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Japanese-American Internment Camps During World War II

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After the ending of World War I, the Treaty of Versailles was signed to maintain peace in Europe. Although the Treaty of Versailles was for peace, the punishment for Germany was stretched out too much that it became the start of World War II. The punishment went as far as removing many of Germany’s territory, limiting the military, and forcing them to take the blame for all of what had happened in World War I. Germany was not only defeated physically, but also morally that many of the people looked up to Adolf Hitler, whom gave them hope that Germany will be able to recover and come back powerfully. As Hitler rises to power from the support of Germany, he then became the head of the Nazis and started to take over other countries. When Hitler …show more content…
Any trust the United States government and citizens have for the Japanese-Americans have vanished after the attack. The government and citizens was suspicious of Japanese spies and saboteurs in the United States, which led to the internment camps. Internment camps were used to imprison 120,000 Japanese-Americans in fear of spies leaking information to Japan (Perlman). After imprisoning the Japanese-Americans, the United States started to support Great Britain as it is the only country standing alone against Germany in World War II. The United States joined the war and began to send supplies to Great Britain’s military to continue fighting against Germany (A Free and Online Chapter …show more content…
The United States wanted to stay in isolation as the European countries dealt with their own problems, but when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the United States finally came out of isolation and joined World War II. Japan had first invaded Manchuria of China, which was a great success for the Japanese that they wanted to expand more. After the invasion of Manchuria, the United states had cut off trades with Japan demanding them to give Manchuria back. This angered Japan, which led them to attack Pearl harbor. Supreme commander Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku planned the attack of Pearl Harbor and Vice Admiral Nagumo Chuichi lead the army to attack. After the attack, the United States took sides with Great Britain and supported them to fight against Germany. After Japan had won the attack on Pearl Harbor, they became more successful in taking over other countries, but their glory days did not last long. The turning point for the United States was the Battle of Midway, which weakened Japan’s military and decreased their supplies. Germany had already surrendered to Great Britain, but Japan was still continuing the war. The United States then dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the Soviet Union then declared war on Japan. Later on

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