16 IV. List of references VI II. List of abbreviations ITB Berlin Internationale Tourismus Börse Berlin. TRPAP Tourism for Rural Poverty Program WTM World Travel Market. WTO. World Trade Organization UNESCO United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization UNDP United Nations Educational Development Program UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization III. List of tables and Figures Figure. 1 Sustainable Model 8 Tab. 1 Training model and curricullum 12, 13 and 14 1. INTRODUCTION Bahadhur (2012) affirms that Nepal is a federal democratic nation that proudly lies in the Himalayas and which borders China and India from the North and South respectively, Nepal is a country that is landlocked but the beauty and the existence of its magnificent high Himalayas mountains and the diverse cultures and ethnic factions makes this country one of the mysterious countries for any foreign visitor.Christie (2008) further states that the Nepalese government depends on tourism as a major...
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...NAXALISM AND TERRORISM OBJECTIVE: * To explore the origin of naxalites and terrorist. * To compare both of them. HYPOTHESIS: ARE NAXALITES TERRORIST? INTODUCTION: Our country INDIA has battled and is battling with so many ‘isms’ such as NAXALISM, TERRORISM, COMMUNALISM, CASTEISM, REGIONALISM. Such ‘isms’ has marked a place in the minds of people. But when the people hear about the terrorism and naxalism they are taken aback. We the people of India feel very much proud about our ‘unity in diversity’. It is quite true that India is only the country with such diversified caste population. And still we look forward to communal harmony and national integration. Since independence in 1947, India have fought dozens of campaigns against the insurgency, i.e. the terrorists and the Maoists. LITERATURE REVIEW “How did they dress?” “How they look?” “What they eat?” These are the questions that comes in the mind of a child when he hear about the word terrorism and naxalism and it it quite obvious to have these thoughts as no one really knows about terrorists or the Maoists. Definition of terrorism: Terrorism is a global phenomenon. It is quite easy to recognize terrorism but very difficult to define it. Terrorism appears in the Bible's Old Testament. Many scholars had defined terrorism in their own ways. Some of them are texted below: ...
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